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Federation of Industries of the State of Espírito Santo – Findes

Cristhine Samorini – Chairperson

National Service of Industrial Learning – Senai/ES

The production of oil and natural One of the highlights brought forth by this publication
Geferson Luiz dos Santos – Regional Director
gas is experiencing growth in Es- is the productive recovery of wells. The year 2023
Social Service of Industry – Sesi/ES pírito Santo, presenting new op- marked the resurgence of growth in oil and gas pro-
Geferson Luiz dos Santos – Regional Superintendent
portunities before us. Among the duction, which had been declining since 2016. Last
Federation of Industry of the State of Espírito Santo - Findes producing states, we rank as the year, Espírito Santo yielded 23% more oil than in 2022.
Roberto Campos de Lima - General Director third-largest in oil and the fifth-larg- While natural gas production saw an increase of 22.5%.

Executive Management of the Industry Observatory – Sesi/ES and Senai/ES est in natural gas. However, we pos-
Marília Gabriela Elias da Silva – Executive Manager sess the potential to surpass these Part of this achievement stems from the newfound
standings in a sector of significant momentum in Capixaba onshore activities. In recent
Technical Team Cris Samorini
Nathan Marques Diirr – Business Environment Manager relevance, constituting 25.5% of years, the entry of junior oil companies and the diver-
President of Findes
Francisco Carlos Batistini Brunoro Junior – Studies and Research Analyst the Capixaba industry. sification of operators have bolstered terrestrial opera-
Jordana Teatini Duarte – Studies and Research Analyst tions, a movement supported by Findes and the Capix-
Marcos Vinicius Chaves Morais – Studies and Research Analyst Presently, the productive chain within aba Forum for Oil, Gas, and Energy.
Yuri Pimentel Coelho – Studies and Research Analyst
this sector in Espírito Santo compris-
Paula Brandão Miqueletto - Studies and Research Analyst
es 565 companies, fostering over Undoubtedly, significant strides have been made, and
João Vitor Massariol Soares – Intern
11,200 high-quality jobs with one of we believe that the future holds even greater promise,
Graphic Design, Layout, Review and Illustration the most favorable remuneration av- as oil and gas extraction is expected to continue ex-
Curumim – Vida Para Marcas [Life For Brands]
erages. Furthermore, this segment panding over the coming years. According to industry
Business Environment Management of the Industry Observatory stands out as one of the leading in- projections, between 2024 and 2028, oil and natural
Av. Nossa Senhora da Penha, 2053, 3rd floor, Saint Lucia, vestors in research and development gas production is estimated to advance by an average
Vitória, ES, ZIP Code: 29.056-913 | (27) 3334-5626
of new technologies. of 5.1% and 5.2%, respectively.
Receive our news: (27) 98818-2897 Information and data such as these The productive expansion of natural gas aligns with concerning production, exploration, the country’s transition towards a cleaner energy ma-
and the entire chain that propels the trix, as gas will play a fundamental role in shifting to-
sector forward are encapsulated in wards more sustainable fuels.
@observatoriodaindustriaes the 7th edition of the Espírito San-
to Oil and Natural Gas Yearbook—a Additionally, the utilization of natural gas can be pivot-
SUPPORT: document crafted by the Industry al within the context of the new industrial policy, NIB,
Observatory of Findes. This publica- which aims to drive the expansion and modernization
tion not only provides insights into of the national industrial landscape and enhance the
current scenarios but also offers competitiveness of Brazilian companies.
essential projections, aiding in our
OBSERVATORY OF INDUSTRY. 2024- . Yearbook of the Oil Industry in Espírito Santo. -
understanding of the direction in For some, the Yearbook serves as a mere source of
Vol. 7. Espírito Santo: Industry Observatory, 2024. Annual.
which the segment is heading. data. For us, it signifies much more than that! It em-
ISSN 2595-9255
bodies the portrait of opportunities and the paths we
1. Oil and Gas. 2. Espírito Santo. 3. Industry. 4. Industrial Development. 5. Energy. have chosen to further develop our state.
CDU: 67 (815.2)
Sixty-five years ago, a significant problems and the revitalization of onshore fields.
moment in the history of Espírito Optimism with the entry of new oil companies
Santo unfolded when the first oil has been consolidated, and today the state wit-
well was drilled in the municipal- nesses a new phase of O&G exploration.
ity of Conceição da Barra, mark-
ing the beginning of a new era Key characteristics of this new phase include the
for the state. At that time, little presence of new oil companies, the recovery of
was known about the potential onshore production, and a new cycle of invest-
of oil and natural gas reserves, ments announced for the state, focusing on the

Marília Gabriela da Silva nor were the challenges faced in revitalization of production in known reservoirs.

Executive Manager of establishing a competitive, dy-

Observatório da Indústria namic sector characterized by It is worth noting that challenges are also at-
constant technological innova- tributed to this new phase. The continuity of ex-
tions understood. ploration in frontier production areas, the supply
of natural gas at competitive prices for industry,
In the 2000s, with the advance - and the challenges of energy transition are the
ment of investments and re - main hurdles to be faced. However, we under-
search in the Espírito Santo stand that challenges are inherent to sector ac-
Basin and the Capixaba part tivities, and for this new phase, it is hoped that
of the Campos Basin, signifi- the continued coordination between public and
cant volumes of oil and natural private entities can consolidate strategies to
gas (O&G) were discovered. In achieve prosperous solutions.
2006, with the announcement
of oil and natural gas reserves It is in this context that the 7th edition of the Es-
in the pre-salt layer, Espírito pírito Santo Oil and Natural Gas Industry Year-
Santo became the stage for an book brings together the most important sector
important movement in the na- analysis variables for Espírito Santo, combining
tional industry. technical rigor with structured, updated, and reli-
able information.
In the more recent history of
the O&G sector, the year 2023 Enjoy your reading!
marked a turning point, with a
significant increase in the pro-
duction of inputs, following six ACCESS THE
consecutive years of declining PANEL - INDUSTRY OIL AND GAS
activity levels. Explanations
point to overcoming operational
CHART, TABLE AND FIGURE INDEX 10 2.6. Production projection 44

2.6.1. Projection of offshore production in Espírito Sant 44

2.6.2. Projection of onshore production in Espírito Santo 47

1.1. Overall energy consumption 13

1.2. Global production and consumption of oil and natural gas 16

1.3. Global oil and natural gas reserve 19
3.1. Companies and jobs in the productive chain of the O&G sector 51
1.4. Global Oil Capacity and Refining 21
3.2. Government Participations 54
3.3. External sector 60

3.4. Research, Development and Innovation (ANP RD&I Clause) 62


2.1. Drilling activity in Espírito Santo 27


2.2. Hydrocarbon declarations 29

4.1. Announced Investments 69

2.3. Declarations of commerciality 30

4.2. Sale of O&G assets 71

2.4. Oil and natural gas reserves 31

4.3. Permanent Offer 73

2.4.1. Offshore reserves in Espírito Santo 32

4.4. Facility Decommissioning 77

2.4.2. Onshore reserves in Espírito Santo 33


2.5. Total oil and natural gas production 35

2.5.1. Offshore oil and natural gas production 37

2.5.2. Onshore oil and natural gas production 39 REFERENCES 82

Chart 27 Oil exports in Espírito Santo (in USD million FOB) and share of oil exports in
Chart 1 Countries with the highest primary energy consumption (in exajoules) - 2022 14 total Espírito Santo exports (%) 60

Chart 2 Participation of fuels in the global energy matrix (in % and in exajoules) 15 Chart 28 Initiated projects that received funding from the RD&I clause in
Espírito Santo (number of projects) 64
Chart 3 Countries with the highest share of renewable energy in total primary energy
consumption (in %) – 2022 15 Chart 29 Distribution of Facility Decommissioning Programs (PDI) 77

Chart 4 Oil production and consumption in the world (thousand barrels/day) 16 Chart 30 Planned Investments for the PDI Facility Decommissioning Programs in
Espírito Santo (in millions BRL ) - 2024 to 2027 79
Chart 5 Production and consumption of natural gas in the world (billions of m³) 18

Chart 6 Proven oil reserves in the world (billions of barrels) 19

Chart 7 Natural gas reserves in the world (trillions of m³) 20
Table 1 Share of the main operating companies in onshore O&G production in
Chart 8 Oil refining capacity in the world (thousand barrels/day) 21 Espírito Santo in 2023 40

Chart 9 Wells drilled in Espírito Santo (in units) 28 Table 2 Number of companies and jobs in the production chain of the Oil and
Natural Gas (O&G) sector in Espírito Santo - 2022 52
Chart 10 Hydrocarbon evidence statements in Espírito Santo (in units) 29
Table 3 Characteristics of the labor market in the O&G chain in Espírito Santo – 2022
Chart 11 Declarations of commerciality in Espírito Santo (in units) 31 53

Chart 12 Offshore oil reserves in Espírito Santo (in millions of barrels) 33 Table 4 Revenue from government participations (royalties and PE) in Espírito Santo
(BRL million) 56
Chart 13 Offshore natural gas reserves in Espírito Santo (million m³) 33
Table 5 Exports from the oil and natural gas sector in Espírito Santo (USD million) 62
Chart 14 Onshore oil reserves in Espírito Santo (in million barrels) 34
Table 6 Imports from the oil and natural gas sector in Espírito Santo (USD million) 63
Chart 15 Onshore natural gas reserves in Espírito Santo (million m³) 35
Table 7 Main investment projects announced in the O&G sector in Espírito Santo
Chart 16 Total oil production in Espírito Santo (thousand barrels) 36 for the next 5 years 66

Chart 17 Total natural gas production in Espírito Santo (million m³) 36 Table 8 Main investment projects announced in the O&G sector in Espírito Santo
for the next 5 years 70
Chart 18 Offshore oil production in Espírito Santo by location (thousand barrels) 38
Table 9 Monitoring the sale of O&G assets in Espírito Santo 72
Chart 19 Natural gas production in Espírito Santo by location (million m³) 38
Table 10 Exploratory blocks in the Espírito Santo Basin awarded in the ANP’s
Chart 20 Onshore oil production in Espírito Santo (thousand barrels) 40 4th Permanent Offer Cycle 76

Chart 21 Onshore natural gas production in Espírito Santo (million m³) 40 Table 10 List of Decommissioning Programs (PDI) approved and received in the State
of Espírito Santo 79
Chart 22 Projected offshore oil production in Espírito Santo (thousand bbl/day) 46

Chart 23 Projection of offshore natural gas production in Espírito Santo

(millions of m³/day) 46 INDEX OF FIGURES
Chart 24 Projection of onshore oil production in Espírito Santo Figure 1 Exploration blocks on offer for declaration of interest in the Permanent Offer
(thousand bbl/day) 48 in Espírito Santo 75

Chart 25 Projection of onshore natural gas production in Espírito Santo Figure 2 Exploratory blocks under study for declaration of interest in the Permanent Offer
(millions of m³/day) 48 in Espírito Santo 75

Chart 26 Revenue from government participations (royalties and PE) in Espírito Santo Figure 3 Areas with marginal accumulations under study for declaration of interest
(BRL million) 55 in the Permanent Offer 76

1.1 Overall energy consumption

Chapter 1
In 2022, global primary energy consumption
was 604 exajoules, a value 1.1% higher than

INTERNATIONAL that recorded in the previous year.

PANORAMA The increase is slight compared to

that recorded in 2021 (5.5%) and
China’s energy matrix is made up of
the following sources: coal (55.5%),
can be attributed to the slowdown in oil (17.7%), natural gas (8.5%), renew-
global economic activity. According able energies (8.4%), hydroelectric
to the World Bank, in 2023 the (7.7%), and nuclear energy (2.4%).

world’s Gross Domestic Product The United States’ energy matrix is
(GDP) recorded growth of 2.4%, a made up of the following sources:
lower expansion than that recorded oil (37.7%), natural gas (33.1%), coal
in 2022, when the world grew 3.0%. (10.3%), renewable energies (8.8%),
For 2024, the institution projects an nuclear energy (7.6%) and hydro- of the world’s total
increase of 2.4%, a level even lower electric power (2.5%). energy consumption was
than that recorded in previous years. concentrated in a group
Explanations for this slowdown in- Over the last twenty years, primary of ten countries
clude the low level of trade and in- energy consumption in the world
vestment in countries. has grown by an average of 2.4%

per year. The highlight for the peri-
Global energy consumption was od was the increased participation
concentrated in a group of ten of renewable energy sources in the
countries (Chart 1), which togeth- energy matrix. In 2002, renewable
er account for 67% of the world’s sources accounted for 0.8% and in of total global energy
total energy consumption. China 2022 they will rise to 7.5% of the consumption was
and the United States alone ac- total energy consumed in the concentrated in China
counted for 42.3% of total global world (Chart 2). The growth in the and the United States
energy consumption. consumption of these sources
was present in regions with a
greater share of total primary ener-
gy consumption, especially China
and the United States.

Chart 1- Countries with the highest primary energy consumption (in exajoules) – 2022 Chart 2 - Share of fuels in the global energy matrix (in % and in exajoules)

159.4 0.8% 2.6%

6.7% 6.8% 7.5%
6.6% 4.4% 6.7%

95.9 25.4% 30.0% Renewable energy

Nuclear Energy
22.0% Coal
23.5% Natural Gas
36.4 Oil
17.8 14.1 13.4 12.7 12.3 12.2
33.5% 31.6%

China United India Russia Japan Canada Germany South Brazil Iran
States Korea 2002 2012 2022

Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes. Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy | Elaboration: Observatório da Indústria/Findes.

In turn, fossil fuels have grown resents an alternative in the tran- cording to the International Ener- In line with the increased participa-
more discreetly. In 2002, coal rep- sition to energy production with gy Agency (IEA), the movement tion of renewable energy sources in
resented 25.4% of the total prima- less polluting sources. towards a clean energy economy the global energy matrix, it is worth
ry energy consumed in the world is accelerating and this is the highlighting the good performance
and in 2022 it rose to 26.7%. Chi- Given that renewable sources are main explanation for the reduc- presented by Brazil, fourth in the
of the total primary energy na, India and the United States ac- not yet widely accessible, the use tion in consumption of this input. global ranking (Chart 3).
consumed in the world in counted for 73.3% of total coal of natural gas becomes crucial
2022 came from oil consumption worldwide. China due to the existing infrastructure
Chart 3- Countries with the highest share of renewable energy in total primary energy consumption (in %) – 2022
and the United States have re- for its production, transportation,
duced the share of coal in total treatment and regasification. In
energy consumption in each addition, the input is less polluting 84.1%

country, while India has increased than oil and coal, contributing to 71.6%

the share of coal in total primary the decarbonization of the energy 53.3%
energy consumption. Coal is one sector. The United States, Russia 43.1% 43.0%
38.5% 36.6%
of the most polluting energy and China accounted for 42.2% of 33.1% 30.9%

sources and yet its global con- the total natural gas consumed
of the total primary
sumption has grown by 5.1% in worldwide in 2022.
energy consumed in
the last 20 years.
the world in 2002 came Iceland Norway Sweden Brazil New Denmark Finland Austria Switzerland Colombia
Finally, oil held a 38.4% share of
from natural gas Zealand
Natural gas, which represented the global energy matrix in 2002
22.0% of the total primary energy and, in 2022, reduced to 31.6%.
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes.
consumed in the world in 2002, The United States, China and In-
rose to 23.5% in 2022. The con- dia accounted for 39.0% of total
sumption of natural gas rep- oil consumption worldwide. Ac-

1.2. Global production and country with the highest oil con- world’s regions: North America
sumption in the world, with 2.5 (29.8%), Commonwealth of Inde-
consumption of oil and natural gas million barrels per day. pendent States (19.9%), Middle

93.8 97.3
East (17.8%), Asia (16.8%), Africa
World oil production in 2022 was of Independent States (14.9%) , Regarding natural gas, global pro- (6.2%), Europe (5.4%) and South
93.8 million barrels per day, 4.2% Asia (7.7%), Africa (7.5%), South duction reached 4.0 trillion m³ in and Central America (4.0%). The
higher than in 2021 (Chart 4), rep- and Central America (6.8%) and 2022 (chart 5). Production of this main producing countries were

million million
resenting an increase of 3.8 million Europe (3.3%). The main producing input observed a decrease of 9.6 bil- the United States, Russia and
barrels per day in production in ab- countries were the United States, lion m³ in the transition from 2021 Iran, which together accounted
solute numbers. Saudi Arabia and Russia, which to 2022, which represents a slight for 45.9% of global production.
million barrels per day together accounted for 43.8% of reduction of the order of 0.2%. Brazil was the 32nd country with million barrels per day
was the worldwide oil In 2022, the division of oil produc- global production. Brazil was the the largest production of natural was the worldwide oil
production in 2022 tion among regions in the world 9th country with the highest oil In 2022, natural gas produc- gas in the world, with 23.0 billion consumption in 2022
was: Middle East (32.8%), North production in the world, with 3.1 tion was divided between the m³ of natural gas.
America (26.9%), Commonwealth million barrels per day.

