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New War Fronts lie in economic zones

Sources I.Introduc on

ps:// Some cri cs believe that 21" century wars s ll tend to be

spending rises-almost-2-trillion-2020 dominated by military power and armaments. Now war fronts,
however, are more focused on economic bo les in the form of
h ps:// sanc ons, protec onist policies, hos le Infrastructure
military-expenditure sees-largest-annual-increase-decade-says- Ini a ves, and the use of financial ins tu ons to weaken the
sipri-reaching-1917-billion enemy's economy and achieve geo-poli cal objec ves. This
h ps:// paradigm shi can pose a threat to the stability of the
interna onal financial system and developing economies of the
h ps:// third world.
fronts-lie-in economic-zones/

II.Counter Perspec ve
VII. Conclusion
II. New wars fronts are s ll military-centric: A Counter View
• It is high me interna onal community the interna onal
community addressed the specter of economic wars lest they
should undo the progress of mul lateralism and coopera on 1. Rise in global military expenditure
that has been achieved in the past few decades
2. Conven onal arms races in various regional and global blocks
VI. Recommenda ons - How to dial down economic warfare
dilemma to usher in an era of a posi ve-sum game? 3. Opening of a new military-centric war zone with the
coloniza on of space (US Space
1. World Trade Organiza on needs to strengthen the dispute
Se lement Mechanism to ease economic tensions
III. How do new war fronts lie in economic zones?
2. Regional Trade Blocks need to develop consensus on a Charter
of Economy that economic ac vi es will not be a zero-sum game
1. Use of economic sanc ons as a tool of war by even the most
3. Hegemonic states must revisit their ac ons for the greater powerful sates Sanc ons of the USA on Iran and North Korea
good of global economic interdependence
2. Rising waves of protec onism to contain the rise of other
4. Mul lateral pla orms like G-7, G-20, and UNO must play a countries reveals that wars have become economy-oriented
proac ve role to avert economic tensions

3. Rise of economic infrastructure ini a ves to enhance na onal

V. What are the poten al nega ve implica ons of the shi ing
of war fronts towards economic zones?
4. Use of financial ins tu ons to coerce other countries to
achieve objec ves
1. The unhindered onslaught of protec onism threats the
stability of the interna onal financial system 5. Applica on of economic tac cs to achieve regime changes

2. Economic wars can trigger global economic recessions and 6. Increasing quest of states to dominate rich economic zones
meltdowns tes fies to the economic nature of warfare
Nega ve Impacts of the US-China trade war

3. Suffering of ordinary people due to economic sanc ons, IV. How do new war fronts lie in economic zones?
resul ng in humanitarian crises
Famine in North Korea
Suffering of ordinary Iranian people Growing a empts by countries to dominate sea lanes of
communica on for economic strength
4. Underdeveloped economies of the global south may witness
the serious decline in growth rate IV. Why are the new war fronts shi ing towards economics

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