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Boarding School

Ana Nur Aisyahtunisa


This article discusses the role of Islamic boarding schools in building the cultural character
of a student at the Alamin Pabuwaran Qur'an Islamic Boarding School. Cultural character
is the values, customs, and norms that become the identity and moral foundation of a
community group. Islamic boarding schools have an important role in shaping the cultural
character of the students, especially in the context of the Alamin Pabuwaran Qur'an
Islamic Boarding School.
This article uses a descriptive-analytical method by collecting data through literature
studies and direct observation at the Alamin Islamic Boarding School, Pabuwaran. The
results of the study show that Islamic boarding schools have a central role in shaping the
cultural character of the students. The role of Islamic boarding schools in the formation of
the character of students, especially students at the Quran Al Amin Pabuaran Islamic
Boarding School. Through several activities at the Al Amin Quran Islamic Boarding
School such as madin, TPQ, extracurriculars both in sports and the arts, about
relationships between humans and the social environment both between students and kyai,
students and students, and students and local residents.
In conclusion, this article emphasizes the importance of the role of Islamic boarding
schools in building the cultural character of a santri at the Alamin Pabuwaran Qur'an
Islamic Boarding School. Through religious education, moral values, leadership
development, and introduction to local culture, Islamic boarding schools form students
who have strong cultural character and are rooted in Islamic values and their local culture.
Keywords: Islamic Boarding Schools, Role of Islamic Boarding Schools, Character of

Cottage boarding school is institution education already traditional _ There is long
time ago in Indonesia . Institution This hold very important role in form character Islamic
a students , that is a student or students studying at the cottage boarding school As
institution based education _ Islamic religious values , hut boarding school No only give
religious lessons , but also shape student character For apply values the in life everyday .

Islamic boarding schools have an important role in building the character of a santri.
Santri when they are in Islamic boarding schools do not only learn about formal education,
but also get character education which is very useful when we are still in the Islamic
boarding school environment and in later life. Regarding character education education
obtained from Islamic boarding schools, it is influenced by several factors, there are many
factors that influence character formation. Such as the leadership of a caretaker of an
Islamic boarding school, regarding the ta'dim of a santri towards the kyai' of the boarding
school administrator, complex administrators, activities involving fellow students both
individually and in groups, the social relations of students with teachers, people around the
boarding school, and so on. Some of these factors can build the soul of the character of the
santri as a provision or container in facing life in the future.

this article will discuss a broader understanding of Islamic boarding schools and
students, explain role cottage boarding school in form character Islamic a students
including those who will be presented in this article regarding PPQ Alamin Pabuaran
students. Alamin Quran Islamic Boarding School is a boarding school located at the foot
of Mount Slamet. The majority of students at PPQ Alamin Pabuwaran are occupied by
students from UIN Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto and Jendral Soedirman University. They
choose to seek knowledge in a balance between the knowledge of this world and the
hereafter. At PPQ Alamin, students do not only study the Koran and classic books, but
also in matter education morals , independence , training students skills , and introduction
culture students . Through culture, skills taught in Islamic boarding schools can help
students develop Islamic character.

Based on the description above, the researcher is interested in carrying out research
on the theme of the role of Islamic boarding schools in building the cultural character of a
santri at PPQ Alamin Pabuaran. The purpose of this article is to provide a better
understanding of the role of Islamic boarding schools in shaping the Islamic character of a
santri through the culture applied at PPQ Al Amin Pabuwaran and to contribute to
improving the quality of Islamic education.

B. Literature Review

Islamic boarding school

Cottage boarding school consists from the two words namely " cottage " and "
boarding school " the word " cottage " originates from " funduq " which means hostel,
place bed , or hotel. While " boarding school " originated from the word " santri " who
got the prefix "pe" and the ending "an" become " Pesantrian ". Javanese _ say " Islamic
boarding school " which means " place" . stay students " .

The word " boarding school " often used in Language each day with the word "
cottage " added so " cottage boarding school ". By language , no there is comparison
fundamental between the words " cottage " and " boarding school ", because the word "
cottage " comes from from the Arabic word " funduq " which means hotel as well
boarding school In Indonesia," hut boarding school " meant as a place where Islamic
religious learning has been institutionalized since ancient times , so that in essence ,"
cottage april " is institution Islamic religious learning or boarding school started from the
word santri , namely someone who pursues Islam, to from That boarding school own
meaning where people gather to study Islam ( Hidayat et al sea (AL)., 2018)

cottage institute boarding school function means in business upgrade learning For
most important Indonesian nation Islamic religious learning . There are cottage boarding
school in the middle Indonesian citizens do not only as institution learning , but also as
institution religious broadcasting as well social religious . Carry out activity preaching in
groups citizen , in meaning of the word carry out activity increase understanding religion
to do Islamic teachings in a way consequently as adherents of Islam. Students is somebody
child or someone who demands knowledge of something cottage boarding school or terms
of students who learn deepen religion in the hut pesantren ( Hidayat et al sea (AL)., 2018).

