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New Words Of The Novel

Part Of
No. Word Pronunciation Meaning Sentence
Deserted beaches of
1. Deserted Adjective /dɪˈzɜːrtɪd/ Sepi
soft sand
The cream is ripened
2. Churned Verb /tʃɜːrnd/ Bergejolak
before it churned
Her coffee cup
3. Clattered Verb /ˈklætərd/ Gemerincing
clattered in the saucer
The train was hauling
4. Hauling Verb Mengangkut a cargo of liquid
The animal clopped
5. Clopped Verb /klɒpt/ Tersumbat
on at a steady pace
The shadowy back
6. Shadowy Adjective /ˈʃædoʊi/ Bayangan
streets of String-town
Whimperin The whimpering of
7. Adjective /ˈwɪmpərɪŋ/ Merintih
g frightened children
8. Dashed Verb /dæʃt/ Putus-putus I dashed into the
9. Muttered Verb /ˈmʌtərd/ Bergumam He muttered
something under his
10. Blown Adjective /bloʊn/ Sesak nafas A stunning collection
of blown glass
11. Trembling Adjective /ˈtrɛmbəlɪŋ/ Gemetar I was trembling with
12. Shivering Adjective /ˈʃɪvərɪŋ/ Gemetaran He bought a warm
winter coat for a
shivering man
13. Reassuringl Adverb /rɪˈʃʊrɪŋli/ Dengan Smiling reassuringly,
y meyakinkan she took his hand
14. Engraved Verb /ɪnˈɡreɪvd/ Berukir My name was
engraved on the ring
15. Weapon Noun /ˈwɛpən/ Senjata He has a nuclear
16. Striped Verb /straɪpt/ Dilucuti They stripped the bad
17. Tensed Verb /tɛnst/ Tegang Her body tensed up
18. Afford Verb /əˈfɔrd/ Memberi The best that I v\could
afford was a first-floor
19. Postpone Verb /poʊstˈpoʊn/ Menunda The visit had to be
postpone for some
20. Reeling Verb /ˈriːlɪŋ/ Terguncang He punched Connolly
in the ear, sending
him reeling
21. Chimed Verb /tʃaɪmd/ Menimpali The grandmother
clock in the next room
22. Reluctantly Adverb /rɪˈlʌktəntli/ Dengan He reluctantly agrees
enggan to do his duty
23. Rippled Verb /ˈrɪpəld/ Beriak The Mediterranean
rippled and sparkled
24. Vanished Verb /ˈvænɪʃt/ Menghilang Lucy vanished
suddenly a trace
25. Pebble Noun /ˈpɛbəl/ Kerikil A narrow pebble
26. Chipped Adjective /tʃɪpt/ Sumbing I warmed my spirits
with coffee in a
chipped cup
27. Misshapen Adjective /Misshapen/ Cacat She bought me those
misshapen fruits
28. Brutal Adjective /ˈbrutəl/ Berlebihan, It is a brutal murder
29. Crooked Adjective /ˈkrʊkt/ Bengkok Her teeth were yellow
and crooked
30. Grimy Adjective /ˈɡraɪmi/ Kotor The grimy industrial
31. Tattered Adjective /ˈtætərd/ Compang- An old woman in
camping tattered clothes
32. Tangled Adjective /ˈtæŋɡəld/ Kusut Twisted hair was a
tangled mess
33. Buried Verb /ˈbɛrid/ Mengubur He buried the box in
the back garden
34. Sneered Verb /snɪrd/ Mencibir She had sneered at
their bad taste
35. Goon Noun /ɡuːn/ Preman He looks like a goon
in his condition
36. Inspecting Verb /ɪnˈspɛktɪŋ/ Memeriksa They were inspecting
my outside paintwork
for flaws
37. Carnage Noun /ˈkɑːrnɪdʒ/ Pembantaian The bombing was
timed to caused as
much carnage as
38. Sniffled Verb /snɪfld/ Mengendus His dog sniffed at my
39. Aced Noun /eɪst/ Mendapat He banged down eight
nilai bagus aces in the set

40. Bragged Verb /bræɡd/ Membual They were bragging

about how easy it had
41. Retarded Verb /rɪˈtɑrdɪd/ Memperlamb Our progress was
at retarded by
unforeseen difficulties
42. Chewed Verb /tʃud/ Dikunyah He was chewing a
mouthful of toast
43. Obnoxious Adjective /əbˈnɒkʃəs/ Menjengkelk My grandmother is
an very obnoxious
44. Aggravate Verb /ˈæɡrəveɪt/ Memperberat Military action would
only aggravate the
45. Mumbled Verb /ˈmʌmbəld/ Bergumam He mumbled
something she didn’t
46. Grinned Verb /ɡrɪnd/ Menyeringai Sakura appeared,
grinning cheerfully
47. Harassed Adjective /həˈræst/ Dilecehkan It is a godsend for
harassed parents
48. Slaughter Noun /ˈslɔːtər/ Pembantaian Thousands of caves
were exported to the
continent for slaughter
49. Slammed Verb /slæmd/ Terbanting He slammed the door
behind him as he left
50. Yelping Verb /ˈjɛlpɪŋ/ Eneriaki My dogs were yelping
at Linus
51. Bulged Verb /bʌldʒd/ Menonjol The veins in his neck
52. Streak Noun /striːk/ Garis There is a streak of
insanity in the family
53. Growled Verb /ɡraʊld/ Menggeram The dogs yapped and
growled about his
54. Thugs Noun /θʌɡz/ Preman He was attacked by a
gang of thugs
55. Teammates Noun /ˈtiːmmeɪts/ Rekan satu My teammates and I
team were acting in front of
56. Defenseless Adjective /dɪˈfɛnslɪs/ Defenseless Attacks on
defenseless or
protection; totally
57. Sprawling Verb /ˈsprɔːlɪŋ/ Tergeletak The door shot open,
sending him
sprawling across the
58. Peppered Adjective /ˈpɛpərd/ Dibumbui Those foods had
peppered by the chef
59. Swat Noun /swæt/ Memukul The dog gave the
hedgehog a sideways
60. Bleachers Noun /ˈbliːtʃərz/ Tempat The audience sat in
duduk the bleachers
61. Ashamed Verb /əˈʃeɪmd/ Malu My sister ashamed
when you was looking
at her
62. Petrified Adjective /ˈpɛtrɪfaɪd/ Ketakutan the petrified child
clung to her mother
63. Sizzle Verb /ˈsɪzəl/ Mendesis The bacon began to
sizzle in the pan
64. Bang Verb /bæŋ/ Memukul He began to bang the
table with his fist
65. Hefted Verb /hɛftɪd/ Berat Donald hefted another
pair of sandbags from
the stacks
66. Batted Verb /bætɪd/ Dipukul Ruth came to bat in
the fifth inning
67. Demolished Verb /dɪˈmɒlɪʃt/ Tandas The house was
demolished to make
way for the shopping
68. Spotted Adjective /ˈspɒtɪd/ Tutul A red spotted
69. Rigid Adjective /ˈrɪdʒɪd/ Kaku Teachers are being
asked to unlearn rigid
rules for labeling
70. Scratched Verb /skrætʃt/ Tergores The car’s paintwork
was battered and
71. Dimly Adverb /ˈdɪmli/ Samar-samar He would look dimly
upon any attempt to
change her team
72. Gymnasium Noun /dʒɪmˈneɪziəm/ Ruang There is a gymnasium
olahraga there, you can use that
73. Scorched Adjective /skɔrtʃt/ Hangus The suburbs
resembled a
battlefield with row
after row of burned-
out homes and the
scorched remains of
74. Dodge Verb /dɒdʒ/ Menghindari We ducked inside our
doorway, to dodge
shrapnel that was
raining down
75. Fascinated Adjective /ˈfæsɪneɪtɪd/ Terpesona A crowd of fascinated
76. Drift Verb /drɪft/ Melayang Fallen leaves were
starting to drift in the
77. Exchanged Verb /ɪksˈʧeɪndʒd/ Ditukar We exchanged
78. Frowned Verb /fraʊndɪd/ Mengerutkan He frowned as he
kening reread the letter
79. Escorted Verb /ɪsˈkɔrtɪd/ Mengawal Axel escorted Mary to
the door
80. Billowed Verb /ˈbɪloʊd/ Mengepul Her dress billowed out
around her
81. Stamped Verb /stæmpt/ Dicap He stamped his foot in
82. Shouted Verb /ʃaʊtɪd/ Teriak My father shouted for
83. Roared Verb /rɔrd/ Meraung A car roared past
84. Screech Verb /skriʧ/ Memekik She hit her brother,
causing him to
screech with pain
85. Swerved Verb /swɜrvd/ Membelok A car swerved around
a corner
86. Groaned Verb /groʊnd/ Mengerang Mary groaned and
pulled the blanked
over his head
87. Grabbed Verb /ɡræbd/ Meraih She grabbed him by
the shirtcollar
88. Squabbling Verb /ˈskwɒblɪŋ/ Pertengkaran The boys were
squabbling over a ball
89. Swatted Verb /swætɪd/ Ditampar I swatted a mosquito
that had landed on my
90. Skimming Noun /ˈskɪmɪŋ/ Peluncuran He recommended
frequent skimming of
the download slides of
the ponds
91. Acquire Verb /əˈkwaɪər/ Diperoleh I managed to acquire
all the books I needed
92. Pummeled Verb /ˈpʌməld/ Dipukul Bob did not fight back
for the fifteen minutes
that the half-dozen
men pummeled him
93. Fumbled Verb /ˈfʌmbəld/ Gagal She fumbled with the
94. Slimy Adjective /ˈslaɪmi/ Berlendir The thick, slimy mud

95. Skidded Verb /skɪdɪd/ Tergelincir The taxicab skidded to

a halt
96. Shuddered Verb /ʃʌdərd/ Bergidik I shuddered with
97. Hurtled Verb /ˈhɜrtəld/ Meluncur A runaway car hurtled
cepat toward them
98. Peeper Noun /ˈpipər/ Pengintip In the back of that
room, I saw a peeper
who brought
99. Swathe Noun /sweɪð/ Petak The wrapped the body
inside a canvas swathe
100. Charred Adjective /tʃɑrd/ Hangus I baked the cookies
yesterday, but I didn’t
check the time so that
that cookies was
101. Embedded Adjective /ɪmˈbɛdɪd/ Tertanam A gold ring with nine
embedded stones
102. Uncapped Adjective /ʌnˈkæpt/ Tidak tertutup The fountain's water
flowed uncapped,
creating a mesmerizing
103. Shimmered Verb /ˈʃɪmərd/ Berkilauan The ocean shimmered
under the moonlight, a
breathtaking sight.
104. Rummaged Verb /ˈrʌmɪdʒd/ Digeledah She rummaged through
the old chest, searching
for hidden treasures.
105. Bristling Adjective /ˈbrɪslɪŋ/ meremang The cat, bristling with
anger, arched its back at
the approaching dog.
106. Gleamed Verb /ɡliːmd/ Berkilau The polished silverware
gleamed on the dining
107. Landed Verb /ˈlændɪd/ Mendarat The spacecraft landed
gently on the alien
planet's surface.
108. Smoldering Adjective /ˈsmoʊldərɪŋ/ Membara Smoke rose from the
smoldering embers of
the campfire.
109. Melted Adjective /ˈmɛltɪd/ Meleleh The ice cream slowly
melted under the hot
110. Crashed Verb /kræʃt/ Hancur The waves crashed
against the shore with a
thunderous sound.
111. Dropped Verb /drɒpt/ Menjatuhkan He dropped the keys,
and they clattered on
the floor.
112. Lunged Verb /lʌndʒd/ Terjang With determination,
she lunged forward to
catch the runaway ball.
113. Dragged Verb /dræɡd/ Menyeret He dragged his feet
wearily after a long day
of hiking.
114. Sputtering Adjective /ˈspʌtərɪŋ/ Tergagap The sputtering engine
finally roared to life.
115. Disoriented Adjective /dɪsˈɔriˌɛntɪd/ Bingung Disoriented by the
maze, they struggled to
find the exit.
116. Wailed Verb / weɪld/ Meratap The baby wailed loudly,
demanding attention.
117. Buckled Verb /ˈbʌkəld/ Tertekuk The old bridge buckled
under the weight of the
heavy truck.
118. Sprained Verb /spreɪnd/ Terkilir He sprained his ankle
while attempting a
daring jump.
119. Crawl Verb /krɔːl/ Merangkak The injured soldier
crawled to safety
amidst the chaos.
120. Barreling Verb /ˈbærəlɪŋ/ Laras The car came barreling
down the narrow street,
narrowly avoiding a
121. Unleashed Verb /ʌnˈliʃt/ Dilepaskan Unleashed from its
cage, the dog bounded
joyfully through the
122. Swirled Verb /swɜːld/ Berputar Leaves swirled in the
autumn breeze,
creating a colorful
123. Unharmed Adjective /ʌnˈhɑːrmd/ Tanpa luka Despite the explosion,
everyone emerged
unharmed from the
124. Grungy Adjective /ˈɡrʌndʒi/ Kumuh The grungy alleyway
exuded an unpleasant
125. Blast Noun or Verb /blæst/ Ledakan The blast echoed
through the canyon,
leaving an eerie silence.
126. Crumpled Adjective /ˈkrʌmpəld/ Kusut The crumpled paper
revealed the frustration
in the hastily written
127. Pupped Adjective /pʌpt/ anak anjing The puppies pupped
around their mother,
playful and energetic.
