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6. The Gaza Solidarity Encampment is dedicated to building

The Gaza Solidarity Encampment is a horizontally structured coalitions and working together with other CUNY,
action bringing together students and workers at the City University of NYC-based, and international organizations and movements
New York (CUNY) who stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people to dismantle the structures of institutionalized violence that
and support their right to self-determination and national liberation, uphold colonialism, racial capitalism, white supremacy,
from the river to the sea. We are committed to ending the zionist hetero-patriarchy, imperialism, and all forms of oppression.
entity's genocide as well as as the occupation and colonization of None of us are free until all of us are free.
Palestine and all surrounding lands, dismantling of the Apartheid Wall,
and the return of Palestinian refugees to their homes and properties. COMMUNITY AGREEMENTS:
We understand that US economic, military and political support for
“israel” stems from the need of the ruling class to maintain imperial 1. We all commit to remain grounded in why we enter this
domination in an area of enormous geostrategic significance via a space: as an act of solidarity with the Palestinian people
colonial outpost. We recognize that CUNY, a public institution facing the deadliest year in a 100-year long imperialist backed
imbricated in colonial, racial capitalist, and imperialist systems of genocide of the Palestinian people, which CUNY as an
power, is not just a passive spectator to the US-backed zionist settler institution is complicit in.
colonization of Palestine. Through its investments in companies that 2. No desecration of the land. No littering. Please pick up your
support the zionist state, as well as exchange programs with “israeli” trash.
universities and other institutional ties, it is a material contributor to 3. We recognize our role as visitors, and for many of us,
“israel’s” settler colonial project. CUNY is complicit in “israel’s” colonizers, on this land. We camp with an acute awareness
violent theft of the lives, livelihoods, land, and natural resources of the that we do so on land where racist colonizers violently
Palestinian people. As members of the CUNY community, we demand displaced and attempted to annihilate the Indigenous
that CUNY immediately end our complicity in the settler colonial Lenapehoking people, and where racist colonizer
violence and dispossession that the Palestinian people have been institutions--including our university--have continued to
subjected to for over 100 years. carry out systemic violence and displacement against Black
and Brown communities.
POINTS OF UNITY: 4. No drug use/alcohol consumption inside the camp. This
may make people uncomfortable, and increase risk of police
1. The Gaza Solidarity Encampment rejects all forms of or administrative targeting and repression. Ultimately this
settler colonialism, from Palestine to Turtle Island. We camp exists in service of Palestine, and “partying” in such a
connect our support for Palestinian liberation to the space would be an offense to the cause that has brought us
Indigenous movement’s Land Back struggle on Turtle Island here. If people would like to smoke, they can do so outside
for the return of unceded Indigenous lands. of the tent area. We don’t want to police each other or each
2. The Gaza Solidarity Encampment categorically supports other’s patterns of substance use, but want to ensure that
the Palestinian liberation struggle. People subjected to a people feel comfortable in the space.
violent colonial system have an inalienable right, recognized 5. Respect personal boundaries- tight quarters are not an excuse
by international law, to resist their colonization, including to cross physical boundaries without affirmative consent
through armed struggle. When people are colonized, 6. We commit to never photographing or videotaping another
resistance is justified. We support Palestinian community member without their affirmative consent.
self-determination and liberation of all the land of historic 7. We commit to not share the names or details of any camp
Palestine, from the river to the sea. participants or any other non-public information about the
3. The Gaza Solidarity Encampment rejects the camp with administrators, police, press, or on social media,
normalization and acceptance of “israeli” statehood. A settler or with anyone outside of the camp, without the affirmative
colonial entity that dispossesses, ethnically cleanses, and consent of those involved, as we realize this could cause
attempts to exterminate an Indigenous population has no great harm to our movement. We keep us safe, and that
inherent ‘right to exist’ or to ‘defend itself ’ against the people includes refusing to comply with any requests for
it oppresses. information from NYPD, outside investigators, or members
4. The Gaza Solidarity Encampment opposes the false of the university administration.
conflation of anti-semitism and anti-zionism across CUNY, 8. We commit to assuming best intentions, granting ourselves
which is being used by the CUNY administration to suppress and others grace when mistakes are made, and approaching
those voicing support for Palestinian liberation. We believe conflict with the goal of addressing and repairing.
that Zionism, like other structures of institutionalized racism, 9. Please think of community members when making decisions
must be actively opposed and cannot be accepted or about autonomous action. Not everyone has consented to
normalized as just another point of view within our public the same levels of risk, but everyone will be affected by
university. decisions that community members make.