Connection between cottage boarding school with Students are very close and
mutually depends One each other. Cottage boarding school No can walk without exists
students , and vice versa , students also need cottage boarding school For learn and
develop ability in field religion and skills social . Students use up part big time they are in
the cottage boarding school , follow timetable strict daily , study _ reading the Koran,
studying religious values , and participate in activity social and religious in the cottage
boarding school (Tohir, 2020) The students also live together in the same hostel , so form
conducive environment _ For learn and develop self .

Cottage boarding school give Lots benefit for students , like increase
understanding of religion, development character and skills social , as well expand
network social . Besides That is , the relationship that exists between students and
boarding schools boarding school often going on throughout live , so form network
public strong and sustainable religion . _ Islamic Boarding School as institution
education the oldest in Indonesia of course own role central in environment socio-
cultural Indonesian society . Boarding school day This must capable develop without
lost originality that becomes characteristic typical boarding school That alone . (
Hafidh , Z., & Badrudin , B. 2019).

Islamic education in Indonesia has been running since the arrival of Islam to
Indonesia, in the early stages of Islamic education starting from personal and collective
contact between the kyai and the santri. The mosque is an Islamic educational institution
that first appeared near the residence of the scholars or preachers. The name of the
pesantren itself varies somewhat. After the emergence of other Islamic educational
institutions such as pesantren, dayah and surau, these names, although from different
words, have the same meaning, namely as a place to study religion, especially Islam. The
term pesantren is popular from the Islamic community in Java, Dayah is in Aceh and
Surau is West Sumatra. After reviewing its history, historical data has not yet been found
on when the first Islamic boarding school was founded, there is an opinion that Islamic
boarding schools have grown since the arrival of Islam to Indonesia, while others argue
that Islamic boarding schools only appeared during the Walisongo era and Maulana
Malik Ibrahim was seen as the first person to establish boarding school.

At the cottage boarding schools , students will learn to be someone who has the
will to develop religious knowledge , has the character cultures of a santri that people out
there may not necessarily have , show someone who is strong and independent because
under the reach of parents , has ability skills and independence of students . When it's
time return to society , they has been provided become someone who has a good
example for they For spread Islamic religious knowledge in society , messages as a
servant of Allah SWT who is useful in all corners of nature . There are several points of
reference developed by the Pondok boarding school like simplicity , independence ,
harmony , ta'dim to clerics and teachers , freedom responsible responsibility ,
cleanliness , togetherness , interaction among fellow students and residents around the
Islamic boarding school.

Pondok Pesantren is an Islamic religious education institution that aims to

produce individuals who are competent in developing the migration of the prophet
Muhammad SAW, namely Islam. Islamic boarding schools have different characteristics
from other education systems, due to the existence of a culture that must be maintained
and standard teaching methods based on the Koran, Hadith and Ijtihad. In Indonesia
there are two types of pesantren, namely kholaf (modern) and salaf (traditional). The
kholaf Islamic boarding school has adjusted its curriculum to that of the government so
that it is on par with schools, while the salaf Islamic boarding school only teaches
religious material and considers general subjects to be unimportant. Such a view leads to
a science dichotomy, where religious knowledge is considered mandatory while general
knowledge is considered sunnah. However, now there are efforts to integrate science in
Islam through Islamic education thinkers.

Pondok Pesantren has students who are all underage. With different social and
family backgrounds, Islamic boarding schools and orphanages that were just built four
months ago provide new hope for their students in facing a better life. They are given
general education such as reading and writing, as well as spiritual education such as
reading the Qur'an and calling to prayer. Even some students have been able to memorize
several chapters of the Qur'an. During this visit, several students also demonstrated their
ability to memorize the Al-Qur'an, which was a great surprise for the women's
association who had the opportunity to see the potential of children at an early age.

In general, Islamic boarding schools can be divided into two, namely salaf or
traditional Islamic boarding schools and classical or modern Islamic boarding schools.
An Islamic boarding school which is called a salaf because at the time its teaching
activities were based solely on classic or old teaching methods, namely in the form of
reciting the yellow book with traditional educational methods and not yet combined with
modern learning patterns. On the other hand, khalaf or modern pesantren are pesantren
which in addition to always preserving the main elements of pesantren, also incorporate
modern elements signaled by the classical or school system and the presence of modules
of universal sciences in their curriculum content. In this pesantren, the school system and
the existence of universal sciences are combined with the classical pesantren learning
patterns. Thus modern Islamic boarding schools are Islamic boarding schools that are
updated or modernized in certain aspects to suit the school system. (Latipah, N. 2019).