Chart 4- Oil production and consumption in the world (thousand barrels/day)

40,000 Division of oil Division of oil
30,000 production in the world consumption in the world
0 Middle
East 32.8% Asia 36.3%





















26.9% 24.2%
Production Consumption

America America
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes.

CIS 14.9% Europe 14.5%

3.1 2.5
Oil consumption follows a differ- regions was as follows: Asia Asia: 7.7% Middle East : 9.7%
ent distribution from production. (36.3%), North America (24.2%), Africa: 7.5% South and Central America: 6.3%

million million
In 2022, 97.3 million barrels per Europe (14.5%), Middle East South and Central America: 6.8% CIS: 4.8%
day were consumed worldwide, (9.7%), South and Central Amer- Europe: 3.3% Africa: 4.3%
3.1% more than in the previous year ica (6.3%), Commonwealth of In-
(Chart 4), representing an increase dependent States (4.8%) and Af-
million barrels per day was of 2.9 million barrels per day in con- rica (4.3%). The main consumer Natural gas consumption also fol- that recorded in the previous year. barrels per day was the
the Brazilian oil production sumption in absolute numbers. countries were the United States, lows a different distribution from In absolute numbers, this reduc- Brazilian oil consumption
in 2022, consolidating the China and India, which togeth- production. 3.9 trillion m³ of natural tion corresponds to 125.8 billion m³ in 2022, consolidating the
country as the ninth largest In 2022, the division of oil con- er account for 39.7% of global gas were consumed worldwide in less in global consumption per day. country as the eighth largest
producer in the world sumption between the world’s consumption. Brazil was the 8th 2022, an amount 3.1% lower than consumer in the world

Chart 5 - Production and consumption of natural gas in the world (billions of m³) 1.3. Global oil and

natural gas reserve
3,000 With regard to global oil and natural practically stable compared to

2,500 gas reserves, it is worth mention- 2019, with a slight decrease of
ing that the available data have not 0.1% (chart 6). In absolute terms,
1,000 been updated for the years 2021 the reduction was 2.4 billion bar-
500 and 2022, so the most recent ele- rels. It should be noted that the barrels was the world’s
0 ments refer to the year 2020. last significant variation was in total oil reserves in 2020




















2017 when there was an increase
Production Consumption The world’s total oil reserves1 in of 37.9 billion barrels of oil in glob-
2020 were 1.73 trillion barrels, al reserves.
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes.

Chart 6 - Proven oil reserves in the world (billions of barrels)
In 2022, the division of natural gas ica (4.10%). The United States, Rus-
consumption between regions in the sia and China accounted for 42.2% 2,000

world was: North America (27.9%), of global natural gas consumption. 1,800
Asia (23.0%), Middle East (14.2%), Brazil was the 29th country with the 1,600
Commonwealth of Independent highest consumption of natural gas
States (14.0%), Europe (12.7%), Africa in the world, with an expenditure of
m³ was the worldwide (4. 12%) and South and Central Amer- 32.0 billion m³ of the input. 800
natural gas production 600
in 2022 400





















Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes.

23 11.9
Division of natural gas Division of natural gas
production in the world consumption in the world
In 2020, the division of oil reserves serves in the world, with 11.9 billion
29.8% North
27.9% between regions in the world was: barrels of oil.

billion billion
America America
Middle East (48.3%), South and

CIS 19.9% Asia 23.0% Central America (18.7%), North

America (14.0%), Commonwealth
Regarding natural gas, in 2020 re-
serves reached 188.1 trillion m³,
m³ was the Brazilian Middle barrels was the Brazilian’s
17.8% Middle
of Independent States (8.4%), Afri- 1.2% lower than in the previous year.
natural gas production in East East ca (7.2%), Asia (2.6%) and Europe In absolute terms, the drop was 2.2 total oil reserves in 2020,
2022, consolidating the Asia: 16.8% CIS: 14.0% (0.8%). Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and consolidating the country
country as the 32nd largest Africa: 6.2% Europe: 12.7% Canada accounted for 44.4% of the as the 16th country with
1. The concept used was that of Proved Oil Re-
producer in the world Europe: 5.4% Africa: 4.1% world’s oil reserves. Brazil was the serves. Proved reserves are those that can be pro-
the largest oil reserves
South and Central America: 4.0% South and Central America: 4.1% 16th country with the largest oil re- duced with a high level of guarantee. in the world

trillion m³ of natural gas (chart 7). Central America (4.2%), and Europe 1.4. Global Oil
The division of natural gas reserves (1.7%). Russia, Iran and Qatar ac-
among the regions in the world counted for 50.1% of the world’s total Capacity and Refining
was: Middle East (40.3%), Com- natural gas reserves. Brazil was the
monwealth of Independent States 33rd country with the largest natu- The world’s installed refining ca- The United States, China and Rus-
(30.1%), Asia (8.8%), North Ameri- ral gas reserves in the world, with pacity was 101.9 million barrels sia concentrate 41.4% of oil refining
ca (8.1%), Africa (6.9%), South and 348.5 billion m³ of natural gas. per day in 2022. There was an capacity worldwide. Brazil was the
increase of 534,300 barrels per 9th country with the highest refin-
Chart 7- Natural gas reserves in the world (trillions of m³)
day, representing a growth of ing capacity in the world, with 2.3
0.53% compared to the previous million barrels per day.
180 year. Meanwhile, oil refining stood
160 at 81.9 million barrels per day in Oil refining was divided as fol-
140 2022. There was an increase of lows among the regions of the
2.4 million barrels per day refined world: Asia (36.4%), North Ameri-
in the world, 3.1% higher than in ca (22.5%), Europe (15.1%), Middle
60 the previous year (chart 8). East (11.0%), Commonwealth of
40 Independent States (8.1%), South
20 The refining capacity between America and Central (4.5%) and
regions in the world was: Asia Africa (2.3%). The United States,




















(35.5%), North America (21.2%), Eu- China and Russia accounted for
rope (14.8%), Middle East (10.8%), 43.2% of the world’s oil refining.
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes.
Commonwealth of Independent Brazil was the 10th largest oil re-

States (8.4%), South America and fining country in the world, with
Central (6.1%) and Africa (3.2%). 1.9 million barrels per day.

Chart 8- Oil refining capacity in the world (thousand barrels/day)

Division of oil Division of natural gas 100,000
m³ was the Brazilian’s total reserve in the world reserve in the world 90,000
natural gas reserves in 2020, 80,000
Middle Middle
48.3% 40.3%
consolidating the country East East 60,000
as the 33rd country with the 50,000
largest natural gas reserves South and
14.0% 30.1%%
in the world Central CIS 20,000
America 10,000
14.0% 14.0%




















188.1 trillion America
CIS: 8.4% North America: 8.1%
Capacity Refining

m³ was the world’s total Africa: 7.2% Africa: 6.9%

Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes.
natural gas reserves in 2020 Asia: 2.6% South and Central America: 4.2%
Europe: 0.8% Europe: 1.7%
We live in a globalized world that is trification, and changes in consumer behavior. In a
increasingly interconnected social- complex and multidisciplinary context, strategies

ly, politically, economically, techno- are being formulated to reduce both local and global
logically, and environmentally. In Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, while not forsak-

this latter aspect, the effects of cli- ing energy security, thus moving towards a fair and
mate change experienced in recent inclusive energy transition.

decades have prompted a global
consensus to seek alternatives for In this sense, the energy sector, in which natural gas
the development of a sustainable is included, is responsible for the largest percentage

INTENSITY economy and environmental pol-

icies focused on an energy transi-
of net GHG emissions in the world. Brazil has a green-
house gas emissions profile that is completely distinct
tion with low carbon intensity. The from the rest of the world, already possessing an en-
motto “decarbonization of energy ergy matrix that is 47% renewable, whereas the world
matrices” has become an urgent has only 14% (BEN, 2023). The national strategy in the
objective for all governments, pub- process of decarbonizing its energy matrix should fo-
lic institutions, and private entities cus on hard-to-abate sectors such as transportation
around the globe. Decarbonization and industry, for example. In these segments, natural
Contribution of Empresa de is en vogue! gas plays a fundamental role both in replacing more
Pesquisa Energética (EPE) polluting fuels and as an energy security alternative,
The pursuit of decarbonization of significantly contributing to GHG reduction.
energy matrices involves research,
development, and technological This article aims to discuss the role of natural gas in
innovation, digitalization in ener- Brazil as a fuel with great potential to contribute to the
gy production and use, efficient improvement of the Brazilian energy matrix aligned
use of energy resources, utiliza- with the global decarbonization strategy, as a decar-
tion of low-carbon sources, elec- bonized future is not a future without hydrocarbons.

Energy Transition and

Natural Gas in Brazil
A The energy transition is a his- tion strategies to be developed by each nation must
Ana Cláudia Heloísa Borges Marcelo Ferreira torically lengthy and complex take into account their respective local contexts.
Sant’Ana Pinto Bastos Esteves Alfradique process. The current transition
Technical Consultant in Director of the Empresa de Deputy Superintendent faces the additional challenge of As mentioned in the Introduction, natural gas pres-

the Natural Gas Area of Pesquisa Energética (EPE) of Petroleum and Natural avoiding global climate change at ents itself as a fuel alternative for the energy tran-

Empresa de Pesquisa Gas Empresa de Pesquisa levels harmful to the planet and sition in Brazil, allowing for the substitution of oth-

Energética (EPE) Energética (EPE) humanity. While the energy transi- er fossil fuels in the short term, complementation
tion to a low-carbon economy is a or substitution by biomethane and hydrogen in the
global process, the decarboniza- medium to long term, with low risk of technological
lock-in. Currently, the governmen- emerging solutions, such as hydrogen and strategic
tal program “Gas to Employ” has, industrial sectors.
as one of its objectives, integrat-
ing natural gas into the national A scenario of energy transition focusing on decar-
energy transition strategy to con- bonization is the first step towards a path that reach-
template synergies and invest- es the low-carbon market. Additionally, existing
ments that favor the development competitive advantages in Brazil, especially in the oil
of low-carbon solutions, such as and gas industry (O&G), should be leveraged to build
biogas/biomethane, low-carbon and finance others in the future, requalifying assets
hydrogen, industrial cogeneration, and migrating expertise. The migration of expertise
and carbon capture (MME, 2024). (especially from the O&G sector technologies) is a
path for both sustainable energy transition and an
Regarding long-term actions, a increasingly decarbonized market. Electrification is
strategic guideline would be to an important opportunity within this scenario, but it
promote the efficient develop- is not sufficient, requiring technological alternatives
ment of the natural gas market to compose the portfolio of projects for decarbon-
and infrastructure, identifying ization. The path is not to compete sources, but to
future possible synergies with use them complementarily.

Final Considerations
As presented during the discus- sustainable development, energy transition, and en-
sions, there will be an increase ergy security, leveraging the potential of resources
in national natural gas produc- and market and innovation opportunities for Brazil.
tion with the operation of large
offshore volumes and numerous Natural gas could facilitate the transition to fuels with
projects with smaller onshore vol- lower emissions (e.g., methane and hydrogen blends),
umes, enabling the construction zero emissions (e.g., biomethane), or even negative
of alternatives to expand the use emissions (e.g., hydrogen produced from biometh-
of natural gas in the Brazilian en- ane, with CCS).
ergy matrix with a focus on reduc-
ing GHG emissions. Regulatory enhancement in the natural gas sector is
important to provide even more legal certainty and
As a strategic guideline, the inten- predictability of rules for investments in the viability
tion is to vigorously pursue the of this still-developing market’s great potential. With
path towards energy production this, we can expand frontiers and synergies for the
with a low carbon footprint, tech- use of clean and renewable energies, as natural gas
nological neutrality in alternatives can contribute to the necessary energy security for
that minimize GHG emissions, optimizing the national energy matrix with a focus on
and to harmonize objectives of reducing GHG emissions and decarbonization.

The physical configuration of oil fore, the evolution of offshore ex-

Chapter 2 and natural gas exploration and traction determines total produc-
production (E&P) in the State of tion in the state, a panorama that
Espírito Santo is distributed be- tends to remain unchanged in the

tween two sedimentary basins: coming years.
part in the Espírito Santo Basin
and part in the Campos Basin, In total, 28 oil companies operate

AND PRODUCTION where the area of the pre- salt in

the region of confrontation with
in the state with fields in the pro-
duction stage or in the production wells have been drilled in

OF OIL IN the state of Espírito Santo. development stage. Petrobras

continues to be the major player
Espírito Santo since 1959

ESPÍRITO SANTO Offshore production accounts for

the majority of the volume of O&G
produced in Espírito Santo, having
in Brazil and Espírito Santo, where
it operates extraction in Parque
das Baleias (Campos Basin) - re-
been responsible for 95.1% of oil sponsible for the production of
production and 97.1% of natural 80.3% of oil and 78.7% of natural
gas production in 2023. There- gas offshore Espírito Santo .

2.1. Drilling activity in
Espírito Santo
A atividade perfuratória é realiza- With drilling activity beginning in onshore wells were drilled
da durante a fase exploratória, em 1959, Espírito Santo has already re- in Espírito Santo between
que a petroleira possui como obje- corded a total of 2,361 wells drilled, 2003 and 2023
tivo o descobrimento de jazidas de 75.5% of which are onshore and
petróleo e/ou gás natural. Nesta 24.5% offshore. Between 2003
etapa, são realizadas a aquisição de and 2023, 573 onshore wells were
dados sísmicos, gravimétricos, The drilled, with emphasis on the Fazen-
drilling activity is carried out during da Alegre, Inhambu, Jacutinga and
the exploratory phase, in which the Cancã fields. With the exception
oil company aims to discover oil of the Jacutinga field, these areas
and/or natural gas deposits. In this make up the land fields with the
step, the acquisition of seismic, highest production in the state. In

gravimetric, magnetometric, geo- 2023, 7 wells were drilled on land, 3
chemical data and the drilling of the wells drilled by BGM (2 in block ES-T-
wells are carried out. The mapping 506 and 1 in block ES-T-345), 2 wells
of the evolution of well drilling is an drilled by Seacrest in the Inhambu
indicator capable of evaluating the field and another 2 wells drilled by offshore wells were drilled
exploratory level of the areas in con- Imetame in the Rio Ipiranga field. in Espírito Santo between
frontation with Espírito Santo. By March 2024, another 3 wells had 2003 and 2023

been drilled on land in the state, by the Dolphin and Argonauta fields. In 2.2. Hydrocarbon declarations
the same three companies. One 2023, a total of 9 wells were drilled
well was drilled in block ES-T-516 by offshore, all in the Jubarte field, in If the drilling of wells results in the Between 2003 and 2023, 359 hydro-
BGM, another in the Inhambu field, the Campos basin, by Petrobras. By discovery of a reservoir, the oil carbon declarations were issued in
by Seacrest and the third, in the Rio March 2024, 4 offshore wells have company is obliged to issue a No- the state. Of these, 186 (52% of the
Ipiranga field, by Imetame. already been drilled, all by Petro-
bras. In the Jubarte field, 2 wells
tification of Discovery (ND), which
must be sent to the ANP within 72
total) were onshore, with the Jacut-
inga (31), São Mateus Leste (20) and
186 hydrocarbon
indicia statements
Still onshore, at the end of Febru- were drilled, in the Caxareu field, 1 hours of finding evidence of hydro- Cancã (18) fields standing out. To-
ary Seacrest Petróleo informed well was drilled and in the ES-M- carbons, indicating the occurrence gether, the three fields accounted for
that it expects to drill up to 50
wells in the Inhambu field in 2024.
596 block, 1 well was drilled. of the organic compound or any
other natural resources in the ex-
37% of all declarations issued in the
period. At sea, in the same period,
173 hydrocarbon
indicia statements
The activity is part of the com- Regarding the drilling of block ES- plored area. Since 1998, when the 173 (48% of the total) hydrocarbon
pany’s 300-well drilling program M-596 (well 1- BRSA-1391-ESS), it is hydrocarbon declaration became declarations were issued, with the
This was the amount of
which, after drilling, expects to worth highlighting that, since 2018, an obligation, 449 declarations Golfinho (36), Jubarte (26) and Ar-
statements issued in Espírito
continue the ramp-up (production Petrobras has drilled three other were issued in Espírito Santo, di- gonauta (12) fields standing out. The
Santo between 2003 and 2023.
phase) in 2025. The expectation is wells, without any signs of hydrocar- vided between onshore (50.8%) three fields together accounted for
that drilling will take place between bons. These drillings are part of the and offshore (49.2%). 42% of the declarations in the period.
In 2023, 3 declarations were
the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2024. exploratory campaign aimed at the
issued in block ES-T-506, all
According to the oil company, the Andurá and Joelho prospects, with
by the BGM oil company.
campaign will contribute to the ex- the potential for discovering oil and Chart 10 - Hydrocarbon evidence statements in Espírito Santo (in units)
pansion of production in 2024. natural gas. This area was sold by
Petrobras in the 11th Bidding Round 26
The offshore drilling activity record- (2013) and the first Exploratory Pe-
ed, between 2003 and 2023, a total riod (PE) ends in April 2024 and the 20
18 18
of 415 wells drilled, especially the second PE ends in April 2026. 1717
Jubarte field, the BC-60 Block, and 14 14
11 11
9 9
Chart 9 - Wells drilled in Espírito Santo (in units) 7
4 4
3 3 3
66 1 1 11
00 0 00 0 0 0 0





















