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Elisa Ng

Revision: Informal Text Types (II)

Content Page

Lesson Flow
● 15 mins | Stories
● 15 mins | Restaurant Reviews
● 10 mins | Film Reviews
● 05 mins | Vocabulary & Next Steps

Learning Objectives
I’ll be able to…
● learn the overall structures for stories, restaurant reviews and film reviews.
● brainstorm arguments for the body paragraphs.
● use different sentence structures and language tools in writings.

● Level 5 Paragraphs
● Writing Homework

Elisa Ng

Revision: Informal Text Types (II)


Elisa Ng

Revision: Informal Text Types (II)

Overall Structure Sentence Structures

● Hours have passed as day turns to night, and SVO.

Hours have passed as day turns to night, and my mistress has
Opening still not returned yet.
Background | Exposition

Body Paragraph 1 ● I cannot help but VO.

Transition | Rising Actions | Development
I cannot help but accept my fate - impending death from

Body Paragraph 2 hunger and thirst.

Climax | Twist (Optional)

Body Paragraph 3
Falling Actions

Highlight | Cliffhanger / Resolution

Elisa Ng

Revision: Informal Text Types (II)

Brainstorming: Topic Sentences
Imagine you are a pet cat. One day, your owner left you in a cardboard box by the streets.

Write a story from the cat’s point of view.

Ever since I have a memory, I have never left the comfort of my mistress’ house. Warm and
cosy, the house is a paradise which I thought I would inhabit for __________________, but
this all changes one day.

Body Paragraphs 1-3:

I thought she would return soon and take me home, but hours have passed as day
Overview Rising Action
___________________________, and my mistress has still not returned yet.

At last, I reach the end of this ______________________________ when I am again in a
warm and comfy, albeit a different house. I purr satisfactorily in my new cat bed, and hope
that this is the last adventure in my life.

Elisa Ng

Revision: Informal Text Types (II)

Brainstorming: Points
Story elements

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

Who, When, Where What and Why Twist How did the conflict Open- / Close-ended
happened?, Who resolve? ending

Hungry and tired, I am found by a young woman and she feeds me. However, she is just ___________________
(pass) and leaves me almost instantly.

Finally accepting the _________________ of being abandoned, I venture out of my box and decide to find food
in the rubbish bin, before being chased away by fierce _________________ cats and dogs.

Falling Actions
Some voluntary animal helpers find me - injured, cold and hungry, and save my life by taking me to a
_____________ and allowing me to be treated by a _____________. When I recover, they are also able to find a
new home for me.

Elisa Ng

Revision: Informal Text Types (II)

Level 5 Paragraph
Imagine you are a pet cat. One day, your owner left you in a cardboard box by the streets.

Write a story from the cat’s point of view.

Development 1: Being Fed By Young Woman

[_____________________] Hours have passed as day turns to night, and my mistress has still not returned yet. Is she abandoning me? I
am now on tenterhooks. [________________________] “Meow, meow,” I purr in desperation. At six months old and wrapped in a blanket
inside a cardboard box, it seems unlikely that anyone will be able to notice me. After a while, I run out of steam and am about to give up. I
cannot help but accept my fate - impending death from hunger and thirst. Yet, it seems God has other plans for me and angels have heard
my prayers. [______________________] A ray of glaring light shines upon me, and the cardboard box is wide open, revealing the plump
and cheerful face of a young woman. “Aw, poor you,” she looks at me empathetically, and put a paper plate of cat food in my cardboard
box. I devour the food greedily, thinking that at last I am saved! I hope she will take me with her and not abandon me like my mistress did.
(170 words)

Food For Thought

Imagine you are a mobile phone. One day, your owner lost you in the middle of the street.

Write a story from the mobile phone’s point of view.

What are your feelings? What do you anticipate during the adventure?

Story elements → Development | Rising Actions | Climax | Falling Actions | Resolution

Elisa Ng

Revision: Informal Text Types (II)

Restaurant Reviews

Elisa Ng

Revision: Informal Text Types (II)

Restaurant Reviews
Overall Structure Sentence Structures

● Two Adj examples of N were A and B.

Two perfect examples of such flawless combination of
Opening Chinese and foreign cuisines were their black truffle steamed
Background | Purpose
shrimp dumplings and Hokkaido king crab with sea urchin

Body Paragraphs 1-3 spring rolls.

What I like / Don’t Like | Experience | Feedback

Closing ● Accompanied with N, SVO.

Summary | Recommendation Accompanied with Big Red Robe tea, the food left a savoury
aftertaste in my mouth.

Elisa Ng

Revision: Informal Text Types (II)

Brainstorming: Topic Sentences
You finally got the chance to eat at Hong Kong’s hottest new restaurant, DeliTreat. Write a review for Cuisine!, an online food guide that
allows users to write their own reviews. In the review, write about what you liked, what you didn’t like and if you would recommend this
restaurant. You can also choose to write about any of the following in your review. (Food, Service, Dining environment, Price)

Having heard high _______________ and reading raving _______________ for the newly
opened DeliTreat, I finally managed to reserve a table on a lazy Friday afternoon.