The Role of Islamic Boarding Schools

Islamic boarding schools carry out education for students and also as place
recitation citizens in improving the ordinances of worship. This Pabuaran Al Ammin
Quran Islamic Boarding School is located at the foot of Mount Slamet, namely in the
Pabuaran Village, Kec. North Purwokerto . Founded by KH. Muhammad Ibnu Mukti and
his royal family . Amount boarding students _ approximately 300 people. The facilities
in this lodge are, Ndalem pondok, student kamae, bathrooms, teaching rooms, halls,
kitchens for each complex, and a library . The Quran Al Amin Islamic Boarding School
itself has independent bodies, namely media magian or Al Amin communication and
information, Madin students, and TPQ Al Amin, each of which has independent bodies
under its umbrella. Study of learning using classic books . Objective learning directed
For embed values character Islamic for Students so that will created culture tolerance and
love Darling fellow . For reach values character Islamic the arrange it various must
activity _ followed santri , namely : routine activities of the dawn congregation, the
dawning of together with abah ba'da, daily pickets for the complex and each room,
pickets at the dalem of the father and mother, college or school, evening congregation,
weekly extracurriculars (recitation training, graphic design training , hadroh training,
saman training, jogging, swimming), implementation of ta'ziran points for those who are
punished, congregations for magrib and isya, singing ba'da maghrib until nine o'clock in
the evening, praying madin, taking a break and returning to normal routines.

Islamic boarding schools here have a very important role, especially in

implementing the character values possessed by students. Santri are provided with
supplies for a provisioning container later after graduation. With the existence of Islamic
boarding schools, students have young souls who understand religion and want to
practice this knowledge.
Student Character

Character is values behavior related humans _ _ with Almighty God _ One ,

individual , fellow individual , environment , and nationality that is manifested in
thoughts , attitudes , feelings , words , and deeds based on religious norms , laws ,
manners, culture , and customs customs . Santri are people who live in Islamic boarding
schools with the intention of studying without an uncertain time limit. When they seek
knowledge in Islamic boarding schools, during that time they also get the nickname
santri. Actually, when they have left or have not left the pondok, the nickname of santri
will still stick to them, because those who are still obedient to the mandate of their kyai
are called true santri. Kyai equip them with knowledge as a place for them to face the
world after graduating from Islamic boarding schools, namely the community
environment or a form of community service. (Kurniati, 2019) Character education can
applied in learning that is taught in the boarding school . Material learning that is taught
in Islamic boarding schools related with norm or values developed , made explicit ,
associated with context life everyday. Model education character in boarding schools
who try covers the total moral life public. ( Chandra, P. 2020)

Character education in Islamic boarding schools is closely related to the

activities of the students there. This includes planning, implementing, and controlling
character education in educational activities at Islamic boarding schools properly.
Activities held at Islamic boarding schools aim to shape the character of students who are
good and can be practiced in their lives in the future. This character formation needs to
be carried out systematically and continuously, involving aspects of knowledge, feelings,
affection, and action.

Basically, children with low character qualities tend to have low social-
emotional development, so they are at risk of experiencing difficulties in learning,
interacting socially, and being unable to control themselves. Many problems faced by the
Indonesian nation in various fields are inseparable from the character and values of
society. If currently there is a lot of criticism related to the character of the nation,
Islamic boarding schools as educational institutions are also responsible for overcoming
these problems. Many people think that this kind of situation allegedly comes from what
is produced by the world of education, and education actually contributes the most to this

Children who have passed through the education system, including education in
Islamic boarding schools, often lack the ability to manage conflict and chaos. As a result,
children and youth are often the victims of this conflict and chaos. Islamic boarding
school culture is a habit that is taught by Islamic boarding schools to their students. This
culture is taught and passed down from generation to generation, and is not easily lost.
This culture is also supported by the vision and mission of Islamic boarding schools.
Santri when they are in Islamic boarding schools will get superior characters, namely the
character of a santri in the scientific field, character in the field of morals, and in the
social field both socially in the Islamic boarding school environment or in the home
environment. (Arifin, Z. 2014). The character of students in the field of science.