50 49 51
45 Onshore Offshore
43 4240
36 37 38
32 32 31 30 30 30 31 Source: ANP | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes
28 27 28

50 18 18
8 76 79 It is worth noting that, since 2022, company: 1 in the Muriqui field,
3 3 4 3 3 33
0 0 0 only onshore hydrocarbon decla- 1 in the Iara field and 1 in block
rations have been issued in Espíri- ES-T-506. In 2023, 3 declarations





















to Santo. In 2022, 3 declarations were issued in block ES-T-506, all

Onshore Offshore
were issued, all by the BGM oil by the BGM oil company.
Source: ANP | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes

to reach the pre-salt layer in the Chart 11 - Declarations of commerciality in Espírito Santo (in units)
The last offshore declaration
in Espírito Santo was issued by Espírito Santo basin and is cur-
Petrobrás in 2021, which an- rently operated only by Petrobras, 9

nounced the existence of natu- which since 2022 has operated

7 7
ral gas in block ES-M-669. It is the Espírito Santo Basin conces-
worth noting that this block was sion with a 100% stake after the
part of the campaign by Petro- two other companies left the con- 4 4
bras, Equinor and TotalEnergies sortium that operated the block. 3 3

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
00 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 00 00 0 00 0 0 0 0

2.3. Declarations of commerciality





















Onshore Offshore
Declarations of commerciality the state, all onshore. BGM and
are made once evidence of hy- Imetame issued one declaration Source: ANP | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes

drocarbons has been notified. each, in the Muriqui and Lagoa

At this stage, the oil company Parda Sul fields, respectively.
verifies the economic viability of Capixaba Energia2 issued two 2.4. Oil and natural
onshore producing the deposits. If so, the declarations in the Águia Real

42 statements of operating company must issue a and Batuíra fields, which are part gas reserves
commerciality Declaration of Commerciality to of blocks ES-T-487 and ES-T-441,
the ANP, demonstrating its inten- respectively, both acquired in the In the transition from 2021 to 2022, (23.0 billion barrels of oil) and São

offshore tion to produce oil and/or natural ANP’s 14th Bid Round. Brazilian oil reserves recorded an in-
Paulo (2.2 billion barrels of oil).

20 statements of gas in the demarcated area. The crease of 10.6%, reaching 26.9 billion

commerciality Declaration of Commerciality In the offshore environment, the barrels of oil in 2022. This increase Regarding natural gas, the transi-
marks the end of the exploration last declaration of commerciali- in reserves was mainly due to the tion from 2021 to 2022 registered
Essa foi a quantidade de phase and the beginning of the ty in Espírito Santo took place in increase in offshore reserves in Rio an increase of 4.5% in Brazilian re-

declarações emitidas no production development phase 2021, when PRio issued a dec- de Janeiro and Bahia. In Espírito San- serves, reaching an input reserve
Espírito Santo desde 1999 of an area, with the creation of an laration for the Wahoo field - lo- to, over the same period, there was of 587.9 billion m³. This increase in
oil and/or natural gas field. cated in the Espírito Santo part a 22.0% reduction in oil reserves, reserves was mainly due to an in-
In 2023, four declarations
of the Campos Basin. Regard- reaching 1.1 billion barrels of oil in crease in onshore reserves in the barrels was the oil reserve
were issued in Espírito Santo.:
Since 1999, 62 declarations of ing the field, PRIO plans to start 2022. Even with this reduction, Es- states of Alagoas and Bahia, as well in Espírito Santo in 2022.
1 Campo Muriqu commerciality have been issued production in the third quarter of pírito Santo remained in third place as an increase in offshore reserves
BGM in Espírito Santo, divided be- 2024 and its schedule foresees among the states with the largest to- in Rio de Janeiro. In Espírito Santo,
tween onshore (67.7%) and off- the drilling of four producer wells tal oil reserves, behind Rio de Janeiro over the same period, there was a
1 Campo Lagoa Parda
shore (32.3%). In 2022, the on- and another two injector wells by
shore environment registered the 2025. The infrastructure already
2. Capixaba Energia, formerly known as Imetame Lagoa Parda, is a joint venture between Imetame
1 Campo Águia Real
only declaration of commercial- installed in the Frade field, also (50%) and EnP Energy Platform (50%), which has a portfolio of assets made up of blocks ES-T-441
Capixaba Energia
ity in Espírito Santo, in the Irara located in the Campos Basin, will (100%) and ES-T-487 (100%) and the Lagoa Parda Pole (made up of the Lagoa Parda, Lagoa Parda
Norte and Lagoa Piabanha fields), all located in the Espírito Santo Basin.
1 Campo Batuíra field, operated by BGM. In 2023, be used to transport the gas via a
Capixaba Energia four declarations were issued in tieback system. 3. The concept used was Total Oil Reserves. Total oil reserves are classified by the sum of proven,
probable and possible reserves.

23.4% reduction in reserves, reach- with the largest total natural gas re- Chart 12 Offshore oil reserves in Espírito Santo (in millions of barrels)

ing a total volume of natural gas of serves, behind Rio de Janeiro (399.7
27.7 billion m³ in 2022. With this re- billion m³), Amazonas (46.0 billion
duction, Espírito Santo moved from m³), Maranhão (37.8 billion m³) and
third to fifth place among the states São Paulo (34.3 billion m³).

2.4.1. Offshore reserves in Espírito Santo

In 2022, Espírito Santo’s offshore oil of reserves in 2022, a reduction of 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
reserves fell by 23.9% compared to 24.4% compared to the previous
the previous year, reaching 1.04 bil- year (Chart 13). With this drop, the
m³ was the natural gas lion barrels of oil (Chart 12). With this state fell from second to third place Source: ANP | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes

reserve in Espírito Santo reduction, Espírito Santo once again among the states with the largest
in 2022. recorded a drop in the volume of offshore natural gas reserves, be-
offshore reserves. It is worth noting hind Rio de Janeiro (399.7 billion Chart 13 - Offshore natural gas reserves in Espírito Santo (million m³)

that the state recorded consecutive m³) and São Paulo (34.3 billion m³).
reductions in the volume of offshore 100,000
reserves between 2011 and 2020, The indicator that assesses the 90,000
growth in the transition to 2021 and, useful life of reserves that will sus- 80,000
again, a reduction between 2021 and tain production over time4 showed
2022. Despite the downturn, Espírito that Espírito Santo currently has a 50,000
Santo remained the third state with useful life of offshore oil reserves 40,000
the largest volume of offshore oil re- of 22 years, below the Brazilian in-
serves, behind Rio de Janeiro (23.0 dicator, which registered 24 years. 10,000
billion barrels of oil) and São Paulo In relation to natural gas, the indica- 0
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
(2.0 billion barrels of oil). tor showed that Espírito Santo’s re-
serves have a useful life of 22 years,
With regard to offshore natural gas, higher than the national indicator, Source: ANP | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes

Espírito Santo had 27.1 billion m³ which registered 11 years.

2.4.2. Onshore reserves in Espírito Santo

1.04 27.1
With regard to the onshore environ- With this growth, the state gained
ment, in 2022, Espírito Santo’s oil a position among the states with
reserves increased by 28.5% com- the largest volumes of onshore oil

billion billion
pared to the previous year, reaching reserves, ranking fourth behind Rio
63.4 million barrels of oil (Chart 14). Grande do Norte (178.3 million bar-

barrels was the oil was the natural gas

offshore reserve in Espírito offshore reserve in Espírito 4. The indicator is calculated using the ratio between oil and natural gas reserves and production. The higher
Santo in 2022 Santo in 2022 the indicator, the greater the time available for the production of inputs.

rels), Bahia (165.5 million barrels) m³), Alagoas (12.7 billion m³), Rio Chart 15 - Onshore natural gas reserves in Espírito Santo (million m³)

and Sergipe (160.4 million barrels). Grande do Norte (3.7 billion m³) and
Sergipe (708 million m³).
In 2022, Espírito Santo’s onshore 800
natural gas reserves grew signifi- The indicator that assesses the 700
cantly, by 86.5% compared to the useful life of reserves that will sus- 600
previous year, reaching a volume tain production over time showed
of 638 million m³ (Chart 15). With that Espírito Santo currently has a 300
this growth, the state rose from 8th useful life of onshore oil reserves 200
to 7th place among those with the of 24 years, above the Brazilian in- 100
largest volumes of the resource in dicator, which registered 23 years. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
the onshore environment. Among In addition, the indicator for natural
the states with the largest onshore gas showed that Espírito Santo’s re- Source: ANP | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes

natural gas reserves are: Amazo- serves have a useful life of 32 years,
nas (46.0 billion m³), Maranhão also higher than the national indica-
(37.8 billion m³), Bahia (16.7 billion tor, which registered 16 years. 2.5. Total oil and
natural gas production

63.4 638 In 2023, Brazilian oil production hit

an all-time high and reached an av-
day (m³/d), 8.7% higher than that
recorded in 2022. In Espírito San-
million million
erage of 3.4 million barrels per day to, 4.2 million m³ were produced
(bbl/d), 12.6% higher than in 2022. per day, a volume 22.5% higher
In 2023, Espírito Santo produced than that recorded in the previous barrels per day was the
an average of 169,700 barrels of year (Chart 17). The value places oil production in Espírito
barrels was the oil m³ was the natural gas
oil per day, 23.0% more than in the the state of Espírito Santo in fifth Santo in 2023
onshore reserve in onshore reserve in Espírito
previous year (Chart 16). The state place among the states with the
Espírito Santo in 2022. Santo in 2022.
remained in third position with the highest average daily production
highest oil production of all the fed- of natural gas, behind Rio de Ja-
Chart 14 - Onshore oil reserves in Espírito Santo (in million barrels) eral units, behind Rio de Janeiro (2.9 neiro (108.4 million m³/d), Ama-
million bbl/d) and São Paulo (248.1 zonas (14.3 million m³/d), São
80 thousand bbl/d). It is worth noting Paulo (14.1 million m³/d), and Ba-
that, between 2011 and 2018, Es- hia (4.3 million m³/d).

pírito Santo occupied second place
among the largest oil-producing The explanation for the increase in
states. The position was lost in 2019 both oil and natural gas production

to São Paulo, which saw a notable in Espírito Santo in 2023 is main-
increase in its pre-salt production. ly due to three factors. The first is
related to higher production in the
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Regarding natural gas, in 2023 Jubarte and Golfinho fields, both m³ per day was the
the average Brazilian production offshore, where the former can natural gas production in
Source: ANP | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes was 150 million cubic meters per be explained by the resumption of Espírito Santo in 2023

operations of the FPSO Cidade de das Conchas, by Shell Brasil. The 2.5.1. Offshore oil and
Anchieta, and the latter after BW development of the field is part of natural gas production
Offshore took over operations the company’s deep water explo-
of the assets sold by Petrobras. ration project, operationalized by In 2023, average offshore oil pro- In the transition from 2022 to 2023,
The second factor relates to the FPSO Espírito Santo. duction in Espírito Santo was 161.4 Parque das Baleias recorded an
recovery of production in the on- thousand barrels of oil (bbl/day), increase of 24.9% and 26.2% in oil
shore environment in the northern It’s worth noting that in 2023, Es- 23.5% higher than the previous and natural gas production, respec-

region of Espírito Santo, caused pírito Santo’s O&G production re- year. Regarding natural gas, in 2023 tively. The area produced 129.4
by Petrobras’ divestment program versed the downward trend seen the average production in Espírito thousand barrels of oil per day
in the region and the regulatory in recent years. For oil, the state Santo was 4.1 million m³/day, 21.1% (Chart 18) and 3.2 million m³ of nat-
incentives promoted by the ANP. has seen consecutive decreases ural gas per day (Chart 19), making

higher than that recorded in the
As for the third factor, it is related in production since 2017, while for previous year. it responsible for producing 80.3%
to the resumption of production in natural gas the retractions have oc- of the oil and 78.7% of the natural

the Abalone Field, part of Parque curred since 2018. As for oil, the increase in produc- gas offshore Espírito Santo.
tion can be explained mainly by
the resumption of production in Parque das Conchas, on the other
barrels per day was the
Chart 16 - Total oil production in Espírito Santo (thousand barrels) wells in the pre-salt layer. Between hand, recorded a 10.9% and 25.2%
oil production in Espírito
2021 and 2022 there was a 51.1% increase in oil and natural gas
Santo in 2023
450 drop in this production, while in production between 2022 and
400 2023 the 29.6% growth contribut- 2023, respectively. The park pro-

300 ed significantly to the increase in duced 26,000 barrels of oil (Chart
250 offshore oil production in Espírito 18) and 282,400 m³ of natural gas
200 (Chart 19), making it responsible
Santo. With regard to natural gas,

100 the increase in production is also for producing 16.1% of the oil and
50 explained mainly by the resump- 7.0% of the natural gas offshore
tion of production in wells in the Espírito Santo.
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 m³ per day was the natural
Onshore Offshore pre-salt layer which, after falling
gas production in Espírito
by 47.2% between 2021 and 2022,
Santo in 2023
Source: ANP | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes saw growth of 24.8% in the transi- 5. In 2019, the ANP and Petrobras signed an
agreement involving the park’s reservoirs for the
tion to 2023.
purpose of paying royalties and special participa-

Chart 17 - Total natural gas production in Espírito Santo (million m³) tions. The agreement considered only a reservoir
The production of offshore oil and called Novo Campo de Jubarte, which included
14 natural gas in Espírito Santo can the areas between Jubarte, Baleia Azul, Baleia

12 Franca, parts of Cachalote, Mangangá and Piram-

be divided into three parts, ac- bu. The agreement made it possible to approve a
cording to its location. The first new Development Plan for the New Jubarte Field,
two are located in the Campos with the extension for another 27 years for the
production phase.
4 Basin, in the producing fields of
6. Comprising the Abalone, Argonauta and Os-
2 Parque das Baleias5 and Parque
tra fields.
0 das Conchas6. The third part is
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 7. Composed of the Cação, Camarupim, Ca-
located in the producing fields of
Onshore Offshore marupim Norte, Canapu, Cangoá, Golfinho and
the Espírito Santo Basin7. Peroá fields.