128. Staggered Adjective or /ˈstæɡərd/ Terhuyung Staggered by the news,
Verb she struggled to
comprehend its gravity.
129. Bull Noun /bʊl/ Banteng The bull charged at the
matador with fierce
130. Fell Verb /fɛl/ Menjatuhkan As he fell from the tree,
he reached out to grab
a branch.
131. Snout Noun /snaʊt/ Moncong The dog nudged her
owner with its snout,
seeking affection.
132. Marched Verb /mɑːrʧt/ berbaris The soldiers marched in
unison, their boots
creating a rhythmic
133. Forehead Noun /ˈfɔːrhɛd/ Dahi She pressed a cold cloth
to her forehead to
soothe the fever.
134. Distastefull Adverb /dɪsˈteɪstfəli/ Sangat tidak The distastefully
y menyenangka decorated room left
n guests feeling
135. Tossed Verb /tɒst/ Dilempar He tossed the coin into
the fountain, making a
wish as it sank.
136. Wounded Adjective /ˈwuːndɪd/ Luka The wounded soldier
clutched his arm,
gritting his teeth in pain.
137. Littered Adjective or /ˈlɪtərd/ berserakan The beach was littered
Verb with seashells and
seaweed after the
138. Poisoned Adjective or /ˈpɔɪzənd/ Keracunan The poisoned apple had
Verb a sinister glow,
tempting yet deadly.
139. Gabled Adjective /ˈɡeɪbəld/ Runcing The gabled rooftops of
the historic town added
charm to the landscape.
140. Nestled Verb /ˈnɛsəld/ Terletak The cottage nestled
among the trees,
hidden from view.
141. Stockpiling Noun or Verb /ˈstɒkpaɪlɪŋ/ Penimbunan They were stockpiling
supplies for the harsh
winter ahead.
142. Armed Adjective or /ɑːrmd/ Bersenjata The armed guards
Verb patrolled the perimeter
of the fortress.
143. Meadow Noun /ˈmɛdoʊ/ Padang Wildflowers painted the
rumput meadow in a riot of
144. Floating Adjective or /ˈfloʊtɪŋ/ Mengapung The paper lanterns
Verb were floating gracefully
on the pond.
145. Scraggly Adjective /ˈskræɡli/ kurus kering The scraggly bushes
lined the trail, creating a
rugged path.
146. Ruffled Adjective or /ˈrʌfəld/ Mengacak- The wind ruffled the
Verb acak feathers of the owl
perched on the branch.
147. Swallowed Verb /ˈswɒloʊd/ Tertelan The darkness swallowed
the old mansion as
night fell.
148. Glinted Verb /ɡlɪntɪd/ Berkilau The moonlight glinted
off the surface of the
tranquil lake.
149. Sighed Verb /saɪd/ Menghela Exhausted, she sighed
nafas and sank into the
comfortable chair.
150. Whimpered Verb /ˈwɪmpərd/ Merintih The injured puppy
whimpered softly,
seeking comfort.
151. Invoke Verb /ɪnˈvoʊk/ Memohon The shaman began to
invoke ancient spirits
during the ceremony.
152. Deterioratin Dejective or /dɪˈtɪəriəˌreɪtɪŋ/ Memburuk The abandoned house
g Verb showed signs of
deteriorating over the
153. Rashly Adverb /ˈræʃli/ gegabah He rashly made
decisions without
considering the
154. Baited Adjective or /ˈbeɪtɪd/ Diumpan The clever fox baited
Verb the trap with a
tempting morsel.
155. Immortal Adjective or /ɪˈmɔːrtl/ Kekal Legends spoke of an
Noun immortal being dwelling
in the enchanted forest.
156. Twisting Adjective or /ˈtwɪstɪŋ/ Memutar The twisting path led
Verb them through a dense
157. Stifled Adjective or /ˈstaɪfəld/ Tertahan She stifled a yawn
Verb during the monotonous
158. Conch Noun /kɒŋk/ Keong The sound of the conch
echoed across the
deserted island.
159. Bawling Adjective or /ˈbɔːlɪŋ/ menangis The bawling calf
Verb searched for its mother
in the pasture.
160. Sling Noun or Verb /slɪŋ/ Pengumban With a swift motion, he
slung the backpack over
his shoulder.
161. Squinty Adjective /ˈskwɪnti/ Sipit The squinty-eyed cat
stared intently at the
elusive prey.
162. Chunk Noun or Verb /ʧʌŋk/ Bingkah A chunk of ice broke
loose and skittered
across the frozen pond.
163. Befriended Verb /bɪˈfrɛndɪd/ Berteman The lonely boy
befriended a stray cat in
the alley.
164. Escorting Verb /ɪsˈkɔːrtɪŋ/ Mengawal The knight was tasked
with escorting the royal
165. Blankly Adverb /ˈblæŋkli/ Kosong She stared blankly out
the window, lost in
166. Blotchy Adjective /ˈblɒtʃi/ Bernoda kotor Her blotchy skin
revealed signs of an
allergic reaction.
167. Fractured Adjective or /ˈfræktʃərd/ Retak The fractured mirror
Verb reflected a distorted
168. Horribly Adverb /ˈhɔːrɪbli/ Mengerikan The news of the tragedy
hit them horribly.
169. Inched Verb /ɪnʧt/ Beringsut The tortoise inched its
way across the sandy
170. Skittered Verb /ˈskɪtərd/ Terkejut The spiders skittered
away as she
171. Vigorously Adverb /ˈvɪɡərəsli/ Dengan penuh The blacksmith
semangat vigorously hammered
the glowing metal on
the anvil.
172. Trudged Verb /trʌdʒd/ berjalan We trudged through the
dengan susah muddy fields, exhausted
payah from the long journey.
173. Hearted Adjective /ˈhɑːrtɪd/ Berhati The hearted gesture of
kindness left a lasting
impact on the recipient.
174. Scoot Verb /skut/ Berlari cepat In a hurry, she decided
to scoot the chair closer
to the table.
175. Reinstitutin Verb /riːˈɪnstɪˌtjuːtɪŋ/ Melembagaka The government is
g n kembali reinstituting an old
policy for
176. Charioteers Noun /’ʧæriəˈtɪrz/ kusir Charioteers skillfully
maneuvered their
chariot around the
177. Chariot Noun /ˈʧæriət/ kereta The chariot raced across
the battlefield, leaving a
trail of dust.
178. Victorious Adjective /vɪkˈtɔːriəs/ Berjaya The team emerged
victorious after a hard-
fought match.
179. Chores Noun /ʧɔːrz/ Pekerjaan Saturday morning
rumah tangga chores included
cleaning, laundry, and
grocery shopping.
180. Murmuring Adjective or /ˈmɜːrmərɪŋ/ Bergumam The room was filled
Noun with murmuring as
people discussed the
latest news.
181. Sudden Adjective /ˈsʌdn/ Tiba-tiba A sudden burst of
applause filled the
auditorium after the
182. Reverently Adverb /ˈrɛvərəntli/ Dengan Reverently, they placed
hormat flowers on the altar to
honor the departed.
183. Embarrasse Adjective /ɪmˈbærəst/ Malu She felt embarrassed by
d the unexpected
attention during the
184. Protested Verb /prəˈtɛstɪd/ Memprotes Protesters gathered in
the square and
vehemently protested
against injustice.
185. Invented Verb /ɪnˈvɛntɪd/ Ditemukan The inventive scientist
invented a
revolutionary device
that changed lives.
186. Wandered Verb /ˈwɒndərd/ mengembara He wandered through
the labyrinth of narrow
streets in the old city.
187. Winged Adverb or /wɪŋd/ Bersayap The winged creature
Verb soared gracefully
through the clear blue
188. Rivalry Noun /ˈraɪvəlri/ Persaingan The intense rivalry
between the two teams
heightened the
189. Seagulls Noun /ˈsiːɡʌlz/ burung camar Seagulls circled
overhead, their cries
echoing along the
190. Telepathical Adverb /tɪˌlɛpəˈθɪkəli/ Secara telepati The characters
ly communicated
exchanging thoughts
191. Crafting Noun or Verb /ˈkræftɪŋ/ kerajinan The artist spent hours
crafting a delicate
sculpture from marble.
192. Insisted Verb /ɪnˈsɪstɪd/ Bersikeras Despite objections, he
insisted on pursuing his
unique vision.
193. Pretended Verb /prɪˈtɛndɪd/ Berpura-pura She pretended not to
notice his mistake to
spare his
194. Snatch Verb or Noun /snætʃ/ Merebut With a swift snatch, the
thief grabbed the purse
and disappeared.
195. Sanded Verb /ˈsændɪd/ Diampelas He carefully sanded the
wooden surface until it
was smooth to the
196. Ceiling Noun /ˈsiːlɪŋ/ Langit-langit The spider crawled
across the ceiling,
unnoticed by the
occupants below.
197. Bleating Verb or Noun /ˈbleɪtɪŋ/ Mengembik The sheep were
bleating in the meadow,
waiting to be fed.
198. Flinched Verb /flɪnʧt/ Tersentak She flinched at the
sudden loud noise,
startled by the
unexpected sound.
199. Bridal Adjective /ˈbraɪdəl/ Pengantin The bridal gown was
adorned with lace and
intricate beadwork.
200. Poked Verb /poʊkt/ Tercolek The curious child poked
the mysterious object
with a stick
201. Abandon Verb or Noun /əˈbændən/ Meninggalkan In times of danger, it's
crucial not to abandon
your comrades.
202. Absorb Verb /əbˈsɔrb/ Menyerap Sponge materials are
designed to absorb
liquids quickly and
203. Accept Verb /əkˈsɛpt/ Menerima Accepting diversity is
the first step towards
building a harmonious
204. Achieve Verb /əˈtʃiv/ Meraih With determination and
hard work, she was able
to achieve her goals.
205. Adapt Verb /əˈdæpt/ Menyesuaikan In a rapidly changing
world, the ability to
adapt is a valuable skill.
206. Admire Verb /ədˈmaɪr/ Mengagumi Many people admire
her for her resilience
and unwavering spirit.
207. Analyze Verb /ˈænəˌlaɪz/ Menganalisa Scientists analyze data
meticulously to draw
accurate conclusions.
208. Announce Verb /əˈnaʊns/ Mengumumka The CEO gathered the
n team to announce the
company's new
209. Apologize Verb /əˈpɒləˌdʒaɪz/ Meminta maaf Realizing his mistake, he
apologized sincerely to
his colleagues.
210. Assemble Verb /əˈsɛmbəl/ Berkumpul Before the event,
volunteers worked
together to assemble
the stage.
211. Assert Verb /əˈsɜrt/ Menegaskan In negotiations, it's
essential to assert your
needs while
understanding others'.
212. Assess Verb /əˈsɛs/ Menilai Assessing the situation
carefully helps in
making informed
213. Assume Verb /əˈsum/ Menganggap It's unwise to assume
motives without clear
evidence or
214. Bargain Verb or Noun /ˈbɑrgən/ Tawar- Bargaining is a common
menawar practice in markets to
reach mutually
beneficial deals.
215. Behave Verb /bɪˈheɪv/ Berperilaku It's important to behave
baik professionally in a
corporate environment.
216. Believe Verb /bɪˈliv/ Meyakini Success often comes to
those who truly believe
in their abilities.
217. Calculate Verb /ˈkælkjəˌleɪt/ Menghitung Engineers calculate
structural integrity to
ensure the safety of
218. Captivate Verb /ˈkæptəˌveɪt/ Memikat hati A captivating story can
hold the audience's
attention from start to
219. Celebrate Verb /ˈsɛlɪˌbreɪt/ Merayakan Families and
communities come
together to celebrate
special occasions.
220. Challenge Verb or Noun /ˈtʃælɪndʒ/ Tantangan Facing a challenge
head-on is an
opportunity for
personal growth.
221. Clarify Verb /ˈklærəˌfaɪ/ Menjelaskan Clarifying expectations
helps in avoiding
222. Collaborate Verb /kəˈlæbəˌreɪt/ Berkolaborasi Collaborating with
diverse teams brings
innovative solutions.
223. Communica Verb /kəˈmyunɪ Menyampaika Effective
te ˌkeɪt/ n communication is key
for smooth workflow
and understanding.
224. Complicate Verb /ˈkɒmplɪˌkeɪt/ Menyulitkan Complicating matters
unnecessarily can
hinder progress.
225. Contribute Verb /kənˈtrɪbyut/ Menyumbang Everyone can
contribute positively to
create a supportive
226. Convince Verb /kənˈvɪns/ Meyakinkan Convincing arguments
can sway opinions and
foster understanding.
227. Critique Verb or Noun /krɪˈtik/ Kritik Constructive critique
helps in refining ideas
and performances.
228. Customize Verb /ˈkʌstəˌmaɪz/ Sesuaikan Customizing products to
meet individual
preferences is a
common practice.
229. Debate Verb or Noun /dɪˈbeɪt/ Perdebatan Healthy debates allow
for the exploration of
different perspectives.
230. Decide Verb /dɪˈsaɪd/ Memutuskan Deciding on priorities is
crucial for effective time
231. Define Verb /dɪˈfaɪn/ Mendefinisika Engineers define the
n specifications before
starting the project.
232. Delegate Verb /ˈdɛlɪˌgeɪt/ Melimpahkan The manager decided to
delegate tasks among
team members for
233. Demonstrat Verb /ˈdɛmənˌstreɪt/ Mendemonstr The professor
e asikan demonstrated the
scientific experiment to
the students.