Students since First enter the cottage Boarding school has entered inside Study
sciences Islamic foundation . According to Haedari , boarding school have studied
classical books , which are in Arabic and without a vowel. For beginners students learn
Nah wu Sharaf arrived Can read at a time capable dig meaning from books bald . Apart
from studying classic books, ordinary students also learn to read the Koran from the iqra'
model to study recognize makhorijul khuruf and tajwid knowledge. from this ability they
Can deepen knowledge in the classics _ through a long process with pattern general
learning according to Haedari among others as following : (1). Memorization ( Tahfihz );
(2). Hiwar or deliberation ; (3). Mudzakaroh ( bahtsul masail ); (4). Fathul Pole ( read the
book); (5). Muqoronah ( comparison ); and (6). Muhawarah or muhadatsah ( practice
speak / speech ). With Thus , character will be formed field really scientific _ sturdy , so
the knowledge you get understood and for furthermore can directly practice . character _
knowledge held by a student with the origin of learning the yellow books the is proof of
source Study main ie revelation . kindly theoretical , students get _ knowledge from the
teacher ( kyai ) at the Islamic boarding school , the kiai gains knowledge from the
scholars who became he said until until continued on the sanad of the companions of the
Prophet SAW, and companions direct from the Prophet SAW. and the Prophet SAW
from Gabriel shaped revelation from Allah SWT. ( Riyadi , 20 20 : 11). With origin _
shape science _ revelation then that becomes identical or characteristic main Students
with the knowledge you have is sheer For tafaqquh-fiddin , where the knowledge you
have solely For religious practice as servitude exists _ to Allah SWT. In servitude
Students to Allah SWT is always based on belief on truth revelation as His words “And I
No create jinn and humans but so they subserve to Me. (QS. 51. Adz-Dzaariyat: 56).

In religious practice as form of servitude to to Allah SWT, the students are

accommodated yellow book understanding as source or the guidelines , while in the
development of Al-Qur'an knowledge, students are equipped with the knowledge of
Tajwis and Makharijul Khuruf . Besides That students at the cottage boarding school
This get _ education No just about religious knowledge . But students get or can look for
Alone through print media that exist in Islamic boarding schools in the form of
magazines or electronic media provided boarding school various treasury knowledge
modern knowledge . So that Students the Can practice both , fine religion as well
knowledge knowledge general , with awareness tall in accordance character that has
fostered by pesantren it . Moreover, at this time most Islamic boarding schools in
improving the quality of their education are not only based on religious sciences, the
pesantren administrators add formal education in the era of students studying religion
because they keep up with the times. The most important thing here is that even though
we live in this modern era, students can still maintain the culture of Islamic boarding
schools. In matter This Students understand , that need characteristic life _ worldly and
spiritual both must achieved , as the words of Rasulullah SAW who always believed clan
students , as follows : " Whoever wants the world, then let He knowledge and stuff who
wants _ hereafter , then let knowledgeable . And whoever wants _ both , then let
knowledgeable ” . ( Rofik , at al 2019)

2. The character of the Santri in the field of morality

Morals is something that is very important and fundamental. Morals and character
are living gems that distinguish humans from other creatures such as animals. Morals or
character are the most critical issues that must be responded to by the world of learning.
In this case, moral education is the highest goal in Islam, because in principle the
cultivation of morals is the main activity of all educational practices carried out by the

Santri when they are at the Islamic Boarding School receive the moral
development of a santri. That is part of one that supports the character of a santri.
coaching Akhlakul Karimah for a growing student much needed especially at this time
humans in modern times faced by sufficient moral and ethical issues seriously , if left
unchecked will ruin the future nation . ( HESTI, W. 2023).

Pondok Pesantren as an educational institution teaches a santri to have adab or

morals about knowing the virtues of knowledge, knowing the importance of learning,
knowing the importance of preaching (teaching and disseminating knowledge), knowing
the adab of a santri towards himself, the adab of the santri to the kyai or the caretaker of
the pondok, knowing the adab of the santri to teachers or people who channel knowledge,
the manners of the students towards their fellow students, and most importantly the
manners of the students towards the residents around the Islamic boarding school.

There are so many factors that affect the akhlakul karimah of a santri, here the role
of the kyai is also very influential in fostering the akhlakul karimah of a santri. Good
learning must be able to instill morals into students, so that they can lead to commendable
character, thoughts and attitudes or personality. Moral development activities at Islamic
boarding schools are definitely directed to the programs carried out by these learning
institutions. Santri are coached from early waking up to going back to sleep. They are
controlled intensively by administrators who have been assigned to foster the students.
Even though Islamic boarding schools are still relatively simple, rules are made and
mutually agreed upon to foster the life of students at Islamic boarding schools. The
education of the santri is shown to the maximum extent possible by the Kyai so that they
are proficient and proficient in the Qur'an and the yellow book. The Kyai always guides,
supervises, and improves the skills of memorizing the Qur'an and the descriptions of the
books being taught. In addition, when carrying out the program, the Kyai involves
administrators, ustadz, and senior santri to participate directly in fostering and guiding
students so that they have certain skills, such as memorizing the Qur'an, book descriptions,
religious lectures, marawis, and other skills. another.