Source: ANP | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes


Finally, the producing fields in the was 57.3%, reaching a production of

2.5.2. Onshore oil and
Espírito Santo Basin recorded an in- 5.8 thousand barrels per day (Chart
natural gas production
crease in oil production and a drop 18). As for natural gas, the decrease
in natural gas production between was 3.3%, reaching production of
In 2023, average onshore oil pro- Onshore natural gas production
2022 and 2023. For oil, the increase 582.7 thousand m³ per day (Chart
duction in Espírito Santo was 8.4 in Espírito Santo is concentrated
thousand barrels of oil per day in ten producing fields, which to-
(bbl/day), 17.9% higher than the gether account for 97.2% of total

previous year. As for natural gas, production. The fields are: São
Chart 18 - Offshore oil production in Espírito Santo by location (thousand barrels)
in 2023 Espírito Santo’s produc- Mateus Leste (47.1%), Fazenda
tion more than doubled compared Alegre (13.5%), Fazenda Santa Lu-
to 2022, reaching an average of zia (11.4%), Fazenda São Rafael

350 121.2 m³/day, 102.3% higher than (7.1%), Lagoa Parda (6.7%), Rio São
300 the previous year. Mateus (5.4%), Rio Ipiranga (2.8%),

250 Cancã (1.6%), Jacutinga (0.9%) and
200 Regarding the division by loca- Lagoa Parda Norte (0.85%).
150 tion, 92.9% of onshore oil pro-
100 barrels per day was the
duction in Espírito Santo was With regard to the significant in-
50 oil production in Espírito
concentrated in ten producing crease in onshore oil (+17.9%) and
0 Santo in 2023
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 fields: Fazenda Alegre (38.3%), natural gas (+102.3%) production

Parque das Baleias Parque das Conchas Campos na Bacia do Espírito Santo Cancã (11.6%), Inhambu (10.4%), in Espírito Santo in 2023, it is worth

Fazenda São Rafael (7.1%), Fa- mentioning the importance of the
zenda Santa Luzia (6.0%), Jacut- productive recovery in the northern

Source: ANP | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes inga (5.5%), Lagoa Parda (4.8%), region of the state, caused mainly
Fazenda São Jorge (4.4%), São by Petrobras’ divestment program
Mateus Leste (2.8%) and São in the region and the regulatory in-
Chart 19 - Natural gas production in Espírito Santo by location (million m³) Mateus (2.5%). Among them, the centives promoted by the ANP. In m³ per day was the natural
production growth between 2022 this sense, the role of the new oil gas production in Espírito
and 2023 of the Inhambu (+527.4 companies operating in the state Santo in 2023
bbl/day), Jacutinga (+297.9 bbl/ stands out, with four companies
day) and São Mateus Leste concentrating 99.6% of oil produc-
(+231.3 bbl/day) fields, all operat- tion and 99.9% of onshore natural
8 ed by Seacrest Petróleo, should gas production in 2023 (table 1).
6 be highlighted.

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Parque das Baleias Campos na Bacia do Espírito Santo Parque das Conchas

Source: ANP | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes


Table 1 - Share of the main operating companies in onshore O&G production in Espírito
Seacrest Petróleo
Natural Gas
Capixaba Energia
1.7% 2.8%
Mandacaru Energia
Source: ANP | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes.

Jean Carlos Calvi

Chart 20 - Onshore oil production in Espírito Santo (thousand barrels)
Executive Manager of Drilling and Subsea at PRIO

PRIO’s journey began with the opening up of the mar- work. Orders are being placed on
ket and the development of exploration and produc- a smaller scale, with more agili-
tion of mature fields in Brazil. With this new sector ty, less bureaucracy, more focus
developing, companies, jobs, higher royalty revenues on results and on reducing costs
and new demands on suppliers have emerged. Where throughout the process. On the
oil production is more challenging, the search for effi- other hand, these companies have
0 Contribuição
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 ciency and results is also fiercer, which ends up bring- a high demand for operational con-
ing dynamism and new challenges to the market. tinuity projects. The mature field
Source: ANP | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes requires more services to maintain
With more companies mirroring PRIO’s operating production, so it stimulates the
style, new and old suppliers are finding opportunities supply chain more.
Chart 21 Onshore natural gas production in Espírito Santo (million m³) for growth, but also the need to change the way they


0.20 Wahoo and our

arrival in Espírito Santo
One of PRIO’s most recent flagship projects is Wahoo, gy of interconnecting its operations
located in the Campos Basin in Espírito Santo state, subsea - by means of a 35 km tie-

0.00 which stands out for being a pioneer in Latin America back - connecting Wahoo’s wells to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 due to its complexity and innovation. To make its pro- the FPSO Valente, which is responsi-
duction economically viable, PRIO opted for the strate- ble for production in the Frade field.
Source: ANP | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes
In order to carry out a underwa-
ter project of this magnitude - in a
we invested in the supply chain in two ways: firstly,
by attracting foreign companies with experience in
Sustainability, evolution of
way that brings economic return
for the company, safety, sustain-
similar projects, now established in Brazil and ready
to serve the entire oil and gas industry; and second-
the sector and legacy
ability for the operation and the ly, by developing local suppliers, training them for
In all, PRIO is investing around BRL sustainable. We are talking about a project that has a
environment - it was necessary to differentiated, high-quality deliveries.
4.5 billion in the project, around bias towards reducing diesel consumption (requiring
have a supply chain that was able
80% of which is spent on contract- fewer vessels in the process), more safety for process-
and willing to meet the demands Even before the field starts operating, the project
ing and developing supplier compa- es and people, and which contributes to an evolution in
and complexities of the process, has already generated more than BRL 1 billion in
nies. Over the course of its produc- the energy industry.
both in terms of structure, tech- investments in the local supply chain. The industry
tion, the Wahoo field is expected to
nology, cost and time. has had to evolve to meet PRIO’s demand and this
produce up to 40,000 barrels of oil We believe that this transformation in the domestic
will leave a legacy for future clients of these compa-
per day, generating more than BRL market could attract more and more companies of dif-
And in order to put this bold and nies, which are reinventing themselves and develop-
3 billion in royalties for the state ferent sizes to make new projects like this viable. We
innovative project into practice, ing expertise to also be a benchmark in the sector.
and the federal government. are committed to continuing to play a key role in in-
troducing new companies, methods and practices that
This investment is directly asso- add value to the energy sector. We believe that in this
ciated with a legacy for the region way we are together building a more promising and re-
Case Prysmian and new suppliers that is not only economic, but also sponsible future for everyone.

Wahoo started by demanding some- BRL 460 million, as well as making adjustments to the size
thing unprecedented: 30 km umbili- of the material produced. With this, we were able to bring
cal cables, the longest in the country gains to both parties, guaranteeing a quality product and
until then. In order to put the plan into generating expertise to be shared with other companies
practice, a lot of research was car- in the sector.
ried out and the need arose to have
a single production of a few units of In addition to Prysmian, PRIO enabled other companies to
this umbilical, without splices (which enter and develop in the state, such as Deepsea, Shawcor
generate implementation and main- and Vallourec. They brought their technical capacity and
tenance costs and greater risks for know-how from global projects to meet the demands for
the process). This equipment will be underwater equipment such as manifolds, carbon steel
responsible for carrying the electrical, pipeline pipes and thermal insulation material to guaran-
hydraulic and chemical structure that tee the flow of production.
controls underwater production.
In addition to the large equipment manufacturers men-
To this end, a partnership was formed tioned above, a number of local service providers are
with Prysmian, a global leader in ca- also needed for the project, such as welding, boilermak-
ble solutions and energy systems. ing, port wharf, road transportation, ferrying, lifting to ship
The company expanded the structure equipment and materials for the construction of the Wa-
and jobs at its plant in Vila Velha to ini- hoo field. This whole chain continues to develop and now
tially handle a contract worth around serves other companies in the sector.
Frade (FPSO/Operation to which the Wahoo field will be integrated)

2.6. Production projection gas, an increase of 4.6% is pro- investing in revitalizing and ex-
jected between 2024 and 2028, tending the useful life of these
For the second year running, to reproduce the historical pro- reaching an average daily pro- concessions - a process that
Findes, through the Industry Ob- duction patterns of each produc- duction of 5.0 million m³ in the was not part of the state-owned
servatory, is presenting projec- ing well in the state. final year (Chart 22). company’s plans. In this regard,
tion scenarios for oil and natural the acquisition of Polo Peroá by

gas production in Espírito Santo, Between 2024 and 2028, oil pro- Offshore oil and natural gas 3R Petroleum and the acquisi-
divided into offshore and onshore duction is expected to register an production in Espírito Santo is tion of the Golfinho, Canapu, Ca-
environments. The aim of this ef- average annual increase of 5.1%, concentrated in Parque das Ba- marupim Norte and Block BM-

fort is to provide greater predict- reaching a production volume of leias and Parque das Conchas. ES-23 fields by BW Energy stand
ability for agents in the sector, 218.4 barrels per day in the last In 2022, production reached its out. Based on the production po- is the expected average
enabling them to anticipate sce- projected year. For natural gas, lowest level since 2009, for both tential of the fields operated, in- annual increase in
narios and guide the actions of an increase of 5.2% is projected oil and natural gas, mainly due to creases in the volumes produced offshore oil production in
is the expected average public and private authorities. in average annual production be- the natural decay of producing by both companies were project- Espírito Santo between
annual increase in oil tween 2024 and 2028, reaching a fields and operational problems. ed for the period under analysis. 2024 and 2028
production in Espírito Santo The methodology used to cal- production of 5.5 million m³ per
between 2024 and 2028 culate the projection of oil and
natural gas production in Espírito
day by the end of the period. It is expected that the process of With regard to the projected
drop in oil and natural gas ex-
natural decay in production will
Santo uses accounting rules to Between the middle of the last continue to have a negative im- traction from 2027 onwards,
capture the production trend with decade and 2022, Espírito San- pact on performance in the short this is mainly due to the ex- barrels per day is the
a focus on the regional supply of to maintained an accelerated term, which is the main reason pectation that the volumes average production of oil
the input. Based on a detailed downward trend in oil and natu- for the expected weak variation added by FPSO Maria Quitéria at the end of the period
analysis of the hydrocarbon sup- ral gas production. In 2023, the in production in 2024. A more (Petrobras) and the Wahoo field
ply profile, related to the explo- state saw a recovery in produc- consistent change is expected (PRIO) will decline during this
ration and production phases of tion, both onshore and offshore. for 2025 and 2025, when Petro- period. Charts 22 and 23 show
each field, operator and platform, While relative stability is expect- bras intends to put the new Maria the recent evolution and projec-

the figures were projected up to ed for 2024, the next two years Quitéria platform (FPSO) into op- tion of offshore production in
the year 2028. In addition, the should see faster growth for eration in Parque das Baleias and Espírito Santo until 2028.
calculations were made in order both oil and natural gas. PRIO is expected to increase the
volumes extracted in the Wahoo
8. The Maria Quitéria FPSO will be installed in
field, where production is expect-
is the expected average
2.6.1. Projection of offshore ed to start in 2024.
Parque das Baleias (Jubarte Field) in 2025 and

will have a maximum processing capacity of 100 annual increase in offshore
production in Espírito Santo thousand barrels of oil and 5 million m³ of natu-
natural gas production in
Another factor responsible for ral gas per day. The platform will be the first fully
electric one in Brazil. Espírito Santo between
Offshore production represents expected that this configuration the increase in volumes of oil and
9. The production will be done through the inter-
2024 and 2028
the majority of the total volume will not be changed. Offshore oil gas extracted from 2025 onwards
connection of the Wahoo and Frade fields, which
is the expected average
5.0 million
of oil and natural gas produced production is expected to grow concerns the sale, by Petrobras, is also operated by PRIO. The wells will be con-
annual increase in in Espírito Santo. The evolution by 4.8% between 2024 and 2028, of the operation of mature assets. nected to the Valente FPSO, already located in

natural gas production in of extraction at sea is responsible reaching an average production The strategy tends to improve the the Frade field in Rio de Janeiro. The company
m³ per day is the average
estimates an average productivity of 10 thousand
Espírito Santo between for most of the state’s production of 203.4 barrels per day at the performance of these producing bbl/d per well and that total production will reach production of oil at the
2024 and 2028 and, for the coming years, it is end of the period. For natural fields, since the new owners are 40 thousand bbl/d. end of the period

Chart 22 - Projected offshore oil production in Espírito Santo (thousand bbl/day)

2.6.2. Projection of onshore
278.1 production in Espírito Santo
238.1 241.0
224.4 Onshore production accounts Over the next few years, a signifi-
202.4 196.8 203.4
for a minority of the total oil and cant increase in onshore produc-
161.4 160.7 natural gas produced in Espírito tion in Espírito Santo is expected

130.6 Santo. Even so, the activity is of due to three main factors. The
great importance to the region- first is related to new operators,
al socio-economic development who should continue to invest in
of the producing municipalities, revitalizing, extending the useful
especially in terms of generating life and expanding concessions
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 (p) 2025 (p) 2026 (p) 2027 (p) 2028 (p)
is the expected average
jobs and income. Between 2024 - which tends to improve the per-
annual increase in onshore
and 2028, onshore oil production formance of producing fields.
Production Projected oil production in Espírito
is expected to grow by an aver- The second factor concerns the
Santo between 2024
Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes and LCA. age of 8.6% per year, reaching various indications of hydrocar-
and 2028
an average production of 15.0 bons and declarations of com-

15.0 thousand
thousand barrels per day in the merciality registered in the state
Chart 23 - Projection of offshore natural gas production in Espírito Santo (millions of m³/day)
final year. For natural gas, an av- since 2020 (mentioned at the be-
erage annual expansion of 12.8% ginning of the chapter). The third barrels per day is the
is projected between 2024 and factor refers to the acquisitions average production of oil at
2028, reaching an average daily of onshore blocks in the last ANP the end of the period
production of 470.5 thousand m³ bidding rounds, signaling future
5.7 5.5
5.0 at the end of the period. increases in the number of proj-
ects in Espírito Santo territory.
4.1 4.0
Until 2022, onshore production
saw a downward trend due to It is also worth mentioning the

the main fields being mature and growth plans of Seacrest Petróleo,
mostly operated by Petrobras, which has become the most im-
which had no focus on develop- portant player in onshore produc-
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 (p) 2025 (p) 2026 (p) 2027 (p) 2028 (p)
ing these operations. The year tion in Espírito Santo and currently

Production Projected
2023 was marked by a recovery accounts for 91.0% of oil produc- is the expected average
in onshore production caused tion and 89.4% of onshore gas pro- annual increase in onshore
Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes and LCA. mainly by Petrobras’ divestment duction. The company, which has natural gas production in
program, which transferred the ambitious growth plans, expects Espírito Santo between
company’s assets to other oil to triple production in 2025 (com- 2024 and 2028
companies. It is noteworthy that pared to 2023) and more than qua-
despite the less representative druple it in the long term. 470.5
volume in total production, on-
shore extraction has a greater Charts 24 and 25 show the recent
m³ per day is the average
diversity of fields, operators and evolution and projection of off-
production of natural gas
production units. shore production in Espírito Santo
at the end of the period
until 2028.

Chart 24 - Projection of onshore oil production in Espírito Santo (thousand bbl/day)



9.5 9.9
8.2 8.4

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 (p) 2025 (p) 2026 (p) 2027 (p) 2028 (p)

Production Projected

Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes and LCA.

Chart 25 - Projection of onshore natural gas production in Espírito Santo (millions of m³/day)



0.088 0.074 0.072 0.055

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 (p) 2025 (p) 2026 (p) 2027 (p) 2028 (p)

Production Projected

Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes and LCA.


Oil and natural gas exploration dition, the investments needed

Chapter 3 and production are activities that to sustain exploration and pro-
generate a series of demands duction operations contribute
for specialized goods and ser- to the economic growth of the
vices, thus creating a dynamic regions involved, stimulating in-

ECONOMIC and multifaceted market around

them. From the initial prospect-
come generation there.

REFLECTIONS ing phase to extraction and re-

fining, each stage of this process
Another important aspect is the
financial impact of this activ-
requires a wide range of products ity. Companies involved in oil
and services, including drilling and natural gas exploration are
equipment, cutting-edge mon- subject to financial compensa-
itoring and control technology, tion schemes that include the
specialized transportation, engi- payment of royalties and spe-
neering and geological consult- cial participations. In addition,
ing services, among others. encouraged by the discovery of
new techniques and operation-
This expansion also drives the al processes, the oil and natural
creation of skilled jobs in vari- gas sector has invested heavily
ous areas, from engineers and in research and innovation, which
specialized technicians to lo- provides a range of opportunities
gistics and environmental man- to increase productivity and new
agement professionals. In ad- business opportunities.