234. Design Verb or Noun /dɪˈzaɪn/ Desain The architect was hired
to design a modern,
sustainable building.
235. Develop Verb /dɪˈvɛləp/ Mengembangk Scientists work tirelessly
an to develop new
technologies for the
236. Discover Verb /dɪˈskʌvər/ Menemukan Explorers often discover
new species in
uncharted territories.
237. Discuss Verb /dɪˈskʌs/ Membahas The team gathered to
discuss the upcoming
project in detail.
238. Distinguish Verb /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/ Membedakan To distinguish between
the two options, a
careful analysis was
239. Edit Verb /ˈɛdɪt/ Sunting Writers often edit their
manuscripts multiple
times before
240. Educate Verb /ˈɛdʒʊˌkeɪt/ Mendidik Teachers educate
students on a wide
range of subjects.
241. Elicit Verb /ɪˈlɪsɪt/ Memperoleh The detective's
questions were
designed to elicit crucial
242. Emphasize Verb /ˈɛmfəˌsaɪz/ Menekankan The speaker
emphasized the
importance of
teamwork in achieving
243. Encourage Verb /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ/ Mendorong Parents encourage their
children to pursue their
244. Evaluate Verb /ɪˈvæljuˌeɪt/ Evaluasi Managers evaluate
employee performance
to provide constructive
245. Examine Verb /ɪɡˈzæmɪn/ Meneliti Doctors examine
patients thoroughly to
diagnose medical
246. Experiment Verb or Noun /ɪksˈpɛrəˌmɛnt/ Percobaan Scientists often conduct
experiments to test
247. Explain Verb /ɪksˈpleɪn/ Menjelaskan The professor took the
time to explain complex
concepts to the class.
248. Explore Verb /ɪksˈplɔr/ Mengeksplora Researchers explore
si new possibilities in the
field of medicine.
249. Facilitate Verb /fəˈsɪlɪˌteɪt/ Memudahkan Facilitators help to
create a positive
learning environment.
250. Formulate Verb /ˈfɔrmyəˌleɪt/ Merumuskan Chemists formulate
new compounds to
improve existing
251. Generate Verb /ˈdʒɛnəˌreɪt/ Menghasilkan Engineers generate
innovative solutions to
complex problems.
252. Identify Verb /aɪˈdɛntɪˌfaɪ/ Mengenali Police officers identify
suspects based on
evidence and
253. Illustrate Verb /ˈɪləˌstreɪt/ Menjelaskan Illustrations are used to
visually represent
complex ideas.
254. Implement Verb /ˈɪmplɪˌmɛnt/ Melaksanakan Companies implement
new strategies to adapt
to market changes.
255. Improve Verb /ɪmˈpruv/ Memperbaiki Continuous efforts are
made to improve
existing technologies.
256. Influence Verb or Noun /ˈɪnfluəns/ Pengaruh Leaders influence their
teams to achieve
common objectives.
257. Innovate Verb /ˈɪnəˌveɪt/ Berinovasi Entrepreneurs innovate
by introducing novel
products and services.
258. Inspire Verb /ɪnˈspaɪr/ Mengilhami Inspirational figures
often inspire others to
overcome challenges.
259. Integrate Verb /ˈɪntəˌɡreɪt/ Mengintegrasi Integrating different
kan perspectives can lead to
well-rounded solutions.
260. Interpret Verb /ɪnˈtɜrprɪt/ Menafsirkan Literary critics interpret
the meaning behind the
author's words.
261. Investigate Verb /ɪnˈvɛstɪˌɡeɪt/ Menyelidiki Detectives investigate
the crime scene to
uncover vital clues.
262. Learn Verb /lɜrn/ Mempelajari Students learn new
concepts through
engaging classroom
263. Manage Verb /ˈmænɪdʒ/ Mengelola Effective managers
manage resources
efficiently to meet
264. Motivate Verb /ˈmoʊtɪˌveɪt/ Motivasi Inspirational leaders
motivate their teams to
achieve excellence.
265. Negotiate Verb /nɪˈɡoʊʃɪˌeɪt/ Negosiasi Skilled negotiators can
negotiate favorable
terms for both parties.
266. Observe Verb /əbˈzɜrv/ Mengamati Scientists observe
natural phenomena to
better understand the
267. Operate Verb /ˈɒpəˌreɪt/ Beroperasi Surgeons operate with
precision to ensure
successful medical
268. Organize Verb /ˈɔrɡəˌnaɪz/ Mengatur Event planners organize
every detail to create a
seamless experience.
269. Participate Verb /pɑrˈtɪsɪˌpeɪt/ Ikut Active citizens
participate in
community initiatives
for positive change.
270. Persuade Verb /pərˈsweɪd/ Membujuk Persuasive
communicators can
persuade others to
embrace new ideas.
271. Plan Verb or Noun /plæn/ Rencana Strategic planners plan
ahead to achieve long-
term goals.
272. Predict Verb /prɪˈdɪkt/ Meramalkan Meteorologists predict
weather patterns to
inform the public
273. Prioritize Verb /praɪˈɔrəˌtaɪz/ Prioritaskan Managers prioritize
tasks based on urgency
and importance.
274. Produce Verb /prəˈdus/ Menghasilkan Manufacturers produce
goods using advanced
production techniques.
275. Program Verb or Noun /ˈproʊˌɡræm/ Program Computer programmers
program software to
perform specific
276. Promote Verb /prəˈmoʊt/ Memajukan Marketers promote
products to enhance
brand visibility and
277. Publish Verb /ˈpʌblɪʃ/ Menerbitkan Authors publish their
works to share stories
and knowledge.
278. Question Verb or Noun /ˈkwɛsʧən/ Pertanyaan It's essential to question
assumptions to foster
critical thinking.
279. Realize Verb /ˈriəˌlaɪz/ Menyadari Over time, individuals
may realize the true
value of their
280. Recommen Verb ˌ/rɛkəˈmɛnd/ Menyarankan Experts often
d recommend specific
actions for optimal
281. Refine Verb /rɪˈfaɪn/ Menyaring Designers refine their
creations through an
iterative process.
282. Reinforce Verb ˌ/riɪnˈfɔrs/ Memperkuat Positive feedback can
reinforce positive
behaviors in individuals.
283. Reflect Verb /rɪˈflɛkt/ Mencerminka After a challenging
n project, take time to
reflect on lessons
284. Support: Verb or Noun /səˈpɔrt/ Mendukung: Supportive friends and
family can make a
significant difference.
285. Synthesize Verb /ˈsɪnθəˌsaɪz/ Mempersatuk Scientists synthesize
an data to form
286. Teach Verb /tiʧ/ Mengajar Teachers aim to teach
students valuable
knowledge and skills.
287. Test Verb or Noun /tɛst/ Tes Quality assurance
teams test products to
ensure they meet
288. Train Verb /treɪn/ Kereta Trainers work to train
individuals in acquiring
new skills.
289. Upgrade Verb /ʌpˈɡreɪd/ Meningkatkan Regular upgrades to
technology help keep
systems current.
290. Utilize Verb /ˈjuːtəˌlaɪz/ Memanfaatka Engineers utilize
n innovative techniques
to solve complex
291. Verify Verb /ˈvɛrəˌfaɪ/ Memeriksa Verify information
through thorough fact-
checking processes.
292. Visualize Verb /ˈvɪʒəˌlaɪz/ Membayangka Graphic designers
n visualize concepts to
create appealing
293. Research Verb or Noun /rɪˈsɜrtʃ/ Riset Researchers conduct
thorough research to
contribute to
294. Revise Verb /rɪˈvaɪz/ Merevisi Authors revise their
manuscripts to improve
overall quality.
295. Solve Verb /sɑlv/ Menyelesaika Problem-solving
n exercises stimulate
creative thinking.
296. Stimulate Verb /ˈstɪmjʊˌleɪt/ Merangsang Businesses streamline
processes to enhance
overall efficiency.
297. Streamline Verb /ˈstriːmˌlaɪn/ Mempersingka Success often follows
t those who consistently
strive to succeed.
298. Succeed Verb /səkˈsid/ Berhasil In a presentation, it's
crucial to summarize
key points effectively.
299. Summarize Verb /ˈsʌməˌraɪz/ Meringkaskan It's essential to question
assumptions to foster
critical thinking.
300. Brats Noun /bræts/ Nakal Silence, you brats
301. Mortal Adjective /ˈmɔːrtl̩ / Manusia Once upon a time
biasa there was a mortal
king who was beloved
of the Gods
302. Mocked Verb /mɒkt/ Mengejek His own people
mocked him
303. Campers Noun /ˈkæmpərz/ Pengembara And, oh
yes, campers,
304. Crooked Adjective /ˈkrʊkɪd/ Bengkok reflecting evilly on
Tantalus’s crooked
305. Snarled Verb /snɑːld/ Menggerutu “Go!” he snarled.
306. Harpies Noun /ˈhɑːrpiːz/ Harpi The harpies will be
307. Curfew Noun /ˈkɜːrfjuː/ Jam malam curfew from now on,
308. Admitted Verb /ədˈmɪtɪd/ Mengakui I don’t know,” I
309. Assembling Verb /əˈsɛmbəlɪŋ/ Merakit he was assembling in
his lap
310. Gears Noun /ɡɪərz/ Gigi springs and gears and
tiny wires
311. Beckendorf Proper Noun /ˈbɛkəndɔrf/ - Beckendorf had given
him some tools
312. Tinkering Verb /ˈtɪŋkərɪŋ/ Merakit Tyson spent every
night tinkering
313. Whimperin Verb /ˈwɪmpərɪŋ/ Merintih Instead he made a
g whimpering sound in
the back
314. Oilcloth Noun /ˈɔɪlˌklɔθ/ Kain Pelapis project in an oilcloth
315. Bunk Noun /bʌŋk/ Ranjang He lay down on his
Susun bunk bed
316. Plowed Verb /plaʊd/ Mengolah like somebody had
(tanah) plowed over him
317. Poseidon Proper Noun /poʊˈsaɪdən/ Poseidon Poseidon claimed you
318. Rumbled Verb /ˈrʌmbəld/ Gemuruh The sound of the surf
rumbled in the
319. Grabbed Verb /ɡræbd/ Meraih I grabbed a beach
320. Curfew Noun /ˈkɜrfju/ Jam Malam Sneaking out after
curfew was against
the rules
321. Popped Verb /pɒpt/ Meletup popped open a Coke
322. Starry Adjective /ˈstæri/ Berbintang The sky was clear and
323. Chained Verb /tʃeɪnd/ Terikat I don’t care if he is
chained to a rock
324. Raspy Adjective /ˈræspi/ Serak a raspy male voice
said inside my head.
325. Wilted Adjective /wɪltɪd/ Layu floral delivery
division wilted
326. Pleaded Verb /plidɪd/ Merayu Show him! Martha
327. Caduceus Noun /kəˈduːsiəs/ Caduceus He stuck his caduceus
in the sand
328. Flicked Verb /flɪkt/ Memukul Martha flicked her
tongue at me
329. Cattle Noun /ˈkætəl/ Ternak Their cave and stole
some cattle
330. Fable Noun /ˈfeɪbəl/ Dongeng Goodness, you act
like it’s a fable
331. Belched Verb /bɛltʃt/ Bersendawa She belched out a
stainless steel canister
332. Chewable Adjective /ˈtʃuəbl̩ / Bisa a little plastic bottle
Dikunyah filled with chewable
333. Brushed Verb /brʌʃt/ Menyikat ” Hermes got up and
brushed the sand off
his legs.
334. Ambrosia Noun /æmˈbroʊʒə/ Ambrosia . Not counting the
offers for online
discount ambrosia.
335. Caduceus Noun /kəˈduːsiəs/ Caduceus He opened his hand
and the caduceus flew
into it
336. Claws Noun /klɔz/ Cakar like claws ripping
through the ocean.
337. Stallions Noun /ˈstæliənz/ Kuda Jantan the heads of three
white stallions reared
out of the waves.
338. Nuzzled Verb /ˈnʌzəld/ Menggosokk The nearest one
an Hidung whinnied in
appreciation and
nuzzled Annabeth.
339. Screeched Verb /skriʧt/ Mencicit “There!” a voice
screeched behind us
340. Fluttering Verb /ˈflʌtərɪŋ/ Bergetar Five of them were
fluttering over the top
of the dunes
341. Plump Adjective /plʌmp/ Gemuk plump little hags with
pinched faces
342. Hull Noun /hʌl/ Lambung and pulled up next to
a service ladder
riveted to the side of
the hull.
343. Duffel Noun /ˈdʌfəl/ Duffel (tas) She slung her duffel
bag over her shoulder
344. Sniffled Verb /ˈsnɪfəld/ Mencium- Tyson sniffled
345. Sworn Verb /swɔrn/ Bersumpah I could’ve sworn was
346. Ladder Noun /ˈlædər/ Tangga grab hold of the
347. Promenade Noun /ˈprɒməˌneɪd/ Promenade into a huge central
promenade lined with
closed shops,
348. Murmured Verb /ˈmɜrmərd/ Bergumam “It’s a ghost ship,” I
349. Duffel Noun /ˈdʌfəl/ Duffel (tas) fiddling with the strap
of his duffel bag
350. Sloshing Verb /slɒʃɪŋ/ Berceceran sloshing back and
forth from the motion
of the ship.