3. The character of Santri in the social field

Development character nation can only be used with development character

individual someone . However , because someone settled in environment social and
culture certain , then development character a human only can be used in the
environment social and cultural related . _ So, development culture and character
nation only can done in an educational process which is not release student from
environment social , cultural society , and culture nation . Environment social and
cultural nation is Pancasila; So education culture and character nation must based on
Pancasila values . In other words , educate culture and character nation is develop
Pancasila values in yourself student through education heart ( spiritual ), brain , and
physical . Linnaja , N., & Imron , A. (2021). Character Education Santri Tahfidz Al-
Qur'an Program at Pondok Boarding school Darul Peace Kertek Wonosobo .
Paramurobi : Journal of Islamic Religious Education , 4 (1), 39-62.

Likewise with the development of the character of students in Islamic

boarding schools, they use the culture of the social environment around the Islamic
boarding school, it can be related to fellow students, the interaction of clerics and
students, and also with communication between residents around the Islamic boarding
school. Gotong royong activities when there is community service around the cottage
is also a development of the character of the santri through the social environment.
They develop the cultural values of the character of a santri through social activities.
Establishing TPQ around Islamic boarding schools, they practice the knowledge and
understanding they get from Islamic boarding schools. TPQ activities or teaching
children around the hut to be more enthusiastic about reciting the Koran and parents
are very grateful because of the contribution of the students in developing character
through social interaction with TPQ activities.

At TPQ they don't only teach the Koran, but how students develop the
potential of children around the Islamic boarding school by holding joint pilgrimages
and holding competitions to train their potential to challenge everything that has been
taught by TPQ teachers who incidentally are santri. This TPQ activity makes our
interactions with children and parents more harmonious and peaceful.

devote self to public is something necessity and obligation a students who

have demand inside knowledge _ cottage boarding school , because during demand
inside knowledge _ cottage boarding school , students Already provided with various
knowledge knowledge Good knowledge knowledge education nor knowledge
religious knowledge , so Students graduate of cottage Islamic boarding schools really
know the needs public around . in category this , students can very well dependable in
various matter whatever . (Kurniati, 2019)

C. Results
A Brief History of Al Amin Pabuwaran Islamic Boarding School

Pondok Pesantren Qur'an Al Amin or more often abbreviated as PPQ Al

Amin. The origin of the establishment of this Islamic boarding school was preceded
by KH Drs. Ibn Mukti, Meter. PdI and supported by the big family of Mother Hj. Siti
Aminah. Initially, it was limited to holding universal recitations every Thursday night
at the Nurul Barokah Mosque and the Baitul Muttaqin Mosque. After that there were
several children and young people who wanted to learn to read the Koran at the Al
Amin Pabuaran Qur'an Islamic Boarding School. They study at the end of the
Maghrib prayer.

There are many stories of ups and downs behind the expedition of the
founding of Amin's Navy PPQ to date. It started in 1992 when Abah Kyai and his
family came to Purwokerto from Jakarta because Mother Nyai had just been accepted
as a lecturer at the UNSOED Faculty of Economics. Abah Kyai and Bunda Nyai are
general terms for students to call KH Ibnu Mukti and his wife who are the caretakers
and pioneers of the Al Amin Pabuaran Islamic Boarding School.

Abah Kyai and his family originally lived in Sumampir before in Pabuwaran.
Apart from accompanying Mother Kyai in Purwokerto, she also kept herself busy on
the path of preaching. Abah attends prayer rooms and mosques to give religious
lectures, teach the Koran to the community. Since then he has been known as an
ustadz and a scholar. Mrs Hj. Siti Aminah, a member of the congregation donated a
plot of land in the Pabuwaran Village.

In 1993, Abah and his family moved to the Pabuwaran Village. At first they
lived in a small house, while the waqf land that the Islamic boarding school was going
to build was still in the form of vacant land that was uneven and overgrown with trees
naturally. To build a hut, the waqf land must be leveled with land provided by more
than 10 truckloads. Next, the construction of the hut starts from the hut little by little.
After the initial floor of the men's cottage was completed, Abah and his family moved
to live in it and male students from the Purwokerto area occupied the room next to it.
Then, Abah and his students built the 2nd and 3rd floors. After the boys' cottage was
completed, they continued to build the central girls' cottage and ndalem (Abah's
current house).
In conclusion, in 1994 the Islamic boarding school was finally formed and
named Pondok Pesantren Al Amin. The name Al Amin was planned to be taken from
the name Siti Aminah with the aim of remembering her services (Azizi, 2010: 9).
However, the construction of the Al Amin Islamic Boarding School did not end there.
Moreover, development is still ongoing today because the number of students
continues to increase from year to year.

