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"Money is the Mc-Mansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart

a er 10 years. Power is the old stone building that stands for

centuries. I cannot respect someone who doesn't see the
difference"- Frank Underwood
Economy, Not Poli cs, is the key to success

VIII. Conclusion I. Introduc on/Thesis

VIII. Conclusion There is no denying the fact that the economy plays an
important role in determining the fate of a na on by providing
Poli cs is the art of the possible and it is only through the route opportuni es for upward social mobility and increasing its
of poli cs that the socio-economic success of na ons can be wealth. It is, however, a strong poli cal system and culture
guaranteed based on democra c values which is the primary factor behind
the success of the na on and is a precursor to equitable and
sustainable economic progress.
VII. Recommenda ons

VII. What can Pakistan learn in light of the thesis?

II. Counter Perspec ve

II. Economy, not Poli cs, is the key to success: A counter

perspec ve
VI. Case Studies of Global Poli cs

VI. How does Global Poli cs determine the fate of na ons?

III. Why is Poli cs the key to success?
1. Peaceful and stable poli cal rela ons in the global arena are
necessary to ensure sustainable progress III. How is poli cs, and not economy, the primary factor behind
the success of na ons?

2. The forma on of the Europe Union and Economic Free Trade

Zone became possible only a er the establishment of strong 4. Poli cal interven on ensures equitable distribu on of
poli cal es between the European na ons a er WW2 resources to prevent class inequali es and the concentra on of
wealth in a few hands

V. Case Studies of Na ons - Domes c Poli cs 5. Economic decisions are not purely technical decisions; they
have a poli cal side as well which determines their fate
V. Case Studies - How does the domes c poli cs of na ons
determine their economic success?

1. The success of the New Deal in the United States was due to IV. Favoring views of intellectuals
the vibrant and dynamic poli cal leadership of Franklin D.
Roosevelt IV. Views of famous intellectuals in support of the thesis

2. Malaysia became the "Asian Tiger" Under the stable poli cal
policies and charisma c leadership of Mahathir Muhammad

3. Japan became the economic powerhouse of the world a er

WW2 owing to the reforms in its poli cal system

4. Comparison of the poli cal systems and economic outlook of

North Korea and South Korea

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