3.1. Companies and jobs in

the productive chain of the
O&G sector
In the context of the State of Es- (iii) supply, which consists of the
pírito Santo, the oil sector chain transformation and commercial-
can be segmented into five links: ization of O&G products; (iv) pet-
(i) exploration and production rochemical, which is a branch of
(E&P), also known as upstream, the chemical industry that uses
which consists of the activities oil and natural gas as an input;
of extraction and production of and (v) supply chain, in which
O&G; (ii) derivatives, which are industrial activities that provide
the activities related to the pro- specific products and services
cessing of oil and natural gas; for E&P activities are inserted.

companies in Espírito
In 2022, the production chain of
the O&G sector had 565 com-
panies and 11,285 direct jobs
The companies were distributed
as follows: 82.8% in the supply
chain; 8.8 in supply; 6.5% in Ex-
As a result of the qualifications
of its employees, in 2022 the av-
erage monthly salary of the O&G
was BRL 6,820.4. These values
were higher than the total aver-
age monthly remuneration of
Santo operating in the oil
in Espírito Santo (table 2). This ploration and Production (E&P); sector in Espírito Santo was the state (BRL 3,533.0) and the
and natural gas production
total of companies represented 1.1% in petrochemical companies BRL 6,307.0 and that of Brazil country (BRL 3,861.1).
chain in 2022
2.2% of all national companies and 0.7% in oil derivatives. Work-
in the segment and 0.6% of all ers were allocated as follows:
Table 3 - Characteristics of the labor market in the O&G chain in Espírito Santo – 2022

companies in the state. The to- 75.7% in the supply chain; 15.3%
formal employees were tal number of employees repre- in Exploration and Production
employed in Espírito Santo sented 2.5% of all national work- (E&P); 6.9% in supply; 1.5% in pet-
Welder 660 17,987 3.7
in the oil and natural gas ers in the segment and 1.1% of rochemical companies; 0.6% in
Administrative Assistant 466 16,639 2.8
production chain in 2022 all workers in Espírito Santo. oil derivatives companies.
Machine maintenance mechanic 448 8,138 5.5
Truck Driver 323 14,713 2.2
Table 2 - Number of companies and jobs in the production chain of the Oil and Natural Gas (O&G) sector in Espírito Santo - 2022 Office Assistant 315 13,918 2.3
Production Line Feeder 286 18,874 1.5
Chain links Companies Share (%) Jobs Share (%) Steel structure preparer 282 3,149 9.0

E&P 37 6.5 1,723 15.3 Occupational safety technician 275 6,927 4.0
Metal structure assembler 272 9,992 2.7
Oil derivates 4 0.7 68 0.6 Storekeeper 270 6,436 4.2
Petrochemicals 6 1.1 165 1.5 AGE GROUP
10 to 14 2 53 3.8
Supply 50 8.8 784 6.9
15 to 17 134 2,021 6.6
Supply Chain 468 82.8 8,545 75.7 18 to 24 1,427 48,155 3.0
25 to 29 1,475 56,291 2.6
Total 565 100.0 11,285 100.0
30 to 39 3,865 146,014 2.6

Source: Ministry of Labor and Social Security | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes 40 to 49 2,826 119,232 2.4
50 to 64 1,447 70,762 2.0
65 or more 109 7,370 1.5
Distribution of Due to the multidisciplinary na- tive assistant (4.1%), machine
companies in Espírito ture required to operate in the oil maintenance mechanic (4.0%), Illiterate 18 805 2.2
Santo operating in the and gas industry, the composi- truck driver (2.9%), office assis- Up to 5th Incomplete 80 5,438 1.5
P&G production chain: tion of the workforce in this sec- tant (2.8%), production line feed- 5th Complete Elementary School 84 5,062 1.7
tor is diverse, including a wide er (2.8%). In terms of age, 34.2% 6th to 9th Elementary School 314 14,226 2.2
Chain 82.8% variety of occupations, different
age groups and varying levels of
of workers in the Espírito Santo
O&G chain were aged between
Complete Elementary School
Incomplete High School

Supply 8.8% qualification. Table 3 presents

the worker profile of the com-
30 and 39 (3,865) and 38.8% of
employees were over 40 (4,382).
Complete High School
Incomplete Higher Education

E&P 6.5% plete O&G chain. Regarding the education

workers in 2022, 61.9% had com-
of Complete Higher Education
Master's Degree

Petrochemicals 1.1% In 2022, the production chain in

the O&G sector employed 508
pleted high school, 15.5% had
completed higher education and
4 424 0.9

Oil derivates 0.7% occupations, among the main 0.5% had a master’s degree and
Average Wage R$ 6,307.0 R$ 6,820.4 -

ones: welder (5.8%), administra- doctorate. Source: Ministry of Labor and Social Security | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes

3.2. Government Chart 26 - Revenue from government participations (royalties and PE) in Espírito Santo (BRL million)

Participations 5,500
Government participations are fi- In 2023, Brazilian oil and natural 4,000
nancial compensation paid by oil gas production paid BRL 92.4
companies as consideration for billion in government participa- 2,500
the exploitation of a natural finite tion10 , 25.1% lower than what was 2,000
resource. Government holdings recorded in the previous year,
can be divided between Royalties already discounting the effects 500
and Special Participation (SP). of inflation. This compensation 0
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
was intended for the Federal
(p) (p) (p) (p)
Royalties are a financial compen- Government, the states and the
sation calculated through the ap- municipalities. The composition Municipalities of ES Estate of ES Municipalities projection ES State Projection

plication of a rate provided for in of these payments in the country

Source: ANP | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes
the contract, ranging from 5% to was: 58.1% in royalties and 41.9% Constant values – IPCA [National Extended Consumer Price Index] accum. Jan-Dec 2023

15%, on the billing of the producing in special participations.

well. Special Participations (PE)
are financial compensation paid In Espírito Santo, the total of gov-
by oil companies that own highly
productive fields. That is, it is an
ernment participations was BRL
2.3 billion in 2023, 34.4% less
extraordinary payment related to than in 2022. There was a pay-
the level of production of an area. ment of BRL 1.5 billion for Royal-
The calculation of the amount to ties and BRL 0.8 billion for Special

92.4 2.3
be paid in SP occurs through the Participations. The state received
application of progressive rates on the third highest collection of gov-
the net revenue from the quarterly ernment participations, behind BRL BRL
production of each field. Rio de Janeiro (BRL 42.3 billion)
and São Paulo (BRL 4.0 billion).
billion billion
Government participations des- were paid for the were paid for the
tined for the state government production of oil and production of oil and
totaled BRL 1.3 billion (a real drop natural gas to Brasil in natural gas to Espírito
of 40.9% compared to 2022) and government participations Santo in government
those destined for the municipal- in 2023 participations in 2023
ities of Espírito Santo totaled BRL
977 million (a real drop of 23.3%
compared to 2022).

10. This amount does not consider amounts paid

for signing bonuses and occupancy or area reten-
tion fees.

The explanation for this decline in 2022, which was BRL 5.16 to bu, comprising a single reservoir,
is due to three factors. The first USD 1.00. the New Jubarte Field.

$ of these concerns the drop in

the international price of a barrel The third factor is due to the com- According to ANP projections,
of oil. In 2023, the prices of WTI pletion, in 2022, of the installments between 2024 and 2027, gov-
and Brent oil barrels reached paid by Petrobras in relation to the ernment revenues from oil and
is the expected average
annual increase in

averages of USD 77.8 and USD agreement reached in 2018 be- gas exploration within Espírito
82.1, respectively, which repre- tween the ANP, the Espírito Santo Santo’s areas of influence are ex-
government revenues from
sent falls of 17% compared to State Government and Petrobras. pected to grow by an average of
oil and gas exploration
the averages recorded in 2022. This agreement provided for the 19.4% per year, reaching a total
within Espírito Santo’s
The second factor is associat- payment of retroactive installments revenue of BRL 4.3 billion in 2027
areas of influence
was the drop in the price of ed with the appreciation of the referring to the amount of Special (Chart 22). It is expected that the
a barrel of oil between 2022 Total revenue
exchange rate in 2023. The ex- Participations due to the connec- collection of royalties will reach
and 2023 expected in 2027
change rate conversion in 2023 tion of the areas between Jubarte, BRL 2.0 billion and the collec-
was BRL 4.99 to USD 1.00, be- Baleia Azul, Baleia Franca, parts of tion of special participations will BRL 4,3 bilhões
price of a barrel
low the average rate recorded Cachalote, Mangangá and Piram- reach BRL 2.3 billion in 2027.
of oil | 2023
WTI oil barrel Table 4 - Revenue from government participations

US$ 77.8
(royalties and PE) in Espírito Santo (BRL million)

Brent oil barrel 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

US$ 82.1 Total

Cities in ES 770 1,435 1,824 1,735 1,845 1,258 906 1,130 1,410 1,527 970 1,367 1,274 977

Estate of ES 1,131 2,114 3,111 2,767 2,961 2,048 1,377 1,844 2,444 3,499 1,852 2,494 2,169 1,283
Interests Total Brazil 45,785 51,026 59,219 56,473 59,101 36,997 25,178 41,983 70,391 71,266 56,895 85,755 123,390 92,385

% of Brazil 4.2 7.0 8.3 8.0 8.1 8.9 9.1 7.1 5.5 7.1 5.0 4.5 2.8 2.4

Cities in ES 645 1,182 1,366 1,369 1,454 982 742 882 1,050 880 666 954 929 815

Estate of ES 630 1,100 1,279 1,301 1,398 942 722 852 1,006 911 637 842 788 635
Total Brazil 21,048 25,850 29,403 28,957 30,921 20,894 16,794 21,084 31,046 29,862 27,797 41,856 61,860 53,648

% of Brazil 6.1 8.8 9.0 9.2 9.2 9.2 8.7 8.2 6.6 6.0 4.7 4.3 2.8 2.7

Cities in ES 125 253 458 367 391 277 164 248 359 647 304 413 345 162

Special Estate of ES 500 1,014 1,832 1,466 1,563 1,106 655 992 1,438 2,588 1,215 1,651 1,381 648
Participation Total Brazil 24,737 25,176 29,815 27,516 28,180 16,103 8,384 20,899 39,346 41,403 29,098 43,900 61,530 38,737

% of Brazil 2.5 5.0 7.7 6.7 6.9 8.6 9.8 5.9 4.6 7.8 5.2 4.7 2.8 2.1

Source: ANP | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes

Constant values – IPCA [National Extended Consumer Price Index] accum. Jan-Dec 2023
11. WTI is the price of West Texas oil traded on the 12. Brent is the price of oil extracted from the Nor-
New York Stock Exchange. th Sea and traded on the London Stock Exchange.

On January 30, 2024, the ANP and Petrobras signed installments adjusted by the Selic ment to the ANP, involving the areas between Jubar- to Sovereign Fund (Ordinary Law
an agreement on the collection of government con- rate. The terms of this agreement te, Baleia Azul, Baleia Franca, parts of Cachalote, No. 11.002/2019), converted
tributions relating to oil production in the Jubarte were submitted for public consul- Mangangá and Pirambu, all belonging to the Cam- into Complementary Law No.
Field, for the periods August 2009 to February 2011 tation and hearing and approved pos Basin, with the aim of considering only one res- 914/2019, and to the State Fund
and December 2012 to February 2015. This agree- by the ANP’s Board of Directors, ervoir for the purposes of calculating royalties and for the Financing of Works and
ment ends a dispute that has been under discussion the Ministry of Mines and Energy special participation. Strategic Infrastructure for the
since February 2016. (MME) and the Federal Attorney Development of the State of Es-
General’s Office (AGU). The state government’s request was aimed at pírito Santo, made effective in Or-
The Espírito Santo Finance Department (SEFAZ-ES) earning the Special Participation due to the state. dinary Law No. 11.002/2019.
found a sudden change in the scale that measures According to SEFAZ-ES, the state The agency, by means of Board Resolution 69,
the density of oil-derived liquids in the Jubarte field of Espírito Santo is expected to determined that the fields should be merged to
and the state government, through SEFAZ-ES, asked receive more than BRL 420 mil- form a single reservoir. In response, Petrobras 13. The reference price for oil is calculated based

contested the decision and appealed to arbitra- on the physical and chemical characteristics
the ANP to immediately adopt administrative mea- lion from the agreement, which
of the oil stream. For each field, the true boiling
sures with a view to properly calculating and col- involves the payment of BRL 833 tion. After successive attempts, in 2018 Petrobras
points, known as the TBP curve, are analyzed, de-
lecting the correct amounts owed by Petrobras as million. Of this total, BRL 289 mil- and the ANP agreed to suspend the procedure and fining the light, medium and heavy fractions that

royalties and special participation. lion will go to the state treasury intensified efforts to reach an agreement. In the exist in each type of oil. Based on the fractions,
the oil in a stream is valued using derivative prices
and BRL 132 million to the mu- end, the agreement considered a single reservoir,
from the international market.
According to the ANP, these government participa- nicipalities of Espírito Santo over called the new Jubarte Field, which now generates
14. With the signing of the 2019 agreement, Petro-
tions have not been collected due to Petrobras’ fail- the next four years. The Espírito special participation, as envisaged by the Espírito
bras (concessionaire of the unified fields) assumed
ure to update the True Boiling Point (TBP) curve of Santo state government expects Santo State government.
a retroactive liability of BRL 3.6 billion in Special Par-
the Jubarte Field stream, which has an impact on to pay BRL 101 million in March
ticipation, having paid BRL 1.5 billion in cash and the
the reference price of oil13 used to calculate govern- 2024 (35% of the amount in cash) Between April 2019 and November 2022, the state
rest divided into 42 months. In all, the company paid
ment participations. to the state treasury and a further of Espírito Santo received a total of BRL 1.8 billion
BRL 3.8 billion between April 2019 and November
48 monthly installments of ap- from the New Jubarte14 Field agreement. Of this
2022, taking into account the monetary corrections
With the signing of the agreement between Petro- proximately BRL 4.0 million, ad- amount, approximately BRL 1.5 billion was paid to
due. These amounts were distributed among the
bras and the ANP to close the lawsuit involving the justed by the Selic rate. the state government and BRL 370 million was dis-
state of Espírito Santo (BRL 1.5 billion), the munic-
recalculation of government shares, the producing tributed among the municipalities of Itapemirim,
ipalities bordering the new field (BRL 370 million)
municipalities, the State of Espírito Santo and the It should be noted that this is not Marataízes, Piúma and Presidente Kennedy. As a
and the Federal Government (BRL 1.8 billion).
Federal Government will receive an amount of BRL the first agreement involving the result, there was an expansion of the SP payment to
833 million, updated until December 2023, which reservoirs of the Jubarte Field. On Espírito Santo from 2019 to 202215 . 15. One of the explanations for the drop in the value

will be adjusted by the Selic rate until the date of pay- April 4, 2019, an agreement was of government shares in Espírito Santo in 2023 was

ment of the initial installment. Of this amount, 35% signed, the result of a request It is worth noting that part of the funds from this due to the end of payment of the amounts involving

will be paid in cash and the rest will be paid in 48 from the Espírito Santo govern- 2019 agreement was allocated to the Espírito San- the 2019 New Jubarte Field agreement.