351. Porthole Noun /ˈpɔrtoʊl/ Lubang Pintu I lay on the bed and
Kapal stared out the porthole
352. Cavern Noun /ˈkævərn/ Gua His laughter filled the
353. Gnarled Adjective /nɑrld/ Berbulu He had jagged yellow
teeth and gnarled
354. Loom Verb /luːm/ Muncul groped around until he
(seperti found the loom
355. Giggle Noun /ˈɡɪɡəl/ Tertawa Grover forced a weak
Kecil giggle.
356. Flirt Verb /flɜrt/ Bermain “Oh, you’re such a
Mata flirt!”
357. Muttered Verb /ˈmʌtərd/ Bergumam “Hurry, Percy,” he
358. Disembowe Verb /dɪsɪmˈbaʊlɪŋ/ Memasukkan Disemboweling
ling Tangan ke practice on the
Dalam Perut Promenade!
359. Blast Noun /blæst/ Ledakan “We are having a
360. Mastiff Noun /ˈmæstɪf/ Anjing . It was a hellhound—
Mastiff a black mastiff
361. Paws Noun /pɔz/ Kaki Hewan with its front paws up
362. Buffet Verb /bʊˈfeɪ/ Memukul- on the buffet line
363. Muzzle Noun /ˈmʌzəl/ Moncong its muzzle buried in
(hewan) the scrambled eggs
364. Grizzly Adjective /ˈɡrɪzli/ Berbulu because it was small
Lebat compared to most—
(beruang) no bigger than a
grizzly bear
365. Slithered Verb /ˈslɪðərd/ Merayap The things slithered
into the cafeteria
366. Sandpaper Noun /ˈsændˌpeɪpər/ Amplas making sounds like
sandpaper against the
367. Slithered Verb /ˈslɪðərd/ Merayap slithered past the
bathroom door,
368. Admiralty Noun /ˈædmərəlti/ Angkatan we’ve got to
Laut get to the admiralty
369. Dunes Noun /djuːnz/ Bukit Pasir calling my name from
the sand dunes
370. Duffel Noun /ˈdʌfəl/ Tas Serut three yellow duffel
bags appeared at my
371. Grudge Noun/Verb /ɡrʌdʒ/ Dendam / I wondered again why
Membenci she had such a grudge
against Cyclopes
372. Razzed Verb /ræzd/ Mengejek get-ting razzed by the
other campers
373. Dyslexic Adjective /dɪsˈlɛksɪk/ Disleksia Annabeth was
374. Glistening Adjective/ /ˈɡlɪsənɪŋ/ Berkilau / with glistening scales
Verb Bersinar and rainbow tail fins.
375. Screeched Verb /skriːtʃt/ Berdecit “There!” a voice
screeched behind us.
376. Hippocampi Noun /hɪˈpɒkəmpaɪ/ Hippocampus but the hippocampi
(jamak) raced over the water
at the speed of Jet
377. Smudge Noun/Verb /smʌdʒ/ Noda / Camp Half-Blood was
Menodai nothing but a dark
378. Pegasus Noun /ˈpɛɡəsəs/ Pegasus Riding the
hippocampus was
even easier than riding
a pegasus.
379. Decipher Verb /dɪˈsaɪfər/ Menerjemahk It took me a few
an / seconds to decipher it
380. Ladder Noun /ˈlædər/ Tangga grab hold of the
381. Sloshing Verb /slɒʃɪŋ/ Mencipratkan sloshing back and
forth from the motion
of the ship.
382. Cider Noun /ˈsaɪ.dər/ Cider bottle of sparkling
cider on the
383. Cavern Noun /ˈkæv.ɚn/ Gua I was standing in a
cavern at the edge
384. Unraveling Verb /ʌnˈræv.əl.ɪŋ/ Membongkar madly unraveling
the threads of the
unfinished bridal train
385. Gnarled Adjective /nɑːrld/ Bengkok gnarled hands as big
as my whole body
386. Gamble Verb/Noun /ˈɡæm.bəl/ Bertaruh/ if this gamble doesn’t
Berjudi pay off
387. Dodge Verb/Noun /dɑːdʒ/ Menghindar who’d attacked me
with dodge balls
388. Serpent Noun /ˈsɝː.pənt/ Ular with twin serpent
tails instead of legs.
389. Stabbed Verb /stæbd/ Menikam the guy in armor
stabbed the dummy
through its belly
390. Javelins Noun /ˈdʒæv.lɪns/ Lembing flanked by two hairy
giants armed with
391. Mahogany Noun /məˈhɑː.ɡə.ni/ Mahoni a mahogany dining
table in the other
392. Occupied Adjective/ /ˈɑː.kjə.paɪd/ Terisi/ Two plush sofas
Verb Ditempati occupied the middle
of the room,
393. Canopied Adjective /ˈkæn.ə.pɪd/ Berkanopi with a canopied bed in
one corner
394. Grisly Adjective /ˈɡrɪ Mengerikan heroes dying grisly
395. Trudged Verb /trʌdʒd/ Berjalan He trudged over to the
dengan susah corner of the room,
396. Tagging Verb/Noun /ˈtæɡ.ɪŋ/ Menandai/ You deserve better
Pelabelan than tagging along
397. Inflatable Adjective/ /ɪnˈfleɪ.t̬ ə.bəl/ Dapat Diisi I hooked my feet
Noun Angin under the boat’s
inflatable bench,
398. Strobe Noun/Verb /stroʊb/ Strobo but there was some
kind of weird strobe
light flashing
399. Cranked Verb /kræŋkt/ Memutar The music got
dengan kruk cranked up
400. Vessel Noun /ˈves.əl/ Kapal/ The coast guard vessel
Penampung was definitely
401. Frazzled Adjective /ˈfræzəld/ Kusut . Suddenly I was tired
and frazzled,
402. Swampy Adjective /ˈswɒmpi/ Berawa We veered into a
swampy area choked
with marsh grass.
403. slithered Verb /ˈslɪðərd/ Meluncur . A snake slithered
past my shoe
404. Camouflage Adjective /ˈkæməflɑːʒd/ Bertopeng I was looking into a
d camouflaged shelter
405. Duffel Noun /ˈdʌfəl/ Tas Duffel started going through
her duffel bag.
406. Fleece Noun /fliːs/ Bulu Maybe he wants the
Fleece for himself
407. Poison Noun /ˈpɔɪzən/ Racun I just can’t believe he
would poison the tree
408. Glared Verb /ɡlɛrd/ Menatap Annabeth glared at
tajam me,
409. Sword Noun /sɔrd/ Pedang But if I uncapped my
sword now
410. Campsite Noun /ˈkæmpsaɪt/ Tempat The thing had
berkemah already been to our
411. Hissed Verb /hɪst/ Mendesis all seven heads turned
toward us and hissed.
412. Toppled Verb /ˈtɒpəld/ Terjatuh The whole tree
toppled straight
toward Tyson
413. Flailing Adjective /ˈfleɪlɪŋ/ Berkelebat leaving a flailing
414. Dodged Verb /dɒdʒd/ Menghindar I dodged a spray of
415. Parrying Verb /ˈpærɪŋ/ Menghindar parrying its teeth with
atau her knife
416. Postponing Verb /poʊstˈpoʊnɪŋ/ Menunda but I knew we were
only postponing our
417. Vaporized Verb /ˈveɪpəraɪzd/ Menguapkan green slime that
vaporized as soon as it
418. Guts Noun /ɡʌts/ Perut the way monster guts
tend to do
419. Chugging Verb /ˈʧʌɡɪŋ/ Menggerogot Chugging toward us
i down the river
420. Ironclad Adjective /ˈaɪənklæd/ Besi yang tak The ship was an
terkalahkan ironclad
421. Gunnery Noun /ˈɡʌnəri/ Senjata powder magazine and
gunnery deck
422. Hammocks Noun /ˈhæməks/ Tempat tidur Assign them
gantung hammocks on the
berth deck
423. Dragged Verb /dræɡd/ Menyeret dragged him through
the tunnels of the cave
424. Hooves Noun /huːvz/ Kuku kaki his high heels on his
binatang hooves
425. Tilting Verb /ˈtɪltɪŋ/ Miring His veil kept tilting on
his head
426. Chasm Noun /ˈkæzəm/ Jurang split by a deep chasm
that was spanned
427. Fluttered Verb /ˈflʌtərd/ Berkelebat Parrots fluttered in the
428. Meadows Noun /ˈmɛdoʊz/ Padang grazing peacefully in
rumput the meadows
429. Skeletal Adjective /ˈskɛlɪtl̩ / Skeletal He gave me a skeletal
430. Muscular Adjective /ˈmʌskjʊlər/ Berotot muscular man in black
leather biker clothes
431. Trembling Adjective /ˈtrɛmblɪŋ/ Gemetar Clarisse promised, her
voice trembling
432. binoculars Noun /baɪˈnɒkjələrz/ Teropong She grabbed a pair of
binokuler binoculars from a
433. humid Adjective /ˈhjuːmɪd/ Lembab The air was hazy and
434. nautical Adjective /ˈnɔːtɪkəl/ Nautis My nautical senses
told me
435. splotches Noun /splɒtʃɪz/ Noda the dark splotches
ahead of us came into
436. brewing Verb /brʊɪŋ/ Merebus atau darkness was a
menyeduh storm brewing
437. plucking Verb /plʌkɪŋ/ Mencabut start plucking sailors
off the ship.
438. lurched Verb /lɜːrʧt/ Terguncang the ship shuddered
and lurched forward
439. mismatched Adjective /ˌmɪsˈmæʧt/ Tidak sesuai He wore mismatched
clothes of wool and
440. gripping Adjective /ˈɡrɪpɪŋ/ Merengkuh gripping the rail
441. cosmic Adjective /ˈkɒzmɪk/ Kosmik the cosmic toilet
flushed with a mighty
442. propeller Noun /prəˈpɛlər/ baling-baling The propeller grinded
into reverse
443. smoldering Adjective /ˈsmoʊldərɪŋ/ membara As I watched him
follow the smoldering
444. mossy Adjective /ˈmɔsi/ ber lumut mossy teeth the size
of rowboats
445. scummy Adjective /ˈskʌmi/ kotoran, bands of corroded
keruh scummy metal
446. Charybdis Noun /kəˈrɪbdɪs/ Charybdis Charybdis was an
(nama dalam orthodontist’s
mitologi nightmare
447. steadier Adjective /ˈstɛdiər/ lebih stabil The hum of the engine
got stronger and
448. Snapped Verb /snæpt/ memotong, flesh shot from the
berbunyi cliffs and snapped him
keras up
449. sword Noun /sɔrd/ pedang Clarisse drew her own
450. cliffs Noun /klɪfs/ tebing They’ll never get clear
of the cliffs,
451. propelling Verb /prəˈpɛlɪŋ/ mendorong propelling me across
the ocean.
452. scattering Verb /ˈskætərɪŋ/ menyebar scattering the lifeboats
453. woozy Adjective /ˈwʊzi/ pusing I tried to sit up and
immediately felt
454. halfheartedl Adverb /ˌhæfˈhɑrtɪdli/ dengan she said halfheartedly
y setengah hati
455. dotted Adjective /ˈdɑtɪd/ berbintik a beach dotted with
palm trees,
456. assortment Noun /əˈsɔrtmənt/ beragam with a strange
assortment of boats.
457. canoes Noun /kəˈnuːz/ perahu several dugout canoes
458. jotting Verb /ˈdʒɑtɪŋ/ mencatat She was too busy
cepat jotting down notes to
459. benevolentl Adverb /bɪˈnɛvələntli/ dengan baik smiled benevolently
y hati
460. squealed Verb /skwild/ menjerit The guinea pigs
squealed like they
were hungry
461. fidgeted Verb /ˈfɪdʒɪtɪd/ gelisah I fidgeted in the front
of the mirror
462. mixture Noun /ˈmɪkstʃər/ campuran The mixture began to
463. tapestry Noun /ˈtæpəstri/ kain hias I looked at the blue
464. cage Noun /keɪdʒ/ sangkar Go into the cage like a
good little pet.
465. extinguishe Verb /ɪkˈstɪŋɡwɪʃt/ memadamka closed her fist and
d n extinguished the
magic flame.