As we already know, currently PPQ Al-Amin is not only in Pabuwaran but

already has branches in Prompong, Purwanegara, and Karangwangkal specifically for
takhfid students, although not all tahfid students have been moved to branch
dormitories because the building is still on progress. For the Central Pondok is located
in Pabuwaran Village. This cottage, which is located in Pabuwaran, has 5 girls'
complexes and 1 boys' complex. In the girls complex there is a central complex, a
bamboo complex, and a new complex consisting of 5 floors for floors 1 to 3 filled
with students and the 4th floor is still empty and the 5th floor is for the Islamic
boarding school activity hall. On the other hand, the male complex only has 2
complexes, namely the new complex which consists of 3 floors and the old GSG
complex which is filled with old batches of cottages. Until now, the students located
at Pondok Pusat have reached approximately 400 students. Pondok Purwanegara,
which is a branch cottage, is located in Desa Purwanegara. Until now, the students
located in Purwanegara have reached approximately 102 students with a total of 16
girls' rooms and 3 boys' rooms. Pondok Prompong, which is a branch cottage located
in Prompong Village. Until now, the students have reached 45 students with a total of
8 girls' rooms and 8 boys' rooms. As well as the Karang Wangkal branch cottage
which consists of 2 rooms, the number of students is around 50 people, for the new
Grendeng branch it is occupied by girls because most of the students at Al Amin
Islamic Boarding School are female students.

Pondok Pesantren Qur'an Al Amin Pabuwaran is also currently in the process

of constructing a new building. This development was attempted in order to provide a
sense of security to the students of Al Amin's Qur'an Islamic Boarding School in the
teaching and learning process. Al Amin's Qur'an Islamic Boarding School also has
various extracurriculars that are used to learn and hone the skills of the students. Be it
sports or the arts.
Activities - activities that shape the character culture of students

1. Congregational Prayer
Prayer is a worship that will not be separated from the grip of a Muslim . So ,
prayer is an ongoing activity continuously done a Muslim during he live . Solomon
Rasjid say that , " the meaning of prayer according to Arabic is " prayer ", but what is
meant here is organized worship _ from a number of beginning words and deeds _ with
takbir, and ended with greetings , and complied a number of specified conditions " .
Salat is the fifth pillar of Islam which is obligation for Muslims , in a day overnight
Muslims pray 5 times a day . _ Prayer is like the foundation of a building, if we don't
have a foundation, what will the building be like? It's the same with prayer, a believer
can be seen from his prayer, if people are strong in their prayer fortress, God willing, in
the formation of their faith they can also be maintained.

The congregational prayer activities that are obligatory at Pondok Al Amin are
the morning prayers, the Maghrib and Isha prayers, but we as students must
understand that the most important thing is congregational prayer. At the Al Amin Al-
Quran Islamic boarding school, when the congregation is in congregation, it has a
distinctive feature, namely the sound of a beat using a classic kettongan which alerts
that the congregation will start or Abah has already gone to the mosque. when
students are not in congregation or praying in that room they usually get points, points
are calculated for every time they violate a rule one point for redemption of points is
carried out for interpretation points carried out on Friday morning usually security
leads or guides or coordinates children who have violations .

