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Outline News Report Speaking

Topic: Juvenile Crime on the Rise - What's Behind the Trend?

I. Introduction

Newsreader 1: Good morning everyone. I am Khanh Huyen

Newsreader 2: I am Khanh Linh

Newsreader 1: Welcome to LHL social news.This is 6am news. Today

we will delve into the topic that is both timely and important. That is
incresingly juvenile crime in Vietnam.

Newsreader 2: Vietnam faces growing concern about juvenile crime and

its impact on societal development. Juvenile crime is governed by several
laws. The aim is to educate young offenders and help them become good
citizens. Despite these efforts, juvenile crime rates have not decreased,
with most offenders aged 16-18 years old. They commonly commit
crimes like injury, robbery, and traffic violations.

II. Current Situation (video liên quan + lồng tiếng)

Newsreader 1: According to some statistics, juvenile crime will have

different rates between regions. In large cities, many people from "four
corners of the world" are concentrated, the juvenile crime rate will be
much larger, and therefore the level of crime and punishment will be
much higher. Crime patterns are also more diverse and complex than in
rural areas.
According to the latest statistics of People's Supreme Procuratorate and
the Police Department for Criminal Investigation of Social Order, the
majority of law violations are always theft, robbery, murder, intentionally
injury causing, against houner and dignity of person, infringement upon
safety and public order. In some cases, the bands of juvenile crimes have
criminal offences such as inhumane murders (school child kills each
other, child kills parents, grandson/granddaughter kills grandparents),
robbery with hot weapons, rape, sale and use of illegal drugs.

In the city. Ho Chi Minh City, authorities' records show that in 2022,
there were 2.628 cases of criminals under 30 years old, accounting for
52,85% of the total number of arrested subjects. Most of these people are
first-time criminals, have no jobs or have unstable jobs, have low
education levels, and are lazy to work.

According to data from Hanoi City Police, in 2022 and the first six
months of 2023, the authorities investigated and handled 99 cases,
clarifying 1.458 subjects, including three cases with 31 subjects
committing crimes. microcontroller to steer, swerve, and move at high
speed; criminally handle 19 subjects. Among them, 34,8% of violators
are under 16 years old, 46% are from 16 to under 18; The main target
audience is high school students; 23,5% of them are students who have
dropped out of school.

Newsreader 2: From the above situation, we have seen that in recent years, the
number of juvenile criminal cases and juvenile violating laws are increasing.
The nature and extent of violations are increasing seriously. These heart-rending
numbers are sounding an emergency alarm to the whole society.

According to the latest statistics of People's Supreme Procuratorate and the

Police Department for Criminal Investigation of Social Order, the majority of
law violations are always theft, robbery, murder, intentionally injury causing,
against houner and dignity of person, infringement upon safety and public
order. In some cases, the bands of juvenile crimes have criminal offences such
as inhumane murders (school child kills each other, child kills parents,
grandson/granddaughter kills grandparents), robbery with hot weapons, rape,
sale and use of illegal drugs.

On-site reporter: The recent juvenile crimes are becoming very complicated.
Have you ever witnessed any incident related to this issue?

Interviewer 1: I know the situation in Hai Phong city. There was a boy who was
around 14 years old. He proceeded to murder her girlfriend who is 14 years old
too. At that time the girlfriend was pregnant but the boy didn’t want to take
responsibility to marry his girlfriend and feed the baby. So, he decided to kill
her and bury the corpse in the back garden.

III. Causes of Rising Juvenile Crime

● Examination of the root causes of juvenile delinquency

(đưa ra video lồng tiếng) _ tự dẫn

● Discussion on societal, and personal factors contributing to the rise

(phỏng vấn nguyên nhân)

On-site reporter: What do you think are the major reasons behind the increase in
juvenile crime?

Interview 1: In my opinion, the main causes of juvenile crime is come from

difficult psychological period for development of teenager age.

Interview 2: Oh, that is an interesting question. I think it is because of the

negative impact of entertainment’s aspects of modern society, which is
detrimental to content on social media like TikTok, Facebook,....

Newsreader 1: The number of young people committing crimes is on the rise,

leaving many to wonder what's driving this behavior.

Newsreader 2: Our investigation has revealed that juveniles are facing a

difficult psychological period, struggling to navigate the challenges of
adolescence. They're caught between their desire for independence and the need
for guidance from their families.

Newsreader 1: We've found that carelessness from families, schools, and

society as a whole is also playing a significant role. When parents don't provide
the right kind of support, children can feel lost and vulnerable, leading to stress,
anxiety, and even depression.

Newsreader 2: We've seen that many juveniles are victims of neglect and bad
moral influence in their families. Violence, excessive drinking, and immorality
can have a profound impact on young people, leading them down a path of
crime and delinquency.

Newsreader 1: We've also found that the negative impact of modern society is
contributing to the problem. Juveniles are being exposed to unhealthy
influences through entertainment and media, which can shape their values and
behavior in harmful ways.

Newsreader 1: The rising trend of juvenile crime in Vietnam is a pressing

concern that demands immediate attention. It's time for us to take collective
responsibility and work together to prevent our youth from falling into the
cycle of crime.

Newsreader 2:Let's call on our authorities to invest in rehabilitation programs,

support services, and community outreach initiatives that can help our young
people make better choices and build a safer, more prosperous future for all."

Newsreader 1+2: See you on the next 6am news.

● 00:00:00 In this section, it is highlighted that the number of criminal acts

involving teenagers has been increasing recently, with cases ranging from
street fights to more serious offenses like poisoning and murder. Factors
contributing to this trend include lack of parental guidance, moral education,
and an increase in violent media exposure. The rise in crime among
adolescents, some even as young as 6th or 7th graders, is a cause for
concern, reflecting a need for comprehensive solutions addressing both
effective law enforcement and preventive measures.

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