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Assignment II

PAUD4105 Bahasa Inggris

1. Can you describe your typical daily routine, including your occupation or activities, and how
you manage to maintain a healthy work-life balance?
My activities every day are, waking up at five in the morning, then showering
and cleaning, continuing morning prayers, cooking, bathing the children,
breakfast, and going to school. after school rest, then lunch, nap, clean up
the house, shower in the afternoon, dinner and sleep

2. Share an example of a challenging situation you've faced while managing your occupational
responsibilities and how you navigated through it!
A challenging situation in my job is that I am a teacher who has a one year
old child. when I teach, I always take my children to school because there is
no nanny. When teaching my child, he likes to roam and climb, which children
his age like to explore their environment. I do this by providing activities
to keep my child busy with the activities I provide, such as giving him books
and crayons to scribble on, giving him toys to keep him busy playing.

3. Describe how you actively seek professional growth and skill development opportunities
within your chosen field!
I am a preschool teacher. The way I develop my professionalism in teaching
PAUD is to always seek new knowledge from anywhere such as the internet,
webinars, technical guidance, discussion forums, organizations and others so
that I can increase my knowledge to become a more professional teacher.

4. Describe a memorable experience you've had with an animal or a plant, highlighting the impact
it had on your perspective towards nature and the environment!
My experience with animals is that in the past I didn't like animals, namely
cats, since I had a husband who liked cats, I also started to like cats. It
turns out that we have to love every creature created by Allah by loving our
fellow creatures so we will get a good response too

5. Describe an example of a behaviour or characteristic in an animal or plant that you find

fascinating and believe humans could learn from!
for example the characteristics of cats, cats are docile animals, cats can be
trained to do something for example to defecate in the toilet, sleep in their
bed, drink in their place.

Submit your answer sheet to elearning with your full name, student ID, and course name
on it and on time!

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