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-get hold of = to contact a person

-get back to = To make contact with someone by phone or in person.

-expenses account = An account that records the money spent in the course of
business which is later reimbursed by the employer.

-Is it urgent? = To ask if something is an emergency or priority, requiring

immediate attention.

-I would like to get this sorted out as soon as possible = Something one says to
express a wish to find a solution for a problem at the earliest possible time.

-look through = To read,

-I'm afraid I've got a major problem = A polite way of expressing an apology for
there being a significant problem.

-bring costs down = To reduce expenses.

-get this sorted out
-in training
-have a look at his diary
-bottom line = result
-in a meeting until

Phrasal Verbs:
-accept an offer = take up
-become very successful = take off
-hire/emply = taking on
-"turn up" : appear or arise.
-"turn down" : decline an offer.
-Object pronouns must go between the verb and the particle (e.g. "I'll call you

-components = The different parts of a machine

-to fix = to repair ar restore
-cable = A system of wires, covered by a protective casing, that transmits
electricity or telecommunication signals.
-memory module = A small computer component that contains active memory and can be
installed on a motherboard.
-to diagnose = To identify the type of problem present and its cause.
-to boot up = To turn on a computer, during which the operating system and start-up
software load.
-to act up = To not function properly or correctly.
-gigabyte = Equal to one billion bytes. This term is used to describe computer file
size and disk capacity.
-graphics card = A computer component that transforms data into images that we can
see on a computer monitor/screen.
-ticket = In the context of IT support, this is a record or report of a computer
problem, in order to track/follow all problems reported.
-to swap = To exchange one thing for another thing.
connections,case,data,replacing,spring cleaning,files,processor,swap,hard drives
-acting up = to not function properly

-sequence = To arrange in an order.

-easy to operate = Simple to use.
-outline = To summarise the key features/points.
-versatile = Having varied uses or many functions.
-reliable = Worthy of dependence or reliance; trustworthy.
-economical = cheaper
-feature = An important or main item/function.
-low-maintenance = Describes a system which retains proper functionality over long
periods of time despite little or no maintenance.
-run through = summarize
-special orders
-go into details

Presentation vocabulary:
-Basic rules = hello,goodbye,thank you,arriving on time in the interview.
-The audience
-articulate = To speak clearly and fluently.
-prompt cards = Small pieces of paper or cards with words or phrases to remind a
speaker of what must be said.
-to illustrate = To explain or make (something) clear through examples, pictures,
charts, slides etc.
-to mumble = To speak quietly or indistinctly that makes it difficult for the
listener to hear clearly.
-pep = Energy, liveliness, enthusiasm, dynamism.
-to keep the attention(of someone) = To hold or maintain someone's interest and
-rythm = particular pattern of sound or movement, a measured flow of words and
-intonation = The rise and fall of the voice when speaking.
-to fold one's arms = To close or cross one's arms over one's chest.
-monotonous = Dull, lacking in variation and interest.
-legible = Written text that is clear enough to read.
-posture = The position of one's body.

-fibre optics,network

-high speed = That operates, moves or takes place at a greater than normal speed

-Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system = A telecommunications system that uses
the Internet or other Internet Protocol network to transmit telephone calls.

-private network = A closed communication network for the exclusive use of select

-ampilfy = To render larger, more extended, or more intense.

-computer network = Any interconnected system allowing computers to communicate
with each other.

-air navigation network-airline network = Any interconnected system monitoring the

movement of aircraft.

-wireless sensor-network = Devices connected to a network using a centralised

wireless access point (WAP). A wi-fi network.

-transmitter-receiver = Something that transmits something./Any of several

electronic devices that receive signals and convert them into sound or vision.

-wireless connection = Devices connected to a network using a centralised wireless

access point.
-fiber optic = A thin, transparent, flexible fibre, made of glass or plastic, used
for transmitting light.

-analog-digital network = Any interconnected group involving analog and digital

transmission systems.

-remote-transmission information = Conveyance of information from a distance, by

means of radio waves.

-array of antennas = A sequence, display or range of antennas.

-server = A program which provides services to other programs or users, either in

the same computer or over a computer network.

-telecommunications satellite = A man-made apparatus designed to be placed in orbit

around a celestial body, generally to relay information, data etc. to Earth.

-cryptology = The study, writing and solving of codes.

-closed network = A private communications network.

-data transfer = The conveyance of information, especially information from one

computer to another.