US$ FOB 3.3. External sector US$ FOB

Despite this result, exports from Finally, foreign sales of the

the oil and natural gas sector products that make up the pet-
In 2023, the oil and natural gas sector in 2023. During the period, the price were responsible for being the rochemicals segment reached
in Espírito Santo exported USD FOB of a barrel of oil fell by 18.4% for third segment with the high- USD FOB 3.2 million, 0.4% of the million
813.9 million, representing 1.4% of Brent and 17.0% for WTI . These
16 17 est export value in the state in total exported by the Espírito was exported in

all the sector’s foreign sales in Brazil falls can be attributed to three main 2023, behind only the metallic Santo oil and natural gas sec- crude oil by Espírito
and 8.6% of the state’s total foreign factors: i) the reduction in interna- mineral extraction and metallur- tor in 2023. Between 2022 and Santo in 2023
sales. With this performance, the tional demand, ii) the normalization gy sectors. The sector’s exports 2023, exports of petrochemi-
was exported by the oil sector lost share in Espírito Santo’s of the price of the commodity af- range from crude oil, through cal products grew by 136.7%,
and natural gas industry exports (Chart 27), due to a 21.9% re- ter the shocks caused by the Rus- coke and oil derivatives, to pet- due to the increase in exports
of Espírito Santo duction in the value exported by the sian-Ukrainian war in 2022, when rochemical products. of thermoplastic resin products US$ FOB
sector from 2022 to 2023. the barrel surpassed the USD 100
mark and iii) the increase in the glob- Foreign sales of crude oil by
(polyamide) and thermosetting
resin products (unsaturated 74.8
This reduction can be attributed to al supply of the input by Iran and the Espírito Santo totaled USD FOB polyesters and epoxy resins).
a 12.2% reduction in the quantity of United States, which balanced out 735.9 million in 2023, represent- The main destinations for coke
was exported in
oil exported, in addition to the drop the effects of the production cuts ing 90.4% of the total exported and petroleum products from
coke and petroleum
in the international price of the input made by the OPEC+ countries. by the Espírito Santo oil and Espírito Santo were: Colombia
products by Espírito
natural gas sector in the year. (61.4%), Argentina (20.1%), Italy
Santo in 2023
Between 2022 and 2023, crude (8.1%), Uruguay (6.4%) and Par-
Chart 27 - Oil exports in Espírito Santo (in USD million FOB) and share of oil exports in total Espírito Santo exports (%)
oil exports fell 24.2%, largely aguay (1.8%).
explained by the reduction in
the price of a barrel of oil. The With regard to imported prod- US$ FOB

2,000 16% destinations for crude oil from ucts, Espírito Santo’s oil and natu-

Part, no total exportado pelo ES

14% Espírito Santo were: Malay- ral gas sector imported USD FOB
Valor exportado (US$ milhões)

1,500 12% sia (79.3%), Canada (7.9%), the 154.4 million in 2023, 18.4% more

10% Netherlands (5.4%), Singapore than in the previous year. The to- million
(3.8%) and Sweden (3.6%). tal imported by the sector in the was exported in
1,000 8%
state represented 0.3% of the petrochemical segment
6% by Espírito Santo in 2023
Exports of coke and petroleum sector’s foreign purchases in the
500 4% products totaled USD FOB 74.8 country, and 1.6% of the state’s
2% million, 9.2% of the total ex- total imports. The main segment
0 0% ported by the Espírito Santo oil of note is imports of petrochem-
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 and natural gas sector in 2023. ical products, especially organic
Total exported oil and gas sector Participation in the total exported by the state Compared to 2022, exports of chemicals, thermoplastic resins US$ FOB

coke and petroleum products and elastomers.
rose by 5.7%, due to the in-
Source: Funcex | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes
crease in fuel oil exports. The
main destinations for coke and 16. Brent is the price of oil extracted from the million
petroleum products from Espíri- North Sea and traded on the London Stock was imported by the oil
to Santo were: Panama (74.5%), and natural gas sector in
the Marshall Islands (24.4%) 17. WTI is the price of West Texas oil traded on the Espírito Santo in 2023
and Cyprus (1.1%). New York Stock Exchange.

Table 5 - Exports from the oil and natural gas sector in Espírito Santo (USD million) Table 6 Imports from the oil and natural gas sector in Espírito Santo (USD million)

Coke and petroleum Petrochemical Coke and petroleum Petrochemical

Period Total exported Oil and Natural Gas Period Total imported Oil and Natural Gas
products Products products Products

Total ES % ES/BR Total ES % ES/BR Total ES % ES/BR Total ES % ES/BR Total ES % ES/BR Total ES % ES/BR Total ES % ES/BR Total ES % ES/BR

2010 900.9 3.6% 899.2 5.5% 0.0 0.0% 1.7 0.0% 2010 374.1 1.0% 0.0 0.0% 46.3 0.4% 327.8 2.6%

2011 1,512.3 4.5% 1,510.6 7.0% 0.0 0.0% 1.7 0.0% 2011 421.0 0.8% 0.0 0.0% 17.1 0.1% 403.9 2.8%

2012 1,322.8 4.0% 1,322.3 6.5% 0.0 0.0% 0.5 0.0% 2012 405.0 0.8% 0.0 0.0% 34.6 0.2% 370.4 2.6%

2013 933.8 3.8% 931.6 7.2% 0.0 0.0% 2.1 0.0% 2013 281.6 0.5% 0.0 0.0% 37.8 0.2% 243.8 1.6%

2014 2,006.4 7.4% 2,000.7 12.2% 0.0 0.0% 5.7 0.1% 2014 256.3 0.4% 0.0 0.0% 35.5 0.2% 220.8 1.4%

2015 1,130.7 5.9% 1,128.5 9.6% 0.1 0.0% 2.1 0.0% 2015 271.4 0.8% 0.0 0.0% 67.0 0.7% 204.3 1.6%

2016 466.7 2.8% 465.1 4.6% 0.0 0.0% 1.6 0.0% 2016 160.0 0.7% 0.0 0.0% 33.8 0.4% 126.2 1.2%

2017 924.2 3.8% 919.9 5.5% 0.0 0.0% 4.4 0.1% 2017 175.5 0.6% 0.0 0.0% 81.1 0.6% 94.4 0.8%

2018 1,004.2 2.9% 960.0 3.8% 38.5 0.9% 5.7 0.1% 2018 164.1 0.5% 0.0 0.0% 46.3 0.3% 117.8 0.8%

2019 1,075.0 3.1% 1,014.5 4.2% 58.8 1.0% 1.7 0.0% 2019 166.1 0.5% 0.0 0.0% 51.6 0.4% 114.4 0.8%

2020 599.0 2.1% 566.9 2.9% 30.4 0.6% 1.7 0.0% 2020 174.9 0.7% 0.0 0.0% 85.6 1.0% 89.2 0.7%

2021 1,002.5 2.3% 988.3 3.2% 11.9 0.2% 2.3 0.0% 2021 136.2 0.3% 0.0 0.0% 30.4 0.2% 105.9 0.6%

2022 1,042.5 1.7% 970.4 2.3% 70.8 0.5% 1.4 0.0% 2022 130.5 0.2% 0.0 0.0% 22.5 0.1% 107.9 0.5%

2023 813.9 1.4% 736 1.7% 74.8 0.6% 3.2 0.1% 2023 154.4 0.3% 0.0 0.0% 40.0 0.2% 114.5 0.6%

Source: Funcex | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes Source: Funcex | Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes

3.4. Research, the year in which the clause com- Regarding the number of projects,
pleted 25 years of operation, the between 1998 and March 2024,
Development and amount generated in obligations 14,014 projects were developed in
by the clause in the country was Brazil, financed with funds from the
Innovation (ANP RD&I Clause) BRL 3.9 billion, a reduction of 12.1% obligations generated by the RD&I
compared to the same period in the clause. Specifically, in 2023, 652

The research, development and be carried out by the oil company previous year. projects were financed using the
innovation (RD&I) clause is con- itself, by Brazilian companies or by resource, representing an increase

tained in the oil and natural gas ex- accredited institutions throughout In Espírito Santo, in the period from of 10.0% compared to the number
ploration and production contracts the country. 2001 to 2023, the clause generated of projects financed in 2022.

of oil companies operating in the BRL 2.4 billion in obligations, which
country. This clause determines Between 1998 and 2023, the RD&I represents 8.0% of the funds gen- In Espírito Santo, between 2000
the application of a percentage on clause generated approximately erated in the country for the period. and February 2024, 102 projects
the gross revenue of fields with BRL 30.2 billion in obligations in For 2023, BRL 175.6 million were were developed, financed with were generated by the
large production. The amounts Brazil, with Petrobras being respon- generated in obligations from the funds from the obligations gener- RD&I clause for research
generated from this measure are sible for BRL 24.4 billion (80.8%) of clause in the state, which means a ated by the RD&I clause. Of these throughout Brazil between
invested in RD&I projects that can these funds. Specifically in 2023, drop of 4.4% compared to 2022. projects, 98 were carried out, or 1998 and 2003

are currently being carried out, by Santo covered the areas of sup- including numerical simulation the flow of oil production, with
UFES, 2 by IFES, 1 by UCL and 1 ply research, biofuels, exploration analysis of oil dispersion, with an investment of BRL 3.9 mil-
by the company Mogai Tecnologia. and production, natural gas and an expected investment of BRL lion. The second project is also
The projects developed in Espírito cross-cutting themes. 10.4 million (project 2 in table related to flow methods and
7). The second project started processes. This project aims to
at LabPetro deals with experi- characterize hydrophobic DLC

Chart 28 - Initiated projects that received funding from the RD&I clause in Espírito Santo (number of projects)
mental development in the area (Diamond-like carbon) coatings
of biofuels, based on assessing that are resistant to erosion,
18 8% the impact of adding biodies- since corrosion and fouling in BRL

16 7% el and vegetable oil to marine valves and pipes is something
14 13
fuels, with an estimated invest- that is constantly being re-
12 ment of BRL 1.7 million (project searched and problems solved
Nº de projetos

10 8 in table 7). in the oil sector. The invest-

8 4% ment amount is BRL 3.0 million
were generated by the
The project initiated at UFES ’s (project 6 in table 7).
RD&I clause for research
6 6 3%
6 5
NEMOG (Center for S tudies in
throughout Espírito Santo
4 2%
4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Flow and Measurement of Oil Finally, two other projects that
between 1998 and 2003
2 2 2
2 1%
1 1 1 and Gas) focuses on the study received funding from the RD&I

0 0 0
0 0%
of natural gas, more specifi- clause belong to the Telecom-























cally the development of a test munications Laboratory at
Number of Projects Municipalities projection protocol using technologies UFES. The first studies the de-
was the total of research
that measure the flow of mul- velopment and increase in the
projects funded by the
tiphase flows (MPFM), operat- level of technological maturi-
Source: ANP. Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes RD&I clause in Espírito
ing in pre -salt conditions (proj- ty of the optical fiber profiler
Santo between 2000
ect 3 in table 7). The protocol for platform applications, with
and 2023
In 2023, 8 projects involving re- study the physical and chem- aims to improve the reliability an investment of BRL 3.5 mil-

sources from the RD&I clause ical properties of oil, such as of flow meters, i.e. MPFMs. lion (project 5 in table 7). The
were started in Espírito Santo, the characterization and age- The value of the investment is second consists of expanding
with investments totaling BRL ing of asphalt. This project will BRL 5.8 million. the physical installation that

48.8 million. Of the total num- boost the institution’s research will support profiler research,
ber of projects, 7 have UFES as and development capacity. The Two projects have been started as well as other research with
the executing institution (in its value of the investment is BRL at the UFES Center for Ther- applications in the oil and gas

different laboratories) and 1 has 12.4 million. mo-Sciences for the Petroleum area, with an investment of BRL
IFES (Vila Velha). Table 7 shows Industry. The first aims to im- 2.5 million (project 7 in table 7).
the projects started in Espírito LabPetro at UFES has two prove the laboratory infrastruc-
Santo in 2023 using resources
from the RD&I clause.
projects starting in 2023. The
first of them is interested in
studying environmental im-
ture for research and devel-
opment of additives that will
reduce drag in turbulent multi-
18. LabPetro (Laboratory for Research and De-
velopment of Methodologies for Oil Analysis)
is a supplementary body of the Exact Sciences
1 Mogai
Project number 1 (Table 7), pacts, with a focus on analyz- phase flows (project 2 in table Center at UFES, and is located at the University’s
headquarters in Vitória - ES. LabPetro has labora-
started at IFES in Vila Velha, ing the influence of weathering 7). In other words, additives
tories, research rooms and other infrastructures
aims to acquire and install in- changes on fresh oil in off- that are able to reduce the fric- that promote teaching and research in the oil and
frastructure, i.e. equipment to shore spill accident scenarios, tion of the oil in the pipe during natural gas sector.

Table 7 - Description of projects with resources from the RD&I clause in Espírito Santo in 2023

Project Responsible Executors - Clause value

Project title Type of Project
number Company Research Unit (million BRL)

Infrastructure to study the

characterization and aging of
1 Petrobras Infrastructure IFES - Petroleomics 12.4
asphalt and the aggregation
of asphaltenes

Influence of weathered oil

2 characteristics on numerical Petrobras UFES - LabPetro 10.4
modeling of leaks

Development of methodolo- UFES - Oil and

gies to verify the performance Gas Flow and
3 of flow meters in multiphase Petrobras Applied research Measurement 5.8
flow operating under subsea Studies Center -
conditions in the Pre-salt. NEMOG

Infrastructure for studying
4 drag reduction in turbulent Petrobras Infrastructure 3.9
Center for the
multiphase flows
Petroleum Industry

Fiber optic profiler for FPSO Prototype or pilot
5 Petrobras Telecommunications 3.5
tanks unit

Erosion Resistant Antifouling
6 DLC Coatings for Petroleum Petrobras Applied research 3.0
Center for the
Production Valves and Pipes
Petroleum Industry

Fiber optic profiler civil infra- Infrastructure - UFES -

7 structure cooperation term for Petrobras new building or Telecommunications 2.5
FPSO tanks addition of area Laboratory

Microbiological evaluation of
8 mixtures of marine fuels with Petrobras UFES - LabPetro 1.7

Source: ANP. Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes


4.1. Announced Investments

Chapter 4
According to an investment survey billion in the project, around 80% of
carried out by the Industry Obser- which is spent on contracting and

vatory/Findes19, it is estimated that developing supplier companies.
Espírito Santo will receive BRL 36.9
billion in investments in the oil and Seacrest purchased the assets

FOR ESPÍRITO natural gas sector by 2028. A total of the Cricaré hub and the Norte BRL

of 12 projects were identified in the Capixaba hub from Petrobras, in

SANTO state, mainly involving Petrobras,

PRio, Seacrest e BW Energy. Among
2021 and 2022, respectively. By
2027, Seacrest intends to drill 300
the main investments are PRIO’s wells with the aim of confirming the
Wahoo field project, Seacrest’s ex- potential of the assets and expand-
is the expected amount
pansion project in the Cricaré and ing production. Of this total, around
of investments in Espírito
Norte Capixaba poles, the BW Ener- R$400 million will be invested in
Santo in the oil and natural
gy project to revitalize the Golfinho 2024, with the drilling of 50 wells.
gas sector by 2028
field and Camarupim and the Inte-
grated project intend to install the BW Energy will drill two wells in the
FPSO Maria Quitéria - Brazil’s first
electric platform - in 2025.
Golfinho Field. With the interconnec-
tion of gas from Camarupim to the
FPSO Cidade de Vitória, planned to
projects were
PRIO completed the process of be completed by 2030, the company identified in the state
acquiring the Wahoo field (located intends to increase natural gas pro-
in the Espírito Santo portion of the duction. Furthermore, the company
Campos Basin and acquired from recently received approval from the
BP) in March 2021. In December ANP to continue until March 2025 Follow the main
of the same year, it registered the its assessment of the 6 natural gas investing companies:
declaration of commerciality for discoveries in the block BM-ES-23 Petrobras
the area. The company’s schedule (Parque dos Doces).
foresees the drilling of four produc-
er wells and two injector wells. To In turn, the Parque das Baleias Inte- Seacrest
make its production economically grated Project (IPB) aims to increase BW Energy
viable, PRIO opted for the strategy the oil and gas recovery factor by
of interconnecting its operations optimizing the current drainage net-
subsea - by means of a 35 km tie- work, with the interconnection of
back - connecting Wahoo’s wells to 17 wells to the new platform vessel
the FPSO Valente, which is respon- (FPSO) Maria Quitéria - nine of which
sible for production in the Frade are oil producers and eight water
field. However, before operations
can begin, PRIO is still awaiting the
license to be granted by Ibama. In 19. All investment projects were mapped to public
all, PRIO is investing around BRL 4.5 data sources.

injectors. The platform ship is ex- projects raised by the Industry Ob- Valor (em
Investor Project Municipality
pected to enter production in 2025. servatory for the oil and natural gas milhões R$)

