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AIAC-S4 ASTELI Training Center

Student’s full name……………………………………….. Allotted time: 75 mn

1. Reading comprehension
As a professional in today's fast-paced business environment, the ability to lead effective
meetings is a crucial skill. Meetings provide a platform for collaboration, decision-making,
and information sharing. However, if not properly managed, meetings can quickly become
unproductive and a waste of valuable time. In this reading, we will explore key strategies and
best practices for leading successful meetings.
Set Clear Objectives: Before scheduling a meeting, it is essential to define its purpose and
desired outcomes. Clearly communicate these objectives to all participants, so everyone
understands what is expected. This clarity helps focus the discussion and ensures that the
meeting stays on track.
Prepare an Agenda: A well-structured agenda is a vital tool for leading productive meetings. It
outlines the topics to be covered, the order of discussion, and the allotted time for each item.
Distribute the agenda in advance to allow attendees to come prepared with relevant
information and ideas. An agenda also serves as a reference point during the meeting, keeping
the conversation focused and efficient.
Engage Participants: Active participation is key to a successful meeting. Encourage attendees
to contribute their insights, ideas, and concerns. Foster an inclusive environment where
everyone feels comfortable sharing their opinions. Utilize various engagement techniques
such as brainstorming sessions, group discussions, or assigning specific tasks to individuals.
This involvement not only enhances the quality of discussions but also promotes team
cohesion and buy-in.
Manage Time Effectively: Time management is critical in meetings. Start and end the meeting
on time to respect participants' schedules and maintain their engagement. Stick to the agenda
and allocate appropriate time to each agenda item. If a discussion starts to go off track or
becomes too lengthy, gently redirect the conversation back to the main topic. This ensures that
important matters are addressed while preventing unnecessary delays.
Summarize and Follow-Up: As the meeting comes to a close, provide a summary of key
decisions, action items, and next steps. This recap ensures that everyone is on the same page
and understands their responsibilities moving forward. Follow up promptly with meeting
minutes or a brief report that captures the discussion and outcomes. This documentation
serves as a reference and holds participants accountable for their commitments.
Comprehension Questions:
Answer the following questions based on the text (5pts)
Why is it important to set clear objectives before scheduling a meeting?
What is the purpose of preparing an agenda for a meeting?
How can a meeting leader encourage active participation from attendees?
Why is effective time management crucial in meetings?
What are the benefits of providing a meeting summary and follow-up documentation?
2. Vocabulary
Complete the following sentences with the following words/phrases. (5pts)
Adeptness, Visionary, accountability, foster, effective, resilience, learning-
oriented, transformational, strategic, decisiveness.
1. The CEO's _______________ vision for the company inspired the employees and
drove them to achieve exceptional results.
2. The team members admired their manager's _______________ as they saw him
consistently taking responsibility for the team's actions and outcomes.
3. The leader's ability to __________________ diverse opinions and ideas helped the
team come up with innovative solutions to complex problems.
4. The project manager demonstrated excellent __________________ by effectively
allocating resources and guiding the team towards successful project completion.
5. The CEO's ___________________ communication skills allowed her to clearly
articulate the company's mission and goals to all stakeholders.
6. The leader's ___________________ and perseverance motivated the team during
challenging times and ensured they stayed focused on their objectives.
7. The organization's ________________ culture emphasized the value of continuous
learning and development for all employees.
8. The leader's ____________________ in decision-making helped the team trust his
judgment and follow his direction.
9. The manager's _______________________ leadership style created a supportive and
nurturing work environment where employees felt valued and empowered.
10. The leader's ___________________ in handling conflicts and finding win-win
solutions contributed to a harmonious and productive team dynamic.
3. Grammar
Fill in the correct connectives and linking words from the list. There may be more than
one answer in some sentences. (5pts)
1. Take your camera with you, just _____________________ mine doesn't work.
2. _____________________ having muscle problems, the defender was able to play.
3. Bring an umbrella with you _____________________ it rains tomorrow.
4. Skiing is a safe sport _____________________ you obey the rules on the slope.
5. All flights to and from London have been cancelled _____________________ fog.
6. They arrived in time for the meeting _____________________ having to travel in bad
7. I like travelling by underground, _____________________ it gets pretty crowded during
rush hours.
8. She has been living in the country her whole life. _____________________, she has
decided she wants a change and plans on moving to the city.
9. We had a wonderful time in Barcelona. _____________________, transport workers were
on strike so we couldn't use the underground.
10._____________________ life was hard during the war, we managed to survive.
4. Writing
Write a short paragraph about the importance of leading successful meetings.

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