-antenna = An apparatus to receive or transmit radio waves and convert respectively

to or from an electrical signal.

-local area network = An interconnection of computers that are in relatively close

proximity to each other, such as within a building.

-etropolitan area network = An interconnected computer system which covers a

metropolitan area.

-satellite,broadcasting,digital signal,circuit,coaxial
cable,modulate,electromagnetic radiation,instructions,signal processing

Graphic Design Vocabulary:

margin=Blank space left around a text or illustration.

space=empty area

visual = A picture, film, video, poster or other display used to illustrate


to grab = To take hold of somebody's attention.

impact = Effect caused, consequence.

vector = A graphic image coded in the form of geometric descriptions (as opposed to
raster images containing pixels).

buisness card = Small document with the person's name, job and contact details.

pictogram = Schematic picture, symbol, icon (e.g. the emojis used in social media).
uncrowded = With an open presentation which leaves space between the graphic

format = The way in which something is arranged and laid out; the shape, size and
presentation of information.

curved = Not straight (in a smooth, continuous fashion), bent.

legible = easy to read

typgraphy = The form, style and appearance of the characters in a text.

deadline = Time given to complete a task or a job.

flyer = Small document advertising an event, product or service.

design brief = Document provided by the client which includes the important points
of a project.

Grammar rule: If the main part of the sentence is positive, the question tag is

Phone calls:

-I didn't quite catch your name

-formal = Having a recognised form or structure or set of rules suitable for an

official or important occasion.

-allow = To enable, to make possible.

-company = A business enterprise.

-I was trying to get hold of you yesterday.= A telephone expression to inform

someone of a previous attempt to contact him/her.

-confidence = Self-assurance.

-state = To make known; to express clearly in speech or writing.

-informality = The condition of being informal; the casualness; the lack of


-increasengly = Increasing in amount or intensity.

-indicate = To show, point out, make known.

-personally = As an individual.

-connect = To put a caller through to the requested person or department.

-to visit,to deliver,competitor

-to make a commitment = To dedicate oneself to an activity or purpose; to promise.

-invoice = document that summarises the quantity and price of goods sold or
services provided.

-top-of-the-range = Of higher quality than other items in the same category.

-goods = Anything that can be bought or sold.

-turnover = The total amount of a company's sales of goods or services.

-per-unit = Each individual item of a larger group or set.

-brochure = An information or advertising publication that has more than one page.

-payement period = The time allowed to pay for something.

-reference = The naming or mentioning of something.

-quote = A written document in which a supplier or service provider offers a price

for a product or service.

-brand = A distinctive sign (company or product name, logo, symbol, etc.) that
customers can recognise.

- to consult = To look at something or to talk to someone to find information or an


Asking for clarification by phone :

-What does that mean?

-Could you say that again, please?
-I'm afraid I (still) don't understand.
-I'm sorry, I didn't quite get that.
-deal with = To take action with respect to (someone or something); to handle, to
manage, to cope with.
-quantity = A measured amount.
-Can I just read that back to you? = Something one says to ask whether one can
repeat information that was just given to confirm that one has understood it
-measurment = The precise dimensions or size (of something).
-Could you email me those details, please?
-agree on = To harmonise in opinion, statement, or action; to be in unison or

Products Vocabulary:
size = A set of dimensions for a manufactured article, e.g. extra large, large,
medium, small.

fall = To become lower; to drop; to decrease.

speed = The rate of motion; how fast (something/someone) travels.

decrease = Reduce, fall, drop, lower, diminish. Opposite of increase.

showroom = A room in a business set aside for the display of the company's

How fast is it = A question asked to know at what speed something can operate.

cruising speed = A comfortable, economical, optimal speed for a vehicle to be


currency = The monetary system used by a country.

What is the size of = A question asked to know the dimensions or magnitude of


quote = A document (or verbal notification) specifying how much a job will probably

What is the price of = A question asked to know the cost of (something).

airfreight = Goods transported by aircraft.

How long is it = A question asked to know the length of something (i.e. a piece of
written communication or text).

store = To keep (something) while not in use, generally in a place meant for that

How big is it = A question asked to know the volume and dimensions of something.

charge = To require payment (for goods, services, etc.).

increase = To rise, to go up, to expand. Opposite of decrease.

travel = To go on a journey, often for personal or professional reasons; to go from

one place to another.

What is the top speed of = A question asked to know the maximum speed at which
something can operate.

