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Talking about the role of women in modern society, first of all, we cannot
help but mention the role of women in the family. If the family is
considered the cell of society, then the woman is considered the nucleus of
this cell. The role of women in the family is expressed in the role of wife
and mother.
As a wife, a woman has a great influence on the happiness and
stability of the family. A happy family, always full of warmth and love is a
family in which the wife always understands and sympathizes with her
husband in thought and spiritual life; willing to share with her husband joys
and sorrows; Always trust your husband.
As a mother, a woman has a particularly important role in carrying out the
reproductive function, maintaining the breed and raising children, not only
from the moment the child is born, but even when the baby is born. while
in the womb and when the child is an adult. Women are people who are
always devoted to their children and are really role models for their
children to follow. The mother's role of a woman is also shown in being a
great friend of her child, always by her side to guide and encourage timely,
as a psychological and spiritual support for her child in the face of
difficulties. obstacles of life.
In the new era, besides the role of wife and mother in the family,
women also continue to affirm and promote their role in the development
of society, actively participate in social activities. society. They have
constantly researched and cultivated knowledge and many have reached
very high positions in all fields. More and more people become leaders,
famous scientists, dynamic managers.
Thus, it can be said that in this day and age, thanks to the
achievements of women's liberation, women not only play a particularly
important role in the family but also play an important role in the
development of women. development of society. However, it also shows
that the responsibility placed on the shoulders of women is very heavy.
Currently, thanks to the support of modern scientific and technical
achievements, it has partly helped women reduce their labor in housework,
but basically women are still the main ones doing the housework. , from
cooking to educating children, taking care of the spiritual life of family
Some of the major risk factors which increase the probability of the external debt crises in
developing countries include high level of inflation, relatively large share of short term debt
in external debt, denomination of the debt in foreign currency, decrease of the terms of
trade over time, unsustainable total debt service relative to GNI, high income inequality,
and high share of agriculture in GDP. At the same time, holding foreign exchange reserves
is a strong protective measure against an external debt crisis.[

Nguyên nhân thứ nhất là do chiến lược phát triển kinh tế ko

đủ mạnh và còn nhiều thiếu sót nên chính phủ sử dụng sai
số tiền vốn vào những chiến lược đó làm lãng phí và ko thể
hoàn vốn để trả, nguyên nhân thứ 2 là do sự tham nhũng
trong chính phủ(nêu rõ ra), nguyên nhân thứ 3 là do thiên
tai ( làm rõ), nguyên nhân cuối cùng là do tiền tệ thế giới có
sự biến đổi làm giá trị hang hóa bán ra cũng thay đổi có lúc
tang có lúc giảm ( nêu rõ).

The first reason is that the economic development strategy is not strong
enough and has many shortcomings, so the government uses the wrong
amount of capital on those strategies, which is wasteful and can not be paid
back, the second reason is due to corruption in the government (specify), the
third cause is natural disasters (clarify), the last cause is due to the change in
world currency causing the value of goods sold to change as well sometimes
increase and sometimes decrease (specify).

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