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Feric Chilly is a 59 year old male stout halfling ranger.

He has a bald head and cyan eyes.
He has smooth golden skin.
He stands 96cm (3'1") tall and has a lean build.
He has a square, common face.

He has an extra thumb on his left hand.

Personality Traits
He discretely worships Yondalla, Goddess of halflings, bounty, protection,
children, security, leadership, wisdom, creation and family. (Lawful Good)
He is kind and generous.
He is very courageous, to a fault. He goes out at night secretly looking for

Ability Scores
Strength - 3 [-3]
Dexterity - 17 [+4]
Constitution - 13 [+2]
Intellect - 10 [0]
Wisdom - 15 [+3]
Charisma - 7 [-1]

Sexual Orientation - Straight
Relationship Status - Single

Alignment Tendencies
Good: 9 Lawful: 5
Neutral: 4 Neutral: 2
Evil: 0 Chaotic: 3

Plot Hook
He has fallen in love with a mermaid from the nearest water source.

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