Body Paragraphs 1-3:

From the visit, ___________________________________ about DeliTreat are its diverse
Overview What I like and dislike
menu and Michelin-starred quality dishes.

Considering its exquisite dishes and high-quality service, and a uniquely laid-back dining
environment, the restaurant is definitely worth _____________________.

Elisa Ng

Revision: Informal Text Types (II)

Brainstorming: Points
Aspects To Review

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

Traditional | Fusion | Variety | Politeness | Willingness to Music | Decorations | Furniture | Average Price | Food Portion
Flavour | Quality Answer Questions Utensils

Aspects I Like 1
High food ____________________ and quality

Aspects I Like 2
Excellent services and environment

Aspect I Don’t Like 1

Low value _______________________ due to high price

Elisa Ng

Revision: Informal Text Types (II)

Level 5 Paragraph
You finally got the chance to eat at Hong Kong’s hottest new restaurant, DeliTreat. Write a review for Cuisine!, an online food guide
that allows users to write their own reviews. In the review, write about what you liked, what you didn’t like and if you would
recommend this restaurant. You can also choose to write about any of the following in your review. (Food, Service, Dining
environment, Price)

Aspects I Like 1: Food Diversity and Quality

[What I ______________] From the visit, I was most impressed by DeliTreat’s diverse menu and its Michelin-starred quality dishes.
[______________________] We came in for its afternoon Dim Sum Buffet and were pleasantly surprised by how their dishes rivalled the
signature dishes in some of the more renowned restaurants in Hong Kong. [______________________] Its diverse menu not only offers
traditional dim sum, but also presents unique fusion dishes using experimental methods and ingredients. Two perfect examples of such
flawless combination of Chinese and foreign cuisines were their black truffle steamed shrimp dumplings and Hokkaido king crab with sea
urchin spring rolls. Accompanied with Big Red Robe tea, the food left a savoury aftertaste in my mouth. All in all, the seafood was fresh,
and the dishes were all deliciously prepared and well-seasoned.
(125 words)

Food For Thought

You finally got the chance to eat at a newly opened Italian Restaurant, Pasta Yummy. Write a review for Open Noodles, an online food guide
that allows users to write their own reviews. In the review, write about what you liked, what you didn’t like and if you would recommend
this restaurant. You can also choose to write about any of the following in your review. (Food, Service, Dining environment, Price)

Which dish(es) surprised you? Was the value for money high? How was the service and the dining environment?
Aspects to review → Food | Service | Dining environment | Price

Elisa Ng

Revision: Informal Text Types (II)

Film Reviews

Elisa Ng

Revision: Informal Text Types (II)

Film Reviews
Overall Structure Sentence Structures

● Like N, SVO.
Like most films based on Superpower Union, Lizardman
Opening focuses on the recurring themes of justice and responsibility.
Details of Film | Main Ideas

Body Paragraph 1 ● N is exactly why SVO.

Plot Outline | Main Elements The major loophole left in the narrative of Lizardman’s birth is

Body Paragraphs 2-3 exactly why the director wanted a reboot of the film.
Analysis | Elaboration | Character Portrayal / Reasons for
New Version

Summary | Call to Action

Elisa Ng

Revision: Informal Text Types (II)

Brainstorming: Topic Sentences
You are a reporter for the entertainment section of the Hong Kong Post. You have been asked to review a new film called Lizardman which
is based on the comic series Superpower Union. Write a review of the film, including a brief description of the plot, how the characters are
portrayed in the new version of Lizardman and why the director wanted to make this film. Give your review a title.

Directed by Peter Murray, Lizardman, the latest addition to the silver-screen re-adaptation
Details of the film
of the comic series Superpower Union, has attracted __________________ reviews.

Body Paragraph 1:
The film follows the drastic __________________ of fate of John Lee, an inconspicuous
Plot outline
junior attorney in New York City, after he is crawled over by a mutated lizard.

Body Paragraphs 2-3:

Lizardman focuses on not only the ___________________ of justice and responsibility but
Overview Analysis
this new adaptation suggests that adversity in life should be faced with optimism.

If you are not a die-hard fan of the original comic series and just like exciting action
Call to action
movements and a good story with a relatable protagonist, Lizardman should be on your
______________________ list.

Elisa Ng

Revision: Informal Text Types (II)

Brainstorming: Points
Aspects to review

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

Scriptwriter | Director | Plot | Themes | Loopholes Actors’ Performance | Special New features (Special effects,
Work Origin | Main Actors | effects | Costumes | Script | Plot, Cast, Themes, Setting…)
Setting Choreography | Soundtrack

Plot Outline
Lizardman is a film adapted from the comic series Superpower Union and directed by acclaimed director Peter
Murray. It is about how the ______________________ John became a superhero named Lizardman by accident.