466. serpents Noun /ˈsɜrpənts/ ular her fingers curling
like serpents around
467. /ˈflɒpɪŋ/ Dark blond hair
flopping Noun menjatuhkan flopping in every
468. : /pɜːrs/ Fished in her purse for
Purse Noun Tas kecil
another cigarette
469. /leɪd/ And laid her head
Laid Verb dibaringkan
470. Vinegar Noun /ˈvɪn.ɪ.ɡər/ cuka Like vinegar
471. /ʃʌvd/ Where they shoved all
Shoved Verb Di dorong
theirs clothes
472. /ˈtæmpɒnz/ Who steal your
Tampons Noun Tampon
473. Terrifying Noun /ˈter.ɪ.faɪ.ɪŋ/ menakutkan Is already terrifying
474. Sled Noun /slɛd/ Kereta luncur The font of the sled
475. defiantly Preposition /dɪˈfaɪəntli/ Menantang Cath said defiantly
476. Stepped Verb /stɛpt/ Melangkah Just stepped out into
the hall
477. Ridiculousl Noun /rɪˈdɪk.jə.lə Konyol Ridiculously
y expensive textbook
478. shrugged Verb /ʃrʌɡd/ Mengangkat Cath shrugged
479. slightly Adverb /ˈslaɪ Bahu sedikit She was only slightly
480. corkboard Noun /ˈkɔrk.bɔrd/ Papan gabus Pinned it to the
corkboard behind her
481. pixie Noun /ˈpɪ Peri The summer with a
pixie cut
482. courage Noun /ˈkʌr.ɪdʒ/ Kerah The courage to cut off
483. lapel Noun /ləˈpɛl/ keberanian A little sunflower on
his lapel
484. cummerbun Noun /ˈkʌm.ə.bʌnd/ Ikat pinggang Had a matching
d cummerbund
485. breezy Adjective /ˈbriːzi/ Semilir She felt more breezy
486. nonchalant Adjective /ˌnɒn.ʃəˈlɒnt/ Ditangkap And nonchalant
487. fanged Verb /fæŋd/ Begitu saja On a fanged
488. throne Noun : /θroʊn/ Takhta Black throne
489. whirling Verb : /ˈwɜːrlɪŋ/ Berputar Through whirling
gold lives
490. disoriented Adjective /dɪsˈɔriəntɪd/ Bingung Have that disoriented
491. dorm Noun /dɔːrm/ Asrama And the dorm air
492. detergenty Adjective : /dɪˈtɜːdʒənti/ Deterjen Had a detergenty
493. twang Noun /twæŋ/ Dentingan Twang she wasn’t
494. ramshackle Adjective /ˈræm.ʃæk.əl/ Reyot In some ramshackle
495. desperately Adverb /ˈdɛspərətli/ Mati matian Desperately trying to
make freindly
496. chewed Adjective /tʃuːd/ Dikunyah While she chewed
497. Carob-oat Noun /ˈkærəb-oʊt/ On a carob-oat bar
498. bobbing Noun /ˈbɒbɪŋ/ Terayun ayun Self-consciously
bobbing his head
499. cornered Adjective /ˈkɔːrnərd/ Bersudut Feel tight and
500. elf Noun /ɛlf/ Elf an elf on the cover
501. chimed Verb /tʃaɪmd/ menimpali Her phone chimed
502. neglecting Verb /nɪˈɡlɛktɪŋ/ Mengabaikan Neglecting your fans
503. tweed Noun /twiːd/ Wol Reassuring tweed
504. rapey Noun /ˈreɪpi/ Tapey The word “rapey”
makes me
505. Fraternity /frəˈtɜːrnəti/ Persaudaraan A fraternity house
506. Unfurled Noun /ʌnˈfɜːrld/ dibentangkan Levi had already
unfurled himself
507. Profound /prəˈfaʊnd/ Menonjol With a profound
508. banged Verb /bæŋdʒd/ Menggedor While Reagan banged
at her computer
509. forcefully Adverb /ˈfɔːrsfʊli/ Secara paksa She did everything so
510. treachery Noun /ˈtrɛtʃəri/ Pengkhiatan Good with a teachery
511. hallway Noun /ˈhɔːlweɪ/ Penggilingan
512. milling Noun /ˈmɪlɪŋ/ Lorong Girls were milling
513. wondered Verb /ˈwʌndərd/ Bartanya Wondered what wren
tanya was doing
514. tamales Noun /təˈmɑːliz/ Tamale With homemade
515. steamer Adjective /ˈstiːmər/ Kapal uap His steamer trunk
516. gleaming Verb /ɡliːmɪŋ/ Gemerlap Of a gleaming fang
517. cottage Noun /ˈkɒtɪdʒ/ Pondok Cottage cheese with
518. shredded Verb /ˈʃrɛdɪd/ Diparut With shredded
519. dorm Noun /dɔːrm/ Asrama In our dorm who wear
cowboy hats
520. ramparts Noun /ˈræmpɑːrts/ Benteng Up on the ramparts
521. fic Adjective /fɪk/ fic
522. weirdly Adverb /ˈwɪərdli/ Anehnya I’m weirdly huge in
523. swooping Verb /ˈswuːpɪŋ/ nenukik swooping in,
524. skeptically Adverb /ˈskɛptɪkli/ Skeptis datar Her sandwich
525. flatly Adverb /ˈflætli/ kemerahan Smiling flatly at Cath
526. reddish Adjective /ˈrɛdɪʃ/ She has reddish brown
527. wrinkled Verb /ˈrɪŋkəld/ Berkerut Courtney wrinkled her
528. suspicious Adjective /səˈspɪʃəs/ mencurigaka Wren looked
n suspicious
529. Bothering Verb /ˈbʌðərɪŋ/ Mengganggu is the light bothering
530. Comforter Noun /ˈkʌmfərtər/ menghibur The comforter up high
531. Fraternity Noun /frəˈtɜːrnəti/ Persaudaraan Its an engineering
532. Selleck Noun /səˈlɛk/ Salleck In the Selleck dining
533. Fraternities Noun /frəˈtɜːrnɪtiz/ Persaudaraan Nor nerds who join
534. Sobriety Noun /ˈsəʊbraɪəti/ Ketenangan Abel sign a sobriety
535. Pledge Noun /plɛdʒ/ Sumpah Pledge before he left
536. Faulty Noun /ˈfɔːlti/ Salah There is some faulty
537. Puked Verb /pjuːkt/ Muntah Up when you puked
538. Wistfully Adverb /ˈwɪstfəli/ Tertatih tatih When smiled
539. Limped Verb /lɪmpt/ And he’d limped
through Spanish
540. Tossing Noun /ˈtɒsɪŋ/ Melempar Tossing a chunk of
strawberry-soy bar
541. Inanimate Noun /ɪnˈænɪmɪt/ Mati Perspective of an
inanimate object
542. Grimaced Verb /ˈɡrɪmɪst/ Meringis He grimaced
543. Steerage Noun /ˈstɪərɪdʒ/ Kelas dek With a steerage ticked
on the titanic,
544. Undiluted Adjective /ˌʌndaɪˈluːtɪd/ Murni Undiluted and old
545. Mittens Noun /ˈmɪtənz/ Sarung About some mittens
tangan he’d bought outside
546. Frowning Verb /ˈfraʊnɪŋ/ Menyerngit At Cath now,
547. Clenched Verb /klɛnʧt/ Terkepal Cath clenched her
548. Ceiling Noun /ˈsiːlɪŋ/ Langit langit Cath looked up at the
549. Dignity Noun /ˈdɪɡnɪti/ Harga diri With as much dignity
550. Scavenge Noun /ˈskævɪndʒ/ Mengais As she could scavenge
and put on her vans
551. Innocuous Noun /ɪˈnɒkjuəs/ Tidak On the most
berbahaya innocuous place to sit
552. Frowned Noun /fraʊnd/ Menerutkan She frowned as much
kening as Levi smiled
553. grimaced Verb /ˈɡrɪmɪst/ Meringis Reagan grimaced and
shuddered again
554. Asshole /ˈæs.hoʊl/ Bajingan Cath feel like a
complete asshole.
555. Pathetic Noun /pəˈθɛtɪk/ Menyedihkan I’m sorry you ruined
it by being pathetic
556. Brusque Noun /brʌsk/ Kasar Be extremely brusque
557. Indignantly adverb /ɪnˈdɪɡnəntli/ Pergelangan Cath said indignantly
558. Ankles Noun /ˈæŋkəlz/ Pergelangan Crossing his long legs
kaki at the ankles
559. Ridicule Noun /ˈrɪdɪˌkjuːl/ ejekan And helping Reagan
ridicule everyone
560. Parade Noun /pəˈreɪd/ Parade She called it parade
561. Shaggy Noun /ˈʃæɡi/ Kasar Character with shaggy
562. Tray Noun /treɪ/ Baki his girlfriend is
carrying his tray
563. Gothy Noun /ˈɡoʊθi/ goth Cath couldn’t imagine
Levi ever being gothy
and dark
564. Sloppy Noun /ˈslɒpi/ ceroboh Back in a sloopy
blond wave
565. Snowflakes /ˈsnoʊˌfleɪks/ Kepingan In the old snowflakes
salju forums.
566. Aisle Noun /aɪl/ Lorong Noticing a girl in the
next aisle
567. Glance Noun /ɡlæns/ Lirikan Glance at them
568. Rapists Noun /ˈreɪpɪsts/ pemerkosa I don’t think rapist
actually care
569. Lame Adjective /leɪm/ cacat the young and the
570. fault Noun /fɔlt/ kesalahan it’ll be our fault
571. Cornfield Noun /ˈkɔːnfiːld/ Ladang Seen the grass and the
jagung cornfields
572. Vents Noun /vɛnts/ Ventilasi And even through
Cath couldn’t see any
573. Cursive Noun /ˈkɜrsɪv/ kursif Nick wrote in a
scrawling half cursive
574. Tiptoe Noun /ˈtɪptoʊ/ berjinjit And she’s standing on
tiptoe now
575. Hunched Noun /hʌnʧt/ membungkuk She hunched over bag
to look for a pen
576. Sword Noun /sɔrd/ Padang And Wren had turned
it into a sword fight
577. Sentient Noun /ˈsɛnʃənt/ Hidup And his eyebrows
were practically
578. Yawning Noun /ˈjɔːnɪŋ/ Menguap Cath was yawning
579. Ratty Noun /ˈræti/ Usang And reached for his
ratty denim jacket
580. Buried Verb /ˈbɛrid/ terkubur Like her real self was
buried under eight
581. Fumbled Noun /ˈfʌmbld/ Meraba raba She flumbed with the
buttons of hear coat
582. Smudges Noun /smʌdʒɪz/ Noda And blue smudges in
the moonlight
583. Dialed Noun /daɪəld/ keluar She ignored them-
then dialed her room
584. Hassle Noun /ˈhæsəl/ Kerepotan It’ll be a bigger hassle
if he cant find you
585. Lamppost Noun /ˈlæmpoʊst/ Tiang lampu Cath stood next to a
586. Grinning Noun /ˈɡrɪnɪŋ/ Menyeringai And when she looked
at him, he was
587. Sausage Noun /ˈsɔsɪdʒ/ Sosis It’s a sausage wrapped
in a pancake
588. Glumly Adverb /ˈɡlʌmli/ Murung Starting glumly at the
dinning hall door
589. Pinkie Noun /ˈpɪŋki/ Kelingking
590. Edgy Adjective /ˈɛdʒi/ grogi
591. Hermit Noun /ˈhɜːrmɪt/ pertapa You’re a sad little
592. Pathetic Noun /pəˈθɛtɪk/ menyedihkan Like bowling is more
pathetic than
everything else you do
593. Ruffled Noun /ˈrʌfəld/ Mengacak Sent him away with
acak ruffled
594. Drippy Noun /ˈdrɪpi/ Menetes Reagan bought two
plates of drippy
orange nachos
595. Crumpled Noun /ˈkrʌmpəld/ Kusut And crumpled up his
ice cream wrapper to
throw at her
596. Jerked up Verb /dʒɜrkt ʌp/ Tersentak And her chin jerked
597. Gravelly Noun /ˈɡrævəli/ Dengan Abel’s voice was
kerikil gravelly and familiar
598. Regretted Verb /rɪˈɡrɛtɪd/ Menyesal Then instantly
regretted it
599. digging Verb /ˈdɪɡɪŋ/ Penggalian And he was digging
through his books and
600. Sparse Adjective /spɛrs/ Jarang A few inches of pale
and sparse black hair
601. Bricks Noun /brɪks/ Batu bata She pushed her
shoulders back into
the bricks
602. Sucks Verb /sʌks/ Menyebalkan I think maybe it sucks
603. Barreled Adjective /ˈbærəld/ Laras Reagan barreled in
and dropped
604. Swirls Noun /swɜrlz/ Berputar He was drawing
putar swirls in the margin of
the notebook
605. Wound Verb /wuːnd/ Luka And wound his blue
paisley scarf around
his neck
606. Fajitas Noun /fəˈhiːtəs/ Fajitas Cath was eating beef
fajitas with sour
607. Muscles Noun /ˈmʌsəlz/ Otot She could she the
muscles in his left
shoulder sliding under
his shirt
608. Nurture Verb /ˈnɜrtʃər/ Mengasuh The same, the same
609. Sober Adjective /ˈsoʊbər/ Tenang We don’t have to be
sober until Monday at
610. Justifiably Adverb /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪəbli/ Secara wajar Just cold enough that
she could justifiably
wear all her favorite
611. Briskly Adverb /ˈbrɪskli/ Cepat And with Levi briskly
moving behind the
expresso machine
612. Hissing Verb /ˈhɪsɪŋ/ Desis The machine made a
hissing noise
613. Splitting Noun /ˈsplɪtɪŋ/ Pemisahan About splitting gas
back to Omaha
614. Surge Noun /sɜrdʒ/ Lonjakan She felt a surge of
optimism as she ran
615. absentmind Adverb /ˌæbsənt Linglung Absentmindedly
edly ˈmaɪndɪdli/ turning on a lamp
she’d just switched off
616. Manic Noun /ˈmænɪk/ Manik A little manic what
their house ran on
617. Fangs Noun /fæŋz/ Taring Baring his fangs and
baz posters.