The vessel is undergoing work in sector in Espírito Santo for the next The mining company Elysian won 10 onshore blo- Linhares, São Mateus
China and will be chartered to Petro- five years. Elysian 16.0
cks in the Permanent Offer And Conceição da Barra
brás by Yinson. At the beginning of
2024, the Brazilian Environmental Table 8 summarizes the main proj- Seacrest, The consortium formed by the companies won two

Institute (Ibama) issued the prelim- ects raised by the Industry Obser- Imetame and EnP oil and gas exploration blocks in the Espírito Santo Espírito Santo 2.1

inary license for the Parque das Ba- vatory for the oil and natural gas Ecossistemas Basin (ES-T-399 and ES-T-528).

leias Integrated Project, valid for five sector in Espírito Santo for the Capixaba Energia
years.Table 8 summarizes the main next five years. (joint venture Operation of the onshore fields of the Lagoa Parda
entre Imetame Pole, with investments to develop the discoveries of Linhares -
and EnP Energy blocks ES-T-441 and ES-T-487
Tabela 8 - Principais projetos de investimento anunciados no setor de P&G no Espírito Santo para os próximos 5 anos (2024-2028)

Valor (em Investment in the areas of the Peroá, Cangoá Poles

Investor Project Municipality 3R Petroleum
milhões R$) and the BM-ES-21 block (Malombe Discovery), all in Aracruz and Linhares -
and DBO Energia
Development of the New Jubarte Field, comprising Anchieta, Piúma, the Espírito Santo Basin
Petrobras the Jubarte, Baleia Azul, Baleia Franca, Cachalote Itapemirim, Marataízes 25,100.0 Total 36,918.1
and Pirambu areas. and Presidente kennedy
Source: ANP, IJSN, Petrobras, ESGAS and Brasil Energia. Elaboration: Observatory of Industry.
The Wahoo project includes the drilling of four pro-
PRio duction wells and two injectors, as well as the con- Presidente Kennedy 4,500.0
nection between the wells and the Frade FPSO 4.2. Sale of O&G assets

Conceição da Barra,
Seacrest The company intends to invest in revitalizing the fiel- Petrobras’ Divestment Plan aims had not yet reached the stage
Jaguaré, Linhares and 2,000.0
Petróleo ds in the Cricaré and Norte Capixaba poles to reduce the company’s debt of signing sales contracts, due
São Mateus
and maximize investments in to new strategic elements ap-
Investments in the operations of the Golfinho and Ca- Aracruz, Fundão, Serra assets with higher profitability, proved by the company’s Board
BW Energy 4,000.0
marupim poles in the Espírito Santo Basin and Vitória focused on operating, for exam- of Directors. assets offered in Espírito
ple, in the exploration and pro- Santo during the Petrobras
Anchieta, Piúma,
Development and Production of the fields on the duction of oil and natural gas In Espírito Santo, during the
Shell Itapemirim, Marataízes 1,000.0 divestment program
South Coast of Espírito Santo in deep and ultra-deep waters. Petrobras divestment program,
and Presidente Kennedy
Since 2015, the company has 56 assets were offered with

Investment to expand onshore oil and gas produc- started the process of selling a 89.3% having been sold. In off-
tion in the Rio Ipiranga field. At the field's maximum set of assets related to the ex- shore, 14 areas were offered with
Imetame Linhares 150.0
capacity, production should total 2.5 thousand bar- ploration and production of oil 57.1% of the assets with the sale
rels of oil and 40 thousand m³ of gas per day and natural gas. completed and in onshore, 42 with sale completed
ESGÁS Energisa Group to invest in expanding natural gas areas were offered with 100.0%
Espírito Santo 100.0 In September 2023, Petrobras in- of the assets with the sale com-
(Energisa) distribution in Espírito Santo
formed the market of the closure pleted. Table 9 lists the assets
Expansion of production capacity at the Vila Velha
Prysmian Group Vila Velha 50.0 of all divestment processes that and status of each project.
plant, dedicated to the manufacture of umbilical cords

Table 9 Monitoring the sale of O&G assets in Espírito Santo 4.3. Permanent Offer

Quantity Confronting
Company Basin Teaser Location Assets Status Partner
of assets Municipality The Permanent Offer is a con- in the next PB cycles will be
100% of the fields of Cancã, Can- cession model in which explora- 50% for onshore blocks (for the
cã Leste, Fazenda Alegre, Fazen-
Norte Linhares, São tion blocks and areas with mar- exploration and development
da São Rafael and Fazenda Santa Seacrest
Capixaba Onshore 6 Mateus and Sold
Luzia. In addition to the fields, the Capital
North Capixaba Terminal (TNC)
Jaguaré ginal accumulations are offered. phases); and 30% for offshore
was offered. It consists of the continuous blocks in the exploration phase. blocks with exploratory
Binding offer of fields that have been In the development stage, the risk and the Japiim
50% participation in block Phase
ES‐M‐596_R11 and 40% participa- (sale not returned or are in the process percentages for offshore blocks area are available
Santo Offshore 5 Vitória Potential
tion in blocks ES‐M‐598, ES‐M‐671,
ES‐M‐673 and ES‐M‐743
made until
Septem- of being returned, exploratory will be 30% for well construc- for declaration of
ber/2023) blocks offered in previous bids tion; 40% for the collection and interest in Brasil
Águas 100% of Golfinho, Canapu, Ca- that were not won or returned to disposal system; and 25% for the
Profundas Offshore marupim and Camarupim Norte 5 Linhares Sold BW Energy
the ANP, as well as new explor- stationary production unit.
ES fields and 65% of BM-ES-23 block
atory blocks in onshore basins
Espírito Cowan
Santo Onshore
50% stake in blocks ES-T-506 and
2 Linhares Sold Petróleo e
under study by the Agency. In view of the change, the current
Basin Gás bidding notices remain revoked
3R In December 2021, the National for the opening of new cycles,
Peroá 100% of the fields of Peroá, Cangoá DBO Energy Policy Council (CNPE) while new versions of the notic-
Offshore 3 Linhares Sold
Cluster and Malombe Energia
and OP authorized the ANP to define es in line with the new guidelines
Energia and bid for blocks in any on- established in the CNPE resolu-
Santo shore or offshore basins in a tion have not been published.
100% of the fields of Biguá, Cacim-
Petrobras bas, Campo Grande, Córrego Ce- Permanent Offer, under the

dro Norte, Córrego Cedro Norte
concession regime, as well as Currently, 955 blocks with ex-
blocks are
Sul, Córrego das Pedras, Córrego
Dourado, Fazenda Cedro, Fazenda
bid for fields that have been re- ploratory risk and the Japiim
in onshore
Cedro Norte, Fazenda Queimadas,
Fazenda São Jorge, Guriri, Inham- turned or are in the process of area are available for declara-
bu, Jacutinga, Lagoa Bonita, Lagoa
Suruaca, Mariricu, Mariricu Norte, being returned, including areas tion of interest. These blocks
Rio Itaúnas, Rio Preto, Rio Preto Karavan
Oeste, Rio Preto Sul, Rio São Mate- located in the pre-salt polygon are located in 65 sectors of 17
São Mateus, Oil and
Polo us, São Mateus, São Mateus Leste, Conceição Seacrest or in strategic areas. sedimentary basins, of which
Onshore Seriema and Tabuiaiá 31 Sold
Cricaré da Barra and Spe
Jaguaré Cricaré 394 are in onshore basins and
As this is an ongoing process, 561 are in offshore basins. In
Gas treatment unit of Cacimbas
the bidding instruments can addition to these, 1,177 blocks
Lagoa Suruaca collection and treat-
ment station
be changed over time. In this are being studied under the con-
sense, in December 2023 CNPE cession regime, located in 65
Fazenda Cedro collection and treat-
ment station Resolution 11/2023 established
São Mateus collection and treat- new guidelines for defining Lo-
ment station
cal Content 20 in the next bidding

20. P&G exploration and production contracts
Parda Onshore
100% of the Lagoa Parda, La-
goa Parda Norte and Lagoa Pi- 3 Linhares Sold
and EnP cycles under the concession and
include a local content clause, which determines
blocks are
Center abanha fields
production sharing regime, with- that part of the goods and services acquired for in offshore
Campos Campo In binding
in the scope of the Permanent exploration and production activities in Brazil basins
Offshore 100% of the Catuá field 1 Anchieta - must be national. It also establishes a preference
Basin Catuá phase Offer. The Resolution estab-
for hiring Brazilian suppliers whenever their offers
Fonte: Petrobras, Brasil Energia e Observatório da Indústria. lished that the minimum manda- are equivalent to those of the other suppliers invit-
Elaboração: Observatório da Indústria/Findes tory local content to be required ed to submit bids.

sectors of 19 sedimentary ba- In Espírito Santo, 52 exploration Figure 1 - Exploratory blocks available for declaration of interest in the Permanent Offer in Espírito Santo

sins and 15 areas with marginal blocks are available for declaration Bahia
accumulations located in 5 on- of interest, 26 of which are onshore
Oferta permanente
shore basins: Espírito Santo, Po- and 26 offshore. These areas have
Campos em produção
tiguar, Recôncavo, Sergipe-Ala- received few drillings in the past
Blocos exploratórios sob contrato
goas and Tucano Sul. The areas and, therefore, are associated with
under study will be available for greater exploratory risk due to the
Gasoduto de transporte
the Permanent Offer when the scarcity of information. Figure 1
Gasoduto de escoamento
environmental opinions are fi- shows the exploratory blocks avail- Minas Gerais
nalized and the public hearing, able for declaring interest in the Espírito Santo
promoted by the ANP, is held. permanent offer in Espírito Santo.
In addition to these, a total of 41 ex-
ploratory blocks are under study in
Espírito Santo, all terrestrial (figure
2), and 6 areas with marginal accu-
mulations (figure 3).

In December 2023, the ANP held a

public session to present bids for Rio de Janeiro
the 4th Cycle of the Permanent Of- Source: ANP. Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes.

fer. A total of 192 exploration blocks

were awarded in Brazil, spread
across the Pelotas, Potiguar, San- Figure 2 - Exploratory blocks under study for declaration of interest in the Permanent Offer in Espírito Santo


tos, Paraná, Espírito Santo, Tucano,
em bacias
Amazonas, Recôncavo and Ser- Bahia Blocos permanentes em estudo
gipe-Alagoas basins. Blocos exploratórios sob contrato


blocos estão The total amount raised by the ANP Gasoduto de transporte

disponíveis para with the signature bonuses cor- Gasoduto de escoamento

declaração de interesse responds to a premium of 179.7%

para a Oferta Permanente over the minimum amount required
no Espírito Santo for the exploration areas. Overall,
the winning bids committed to BRL
2.01 billion in investments in the Espírito Santo
exploration phase. In the Espírito

blocos Santo Basin, 10 exploration blocks
em bacias Minas Gerais
were awarded, totaling a minimum
marítimas investment in the exploration phase
of BRL 16.0 million. The blocks
were distributed between the com-
panies Elysian and Imetame, which
won the auction (Table 10). Source: ANP. Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes.

Figure 3 - Areas with marginal accumulations under study for declaration of interest in the Permanent Offer
4.4. Facility
Bahia Áreas com acumulações marginais Decommissioning
Blocos exploratórios em estudo

Blocos exploratórios sob contrato The decommissioning of facil- were approved (of which 52 refer to Facility Decommissioning
Campos em produção ities is the safe destination of the onshore environment, 34 refer Program (PDI) processes
UPGN oil and natural gas exploration to the maritime environment and 3 in Brazil by 2023
Gasoduto de transporte and production structures af- were classified as undetermined).

Gasoduto de escoamento ter the end of their production In addition to those approved, a fur-
phase. Among the activities are: ther 14 processes were classified
the removal of facilities; the raz- as received, 8 were classified as on
Espírito Santo

ing of wells; the proper disposal hold and 6 were closed.
of materials, waste and tailings; received
Minas Gerais
and the environmental recovery The Campos Basin has the largest

of the area. The ANP approves number of PDIs in the country (24
the definitive interruption of the PDIs), followed by the Potiguar Ba- on hold
facilities after all possibilities of sin (22 PDIs) and the Espírito Santo
exploration and production of the Basin (18 PDIs) (Graph 29). Specif-

Source: ANP. Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes.

area have been exhausted.

By 2023, the ANP had 117 Facility

ically, regarding the approved pro-
grams, in total, at least 14 basins in
the country had PDI’s approved by
6 closed

Table 10 - Exploratory blocks in the Espírito Santo Basin awarded in the ANP’s 4th Permanent Offer Cycle
Decommissioning Program (PDI) the ANP until 2023. Among them,
processes in Brazil, of which 89 18 plans were located in the Espíri-
Block auctioned Winning company/consortium Signature bonus (BRL)
ES-T-226 Elysian 51,000.00

Chart 29 - Distribution of Facility Decommissioning Programs (PDI)
ES-T-380 Elysian 51,000.00
ES-T-389 Elysian 51,000.00
Tucano Sul Amazonas Mucuri
ES-T-398 Elysian 51,000.00 2 1 1 Paraná
Parnaíba Camamu 1
ES-T-399 Elysian 51,000.00 3 3
Outros Facility Decommissioning
ES-T-407 Elysian 51,000.00 5 Campos
24 Program (PDI) processes
Elysian 51,000.00 Solimões
ES-T-408 5 have been approved for
Imetame 50,118.00 5 the state of Espírito Santo
Elysian 51,000.00 Sergipe
by 2023
Imetame 50,118.00 Santos Potiguar

7 22 in the
ES-T-514 Elysian 51,000.00
ES-T-525 Elysian 51,000.00 15
Espírito Santo Santo basin
Source: ANP. Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes. 18

in the
Source: ANP. Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes

to Santo Basin, 18 in the Campos The operator responsible for the Table 11 - List of Decommissioning Programs (PDI) approved and received in the State of Espírito Santo

Basin, 12 in the Potiguar Basin, 9 in platform is Shell.

BRL the Recôncavo Basin and 32 in 11
Environment Basin PDI Company Situation

Espírito Santo Albatroz Petrosyenergy Approved
other basins. After all the infrastructure decom-
Espírito Santo Barra do Ipiranga Petrobras Approved
missioning activities have been
For the state of Espírito Santo, 19 carried out, the oil company sub- Espírito Santo Corruíra Petrobras Approved

PDIs have been approved up to mits the Facilities Decommission- Espírito Santo Garça Branca Central Resource Approved
in investment will
2023, 18 for the Espírito Santo ba- ing Report (RDI) to the ANP, which Espírito Santo Jacupemba Petrobras Approved
be generated by the
sin (all onshore) and 1 for the Cam- will check and analyze compliance Espírito Santo Lagoa do Doutor Vipetro Approved
decommissioning from
pos basin, with the decommission- with the PDI and its activities and Espírito Santo Lagoa Parda Sul Petrobras Approved
2024 to 2027
ing of FPSO Capixaba (table 9). then approve or reject the RDI. In Espírito Santo Mariricu Oeste Petrobras Approved
2023, the ANP approved 6 RDIs in Espírito Santo Mosquito Petrobras Approved

FPSO Capixaba is located in the Brazil, 1 of which refers to Cam- Land
Espírito Santo Mosquito Norte Petrobras Approved
BRL Jubarte field, which in turn is in the po Albatroz, located in the Espíri-
Espírito Santo Nativo Oeste Petrobras Approved
Parque das Baleias. SBM Offshore, to Santo Basin. The field operator

billion the company that operates the plat-

form, which belongs to Petrobras,
is the company Petrosyenergy,
whose production activities in that
Espírito Santo

Espírito Santo
Rio Barra Seca

Rio Ibiribas


in the Espírito Espírito Santo Rio Itaunas Leste Petrobras Approved
said that the unit will be transported field began in 2015.
Santo basin Espírito Santo Rio Mariricu Petrobras Approved
to Denmark in 2024. In the country,
the platform’s final destination will Throughout Brazil, the decommis- Espírito Santo Rio Mariricu Sul Petrobras Approved
be recycling, under an agreement sioning of 3,738 wells will generate

