Advanced Statistics Methods Assignment

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Advanced Statistical Methods Assignment: Phase 2 Submission

Team Details:-
1) Mohit Lasod- 2022hb21377
2) Saurabh Kumar- 2022hb21180

Problem Statement- To analyse the acceptance & awareness of Electric Vehicles vs current Internal Combustion Engines
We have prepared the survey consisting of total 15 variables (3 Demographic, 6 Categorical & 6 Numerical Variables) and
received 100 responses.

1. Univariate Descriptive Statistics:

Categorical Variable
 Vehicle currently using: - Majority of the respondents i.e 74% are using IC engine vehicle & only 2% using EV
 Factor influencing choice of vehicle: Cost of ownership (20%), Fuel efficiency (20%) & Performance (18%) plays
important role in choice of vehicle (EV vs ICE)
 What concerns you most about EV :- Range (25%), Charging infrastructure (23%) & Battery life (22%)are top
 EV resale value :- Majority of the respondents i.e 79% feel EV’s have lower resale value
 Will EV eventually replace IC engine vehicles :- 42% said yes but in distant future while 35% said No, coexistence is
more likely
Numerical Variable

 EV public charging station availability will play important role in acceptance of EV as its mean (4.41) is on higher
 Current EV model availability is very low (Mean 2.86) which means more research & technological advancement is
required in EV to increase the acceptance
 Standard deviation is slightly higher (1.333) for potential maintenance issues with EV which shows more outliers
are there
 Following variable are found skewed- “People considering for switching from ICE to EV”, “How concern are you
about charging time for EV” & “How important is the availability of public charging stations”
 One variable i.e. “How important is the availability of public charging stations” is having high kurtosis 3.247 i.e the
tail is thick for this variable

2. Bivariate Categorical-Categorical Analysis:

i) Age group vs Do you believe EV can eventually will replace ICE: Chi Square= 0.345 – Null
hypothesis accepted
ii) What concern you most about EV vs What would motivate you to switch to EV: Chi Square=
0.706 – Null hypothesis accepted
iii) Gender vs Your perception on resale value of EV : Chi Square= 0.700 – Null hypothesis
In all three cases there is no statistically significant difference found

3. Bivariate Numerical-Numerical Analysis:

Null hypothesis got rejected for following variables i.e they are found to be statistically significantly dependent

1. How concern are you about charging time of EV vs How familiar are you about benefit of EV-
P value = 0.003 & Pearson Correlation = 0.297
2. Are you worried about maintenance issued of EV vs How concern are you about charging time
of EV - P value = 0.02 & Pearson Correlation = 0.233
3. Are you worried about maintenance issued of EV vs How important is availability of public
charging stations- P value = 0.003 & Pearson Correlation = 0.294
4. Bivariate Categorical-Numerical Analysis:

 Binomial Categorical Variable

(i) Parametric Independent T test – As 2 sided P value for all the numerical variables found greater
than 0.05, hence null hypothesis is accepted & we can conclude the mean value of all numerical
variables is similar across the Male & Female category

(ii) Non Parametric Wilcoxon/Mann Whitney U test- As Significance value for all the numerical
variables found greater than 0.05, hence null hypothesis is accepted & we can conclude the mean value
of all numerical variables is similar across the Male & Female category

 Multi Categorical Variable

(i) ANOVA Test- In one variable “how important is availability of public charging stations” different age
group people has difference in opinion as P value based on mean for this is less than 0.05

While there is no significant statistical different opinion with respect to location (p value > 0.05)

(ii) Non Parameteric Kruskal Wallis test- In two variables “how important is availability of public
charging stations” & “ Are you worried about potential maintenance issues in EV” there is difference in
distribution across the different age group P value based on mean for this is less than 0.05 ( 0.012 &

While there is no significant statistical different opinion with respect to location (p value > 0.05)

5. Choice of Statistical Methods: In our analysis we choose Non Parametric Methods as we don’t have all
numerical variables normally distributed

6. Reliability of Survey Data: Cronbach’s Alpha found to be 0.326 which is less than 0.7 hence we are
working on collection of more data with addition of some more variables in our survey. Also removing one
variable increase the alpha value to 0.54.

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