618. Canopy Noun /ˈkænəpi/ Kanopi From the rail of
Cath’s canopy bed
619. Fluttered Verb /ˈflʌtərd/ Berkibar And a pile of papers
fluttered off it
620. Sucking Verb /ˈsʌkɪŋ/ Mengisap So the world is
sucking you dry
621. Rearrange Noun /riːəˈreɪndʒ/ Mengatur And rearrange the
kembali characters
622. Turquoise Noun /ˈtɜːrkwɔɪz/ Pirus Narrow turquoise ring
that jutted
623. Knuckle Noun /ˈnʌkəl/ Buku Out over knuckle
624. Mopey Noun /ˈmoʊpi/ Mopey I’d always pagged you
as the mopey, indie
625. Genuine Adjective /ˈdʒɛnjuɪn/ Asli Only genuine
emergencies were
626. Sidebar Noun /ˈsaɪdˌbɑːr/ Bilah She’d call Wren for a
samping sidebar consultation
627. Deliberately Adverb /dɪˈlɪbərətli/ Dengan His deliberately
sengaja bobbing up and down
628. mirth Noun /mɜːrθ/ Kegembiraan Were absolutely
gleaming with mirth
629. Frowned Noun /fraʊnd/ Mengerutkan He frowned at the
kening screen
630. Shitty Noun /ˈʃɪti/ Sial It was especially
shitty truck
631. Smears Noun /smɪərz/ Noda The lights looked like
wet smears on the
632. Elbow Noun /ˈɛlboʊ/ Siku Cath felt Levi’s hand
on her elbow
633. Debasing Noun /dɪˈbeɪsɪŋ/ Merendahkan Debasing themselves
for some pervert
634. Plowed Noun /plaʊd/ Di bajak And plowed the drunk
635. Jailbait Noun /ˈdʒeɪlˌbeɪt/ Jail bait A little louder there,
636. Gravel Noun /ˈɡrævəl/ Kerikil Was hitting her
cheeks like gravel
637. Patronizing Noun /ˈpeɪtrəˌnaɪzɪŋ/ Berlangganan Courtney’s smile
couldn’t be more
638. Clomped Noun /klɒmpt/ Terkutuk Courtney clomped
639. Soaked Verb /soʊkt/ Direndam Cath’s pajama pants
were soaked
640. Windshield Noun /ˈwɪndʃiːld/ Kaca depan And the windshield
641. Stirred Verb /stɜːrd/ Diaduk She stirred ger coffee
642. Ridiculous Adjective /rɪˈdɪkjʊləs/ Konyol It sounded absolutely
ridiculous when Levi
said it
643. Idiotic Adjective /aɪˈdɪɒtɪk/ Bodoh Most idiotic thing
you’ve ever said to
644. Sincere Noun /sɪnˈsɪər/ Jujur By how sincere she
645. Bench Noun /bɛnʧ/ Bangku Someone sat down
next to her on the
646. Bartender Noun /ˈbɑːrtɛndər/ Bartender It’s like being a
647. Mown Noun /moʊn/ Dipotong It smells like freshly
mown clover
648. Filthed Noun /fɪlðt/ Dikotor He’d already filthed it
beyond redemption
649. Thesaurus Noun /θɪˈsɔrəs/ Kamus It’s like thesaurus
entry for ‘gray’
650. Hassled Verb /ˈhæsəld/ Kerepotan She said it like she
was hassled
651. Sternly Verb /stɜːrnli/ Tegas Simon said sternly
652. Glanced Verb /ɡlænst/ Melirik She glanced over at
Lavi to see he’d
653. Orphanage Noun /ˈɔːrfənɪdʒ/ Panti asuhan In the orphanage
654. Spinach Noun /ˈspɪnɪʧ/ Bayam Like if you had
spinach in your teeth
655. Eggnog Noun /ˈɛɡˌnɒɡ/ Minuman I brought you an
telur kopyok eggnog latte
656. goddamn Adjective /ˈɡɒdˌdæm/ Ya tuhan I’m so goddamn sick
of public showers
657. Ravioli Noun /rəˈviːoʊli/ Ravioli Actually canned
ravioli soaked in
slimy brown
658. Sophisticate Adjective /səˈfɪstɪˌkeɪtɪd/ Rumit You’re sophisticated
d young woman
659. Guardedly Adverb /ˈɡɑːrdɪdli/ Dengan hati She said guardedly
660. Hurled Verb /hɜrld/ Terlempat He hurled a book
down on
661. Unzipped Verb /ˌʌnˈzɪpt/ Buka He unzipped his
ristleting jacket
662. Wobble Adjective /ˈwɒbəl/ Goyangan She felt her chair
663. Flushed Adjective /flʌʃt/ Tersipu His face was flushed
from the cold
664. Harass Noun /həˈræs/ Mengganggu You’d harass smart
665. Fidgeting Verb /ˈfɪdʒɪtɪŋ/ Gelisah She’d been fidgeting
666. Elbow Noun /ˈɛlboʊ/ Siku He held her left elbow
667. squirm Verb /skwɜrm/ Menggeliat She tried not to
668. stiff Adjective /stɪf/ Kaku But her back was stiff
669. Admire Verb /ədˈmaɪər/ Mengagumi She wanted to admire
his crazy
670. Sprawled Noun /sprɔld/ Terkapar She felt Levi sprawled
out beneath her
671. Hiccupy Noun /ˈhɪkəpi/ Cegukan Her voice a hiccupy
672. Muscles Noun /ˈmʌsəlz/ Otot Feel the muscles in
her forearms
673. Beverage Noun /ˈbɛvərɪdʒ/ Minuman I owe you a beverage
674. Nudged Noun /nʌdʒd/ Menyenggol He nudged the
notebook toward Cath
675. booze Noun /buːz/ Minuman I don’t have any
676. Casserole Noun /ˈkæsəroʊl/ Keras Some green bean
casserole casserole left
677. Digging Verb /ˈdɪɡɪŋ/ penggalian And everybody
seemed to be digging
678. Siloish Noun /ˈsaɪloʊɪʃ/ Bodoh Cath ended up in
another siloish room
679. perverts Noun /ˈpɜːrvərts/ Mesum People think we’re
crazy perverts
680. Tweaking Verb /twikɪŋ/ Mengutak That you’re just
atik tweaking and
681. Tugging Verb /ˈtʌɡɪŋ/ Menarik Tugging every last
narik loose thread
682. Barricade Noun /ˈbærɪˌkeɪd/ Barikade Barricade the door
683. Nonchalantl Adverb /ˌnɒnʃəˈlæntli/ Dengan acuh Her face into her
y tak acuh pillow as nonchalantly
as she could
684. Trembling Verb /ˈtrɛmblɪŋ/ Gemetar But it trembling heap
685. Flirting Verb /ˈflɜːrtɪŋ/ Menggoda Made her think he
might be flirting
686. Frivolous Adjective /ˈfrɪvələs/ Sembrono I mean, at first I
though it was too
687. Quoted Verb /kwoʊtɪd/ Dikutip Have been quoted
multiple times
688. Poured Verb /pɔrd/ Dituangkan I’ve poured myself
into this story
689. Obituaries Noun /oʊˈbɪtʃuˌɛriz/ Obituary At the library to write
690. Murmured Noun /ˈmɜːrmərd/ Gumam She murmured
691. Stewing Noun /stuːɪŋ/ Merebus Of pace to be stewing
692. Humiliation Noun /hjuːˌmɪli Penghianatan For his humiliation
693. thanked Verb /θæŋkt/ Terima kasih She thanked him a lot
694. Ashtray Noun /ˈæʃˌtreɪ/ asbak He pushed a twenty-
dollar bill into his
695. Sustainable Adjective /səˈsteɪnəbəl/ berkelanjutan Professor talk about
sustainable ranching
696. Scrubbing Noun /ˈskrʌbɪŋ/ Penggosokan Scrubbing at the back
of hir hair
697. Huffed Noun /hʌft/ Terangah Cath huffed down into
engah a chair
698. Moseyed Noun /ˈmoʊziːd/ Moseyed Levi stood up and
moseyed over to the
orderly window
699. Pinched Noun /pɪnʧt/ Potongan She pinched them flat
700. Chunk Noun /ʧʌŋk/ Terjepit Cath smashed another
chunk of sandwich
701. Clenched Noun /klɛnʧt/ Terkepal Clenched her hands in
her lap
702. Genuinely Adverb /ˈdʒɛnjuɪnli/ Benar benar Looking genuinely
sorry-and sorry for her
703. Desiccated Adjective /ˈdɛsɪˌkeɪtɪd/ Kering With desiccated slices
of pizza
704. Inadvertentl Adverb /ˌɪnəd Secara tidak Then she’d
y ˈvɜrtəntli/ sengaja inadvertently locked
him out
705. Clutching verb /ˈklʌtʃɪŋ/ Mencengkra Clutching an orange
m bottle of pills
706. Groggy Noun /ˈɡrɒɡi/ Pening He was too groggy for
any his anger to rise
707. Meds Noun /mɛdz/ Obat obatan Cath knew he was off
his meds
708. Immaculate Noun /ɪˈmækjəlɪt/ Sangat rapi And their bathrooms
are immaculate
709. Tilted Noun /ˈtɪltɪd/ Miring Tilted her head
710. Abandoned Noun /əˈbændənd/ Ditinggalkan With the parent who
abandoned us
711. Sketching Verb /ˈskɛʧɪŋ/ Membuat Sketching a big bowl
sketsa of Gravioli
712. Pompadour Noun /ˈpɒmpəˌdʊər/ Nada warna Was swept up into a
merah muda slick pompadour
713. Flattering Noun /ˈflætərɪŋ/ Menyanjung They were cute and
would probably be
714. Pendant Noun /ˈpɛndənt/ Liontin Saw a matching
pendant hanging from
her neck
715. suburbs Noun /ˈsʌbərbs/ Pinggiran Lived in a big house
kota in the suburbs
716. Agitating Verb /ˈædʒɪteɪtɪŋ/ Mengagitasi Wren was even
agitating to go back
717. Reluctantly Adverb /rɪˈlʌktəntli/ Dengan She looked up at him
enggan reluctantly
718. Blanked Verb /blæŋkt/ Dikosongkan Under the blanked and
squeezed it
719. Shedding Verb /ˈʃɛdɪŋ/ Penumpahan From shedding all
over our beds
720. Flashed Verb /flæʃt/ Kehancuran I just flashed back
721. Desolation Noun /ˌdɛsəˈleɪʃən/ Berkedip And desolation in
rural America
722. Sonnets Noun /ˈsɒnɪts/ Sonata A head full of sonnets
723. Accomplish Verb /əˈkʌmplɪʃɪŋ/ Tercapai For actually
ing accomplishing
724. deepish Noun /ˈdiːpɪʃ/ Sangat dalam Cath took a deepish
725. Intoxicating Adjective /ɪnˈtɒksɪkeɪtɪŋ/ Memabukkan There’s nothing more
726. Invent Verb /ɪnˈvɛnt/ Menciptakan Trying to invent the
branches as I fall
727. Esophagus Noun /ɪˈsɒfəɡəs/ Kerongkonga Her esophagus
728. Quiver Noun /ˈkwɪvər/ Asrama Your characters
729. Dormitory Noun /ˈdɔːrmɪtəri/ Quiver Until she was back in
her dormitory
730. Vaccine Noun /vækˈsiːn/ Vaksin Like some sort of
anxiety vaccine
731. Warily Adverb /ˈwɛrɪli/ Waspada Cath stepped warily
732. Regretted Verb /rɪˈɡrɛtɪd/ Menyesali Immediately regretted
733. Grinding Noun /ˈɡraɪndɪŋ/ Manggiling Internal organ were
grinding themselves
734. Stern Noun /stɜːrn/ Buritan Have a stern talk with
735. Fisted Noun /ˈfɪstɪd/ Mengepalkan Hands still fisted
736. Devoured Verb /dɪˈvaʊərd/ Dilahap Devoured his whole
737. Glancing Verb /ˈɡlænsɪŋ/ Melirik Glancing up the
sleeping rabbit
738. Damnable Adjective /ˈdæmnəbl̩ / Terkutuk I’d started at this
damnable rabbit
739. Grimaced Verb /ˈɡrɪməst/ Meringis Simon grimaced and
cast his eyes down
740. Gulped Noun /ɡʌlpt/ Meneguk Baz gulped
741. Smugly Noun /ˈsmʌɡli/ Sombong Levi said smugly
742. Defense Noun /dɪˈfɛns/ Perlahan In defense of the weak
743. Timidly Noun /ˈtɪmɪdli/ Takut takut Almost timidly
toward the floor
744. Shrieked Verb /ʃriːkt/ Teriak And shrieked at the
empty spot in the sky
745. Spittle Noun /ˈspɪtəl/ Ludah sent a stream of angry
spittle in his direction
746. Cuffed Verb /kʌft/ Dikepang When it cuffed him
747. Haunches Noun /hɔːntʃɪz/ Pinggul Then the beast rose up
onto its haunches
748. Swinging Verb /ˈswɪŋɪŋ/ Berayun The rabbit was swing
-ing at Baz with its
749. Gore Noun /ɡɔːr/ Darah Into the gore at its
750. Abashed Noun /əˈbæʃt/ Malu Abashed but not
751. Brimming Noun /ˈbrɪmɪŋ/ Penuh She felt like she was
(dengan) brimming with
752. Canine Noun /ˈkeɪnaɪn/ Gigi anjing See his canine teeth
753. Bicuspids Noun /baɪˈkʌspɪdz/ Gigi And then his
bicuspids bicuspids
754. Thunked Noun /θʌŋkt/ Berdentum he thunked the back
755. Sleeve Noun /sliːv/ Lengan baju He tugged on her
756. Supervillain Noun /ˌsuːpərˈvɪlən/ Penjahat If I ever become a
super supervillain
757. Palms Noun /pɑːmz/ Telapak Cath pressed both