2. Early Madrasas
According to Raharjo (1993) in Hasnul Fikri Nando (2022) Madrasah Diniyah is
an educational institution that focuses on in-depth study of Islamic religious teachings.
In relation to Islamic boarding schools, diniyah activities are mandatory for every
santri. Madrasah Diniyah As-Salafiyah is a diniyah institution within the Al-Quran Al-
Amin Pabuaran Islamic Boarding School. Madrasah diniyah focuses on studying
various yellow books or classic books. With the review of the yellow book, students are
expected to be able to explore the rich treasures of knowledge both worship, muamalah,
politics, social and other sciences that have an important role in human life. Madrasah
Diniyah As-Salafiyah focuses on studying the science of interpretation, aqidah, fiqh and
morals. In relation to character building, students are provided with various materials
on akhak through the study of various yellow books such as: Study of the Book of
Taisirul Khollaq written by Sheikh Hafidh Hasan Al-Mas'udi and Kitab Alala which is
a summary of the Book of Ta'lim Muta'alim by Sheikh Az- Zarnuji.
According to Fitria Faizatin (2020:18) the Book of Taisirul Khollaq focuses on
summary of the basic study of morality. The discussion is concise and light, making
this book easier to understand and apply to students in everyday life. The Taisirul
Khollaq book consists of 31 chapters which explain in simple terms the human morals
with the creator, with fellow humans and himself. Through the study of this book,
students will gain knowledge about morals which can later be used as a basis for
students to behave in interactions and in their daily lives.
As for the book of study, it discusses morals or adab towards knowledge where
we as students must understand that knowledge is adab, knowledge is higher than
knowledge, more than the etiquette of students at Islamic boarding schools Al Quran Al
Amin studied the alala book in class 1 of the Diniyah Madrasah or madi for class 2
studies itself there are some that are studied in Madin.
there is a source of reference to the woman's problem regarding the chapter on
menstruation that is in women what is interesting in this book of fiqh is menstrual pain.
The review does not only rely on intellectual analysis but is also strengthened by
accurate factual evidence. The dialectic of the Koran answers this problem as if it has
inspired Imam Syafi'i not to make discoveries that only pile up on scientific text
studies. in order to produce optimal and objective formulations he still feels the need to
carry out further research on several cases that are really real so that what he has
written becomes not just a legal formulation but also a description which in addition to
having a basis for selection also has authentic evidence What is valid, on the other
hand, from this book of fiqh is the example he showed in solving a legal problem. He
valued accuracy, precision and scientific honesty, especially regarding women's issues.
There is a study by Faisirul Kholaq written by Imam Hafid Ibnu Mas'ud here
discussing the science of morality. through wall magazine activities, students get
scientific character values that can be related to the characteristics of a santri. Apart
from having a character in the scientific field, the books studied at the Diniyah Madrasa
broaden the understanding of a santri regarding the sciences of tools that are around us.

3. Extracurriculars
There are several extracurriculars in the field of sports at the Al Quran Al Amin
Pabuaran Islamic boarding school

a. Introduction to Pencak Silat Pencak silat is a traditional Indonesian martial art

that has a combination of self-defense moves and performing arts. At Islamic
boarding schools, pencak silat is chosen as one of the extracurriculars because it
has moral and ethical values that are in line with Islamic values. Pencak Silat
Extracurricular Goals: The main objective of pencak silat extracurriculars at
Islamic boarding schools is to develop physical strength, endurance, discipline,
and Islamic character values in students. In addition, this extracurricular can also
be a means of maintaining the physical fitness of the students. Training Materials:
In the pencak silat extracurricular activity at Islamic boarding schools, students
will learn various basic techniques of pencak silat, such as punches, kicks,
throws, locks, and defense moves. They will also learn about tactics, strategies,
and ethics when practicing or competing. For self-training at the Koran Al Amin
extra silat Islamic boarding school, the practice is at uin saizu because there are
only a few students interested in this extra, it's like joint training with other
children. At the time of art performance activities or usually the activities held at
the end of the year will feature several appearances from the poster, one of which
is Ester silat which displays from the activities that have been done so far.
b. Jogging is a form of running exercise that is done at a moderate or slow pace.
This is an aerobic activity that involves repetitive and regular movements, usually
done outdoors. Purpose of Jogging in Islamic Boarding Schools: Jogging in
Islamic boarding schools can have several purposes. One of them is maintaining
the physical fitness of the students. Jogging activities can help increase stamina,
cardiovascular strength, and muscle strength. In addition, jogging can also be a
means to reduce stress and improve well-being . Benefits of Jogging: Jogging has
many benefits for the health and well-being of students at Islamic boarding
schools. Some of its benefits include: increasing stamina and physical strength,
improving heart and lung health, reducing stress and improving mental well-
being, helping with weight control, and improving sleep quality. At the Islamic
boarding school itself, jogging training is usually carried out on a difference or
once a week extracurricular activities can be jogging or swimming. Those who
take care of the jogging section itself have a coordinator from the management of
the sports section.

There are several extracurriculars in the field of arts at the Al Quran Al Amin Pabuaran
Islamic boarding school

a. Saman dance is a traditional dance from Aceh, Indonesia, which is famous for its
fast, synchronous and energetic movements. This dance was originally used as a
means of conveying Islamic messages, but now it is also considered as Acehnese
cultural heritage and identity. The main objective of the Saman dance training at
the Qur'an Alamin Pabuaran Islamic Boarding School is to introduce Indonesian
traditional culture and arts to the students. In addition, this training also aims to
strengthen their sense of love and pride for Indonesia's cultural heritage and
enrich their experience of art and expression. Often held in collaboration between
extra dance sman and UNSOED students. When the training is held once a week
at the hut around ba'da asar. After training for several times, there will be
appearances at big events at the Alamin Quran Islamic Boarding School.
b. Hadroh is a traditional Islamic musical art that uses musical instruments such as
tambourines, drums, gongs and marawis. Hadroh is often used as an
accompaniment in religious events and Islamic celebrations. Hadroh music has a
distinctive rhythm, is uplifting and gives a religious feel. The main objective of
the Hadroh training at the Qur'an Alamin Pabuaran Islamic Boarding School is to
deepen the students' knowledge of Islamic music and the Hadroh tradition. This
training also aims to build a sense of love and affection for the art of Islamic
music and enrich their artistic and religious experience.

