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Progres Serapan Kegiatan PreP 2023 dan

Kegiatan Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)


Oktober 2023

Progres Serapan PreP 2023

Progres Serapan PreP 2023

1.583.675.000 528.017.200 1.055.657.800 33%

BL Absorption
Activity Description Department Code Total Budget 2023 Total Exp. 2023 Variance 2023
Code Rate 2023
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) - Treatment
12 10-Kepulauan Riau 272.145.000 6.887.500 265.257.500 3%
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) - Treatment
12 11-DKI Jakarta 577.500.000 146.685.000 430.815.000 25%
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) - Treatment
12 12-Jawa Barat 65.500.000 21.207.000 44.293.000 32%
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) - Treatment
12 13-Jawa tengah 1.650.000 - 1.650.000 0%
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) - Treatment
12 14-Yogyakarta 34.320.000 24.648.000 9.672.000 72%
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) - Treatment
12 15-Jawa Timur 60.480.000 25.925.800 34.554.200 43%
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) - Treatment
12 16-Banten 99.000.000 - 99.000.000 0%
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) - Treatment
12 17-Bali 379.080.000 261.599.000 117.481.000 69%
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) - Treatment
12 23-Kalimantan Timur 36.000.000 40.743.000 - 4.743.000 113%
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) - Treatment
12 27-Sulawesi Selatan 58.000.000 321.900 57.678.100 1%
Progres Serapan PreP 2023

Penyerapan Kegiatan Prep 2023

120% 113%

10-Kepulauan Riau
11-DKI Jakarta
80% 12-Jawa Barat
13-Jawa tengah
60% 14-Yogyakarta
15-Jawa Timur
32% 17-Bali
23-Kalimantan Timur
27-Sulawesi Selatan
3% 0% 0% 1%
Absorption Rate 2023
Kegiatan Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
(PrEP) 2024-2026

Dokumen Pendukung Perjanjian Kerja Sama

Description Notes
Lab PrEP menyampaikan ke Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi: SK hanya berlaku s/d 31 Desember 2023
❑ SK pembentukan tim di Lab pelaksana PrEP dan
❑ Lampiran surat pembentukan tim (penunjukan tim lab)
❑ Nomor rekening bank dari Lab Pemeriksa
Dinkes Provinsi membuat: Perjanjian Kerja Sama hanya berlaku s/d 31 Desember
❑ Perjanjian kerja sama dengan Lab Pemeriksa, dengan 2023
bentuk dokumen yang sama seperti untuk Lab
Pemeriksa VL
Pembiayaan Kegiatan PrEP Sumber Dana Hibah Global
Fund 2024-2026
Description Notes
1. Penyedian obat prep (untuk target di 160 KK) Pengadaan dilakukan oleh PR

PrEP is scaled up to 95 districts in 2024, 35 districts in

2. Training di 95 KK (Y1), 35 KK (Y2), 30 KK (Y3) 2025, 30 districts to a total 160 districts in 2026:
❑ in 2024: (a) 2 days training for 33 health workers (10
clinics) per district in 95 districts, (b) 3 days mentoring
3. Mentoring di 95 KK (Y1), 35 KK (Y2), 30 KK (Y3 to 3 sites per districts in 95 districts, and (c) evaluation
meeting with 38 prov, 3 days 2 prs per prov, per year
❑ in 2025: (a) 2 days training for in addition 35 districts,
(b) mentoring to 35 districts
4. Evaluation meeting ❑ in 2026: (a) 2 days training for in addition 30 districts,
(b) mentoring to 30 districts
Kegiatan Pendukung PrEP Sumber Dana Hibah Global
Fund 2024-2026
Description Notes
Point Of Care at Drop In Center This budget is intented for funding initiation and evaluation
meeting community-based Point of Care at National level and will
be participated by 30 persons. The community-based Point of
Care is defined as a clinic that is provided to the community, at
the community, by community participation and follows the
needs of the people in the community. The activity will be
conducted in Q1 and Q12, Duration: 36 months
Point Of Care at Drop In Center - Set up & ORC This budget is for the Point of Care at Drop In Center set up office
and office running cost. The community-based Point of Care is
defined as a clinic that is provided to the community, at the
community, by community participation and follows the needs of
the people in the community.
Point Of Care at Drop In Center - Personnel Salary This budget is for the salary payment of health workers (1 nurse)
in the Point Of Care at Drop In Center which will be implemented
in 23 selected provinces. Duration 36 months
Terima kasih

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