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Shadowrun 5th Edition

Custom Character Sheets


Greetings Chummers! Welcome to Extell’s Custom Character Sheets. Inside you will find character sheets designs for all
the major archtypes of Shadowrun 5th Edition.

I was inspired to create these sheets by the wonderful work found here: . These are
the same sheets I use for my Pathfinder characters and I loved having specialized sheets for which class I play rather
than the generic setup of the one in the Player’s Handbook. Shadowrun’s basic character sheet falls in that same
category; generic.

How to Show Appreciation

If you want to show appreciation for my work, just shoot me an e-mail with a thanks (you can find my e-mail on my site
listed below). If you like the cover art, head over to JoeRocks’ blog or DeviantArt site (below). He does some awsome


Shadowrun and all associated trademarks and copyrights are the property of Catalyst Game Labs.
Pathfinder and all associated trademarks and copyrights are the property of Paizo Publishing LLC.

This document is released entirely free of charge, under the Artistic License 2.0. It is not for sale under any conditions,
nor are its constituents. You are free to make and distribute modifications, provided no version of this sheet is ever
charged for or released under a commercial license.


Sheet Design – Brad “Extell” Bittner

Cover Art – “Flower” by JoeRocks1981


My site:
Cover Artist:
Catalyst Game Labs:
Shadowrun Homepage:

Special Thanks to Jon “Hippie” Burton for being an awesome GM for our Shadowrun Games.
Character Name Alias Metatype Gender

Age Height Weight Hair Eyes Note

BOD WIL Ess Comp Move Stun (Willpower / 2) + 8

Cha+Wil Agi x 2
Physical ‐1
AGI LOG Edge / Judge Cha + Int Limit Bod+Rea)/3
Mental ((Logx2)+
REA INT Init Mem Log + Wil Limit Int+Wil)/3
Social ‐3
Matrix Lift/ ((Chax2)+
Init Carry Bod + Str Will+Ess)/3
Ranged Weapon RC Ammo Acc AP Mode Dmg Physical (Body / 2) + 8
Ranged Weapon RC Ammo Acc AP Mode Dmg

Ranged Weapon RC Ammo Acc AP Mode Dmg ‐3

Melee Weapon Acc AP Reach Dmg

Armor Chem Elec Cold Fire Armor ‐6

Overflow Body + Augmentation

Active Skills R A Active Skills R A Knowledge Skills R A

Qualities Pts R Contacts Loyal Conn. Favor

Character Name Alias Metatype Gender

Age Height Weight Hair Eyes Note

Ess / Stun (Willpower / 2) + 8

Magic / Comp
Agi x 2
Physical ((Strx2)+
AGI LOG Edge / Judge
Cha + Int Limit Bod+Rea)/3
Mental ((Logx2)+
REA INT Init Mem Limit
Log + Wil Int+Wil)/3
Social ‐3
Astral Lift/ ((Chax2)+
Init Carry Bod + Str Will+Ess)/3
Ranged Weapon RC Ammo Acc AP Mode Dmg Physical (Body / 2) + 8
Combat Spell Dir/In Type Dura Range Drain Dmg

Combat Spell Dir/In Type Dura Range Drain Dmg ‐3

Melee Weapon Acc AP Reach Dmg

Armor Chem Elec Cold Fire Armor ‐6


Active Skills R A Active Skills R A Knowledge Skills R A

Qualities Pts R Contacts Loyal Conn. Favor

Character Name Alias Metatype Gender

Age Height Weight Hair Eyes Note

Ess / Stun (Willpower / 2) + 8

Reson / Comp
Agi x 2
Physical ((Strx2)+
AGI LOG Edge / Judge
Cha + Int Limit Bod+Rea)/3
Mental ((Logx2)+
REA INT Init Mem Limit Int+Wil)/3
Log + Wil
Social ((Chax2)+ ‐3
Matrix Lift/
STR CHA Limit Will+Ess)/3
Init Carry Bod + Str
Ranged Weapon RC Ammo Acc AP Mode Dmg Physical (Body / 2) + 8
Ranged Weapon RC Ammo Acc AP Mode Dmg

Ranged Weapon RC Ammo Acc AP Mode Dmg ‐3

Melee Weapon Acc AP Reach Dmg

Armor Chem Elec Cold Fire Armor ‐6


Active Skills R A Active Skills R A Knowledge Skills R A

Qualities Pts R Contacts Loyal Conn. Favor

Lifestyle / Fake ID / License Rating Gear # Rating

CommLink Rating

Augmentations Ess Rating

Vehicle / Drone Han Acc Spd Pilo Bod Arm Sens

Current Karma Total Karma Gained Nuyen

Lifestyle / Fake ID / License Rating Gear # Rating

CommLink Rating

Spell Type Dur Range Drain

Focus Category Type F

Vehicle Han Acc Spd Pilo Bod Arm Sens

Current Karma Total Karma Gained Nuyen

Lifestyle / Fake ID / License Rating Gear # Rating

CommLink Rating

Spell Type Dur Range Drain

Power Activate Rtg PP

Focus Category Type F

Vehicle Han Acc Spd Pilo Bod Arm Sens

Current Karma Total Karma Gained Nuyen

Lifestyle / Fake ID / License Rating Gear # Rating

CommLink Rating

Power Activate Rtg PP

Focus Category Type F

Vehicle Han Acc Spd Pilo Bod Arm Sens

Current Karma Total Karma Gained Nuyen

Lifestyle / Fake ID / License Rating Gear # Rating

CommLink Rating

Augmentations Ess Rating

Cyberdeck Rtg A S D F Prgs


Agents Rtg Matrix Damage

Vehicle / Drone Han Acc Spd Pilo Bod Arm Sens

Current Karma Total Karma Gained Nuyen

Lifestyle / Fake ID / License Rating Gear # Rating

CommLink Rating

Augmentations Ess Rating

Complex Forms

Sprite Rtg Sprite Rtg

Vehicle / Drone Han Acc Spd Pilo Bod Arm Sens

Current Karma Total Karma Gained Nuyen

Lifestyle / Fake ID / License Rating Gear # Rating

CommLink Rating

Augmentations Ess Rating

Rigger Command Console Rtg DP FW

Autosofts Rtg

Cyberprograms Rtg

Current Karma Total Karma Gained Nuyen

Drone / Vehicle Pilot Skill Used

Ha Sp Ac Bo Ar Pi Se CS EW Ev Ma St Ta Matrix Track Phyical Track

‐1 ‐1

Mounted Weapon RC Amm Acc AP Mod Dmg ‐2 ‐2

‐3 ‐3
Mounted Weapon RC Amm Acc AP Mod Dmg
‐4 ‐4

Sensor Package ‐5


Drone / Vehicle Pilot Skill Used

Ha Sp Ac Bo Ar Pi Se CS EW Ev Ma St Ta Matrix Track Phyical Track

‐1 ‐1

Mounted Weapon RC Amm Acc AP Mod Dmg ‐2 ‐2

‐3 ‐3
Mounted Weapon RC Amm Acc AP Mod Dmg
‐4 ‐4

Sensor Package ‐5


Drone / Vehicle Pilot Skill Used

Ha Sp Ac Bo Ar Pi Se CS EW Ev Ma St Ta Matrix Track Phyical Track

‐1 ‐1

Mounted Weapon RC Amm Acc AP Mod Dmg ‐2 ‐2

‐3 ‐3
Mounted Weapon RC Amm Acc AP Mod Dmg
‐4 ‐4

Sensor Package ‐5


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