D. Closing

This article describes the central role played by Pondok Pesantren Qur'an Alamin
Pabuaran in building the cultural character of a santri. Through religious education, moral
values, leadership development, and introduction to local culture, this Islamic boarding
school is able to form students who have strong cultural character and are rooted in
Islamic values and their local culture.

Religious and spirituality education is the main aspect in the formation of the
character of the santri. Within this pondok pesantren environment, the santri are given a
strong emphasis on religious education and the study of the Qur'an. They are taught about
Islamic values, worship, and good procedures for worship. This strengthens the
understanding and practice of Islamic cultural values.

In addition to religious education, Islamic boarding schools also equip students

with moral and ethical values that form the basis of everyday life. Santri are taught about
integrity, honesty, decency, and other good values. This forms the character of the students
to become individuals who are responsible, ethical, and respect cultural values.

Leadership development is also a focus in the formation of the cultural character of

the students at this Islamic boarding school. Santri are given the opportunity to develop
leadership through various extracurricular activities, such as recitation, social activities,
and management of Islamic boarding schools. In this process, students are trained to
become leaders who are just, wise, and responsible.

The Alamin Pabuaran Qur'an Islamic Boarding School also introduces students to
the local culture around them. Santri are invited to get to know art, customs, language, and
local wisdom. This helps strengthen the cultural identity of the students and their love for
their native culture.

Overall, the Alamin Pabuaran Qur'an Islamic boarding school has an important role
in building the cultural character of a santri. Through religious education, moral values,
leadership development, and introduction to local culture, these Islamic boarding schools
form students who have a strong Islamic identity and respect and preserve their culture.
All of this makes a positive contribution to the formation of the cultural character of the
students in this Islamic boarding school environment.

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H. Appendix
 Certificate _ has do study from researched institution _ stamped and sign hand wet ,
accompanied number What'sApp who gave sign hands .

 Guidelines ( guide ) interview .

The Role of Islamic Boarding Schools in Building a Santri Character Culture at the
Alamin Pabuaran Islamic Boarding School, Kec. North Purwowerto
1. Do Islamic boarding schools really have a role in building the cultural character
of the students?
2. What kind of character do students have in Islamic boarding schools?
3. What are the activities that can help in the process of building a culture of
character for students?
4. Are there any obstacles in carrying out all activities related to santri culture?
5. What efforts should be made when there are these obstacles?
6. What is the form of interaction between caregivers and students?
7. How is the interaction between fellow students?
8. What is the form of interaction between students and boarding school
9. What is the form of interaction between students and residents around the

 Guidelines ( guide ) observation .

The Role of Islamic Boarding Schools in Building a Santri Character Culture at the
Alamin Pabuaran Islamic Boarding School, Kec. North Purwowerto
Observation Variable Indicator Boarding school Condition Physique Building
boarding school
1. Layout _ environment
2. Condition room and room
3. Condition of WC/toilet.
subject k
1. Interaction social / social
2. With Friend roommates
3. Interaction with Caregivers
4. With coaches and administrators boarding school
5. With the opposite sex
6. Interaction with residents around the cottage

 Guidelines ( guide ) documentation .

The Role of Islamic Boarding Schools in Building a Santri Character Culture at the
Alamin Pabuaran Islamic Boarding School, Kec. North Purwowerto

Document files
1. Institutional Data
a. History
b. Statistics
c. Dormitory Manager
d. Facilities and infrastructure
2. Data About Students
a. Subject Identity
b. biography
c. Subject Conditions
d. Subject Characteristics

 Transcript results interview

Interview with one of the Al Amin Qur'an Islamic Boarding School students named
Stabita and Imroatul
Me: Do Islamic boarding schools really have a role in building the cultural character
of the students?
They: yes, Islamic boarding schools play an important role in character building
through the activities and interactions of fellow students and the Islamic boarding
school environment. Islamic boarding schools are very suitable in forming the
character of students who are religiously devout, polite, independent, and have a
good understanding of Islamic religious teachings and how to practice them when
we have graduated from the Islamic boarding school.
Me: What kind of character do students have in Islamic boarding schools?
They: The character of the first santri is independent because a santri is far from the
reach of parents, especially with the intention of studying, the character of the santri
who serves the blessings of the kyai, the character of the santri in the scientific field
such as talent in sports, the arts, and the character of the santri in the social
environment of fellow human beings and environment.

 Photo .

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