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1. Tống Quốc Huy (Leader)

2. Nguyễn Minh Đức
3. Phạm Minh Quân
4. Nguyễn Minh Sơn

Hanoi, 2023
STT Họ tên Nhiệm vụ Đánh Chữ ký
1 Nguyễn Minh Đức
2 Tống Quốc Huy
3 Phạm Minh Quân
4 Nguyễn Minh Sơn

1. Lần họp nhóm thứ 1:

- Thời gian thảo luận: trong tiết môn Tâm lý học từ 15h00 đến 16h00 ngày 07/12/2023.

- Địa điểm: tại Phòng 102 Tòa Thư viện.

- Nội dung thảo luận: Dựa vào đề tài được bóc thăm, đồng thời, trên cơ sở tự nghiên cứu, thảo
luận và đóng góp ý kiến tích cực từ mỗi cá nhân trong nhóm

2. Lần họp nhóm thứ 2:

- Thời gian: từ 19h00 đến 20h00 ngày 10/12/2023.

- Địa điểm: Online thông qua ứng dụng Meet.

- Nội dung thảo luận: Nhóm trưởng đánh giá tiến độ công việc và thành phẩm thu được từ
mỗi thành viên trong nhóm, yêu cầu bổ sung ở một số nội dung.
3. Lần họp nhóm thứ 3:

- Thời gian: từ 18h00 đến 19h00 ngày 13/12/2023.

- Địa điểm: Online thông qua ứng dụng Meet.

- Nội dung thảo luận: + Các thành viên đóng góp ý kiến về thành phẩm. Chỉnh sửa bản Word
và PowerPoint lần cuối.

+ Nhóm trưởng đưa ra kết luận cuối cùng và công khai đánh giá.
Hà Nội, ngày 02 tháng 12 năm 2023
Nhóm trưởng

Tống Quốc Huy


Past continuous, used to, pronunciation and vocabulary are very basic mistakes often
encountered by students, everyday objects around us sometimes we do not know their
English names have meaning. What is that. Or we don't know when to use it when we
don't need it or use it in the wrong way, with the wrong structure, with the wrong
meaning. English pronunciation is also very important, they help us to have a more
natural, native voice.
So, today my group chose this topic to learn more about the knowledge of Past
continuous, used to and the topic "Take care!"


- The phrase "take care" is an informal expression often used to express concern, well-wishing, or a
farewell. When someone says "take care," they are typically expressing a wish for the other person's
well-being and safety. It is a friendly and considerate way of saying goodbye or expressing care for
someone's health and happiness.
2. Examples
Expressing Concern:
Duc: "I heard about your recent illness. How are you feeling now?"
Son: "I'm much better, thank you. Still recovering, but taking it easy. Thanks for asking. Take care!"
Huy: "I'll see you next week. Take care!"
Quan: "You too! Take care and have a safe journey."

No Vocabulary Pronounce Mean
1 Plaster (n) /ˈplæstər/ a substance made of lime, water and
sand, that is put on walls and ceilings
to give them a smooth hard surface
2 Swelling (n) /ˈswelɪŋ/ a place on your body that has become
larger or rounder than normal as the
result of an illness or injury

3 Allergic (adj) /əˈlɜːdʒɪk/ allergic (to something) having

an allergy to something

4 Expectancy (n) /ɪkˈspektənsi/ the state of expecting or hoping that

something, especially something good
or exciting, will happen

5 Survive (v) /sərˈvaɪv/ to continue to live or exist

6 Dizzy (adj) /ˈdɪzi/ feeling as if everything is turning

around you and that you are not able
to balance

7 Childbirth (n) /ˈtʃaɪldbɜːrθ/ the process of giving birth to a baby

8 Hygiene (n) /ˈhaɪdʒiːn/ the practice of keeping yourself and

your living and working areas clean
in order to prevent illness and disease

9 Lice (n) /laɪs/ a small insect that lives on the bodies

of humans and animals

1.Used to:

We can use used to to talk about past states that are not true any more.
We can also use used to to talk about past habits (repeated past actions) that don't
happen any more.

(+) Positive form

S + used to + V

Trong đó: S (subject): Chủ ngữ

Ex: Tom used to read to the book. – Ngày trước Tom thường đọc sách.
Their used to go to school together. – Ngày trước họ thường đi học
cùng nhau.

( -) Negative form

S + did not + use to + V

Eg: Tom didn’t use to read to the book. – Ngày trước Tom thường không đọc sách.
Their did not use to go to school together. – Ngày trước họ thường không đi học cùng nhau.
(?) Question form

Did + S + use to + V..?

Eg: Did he use to read to the book? – Ngày trước anh ấy có thường đọc sách không?
Did their use to go to school together? – Ngày trước họ có thường đi học cùng nhau không?

2. Past continuous:


1) Use the past to ‘set the scene’ of a
story before describing what
‘It was raining. I was walking in
the park. Some kids were playing
football nearby.
2) Use the past continuous to talk
about an action which happened for
some time in the past and
was then interrupted. Use the past
simple tense to talk about the
I was cooking dinner when
suddenly there was a knock at the
3) Use the past continuous to talk
about events that were in progress at
a certain time.

At 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon, I
was driving home from work.
Note the difference in meaning:
When James got home, I cooked
dinner:- I started cooking AFTER he
got home.
When James got home, I was
cooking dinner: - I started cooking
BEFORE he got home.Use: Use the past to "set the
scene of a story before describing what happened. 'It was raining. / was walking in the
park. Some kids were playing football nearby. Suddenly…
-Use the past to "set the scene of a story before describing what happened.
-Use the past continuous to talk about an action which happened for some time in the past and was
then interrupted. Use the past simple tense to talk about the interruption.
-Use the past continuous to talk about events that were in progress at a certain time.

(+) Positive form

lưu ý:
- I/ He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít – was
- S= We/ You/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều – were
- We were just talking about it before you arrived.-Chúng tớ đang nói về chuyện đó ngay
trước khi cậu đến.

( -) Negative form

S + was/were + not + V-ing

Lưu ý
- Was not = wasn’t
- Were not = weren’t
- He wasn’t working when his boss came yesterday. -Hôm qua anh ta đang không làm việc
khi sếp của anh ta đến.

(?) Question form

Was / Were + S + V-ing?

- Was your mother going to the market at 7 A.M yesterday? -Lúc 7 giờ sáng hôm qua mẹ em
đang đi chợ có phải không?

1.Match the prompts in A with the phrases in B to make complete sentences with used to /
didn't use to. (Practice 1/ Page 91)
People didn't use to live as long as they do today.
a People / not / live as well as cutting people's hair.
b Families / be when they had toothache.
c Doctor often / kill as long as they do today.
d Barbers / pull out teeth in hospital instead of getting better.
e People not / go to the dentist's their patients instead of curing them.

f Many people / die much larger than they are now.
g Many women / die their teeth very much.
h People / not / brush baths were dangerous.
i People/ think that in childbirth.

2.Complete the sentences with the Past simple or Past continuous of the verbs in

1 His first escape came when the train he _______(travel) on _______( fall) into an icy river.

2 A year later, as he _______ (travel) on a DC-8 aeroplane, a door _______ (fly) open.

3 The bus he _______ (travel) in _______ (leave) the road and _______ (fall) into a river.

4 His car _______ (catch) fire while he _______ (drive) along the motorway.

5 The following year he mountains when he _______ (drive) in the _______ (see) a truck
coming straight for him.

6 At the age of seventy-four, he _______ (buy) a lottery ticket for the first time in thirty
7 'I feel like I have been re-born. I know someone _______ (watch) me all those years.'


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