Reflection 2

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Student: Nguyễn Hương Ly

Student ID: 2022602364

Topic: Environment
Reflection 2
Title: Why certain naturally occurring
I. Summary:
This video explains the surprising role of wildfires in maintaining healthy forests.
Even though fires destroy trees, they are crucial for the regeneration of certain
species, like lodgepole pines. These pines rely on fire to trigger the release of seeds
from special cones. The fire clears the forest canopy, allowing sunlight to reach the
ground and creating ideal conditions for seed germination. This cycle of fire and
regrowth ensures the health of the forest ecosystem and prevents dangerous,
uncontrolled blazes.
II. Reflection:
1. Vocabulary
N Vocabulary Pronunciation Meaning Example
1 smash /smæʃ/ To cause sth to She dropped
break noisily into her cup and
a lot of small watched it
pieces smash to pieces
on the stone
2 anthropologists /ˌæn.θrəˈpɒl.ə.dʒɪst/ Someone who There were six
scientifically investigators;
studies humans four of them
and their were trained
customs, beliefs, anthropologists,
and relationship the other two
were trained for
this purpose
3 hominid /ˈhɒm.ɪ.nɪd/ A member of a However, this
group that unique
consists of brain/body
humans, coupling in
chimpanzees, hominids may
gorillas, and well have
orang - utangs, or evolved under
an early form of selection for
one of these increased brain
4 counterintuitive /ˌkaʊn.tər.ɪn Sth that is It may seem
ˈtʃuː.ɪ.tɪv/ counterintuitive counterintuitive
does not happen to open a shop
in the way you in the middle of
would expect it a recession
5 Lofty /ˈlɒf.ti/ High a lofty ceiling/
mountain/ wall
6 Canopy /ˈkæn.ə.pi/ The branches and Each sample
leaves that spread consisted of
out at the top of a leaves picked
group of trees from different
forming a type of heights in the
roof tree canopies
7 coniferous /kəˈnɪf.ər.əs/ ( of a tree)
producing cones,
and having
leaves that do not
fall off in the
8 germinate /ˈdʒɜː.mɪ.neɪt/ To ( cause a seed The beans will
to) start growing only germinate
if the
temperature is
warm enough.
9 Legendary /ˈledʒ.ən.dri/ Of or relating to Legendary tales
an old story or of great deeds
set of stories (= wonderful
from ancient things that
times, or the someone did)
stories that
people tell about
a famous event or
1 rejuvenate /rɪˈdʒuː.vən.eɪt/ To make She felt
0 someone look or rejuvenated by
feel young and her fortnight in
energetic again the Bahamas
2. Reflection
After watching this video, I learned the surprising role of fire in forest ecosystems.
Even though fires destroy trees, they are crucial for the regeneration of certain
species, like lodgepole pines. These pines rely on fire to open their serotinous
cones, which release seeds that can then germinate in the open, sunny ground left
behind after a fire. Fires also clear away shade-tolerant trees that compete with
lodgepole pines for sunlight. The absence of fire can lead to a buildup of fuel and
an increased risk of catastrophic wildfires. Forest rangers use controlled burns to
mimic natural fires and maintain the health of these fire-dependent forests.

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