Analysis 1:
On top of impressive special effects, outstanding ____________________ and tasteful costumes, the film also
New Features
turns much focus on its __________________________________, especially the inner turmoils and struggles
suffered by the protagonist and his loved ones.

Analysis 2:
The main reasons why the director wanted to make the film are to fill the plot _____________________ left by
Reasons for movie
previous adaptations and to retell the story of Lizardman from a new _______________________.

Elisa Ng

Revision: Informal Text Types (II)

Level 5 Paragraph
You are a reporter for the entertainment section of the Hong Kong Post. You have been asked to review a new film called Lizardman
which is based on the comic series Superpower Union. Write a review of the film, including a brief description of the plot, how the
characters are portrayed in the new version of Lizardman and why the director wanted to make this film. Give your review a title.

Analysis 2: Film’s Themes and Reasons for New Version

[__________________: Themes] Like most films based on Superpower Union, Lizardman focuses on the recurring themes of justice and
responsibility; but unlike previous adaptations, Lizardman also suggests that adversity in life should be faced with optimism.
[_______________________: Plot] After being crawled over by a mutated lizard, our protagonist John finds it hard to reconcile himself to
the loss of his good looks and his “deformed” appearances. Yet, throughout the film, he learns to live with the fact and puts his
newly-acquired superpower into meaningful use. [___________________ for New Version] Previous films have never explored this aspect
and instead shown Lizardman in action against the villain, as if John just comes into the role naturally. This major loophole left in the
narrative of Lizardman’s birth is exactly why the director wanted a reboot of the film, as Director Peter Murray declared at the film’s global
premiere, “This film is not a remake of the previous ones, but a brand-new telling of the story of John Lee the human being, not just
(162 words)

Elisa Ng

Revision: Informal Text Types (II)

Vocabulary & Next Steps

Elisa Ng

Revision: Informal Text Types (II)

Kindly revise the following words and complete the vocabulary quiz. Be careful with the tenses and the parts of speech, good luck!

Verbs (Phrases) Vocabulary Quiz

Devour (狼吞虎嚥)
1. The impoverished and rumpled man _____________________ the food hurriedly at the
Rival (可與…相媲美) moment.
Put sth into use (花費時間 / 精力)
Run out of steam (忽然失去動力 / 頓時洩氣) 2. I hope to contribute to the team by __________ my expertise and skills _____________.
Reconcile oneself to sth (使甘心於 / 使順從
於) 3. After ten years of marriage, the couple remain felicitous as you can see from their
_____________________ faces and body.
Plump (飽滿的) 4. The stars are illuminating _____________________, capturing the eyeballs of the city
Flawless (完美的)
Acclaimed (受稱讚的) 5. Samsung and Apple have maintained their ferocious _____________________ even
Recurring (反覆出現的) after a decade.
Glaring (刺眼的 / 耀眼的)
Savoury (鹹的 / 令人愉快的) 6. The dim sum is _____________________ and piquant, neither salty nor greasy.
Well-seasoned (豐富調味的)
7. High income taxpayers often take advantage of the egregious tax ___________________
Impending (即將發生的 / 逼近的)
to save their money.
Nouns (Phrases)
8. ____________________ impacts of the tsunami have been devastating and irreversible.
Turmoil (混亂)
Premiere (首映) 9. Michelle is an _____________________ girl who always beams from ear to ear despite
Loophole (漏洞) every hardship she encounters.
Optimism (樂觀)
Adversity (逆境 / 不幸) 10. Occasionally, the cast and the director would express their gratitude at the end of the
On tenterhooks (提心吊膽的 / 如坐針氈的)

Elisa Ng

Revision: Informal Text Types (II)

Next Steps
Now, you are able to…
● learn the overall structures for stories, restaurant reviews and film reviews.
● brainstorm arguments for the body paragraphs.
● use different sentence structures in writings.

Congratulations! You have come a long way, and you can achieve even more if you kindly complete or read:
○ Level 5 Paragraphs
○ Writing Homework

See you in our next class!

Elisa Ng

Revision: Informal Text Types (II)

Writing Homework
1. Imagine you are a mobile phone. One day, your owner lost you in the middle of the street.

Write a story from the mobile phone’s point of view.

2. You finally got the chance to eat at a newly opened Italian Restaurant, Pasta Yummy. Write a review for Open Noodles, an online food
guide that allows users to write their own reviews. In the review, write about what you liked, what you didn’t like and if you would
recommend this restaurant. You can also choose to write about any of the following in your review. (Food, Service, Dining environment,

3. You are a reporter for the entertainment section of the Hong Kong Post. You have been asked to review a new film called The Love Life of
a Celebrity, which is a romantic comedy. Write a review of the film, including a brief description of the plot, the features you like or dislike
and why the director wanted to make this film. Give your review a title.

Kindly attach the question number and writing question when you submit your homework. Thank you!

Vocabulary Quiz devouring 2.putting, into use 3.plump 4.glaringly 5.rivalry 6.well-seasoned 7.loopholes 8.Adverse 9.optimistic 10.premiere


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