Espírito Santo Rio Preto Petrobras Approved
signed between SBM and Modern BRL 51.6 billion in investment over Espírito Santo Rio São Mateus Oeste Petrobras Approved
BRL American Recycling Services Eu- the period from 2024 to 2027. For Campos FPSO Espírito Santo Shell Received

rope. Despite this decommission- Espírito Santo, the decommission- Sea
Campos FPSO Capixaba Petrobras Approved
ing, Petrobras is stimulating the ing of 375 wells will generate BRL
Source: ANP. Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes
renewal of the Jubarte Field with 1.82 billion in investment from 2024
in the Campos basin
the forecast of starting operations to 2027, of which BRL 1.1 billion in
Graph 30 - Planned Investments for the PDI Facility Decommissioning
of a new FPSO, the FPSO Maria the Espírito Santo Basin and BRL
Programs in Espírito Santo (in millions BRL) - 2024 to 2027
Quitéria, in 2025. In addition, the 704.4 million in the Campos Basin
company claimed that it is continu- (the part that falls to the state). 672.6
ing with studies for new production
units in this and other fields. This total amount will be applied
to permanent abandonment activ- 445.6
In addition to those approved, Es- ities (68.2%), line removal (19.6%), 385.4
pírito Santo has a PDI that was demobilization of oil exploration
received in 2023 by the ANP, but units (UEP) (3.6%), removal of
has not yet been approved. This other equipment in the subsea
PDI refers to the decommission- system (3.3%), dragging of wells
ing of FPSO Espírito Santo, which (2.1%), removal of facilities asso-
is located in Parque das Conchas ciated with onshore production 2024 2025 2026 2027
and is connected to 4 fields: Argo- units (1.6%) and environmental re-
nauta, Ostra, Abalone and Massa. covery (1.6%). Source: ANP. Elaboration: Industry Observatory/Findes
Eduarda Lacerda
General Manager of Petrobras Business Unit in Espírito Santo

Energy plays a fundamental role in society’s func- present in our strategic plans and The choice of Espírito Santo as the location for
tioning. And the oil and gas sector is an essential our ambition to achieve emission these initiatives is due to its innovative society and
pillar to provide this energy that drives progress, neutrality by 2050. We are com- qualified partners and suppliers willing to tread the
innovation, and economic and social development. mitted to researching, developing, same path. We work in collaboration with compa-
Contribuição In Espírito Santo, we anticipate approximately 40% and implementing technologies nies, governments, and academic institutions that
da Petrobras growth in Petrobras’ oil and gas production by that minimize our environmental are essential in this process. Together, we can ac-
2025 compared to the current year. impact, and Espírito Santo plays a celerate the transition to a low-carbon economy.
fundamental role in our strategies.
But it is not enough to produce energy; it is neces- In this sense, it is fundamental that all involved
sary to produce clean energy. Decarbonization has It is in this state that we will in the oil and gas sector continuously seek in-
become the watchword. We are reducing our carbon deploy the company’s first novative and sustainable solutions, aligned with
footprint, producing oil with fewer greenhouse gas combined cycle and all- elec - the needs for decarbonization and environmental
emissions, and investing in cleaner energy sources. tric production unit, the FPSO preservation. Only then can we ensure the conti-
Petrobras is the largest company in the state, and Maria Quitéria, which will nuity of economic, social, and environmental de-
we have the responsibility to lead the transformation star t operating nex t year, in velopment, building a more sustainable future for
towards a more sustainable and just future. This is the Jubar te field. We are also future generations.
not just an environmental issue; it is also a matter of studying the deployment of
long-term survival and prosperity. offshore wind farms and in
discussions with par tners to Together, we are people
We are committed to this transformation and express develop Carbon Capture and
this conviction through commitments to society, S torage technologies. shaping the future.
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combustíveis. Anuário Estatístico Brasileiro Do Petró- < Exterior. Funcex Data. Disponível em: < https://funcex.
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volvimento e Inovação (PD&I). Disponível em: <https:// senvolvimento-e-inovacao/investimentos-em-pd-i/ OECD Publishing, Paris, 2021. Disponível em: <ht- novo-projetos-de-pd-i>. Acesso em: janeiro de 2024. tps://>. Acesso em:
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titive process, to an economic agent that proves capa-
city for its performance, at its own risk and for a de-
Development plan: is the instrument of development
and production planning, covering the entire life cycle
Adjacent pioneering exploratory well: well that aims termined period. In Brazil, the administrative contract of the oil field. It describes the activities and invest-
for the delegation is made by the ANP, which grants ments that will be carried out, so that all other medium- Fields returned: area returned to ANP made through
to test the occurrence of oil or natural gas in an area
companies the exercise of oil and natural gas explora- and short-term plans will have to be consistent with it. the Area Return Notification. The act of returning the
adjacent to a discovery.
tion and production activities in the Brazilian territory. field implies the interruption of all exploration activities
in the returned portion, except for the activities of deac-

B Concessionaire: a company incorporated under Bra- E tivation of facilities and environmental recovery.

zilian laws, headquartered and managed in Brazil, with

which ANP enters into a concession agreement for the Financial Compensation: amount due to the states,
Barrel of oil equivalent (boe): barrel of oil equivalent Exploration phase: aims to discover and evaluate oil
exploration and production of oil or natural gas in a se- municipalities and the Federal Government for the use
(1,000 m³ of gas ≈ 6.28981 bbl) - measure that adds and/or natural gas deposits. Exploratory activities in-
dimentary basin located in the national territory. of natural resources, since these entities are affected by
the volumes of oil and gas production volve the acquisition of seismic, gravimetric, magne-
the exploration and production activity.
tometric, geochemical data, drilling and evaluation of
Barrel of oil per day (bpd): unit used to reference the wells, among others, and must necessarily include
daily production of barrels of oil. D compliance with the Minimum Exploration Program
Government Participations: payments to be made by
concessionaires of oil and natural gas exploration and
(PEM) agreed with ANP.
production activities, pursuant to arts. 45 to 51 of Law
Bidding rounds: action organized by ANP, which Declaration of commerciality: written notification
No. 9.478, of 1997, and Decree No. 2.705, of 1998.
aims at the auction between companies and/or con- from the concessionaire to ANP declaring a deposit as Exploratory Block: geographically delimited areas re-
sortia interested in acquiring exploratory areas in a commercial discovery in the concession area. ferring to a sedimentary basin, where oil and natural
gas exploration activities are developed.
concessions or sharing.
Declaration of evidence of hydrocarbons: the con-
Brent: oil extracted in the North Sea and traded on cession contracts establish the deadlines and work Exploratory injection well: well that aims at injecting
programs for exploration and production activities. Ac- fluids into the reservoir with the objective of improving Hydrocarbon: A chemical compound consisting only
the London Stock Exchange, being its international
cording to these contracts, the concessionaire has the the recovery of hydrocarbons. of carbon and hydrogen atoms. Oil and natural gas
reference price for oil.
obligation to notify the ANP of any discovery of hydro- are examples of hydrocarbons.
carbon or other mineral resources within the conces- Exploratory production well: well that aims to drain
C sion area within 72 hours after the occurrence. one or more deposits from a field. Injecting well for storage: well operating as a fluid
injector for storing natural gas.
Decommissioning: set of legal actions, techniques Exploratory well for deeper prospect: well that aims
Closed well: completed well that has already entered
and engineering procedures applied in an integrated to test the occurrence of accumulations or favorable Injecting well: well operating as a fluid injector to im-
into production or injection operation, but is closed,
manner to a Pipeline, in order to ensure that its deacti- geological conditions deeper in a given area. prove the recovery of hydrocarbons from the reservoir.
awaiting normalization of surface conditions, additio-
vation meets the conditions of safety, preservation of
nal studies for decision making, or intervention with
the environment, reliability and traceability of informa- Exploratory well for shallower prospect: well that aims
a probe for reassessment, recompletion, restoration,
abandonment, among others.
tion and documents. to test the occurrence of accumulations or shallower fa- L
vorable geological conditions in a given area
Deep waters: ocean waters located at any distance from Local content: O&G exploration and production con-
Coke: fuel derived from coal agglomeration and con-
the coast with a seabed depth of 300-1,500 meters. Extension exploratory well: well that aims to delimit tracts include a local content clause, an instrument
sisting of mineral matter and carbon, fused together.
the accumulation of oil or natural gas and/or investi- that determines that part of the goods and services
It is a solid and cohesive residue remaining from the
Demolished well: permanently abandoned well in whi- gate contact between fluids, communication between acquired for exploration and production activities in
destructive distillation of coal, petroleum or other car-
ch there was the removal of all equipment related to regions of a reservoir, and properties that allow it to be Brazil must be national. It also establishes a preferen-
bonaceous wastes and containing mainly carbon.
the wellhead assembly and the cutting of the surface characterized. ce for hiring Brazilian suppliers whenever their offers
casing at the bottom of the ante well. are equivalent to those of the other suppliers invited
Concession: modality of delegation of an economic
to submit bids.
activity by the government, usually through a compe- Extraction: set of coordinated operations to extract oil or
natural gas from a deposit and prepare for its movement.
Marginal fields: inactive areas in which there was no Oil production chain: set of activities of the production
nual, by means of unit values in BRL per square kilo- Production Sharing: model of exploration and pro-
production of oil and/or natural gas or production was chain from the extraction of crude oil to the last pha-
meter of the concession area fixed in the notice and duction of oil, natural gas, which provides not only the
interrupted due to lack of economic interest. se of value addition of the sector, segmented into four
in the contract, being applicable, successively, to the payment of royalties, but also the physical division of
branches: exploration, refining, petrochemical industry
exploration, development and production phases. The the production of hydrocarbons discounting the cost
Mature Basin: sedimentary oil basin whose produc- and processing industry.
determination of this value is made by the ANP and incurred in exploration and production activities. It is
tion is already in decline.
takes into account the geological characteristics and currently regulated by Law No. 12.351, of 12/22/2010.
Oil Production: set of coordinated operations to ex-
the location of the sedimentary basin; (ii) monthly, by
Mature fields: oil fields whose production is already tract oil or natural gas from a deposit and prepare
multiplying the equivalent of 1% of the field’s total oil Production Unit (Exploration and Production): set
in decline. its movement, as defined in item XVI of art. 6 of Law
and natural gas production volume, during the calcula- of facilities designed to promote the separation, treat-
No. 9.478, of 1997, or also volume of oil or natural gas
tion month, by their respective reference prices. ment, storage and flow of fluids produced and moved
Minimum Exploration Program (PEM): exploratory extracted during production, as can be seen from the
in an oil and natural gas field.
activities to be compulsorily fulfilled by the concessio- text, in each case.
Permanent offer: continuous offer of fields returned
naire during the exploration phase, being defined by
(or in the process of being returned) and exploratory Proven reserves: amount of Oil or Natural Gas that
the ANP, according to evaluation criteria of the areas Oil refining: activity developed by an industrial unit
blocks offered in previous bids and not auctioned or the analysis of geoscience and engineering data indi-
to be explored. that uses as raw material the oil coming from the ex-
returned to the agency (Article 4 of CNPE Resolution cates with reasonable certainty that it is an economi-
traction and production unit of a field and that, through
No. 17, of 06/08/2017). cally viable well, whose investments are recoverable
processes that include heating, fractionation, pressu-
N re, vacuum and reheating in the presence of catalysts,
Permanently abandoned well: well where there is no

generates petroleum derivatives from the lightest (re-

interest in future re-entry and operations were conduc-
finery gas, LPG, naphtha) to the heaviest (bunker, fuel
National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Bio-
fuels (ANP): regulator of the oil, natural gas and bio-
oil), in addition to solid fractions, such as coke and as-
ted for the establishment of solidary sets of perma- R
nent barriers.
phalt residue.
fuels market in Brazil, with the exception of the regula-
Reference Price: calculated based on the physical-
tion of natural gas distribution, whose sphere is state.
Petroleum derivatives: products resulting from the -chemical characteristics of the oil stream. For each
Oil well: drilling into the earth’s surface used to produ-
processing of petroleum. field, the true boiling points, known as the TBP curve,
ce oil and/or natural gas.
Notification of area return: written communication,
are analyzed, defining the light, medium and heavy
made by the Concessionaire to ANP, of the return of
Pioneering exploratory well: well that aims to test the fractions that exist in each type of oil. Based on the
areas, under the circumstances provided for in the Oil: any and all liquid hydrocarbons in their natural sta-
occurrence of oil or natural gas in one or more objecti- fractions, the oil in a stream is valued using derivative
Agreement, which contains the list of Reversible As- te, such as crude oil and condensate, whose explora-
ves of a geological prospect not yet drilled. prices from the international market.
sets existing in the portion to be returned and the de- tion and production is regulated by Law No. 9.478, of
limitation of the polygon of the areas to be retained. 8/6/1997.
Pre-salt: subsurface region formed by a vertical prism Repeatable: these are goods under a special customs
of indeterminate depth, with a polygonal surface de- regime of export and import, which are intended for
Onerous assignment: model of assignment of an
fined by the geographical coordinates of its vertices
O exploratory area to Petrobras – bilateral negotiation,
established in the Annex of Law No. 12.351/2010, as
research and mining activities of oil and natural gas
deposits, with suspension of customs taxes.
through the consideration of the payment of a certain
well as other regions that may be delimited in an act
amount, which was regulated by Law No. 12.276, of
Offshore: marine environment and land-sea transition of the Executive Branch, according to the evolution of
June 30, 2010, limiting exploration up to 5 billion boe. Royalties: constitute financial compensation due to
zone or area located at sea. geological knowledge. the Federal Government, States and municipalities,
Onshore: terrestrial environment or area located on land. by concessionaires for the exploration and production
Oil consumption: activity consisting of the use of cru- Production phase: the one in which oil and/or natu- of oil or natural gas to be paid monthly according to
de oil for the manufacture of petroleum products. ral gas accumulations discovered and which have had the volume of production of the month, in a given field,

Oil fields: area producing oil or natural gas, from a

P their commercial viability proven give rise to a produ-
cing field, being developed and put into production to
from the beginning of production;

continuous reservoir or from more than one reservoir, supply the market.
at variable depths, covering facilities and equipment Payment for area occupation or retention: amount
intended for production. (Source: Law No. 9.478, of paid by concessionaires to landowners where oil and
8/6/1997). natural gas exploration and production activities are
carried out. This payment is made in two ways: (i) an-

Sedimentary basin: depression of the earth’s crust Ultra-deep waters: ocean waters located at any dis-
where sedimentary rocks accumulate that can be car- tance from the coast with depth of the seabed greater
riers of oil or gas, associated or not. than 1,500 meters.

Shallow waters: ocean waters located at any dis- Upstream: segment of the oil industry that includes
tance from the coast with a depth of the seabed of the activities of exploration, development, production
0-300 meters. and transportation of oil to refineries.

Signature bonus: resource offered by the winning

bidder in the proposal to obtain the concession for w
the exploration of oil or natural gas, and may not be
lower than the minimum value established in the bid Well operating for disposal: well operating for dis-
notice. Part of this resource is allocated to the Union posal of fluids produced by other wells or disposal of
and part to the ANP; various effluents generated in exploration and produc-
tion activities, in areas that do not produce at that time.
Special Participation: constitutes extraordinary finan-
cial compensation due to the Federal Government, Well producing and injecting: well operating simulta-
States and Municipalities, according to ANP Resolu- neously producing hydrocarbons and injecting fluids
tion No. 12/2014, by oil or natural gas exploration and (at distinct intervals).
production concessionaires, in cases of large produc-
tion volume or high profitability. Well producing: well operating as a hydrocarbon
Special well: well that aims at specific objectives that
do not fit the purposes previously defined. Well removing stored natural gas: well operating for
the removal of natural gas from a storage reservoir.
Storage Well: well that aims to allow natural gas sto-
rage operations, including injection, withdrawal and Well temporarily abandoned with monitoring: well
monitoring. where there is interest in future re-entry and opera-
tions were conducted for the establishment of solidary
Stratigraphic exploratory well: well that aims to know sets of barriers, which must be periodically monitored
the stratigraphic column and obtain other surface ge- and/or verified.
ological information in a basin or region little explored;
Well under observation: well instrumented for monito-
ring pressures in a hydrocarbon producing reservoir or
T natural gas storage.

Temporarily abandoned well without monitoring: WTI (West Texas Intermediate): Oil extracted from the
well where there is interest in future re-entry and ope- Permian Basin in western Texas and eastern New Mexi-
rations were conducted for the establishment of soli- co, traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Its quotation
darity sets of unmonitored and/or verified barriers. serves as an international reference for the price of oil.

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