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These is Survey about digital literacy in india and Awareness of accessing App and digital platforms or different
government initiative under digital india .

1. Email id

2. Name

3. Contact no.
4. Can you please tell me your age group?

Mark only one oval.

under 18 years

18-30 years

31-45 years


over 60 years

5. Do you use social media platforms? If yes, how often?

Mark only one oval.

yes,multiple times a day

yes, once a day

yes, a few time a week

6. How do you primarily use the internet?

Mark only one oval.

social media

online shopping

online learning

other(please specify)

7. Have you participated in any online government service(e.g.applying for a document, paying bills, etc.)

Mark only one oval.



8. How comfortable are you with using digital payment methods( e.g. mobile wallets, UPI, etc.)

Mark only one oval.

very comfortable

somewhat comfortable

not very comfortable

not at all comfortable

9. How do you stay updated about new digital tools and initiatives?

Mark only one oval.

social media

news websites

word of mouth

other(please specify)

10. On average, how many digital platform or government initiatives do you use?

Mark only one oval.

Less than 5

5 - 10

More than 10
11. How would you rate the availability of digital infrastructure (e.g.internet connectivity, access to devices, etc.)in
your area?

Mark only one oval.





12. Can you name a few digital platform or tools that you use regularly?
13. Can you name a few government initiatives under Digital India?

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