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As we witness the consequences of climate change, deforestation, pollution, and the loss
of biodiversity, it becomes increasingly crucial for us to address these pressing challenges.
Environmental issues affect every living being on this planet, and it is our responsibility to
take action and make a positive impact.

I decided to work about Waste management awareness which refers to the

understanding, knowledge, and consciousness about the proper handling, disposal, and
reduction of waste materials in an environmentally responsible manner. It involves educating
individuals and communities about the impact of waste on the environment, human health,
and sustainability, as well as promoting practices that minimize waste generation and
maximize resource recovery.

The main objective is to raise awareness among young learners about the importance of
proper waste management and encourage them to take action in their school and home.
Teaching students about different types of waste, their proper disposal methods, and the
benefits of waste reduction and recycling.

Time: 2 weeks (eight classes of ’50 each one)

Grade: 3rd


1- Watching a video about different types of garbage and how to classify it.

After watching the video, students will do the next activity.The aim of this activity is to check
- I will copy this activity on the board, in order to check their answers, asking them questions
like: Is a can organic?/ Is an apple heart a metal? Etc.

I will ask them to think about what type of garbage they usually produce, and sort them
according to each category. For this activity I will write a chart.

Metal e-waste plastic organic

Students will draw on the chart what they usually produce more. We will discuss their
answers, and I will write on the board their answers to count how many produce organic,
plastic, etc. garbage in order to analyze the quantities of waste generated.

I will ask them Why it is important to sort the garbage? I will write their answers in a spider
graph or word cloud.

2.- For the next class I will ask my students to bring different types of waste produced at
home (food containers, plastic bottles, aluminum, paper, cartoon, etc.), crayons and white
papers. I will bring some beans.

Activity: I will divide my students in group of four. They will decorate the bins, according to the
classification given to each group, using part of the material (papers, cartoons, food

When the bins are finally finished, we will dispose them in the school yard. And we will throw
the rest of the materials wasted into the correct bin.
I have chosen these activities, in first place because I´ve noticed that young learners are who
throw their garbage on the yard floor more than the older ones. After finishing their breaks,
there is e-waste everywhere, as in their classrooms.

On second place, young learners enjoy doing craft activities. And it is a way of raising
awareness about the importance of proper waste management.

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