tangan palms into her eyes
758. Clutched Noun /klʌtʃt/ Meraih erat Cath clutched her
comforter in disbelief
759. Scrape Noun /skreɪp/ Menggosok She tried to scrape the
cottage cheese
760. Slumped Verb /slʌmpt/ Terkulai It slumped over her
761. Tensely Adverb /ˈtɛnsli/ Dengan She smiled tensenly
762. Sheepishly Adverb /ˈʃiːpɪʃli/ Dengan Levi ruffled the top of
malu-malu his hair sheepishly
763. Thrilled Adjective /θrɪld/ Teruja My mother would be
thrilled to hear that
764. Siphoning Verb /ˈsaɪfənɪŋ/ Menyedot Like she was
765. Umbilical Noun /ˌʌmbɪˈlɪkəl/ Tali pusar The better umbilical
766. Ranch Noun /ræntʃ/ Peternakan It happens a lot on
767. Grazing Noun /ˈɡreɪzɪŋ/ Merumput Ranches are for
grazing livestock
768. Designated Verb /ˈdɛzɪɡˌneɪtɪd/ Ditunjuk There are cattle in
designated areas
769. Snugly Adverb /ˈsnʌɡli/ Nyaman He pulled it snugly
against her neck
770. Quieter Adjective /ˈkwaɪətər/ Lebih tenang The night seemed
771. Weedy Noun /ˈwiːdi/ Penuh And a few weedy
rumput patches of mud
772. Plaques Noun /plæk/ Plak At educational
773. Exhausts Verb /ɪɡˈzɔːsts/ Knalpot At strangers exhausts
my overall supply
774. Fascinating Adjective /ˈfæsɪˌneɪtɪŋ/ Menarik He thought the twin
think was fascinating
775. Bummed Adjective /bʌmd/ Kecewa Wren had been
776. Estrangeme Adjective /ɪ Alih-alih Even in their current
nt ˈstreɪndʒmənt/ state of estrangement
777. Solitaire Noun /ˈsɒlətɛr/ Patience Sometimes he played
(permainan) solitaire
778. Tackle Noun /ˈtækəl/ Mencungkil God, she wanted to
tackle him
779. Shudder Noun /ˈʃʌdər/ Menggigil Turned into more of a
780. Continuum Noun /kənˈtɪnjuəm/ Kontinum There was a lot on the
touching continuum
781. Slippery Noun /ˈslɪpəri/ Licin Whole body was
slippery slope
782. Swoony Noun /ˈswuni/ Pingsan Going to get swoony
783. Gaudy Noun /ˈɡɔːdi/ Mewah A mob of gaudy
English majors
784. Intrigued Verb /ɪnˈtriːɡd/ Tertarik Confused or intrigued
785. incessant Noun /ɪnˈsɛsənt/ Terus- Incessant and
menerus bouncing
786. Chivalrous Adjective /ˈʃɪvəlrəs/ Berbudi luhur Being chivalrous is
787. Gearshift Noun /ˈɡɪrʃɪft/ Pindah gigi fist around the
788. Chivalrous Adjective /ˈʃɪvəlrəs/ Bahaya That would not be
789. Peril Noun /ˈpɛrəl/ Berbelok you’re not in mortal
790. Veered Verb /vɪrd/ Berpura-pura His nose veered out
791. Feigning Verb /ˈfeɪnɪŋ/ Rentan When he was feigning
792. Vulnerable Adjective /ˈvʌlnərəbl/ Mengepit his chin was most
793. Jackknifed Noun /ˈdʒæknaɪft/ Terbata-bata A semi truck had
jackknifed in the
794. Stuttering Noun /ˈstʌtərɪŋ/ Tak terduga She took a stuttering
795. Fathomless Noun /ˈfæðəmləs/ Membuka You’re fathomless
gesper when it comes to
796. Unbuckled Noun /ˌʌnˈbʌkld/ Erat Cath unbuckled her
797. Tightly Adverb /ˈtaɪtli/ Serambi She held him tightly
798. Porch Noun /pɔːrtʃ/ Tak He said from the
terpengaruh porch
799. Unfazed Noun /ʌnˈfeɪzd/ Menilai Your dad seems
800. Appraising Noun /əˈpreɪzɪŋ/ Sangat terang Levi an appraising
801. Blindingly Adverb /ˈblaɪndɪŋli/ Dengan ragu- You look so
ragu blindingly cute right
802. Hesitantly Adverb /ˈhɛzɪtəntli/ Lubang Leaned into him
jarum hesitantly
803. Pinhole Noun /ˈpɪnhoʊl/ Dihancurkan Make a pinhole
804. Shredded Noun /ˈʃrɛdɪd/ Asrama And shredded
805. dormitory Noun /ˈdɔːrmɪtɔːri/ Air terjun By her dormitory to
say goodbye on his
806. Cascade Noun /kæˈskeɪd/ Karyawan So no cascade effect
807. Clerk Noun /klɜːrk/ Memelai A clerk there told her
808. Stroking Verb /stroʊkɪŋ/ Pemadam Stroking her cheek
809. Snowplow Noun /ˈsnoʊˌploʊ/ Siku A snowplow was
crawling up their
810. Elbow Noun /ˈɛlboʊ/ Merak Up on his elbow
811. Peacock Noun /ˈpikɑːk/ Serambi Wren chase a peacock
812. Porch Noun /pɔːrtʃ/ Memencet Standing on the porch
813. Pinching Verb /ˈpɪntʃɪŋ/ Merenggut Pinching the bridge
814. Wrenched Verb /rɛnʧt/ Mendesis Laura wrenched her
handbag straps higher
815. Hissed Verb /hɪst/ Bergoyang Laura hissed
816. Swaying Verb /sweɪɪŋ/ Melayang Hips swaying
817. Drifting Verb /ˈdrɪftɪŋ/ Mengeluh She was just drifting
818. Whimper Noun /ˈwɪmpər/ Muntah She heard wren
819. Vomit Noun /ˈvɒmɪt/ Meluruskan Choke on your vomit
820. Untangle Noun /ˌənˈtæŋɡəl/ Mual Cath tried to untangle
the tube around
Wren’s arm
821. Pukey Noun /ˈpjuːki/ Memar And pushed his down
into her pukey hair
822. Bruise Noun /bruz/ Membuka About that bruise
dengan cepat
823. Riffling Noun /ˈrɪflɪŋ/ Burritos Impatiently riffling
through a mostly
824. Burritos Noun /bəˈriːtoʊz/ Menikam Burritos on the table
between them
825. Stabbing Noun /ˈstæbɪŋ/ Menyambar Stabbing his finger at
826. Slamming Noun /ˈslæmɪŋ/ Hanyut Slamming the door
827. Drift Noun /drɪft/ Burrito I never want to drift
that far away from
you again
828. Burrito Noun /bəˈriːtoʊ/ Merayu I put your burrito in
the oven
829. Plead Noun /plid/ Batu nisan Are you coming to
plead her case?
830. Gravestone Noun /ˈɡreɪvstoʊn/ Melarikan His mother’s
diri gravestone
831. Bailing Verb /ˈbeɪlɪŋ/ Terkejut Nobody’s bailing on
carry on now
832. Aghast Adjective /əˈɡæst/ Panci Her face actually
833. Saucepan Noun /ˈsɔːspən/ Rak besi Holding a saucepan
834. Trivet Noun /ˈtrɪvɪt/ Melepaskan And trivet
835. Unclench Noun /ʌnˈklɛntʃ/ Menular And unclench them
836. Contagious Noun /kənˈteɪdʒəs/ Mengeluh It’s not contagious
837. Whined Verb /waɪnd/ Mengabaikan Wren whined
838. Disregard Noun /ˌdɪsrɪˈɡɑːrd/ Mengeluh You’ve shown
complete disregard
839. Groaned Verb /ɡroʊnd/ Menahan diri Levi groaned
840. Abstinence Noun /ˈæbstɪnəns/ Membalas Did you take an
budi abstinence pledge?
841. Reciprocate Verb /rɪˈsɪprəˌkeɪt/ Berhutang To at least reciprocate
842. Owed Verb /oʊd/ Berhutang She felt like she owed
843. Predilection Noun /ˌprɛdəˈlɛkʃən/ Kecenderung Her sweater
an predilection
844. Tensely Noun /ˈtɛnsli/ Dengan She smiled tensely
845. Soggy Noun /ˈsɒɡi/ Basah Then tugged off her
Lembek soggy boots
846. Plume Noun /pluːm/ Bulu, Taji Then a plume of
847. Gruesome Noun /ˈɡruːsəm/ Mengerikan, Simon stepped closer
to the gruesome
848. Nubby Noun /ˈnʌbi/ Kasar, Slick cotton nubby
berbulu swirls
849. murdered Adjective /ˈhɔːr.ə.bəl/ Mengerikan The movie was so
scary that it gave me
nightmares for days; it
was truly horrible.
850. Flagstones Adverb /ˈstɪ Kaku The elderly man stood
up stiffly, his joints
creaking with each
851. Dismay Adverb /ˈkriː.kɪ.li/ Berdecit The old wooden
staircase creaked
creakily as they
ascended, adding a
sense of eeriness to
the house.
852. Adolescenc Adjective /ˈfɛð.ər.i/ Berbulu The bird’s wings were
e soft and feathery,
allowing it to glide
gracefully through the
853. Cradling Adjective /ˈɡlɪs.nɪŋ/ Berkilauan The morning dew on
the grass sparkled,
glistening like tiny
diamonds in the
854. Scrape Verb /tæpt/ Mengetuk She tapped her fingers
impatiently on the
table, waiting for the
waiter to take her
855. Muddy Noun /skoʊp/ Cakupan The scope of the
project was much
larger than
anticipated, requiring
additional resources
and time.
856. Earlobe Noun /ˈfreɪ.ɡrəns/ Aroma The garden was filled
with the sweet
fragrance of blooming
flowers, creating a
delightful scent in the
857. Tickled Noun /ˈbɜr.tʃɪz/ Pohon The path led through a
berjenis grove of birches, their
betula white bark contrasting
beautifully with the
surrounding greenery.
858. Spectacle Adverb /ˈɛər.ɪ.li/ Dengan She danced airily
ringan across the stage, her
movements light and
859. Mauling Noun /ʌpˈsprɪŋ.ɪŋ/ Tumbuh The young saplings
subur were upspringing
from the forest floor, a
sign of new life and
860. Groaned Adjective /sprus/ Condong The living room was
decorated with spruce
branches, bringing a
festive touch to the
holiday season.
861. Courageous Adverb /rɪˈproʊtʃfəli/ Dengan She spoke
penuh reproachfully to her
teguran disobedient child.
862. Stackable Adverb /dɪˈstɪŋktli/ Dengan jelas The voice on the
phone could be heard
863. Scoffed Noun /ˈmeɪtrən/ Ibu rumah The matron of the
tangga orphanage cared for
the children like her
864. Endeavor Verb /ˈnɪbəld/ Menggigit- The mouse nibbled on
gigit a piece of cheese.
865. Wheel Verb /pɛkt/ Mematuk The bird pecked at the
crumbs on the ground.
866. Paler Verb /wɪp/ cambuk “Fanny was out
bargaining, or trying
to whip up custom,
much of the day”
867. Pausing Verb /pɑːz/ Jeda “And pausing while
she told the hat what
the body under it
ought to be like.
868. Allure Noun /əˈlʊr/ daya tarik “You have mysterious
869. Veiling Verb /veɪl/ jilbab “she told one that was
all veiling with hidden
870. Twinkles Noun /ˈtwɪŋ.kəl/ Berkedip “she told one that was
all veiling with hidden
871. Brim Noun /brɪm/ meluap “creamy hat with
roses under the brim”
872. Caterpillar Adjective /ˈkæt̬ .ɚ.pɪl.ɚ/ ulat “and to a
caterpillargreen straw
with a curly green
feather she said”
873. Feather Noun /ˈfeð.ɚ/ Bulu “and to a
caterpillargreen straw
with a curly green
feather she said”
874. Dimpled Adjective /ˈdɪm.pəl/ Lesung pipit “She told pink
bonnets they had
dimpled charm and
smart hats trimmed
with velvet that they
were witty”
875. Witty Adjective /ˈwɪt̬ .i/ Cerdas “She told pink
bonnets they had
dimpled charm and
smart hats trimmed
with velvet that they
were witty”
876. Fussy Adjective /ˈfʌs.i/ cerewet “It looked so fussy
and plain.”
877. Bought Verb /bɑːt/ dibeli “Jane Farrier came
into the shop next day
and bought it”
878. Peeping Verb /piːp/ Pengintipan “peeping out of her
879. Alcove Noun /ˈæl.koʊv/ ceruk “peeping out of her
880. Bought Verb /bɑːt/ dibeli “Jane Farrier came
into the shop next day
and bought it”
881. Peeping Verb /ˈfʌs.i/ cerewet “Her hair did look a
little strange, Sophie
thought, peeping out
of her alcove”
882. alcove Noun /bɑːt/ dibeli “Her hair did look a
little strange, Sophie
thought, peeping out
of her alcove”
883. Guiltily /ˈɡɪl.təl.i/ Bersalah “Fanny began to say,
a little guiltily”
884. Managed Verb /ˈmæn.ədʒ/ dikelola “At this rate we might
have managed.”
