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Your name: Bernard van der Berg Date: 14 May 2021

Name of teacher: Mr Harris School: Waterkloof

Subject: French Grade: 11

Creative writing and

Topic of of lesson: vocab expansion

Welcome to noticing REFLECTION.

This term, you have two more noticings to carry out and record. However, we are in the

COVID-19 pandemic still, so you may need to access memories either of your Mentor

teacher’s classes OR (and perhaps better, as it’s more familiar) your own school days. This

time, you should use the L2L ‘lens’ of Reflection. Try to use all of your senses (including

intuition) to observe, notice, feel, smell, hear, sense and perhaps interpret the

atmosphere, environment, processes, presented opportunities and content of the

lesson! Consider the learning, the learners, the teacher, the

furniture layout, the displays etc... Ask yourself questions, lots of questions!

Reflection involves the strategic aspects a learner might find useful to employ. This

means the planning, the looking backwards and forwards, inwards and outwards and

learning from them all. Perhaps ask yourself, what opportunities were present (or

presented) for the learners to flex or stretch the learning muscles below during a


Record your findings as you feel it suits your data (bullet points, whole sentences,

pictures, mind map…). you can choose to do this digitally or on a blank piece of paper.

Here is a reminder summary of the ‘learning muscles’, dispositions, attitudes or habits

under the main muscle group.

Self-Aware Builds resources - thinks ahead
● Knows and builds an understanding
of ‘learning’ (perhaps using the 4Rs ● asks themselves which learning
as a headliner framework) skills, habits or muscles are needed
● Makes honest and accurate ● plans for and practises the use of
judgments about themselves as a
these habits
● anticipates the needs and the pitfalls
● Picks out the learning habits they
of the learning ahead
need to develop
● Uses this self-awareness to tweak ● gathers physical resources - airtime,
the learning journey(s) data, a device, library books, even
● Is willing to stretch the learning the ‘right’ people!
muscles - all of them! ● designs/creates some of their own
● Has a rich vocabulary in ‘Learnish’ - learning strategies
‘could be’, ‘what if’, ‘yet…’ etc

Evaluative Methodical
● Stops, pauses and appraises the ● Is well organised and prepared for
progress and/or quality the learning
● Makes honest and accurate ● Might make a well-formed flowchart,
judgments about ‘how it is going’ plan or timeline
● Thinks about what skills, or ● Thinks things through carefully,
resources are needed to complete anticipating possible setbacks
● Thinks about what they want to get
an activity
out of the learning
● Plans next steps
● Seeks examples of what a
● Thinks of alternative strategies if successful outcome would look like
things aren’t going well ● looks for ways to transfer the
● Thinks and experiments learning to other areas

JGF L2L Noticing
Give yourself at least 5 minutes to absorb the general
atmosphere, before starting to write/draw/note.

Desks are in a circle and he stands in centre- class seems more engaged.

More participation (result of class layout?)

Uses collaboration- provides students opportunities to think about what words they
know and to then play around with those in an attempt to create sentences.

Provided the opportunity (after teaching a tense) to close eyes and listen to dialogue
from a film so that students can hear how that tense would sound in a real life context.
(uses ample resources- from video to peers)

He seems to have designed his own approach to help with both writing and thinking in
French rather than just passing a test.

Seems to adapt well when students are struggling to come up with words will swap
from asking about verbs to nouns. Uses this self-awareness to tweak the learning journey.

JGF L2L Noticing

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