How much is it = A question asked to know the price of something.

tile = To cover the surface of a floor or wall with a rectangular or square-shaped

piece of material which is often ceramic.

rise = To increase; to go up; to raise.

What is the length of = A question asked to knowthe longest dimension of something.

area = A place or space.

width = The measurement of the extent of something from side to side.

catering = The business of providing food and related services; foodservice.

The prices are very competitive.


The cost of a product or service is lower than expected.

We offer a full guarantee for 2 years.

We provide full servicing for the maintenance of your purchase for a duration of
two years.

restruictring = The reorganisation of a company or business with new rules or ways

of doing things.
to register = To enter your name and other necessary information on an official
list in order to have access to something.
to float around = To be and to move around in an unknown place.

search engine = A program that allows you to search for information and documents
on the internet.

to acquire = To get something through experience.

career,assignment,to mention,to improve,main objective,to simplify,to correspond =
to match,bullet point,operational,

suited,easy to operate,enhance,advance,outline,purpose,corporate,golf
line,complete,feature,run through,low-maintenance,outsource,put together

fixed-term contract,salary,internship

fuel card = A card that allows one to buy fuel on credit. If this is a company
perk, the employer will then pay for the fuel purchased.

application = The documents you send to a company to get a job.

to put someone down = To criticise, to diminish the qualities of someone or

perks = A privilege, benefit, or gain in addition to one's regular salary.

path = A route/direction; a way that leads to something; a course of action.

meal voucher = A ticket that allows you to buy food in restaurants and some grocery
stores. Also called luncheon vouchers as the ticket is typically used to buy lunch.

field = An area or sector of a person's activity.

experience = Knowledge gained through practice.

convincing = Ability to persuade or cause someone to believe that something is

real, true or effective.

sociable = Someone who enjoys the company of other people; who can easily talk to
people and participate in social activities with them.
role-play = A training exercise in which people rehearse, practice or act out an

management = The act of directing, controlling or organising things or people.

paid = Work or holiday time for which a person receives payment through wages or a

to be hired = To be employed or engaged for a job in return for wages.

permanent contract = An employment contract which has an indefinite duration,

without an end date.

to apply = To make a formal request or application for a job.

workshop = A meeting with a specific theme and activity of interest to the


employment contract = A legally binding agreement between an employer and an


coordination = Cooperation between people towards a certain goal.

to broach = To start talking about something.

conditions of employment = The formal terms that an employer and employee agree on
for a job, for example, working hours, obligations, annual leave, bonuses and/or
commission, and other perks.

career path = A series of events that characterise a person's career.

to stand out = To be noticeable.

available at your convenience = To be free at a time that is suitable for you.

consideration = Reflection or careful thinking.

recruitment = The action of hiring a person or people.

field = A particular area of interest or professional activity.

candidate = The person applying for a job or position.

initiative = The ability to do something without needing to be instructed or asked.

to personalise = To give an original, unique or individual character to something.

to obtaine = To receive something as a result of an action.

apply for,After all,introduce,Could you tell me a bit more about ... ?,Well, for a
start, ...
career opportunities = A chance for advancement during one's professional career.

There's a call for you = An expression to notify someone that he or she is

requested on the telephone.
deal with = To take action with respect to (someone or something); to handle; to be
responsible for (something).

Could you be a bit more specific? = A request for someone to state more explicitly
or clearly what they would like to say.

I can cope a lot better with stress.,Have an interrview with

pursue further training = A phrase meaning to actively seek out and to follow
training courses for the purposes of increasing one's knowledge or skills.

And that's basically it

Let's get down to business straight away = Something one says to suggest that the
group begins to address the formal points of the meeting immediately.

Can i offer you something to drink = Something one says to offer another person a

order = A request for some product or service; a commission to purchase, sell, or

supply goods.

Did you find your way here easily ?

white-collor worker = A salaried professional or clerical worker.

blue-collor worker = Working class; engaged or trained in essentially manual labor.

merger = The legal union of two or more corporations into a single entity,
typically assets and liabilities being assumed by the buying party.

supermarket chain = A series of supermarkets with the same name.

multifunctional job = A job for which one is paid to perform multiple tasks in more
than one functional area .

That sounds really interesting = A job for which one is paid to perform multiple
tasks in more than one functional area .

be up-to-date = To be informed/knowledgeable about the latest news or developments.

focus on = To concentrate one's attention on (something or someone).

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