885. Drew Verb /druː/ menarik
887. Demure Adjective /dɪˈmjʊr/ pendiam “Sophie had to put on
a demure gray dress
and help in the shop
888. Row Noun /roʊ/ Baris “as if Jane had wound
it round a row of
889. Pokers Noun /ˈpoʊ.kɚ/ Poker “as if Jane had wound
it round a row of
890. Demand Noun /dɪˈmænd/ tuntutan “But such was the
demand that she was
hard at trimming hats
in between
892. Trimming Verb /ˈtrɪm.ɪŋ/ Pemangkasan “But such was the
demand that she was
hard at trimming hats
in between
893. Lamplight Noun /ˈlæmp.laɪt/ tukang “where she worked by
memasang lamplight far into the
lentera night”
894. Pleats Noun /pliːt/ Pelisir “, someone came in
and asked for one
with mushroom
895. Bonnets Noun /ˈbɑː.nɪt/ Topi “and so were pink
896. Catterack Noun /ˈkætəræk/ Tidak “Jane Farrier had been
ditemukan wearing when she ran
off with the Count of
897. Sewed Verb /soʊ/ menjahit “That night, as she
898. Dull Verb /dʌl/ membosanka “that her life was
n rather dull”
899. staid adjective /steɪd/ tenang dan “The staid gray dress
serius did not suit Sophie,”
900. Redrimmed Verb / -rɪmd/ Berbingkai “particularly when her
Merah eyes were redrimmed
with sewing,”
901. Sewing Noun /ˈsoʊ.ɪŋ/ jahit “particularly when her
eyes were redrimmed
with sewing,”
902. Reddish Adjective /ˈred.ɪʃ/ Kemerahan “since her hair was a
reddish straw color”
903. Pleats Noun /pliːt/ pelisir “The one with the
mushroom pleats
simply made her look
904. Dreary Adjective /ˈdrɪr.i/ Suram “The one with the
mushroom pleats
simply made her look
905. Fancied Adjective /ˈfæn.sid/ Naksir “even fancied half the
town offering her
906. Odd Adjective /ɑːd/ aneh “It was very odd”
907. excuse Noun /ɪkˈskjuːz/ Permisi “she could only do
when there were no
excuses left.”
908. Whip Verb /wɪp/ cambuk “Fanny was out
bargaining, or trying
to whip up custom,
much of the day”
909. Pausing Verb /pɑːz/ Jeda “And pausing while
she told the hat what
the body under it
ought to be like.
910. Allure Noun /əˈlʊr/ daya tarik “You have mysterious
911. Veiling Verb /veɪl/ jilbab “she told one that was
all veiling with hidden
912. Twinkles Noun /ˈtwɪŋ.kəl/ Berkedip “she told one that was
all veiling with hidden
913. Brim Noun /brɪm/ meluap “creamy hat with
roses under the brim”
914. Caterpillar Adjective /ˈkæt̬ .ɚ.pɪl.ɚ/ ulat “and to a
caterpillargreen straw
with a curly green
feather she said”
915. Feather Noun /ˈfeð.ɚ/ Bulu “and to a
caterpillargreen straw
with a curly green
feather she said”
916. Dimpled Adjective /ˈdɪm.pəl/ Lesung pipit “She told pink
bonnets they had
dimpled charm and
smart hats trimmed
with velvet that they
were witty”
917. Witty Adjective /ˈwɪt̬ .i/ Cerdas “She told pink
bonnets they had
dimpled charm and
smart hats trimmed
with velvet that they
were witty”
918. Fussy Adj /ˈfʌs.i/ cerewet “It looked so fussy
and plain.”
919. Bought Verb /bɑːt/ dibeli “Jane Farrier came
into the shop next day
and bought it”
920. Peeping Verb /piːp/ Pengintipan “peeping out of her
921. Alcove Noun /ˈæl.koʊv/ ceruk “peeping out of her
922. Bought Verb /bɑːt/ dibeli “Jane Farrier came
into the shop next day
and bought it”
923. Peeping Verb /ˈfʌs.i/ cerewet “Her hair did look a
little strange, Sophie
thought, peeping out
of her alcove”
924. alcove Noun /bɑːt/ dibeli “Her hair did look a
little strange, Sophie
thought, peeping out
of her alcove”
925. Guiltily Adverb /ˈɡɪl.təl.i/ Bersalah “Fanny began to say,
a little guiltily”
926. Managed Verb /ˈmæn.ədʒ/ dikelola “At this rate we might
have managed.”
927. Drew Verb /druː/ menarik “There was so much
custom as April drew
on towards May Day”
928. Stallion Non /ˈstæliən/ Jantan kuda There were centaurs
with black Arabian
stallion bodies,
929. Demure Adjective /dɪˈmjʊr/ pendiam “Sophie had to put on
a demure gray dress
and help in the shop
930. Row Noun /roʊ/ Baris “as if Jane had wound
it round a row of
931. Pokers Noun /ˈpoʊ.kɚ/ Poker “as if Jane had wound
it round a row of
932. Demand Noun /dɪˈmænd/ tuntutan “But such was the
demand that she was
hard at trimming hats
in between
933. Pinions Noun /ˈpɪnjənz/ Sayap The bird spread its
pinions and took
934. Trimming Verb /ˈtrɪm.ɪŋ/ Pemangkasan “But such was the
demand that she was
hard at trimming hats
in between
935. Lamplight Noun /ˈlæmp.laɪt/ tukang “where she worked by
memasang lamplight far into the
lentera night”
936. Pleats Noun /pliːt/ Pelisir “, someone came in
and asked for one
with mushroom
937. Crinkly Adjective /ˈkrɪŋkli/ Nampak She loved the sound
nyata of crinkly paper when
unwrapping presents.
938. Sorrel Noun /ˈsɔrəl/ Rumput liar The horse had a
beautiful coat of
sorrel, a reddish-
brown color.
939. Poverty Noun /ˈpɑvərti/ Kemiskinan The community
rallied together to help
alleviate poverty in
the area.
940. Neglect Noun /nɪˈɡlɛkt/ Mengabaikan The neglected garden
was overgrown with
941. Rapture Noun /ˈræptʃər/ Kebahagiaan The audience watched
in rapture as the
orchestra performed
the symphony.
942. Faltered Verb /ˈfɔːltərd/ Gagap He faltered in his
speech as he tried to
remember his lines.
943. Thrills Noun /θrɪlz/ Gairah Roller coasters
provide thrilling
experiences for
adrenaline junkies.
944. Tussle Noun /ˈtʌsəl/ Perkelahian The siblings engaged
in a playful tussle on
the living room floor.
945. Sandstone Noun /ˈsændstoʊn/ Batu pasir The building was
constructed with
beautiful sandstone
946. Steadiness Noun /ˈstɛdɪnəs/ Keteguhan The tightrope walker
showcased impressive
steadiness as he
crossed the wire.
947. Coves Noun /koʊvz/ Teluk The picturesque beach
had hidden coves
where people could
relax in privacy.
948. Obstacle Noun /ˈɒbstəkəl/ Rintangan Get past your obstacle
949. Clerk Noun /klɜːrk/ Petugas Medical records clerk
950. Examine Verb /ɪɡˈzæmɪn/ Memeriksa Let us examine a
951. Kinship Noun /ˈkɪnʃɪp/ Kekerabatan One kinship category
952. Stammered Verb /ˈstæm.ərd/ Tergagap- Nervously, he
gagap stammered his way
through the speech,
struggling to find the
right words.
953. Precise Adjective /prɪˈsaɪs/ Tepat The surgeon made
precise incisions
during the operation,
ensuring accuracy and
minimal damage.
954. Bewitched Verb /bɪˈwɪtʃt/ Terpesona The captivating
melody bewitched
everyone in the room,
drawing them closer
to the musician.
955. Despatched Verb /dɪˈspætʃt/ Dikirim The package was
despatched promptly,
and it arrived at its
destination in record
956. Frowning Verb /ˈfraʊ.nɪŋ/ Mengurutkan She walked into the
kening room, frowning at the
mess left behind by
her children.
957. Gable Noun /ˈɡeɪ.bəl/ Atap segitiga The gable of the
house was adorned
with intricate
showcasing its
architectural beauty.
958. Delightful Adjective /dɪˈlaɪt.fəl/ Menyenangk The garden was filled
an with delightful
flowers, their vibrant
colors bringing joy to
all who visited.
959. Pleasant Adjective /ˈplɛz.ənt/ Menyenangk They took a pleasant
an stroll along the beach,
enjoying the gentle
breeze and warm
960. Fringed Adjective /frɪndʒd/ Kesamping He turned his head
sidewise to get a
better view of the
961. Missionary Adjective /ˈmɪʃəˌnɛri/ Pandangan Their glances met
singkat atau across the crowded
melirik room.
962. Horrid Adjective /ˈhɒrɪd/ Tidak disukai The disliked politician
was detested by many
963. Delightfull Adjective /dɪˈlaɪtfəl/ Cepat atau She took a brisk walk
lincah in the morning to
wake herself up.
964. Prowling Verb /ˈpraʊlɪŋ/ Dengan teguh He held onto the
atau dengan railing firmly as the
kuat ship rocked on the
965. Plumes Noun /pluːmz/ Terikat atau The door was fastened
dikencangkan shut to keep it from
swinging open.
966. Bloomiest Adjective /ˈbluːmiɪst/ Megah The ballroom was
decorated in a
splendid manner for
the royal event.
967. Splendid Adjective /ˈsplɛndɪd/ Kesamping He turned his head
sidewise to get a
better view of the
968. Sidewise Adverb /ˈsaɪdwaɪz/ Pandangan Their glances met
singkat atau across the crowded
melirik room.
969. Glances Noun /ˈɡlænsɪz/ Tidak disukai The disliked politician
was detested by many
970. Detested Adjective /dɪˈtɛstɪd/ Cepat atau She took a brisk walk
lincah in the morning to
wake herself up.
971. Brisk Adjective /brɪsk/ Dengan teguh He held onto the
atau dengan railing firmly as the
kuat ship rocked on the
972. Firmly Adverb /ˈfɜːrmli/ Terikat atau The door was fastened
dikencangkan shut to keep it from
swinging open.
973. Fastened Verb /ˈfæstənd/ Megah The ballroom was
decorated in a
splendid manner for
the royal event.
974. Reproachful Adverb /rɪˈproʊtʃfəli/ Dengan She spoke
ly penuh reproachfully to her
teguran disobedient child.
975. Distinctly Adverb /dɪˈstɪŋktli/ Dengan jelas The voice on the
phone could be heard
976. Matron Noun /ˈmeɪtrən/ Ibu rumah The matron of the
tangga orphanage cared for
the children like her
977. Nibbled Verb /ˈnɪbəld/ Menggigit- The mouse nibbled on
gigit a piece of cheese.
978. Pecked Verb /pɛkt/ Mematuk The bird pecked at the
crumbs on the ground.
979. Dephts Noun /dɛpθs/ Kedalaman The depths of the
ocean are still largely
980. Despair Noun /dɪˈspɛər/ Putus asa She fell into despair
after receiving the bad
981. Swallow Verb /ˈswɑloʊ/ Menelan The swallow
gracefully flew
through the sky.
982. Spiritlessly Adverb /ˈspɪrɪtlɪsli/ Dengan tanpa He performed his
semangat duties spiritlessly.
983. Fearsomely Adverb /ˈfɪrsəmli/ Dengan ngeri The horror movie was
fearsomely thrilling.
984. Nightgown Noun /ˈnaɪtˌɡaʊn/ Gaun tidur She wore a
nightgown to bed.
985. Skimpy Adjective /ˈskɪmpi/ Seksi She put on a skimpy
(merujuk outfit for the beach.
pada pakaian)
986. Bareness Noun /ˈbɛərnəs/ Kekosongan The bareness of the
room made it feel cold
and unwelcoming.
987. Aforesaid Adjective /əˈfɔrˌsɛd/ Tersebut The aforesaid incident
diatas was documented in
the report.
988. Adorned Verb /əˈdɔrnd/ Dihiasi The Christmas tree
was adorned with
colorful ornaments.
989. Hastily Adverb /ˈheɪstɪli/ Dengan They quickly packed
tergesa-gesa their bags and left the
hotel hastily.
990. Hung Verb /hʌŋ/ Tergantung The picture was hung
on the wall for
everyone to see.
991. Muslin Noun /ˈmʌzlɪn/ Kain katun The soft muslin fabric
tipis was perfect for the
summer dress.
992. Sob Noun /sɑb/ Menangis She couldn’t hold
tersedu-sedu back a sob when she
heard the sad news.
993. Burrowed Verb /ˈbɜroʊd/ Menggali The rabbit burrowed
liang deep into the ground
to escape its predator.
994. Raiment Noun /ˈreɪmənt/ Pakaian She wore a beautiful
raiment for the special
995. Untidily Adverb /ʌnˈtaɪdɪli/ Dengan The room was untidily
kacau scattered with clothes
and books.
996. Deliberately Adverb /dɪˈlɪbərətli/ Dengan He deliberately chose
sengaja his words to avoid
causing offense.
997. Prim Adjective /prɪm/ Kaku dan She always carried
formal herself in a prim and
proper manner.
998. Perturbation Noun /ˌpɜrtərˈbeɪʃən/ Kekhawatira The unexpected news
n caused a perturbation
in their plans.
999. Wrathfully Averb /ˈræθ.fʊ.li/ Dengan He stared at her
marah wrathfully, his eyes
filled with anger.
1000. Astonishme Noun /ə Keheranan She looked at him in
nt ˈstɑːn.ɪʃ.mənt/ astonishment, unable
to believe what she
had just heard.
































































































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