5. The Gaza Solidarity Encampment works to realize the call 10. We commit to not engaging with zionist counter-protestors.
for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions across CUNY and They seek to distract us, and we must remain steadfast and
across the US more broadly, as called for by Palestinian civil unified.
society and laid out in the CUNY-wide BDS statement.
OUR FIVE DEMANDS: liberation. We also demand CUNY reinstate professors who have been
fired for showing solidarity with Palestine.
1. Disclose & Divest: CUNY’s immediate and total divestment from
companies which aid in zionist colonization and war crimes. Ensure 4. Demilitarize CUNY, Demilitarize Harlem: Get IOF and NYPD
accountability by publishing annual reports of CUNY's investments officers off all CUNY campuses and end all collaboration, training and
and contracts. recruitment by imperialist institutions, including the CIA, Homeland
Security and ROTC. Remove all symbols of US imperialism from our
As of Fiscal Year 2021, CUNY had 13 contracts exceeding $8.5 campuses: Rename the Colin Powell School of Global and Civic
million USD with companies that aid in, or profit from, zionist Leadership at CCNY and reinstate The Guillermo Morales and Assata
colonization, occupation, and war crimes, including Dell, IBM, HP, Shakur Community and Student Center!
Lenovo, Cisco, and BMC Software; As the 2018 CUNY Apartheid
Divest Resolution outlines, these companies supply bombs and fighter a) Ban “israeli” army officials from speaking at CUNY
jets to the “israeli” military, help surveil Palestinian movement, events. In April 2018, a senior official in the Israeli army was
provide demolition equipment that is used against Palestinian homes, invited to speak about “israeli” military ethics at a John Jay
and aid in constructing illegal zionist settlements. Every single CUNY event cosponsored by John Jay’s psychology department.
President and administration must publicly advocate for CUNY to Given the Israeli Occupation Forces’ central role in the Gaza
divest from all such companies. We refuse to allow our tuition money genocide and settler colonial violence/dispossession more
to be invested in apartheid. We refuse to fund our education through broadly, it is absolutely unacceptable for the Israeli army or
genocide. Furthermore, CUNY must commit to publishing an annual any of its members to be hired as faculty members or invited
report of its investments and contracts to ensure accountability. to speak on campus. The presence of such individuals is
psychologically harmful and a safety threat to CUNY
2. Academic Boycott: Ban all academic trips to “israel” (occupied students. As zionist forces massacre Palestinians before our
Palestine) and relationships with “israeli” universities, encompassing eyes, IOF members must not be allowed to perpetuate the lie
birthright, Fulbright, and prospective trips. of being "the most moral army in the world.” CUNY must
terminate and henceforth ban invitations to or reservations
Throughout the years, each CUNY campus has consistently supported by the zionist military, its members, and affiliates.
academic and organizational trips to occupied Palestine and fostered b) Ban NYPD from CUNY campuses. The NYPD, like all
collaborations with “israeli” academic institutions, particularly in police forces in the US, is designed to protect private
conjunction with Hillel-sponsored birthright/perspectives trips, property and uphold white supremacy. As a police force in a
study-abroad trips to “israel”, US-Israel Binational Foundations, and settler colonial state, it is unsurprising that they train and
Fulbright Israel applications at CUNY campuses. These academic shared tactics and strategies with the IOF. As a majority
excursions directly contribute to and legitimize the apartheid system working class, Black and Brown public institution that claims
and ongoing colonization of Palestine. Moreover, they serve as a to be a “People’s University”, CUNY must end all ties with
painful mockery to Palestinian students who are unjustly denied entry the NYPD. Having the NYPD on our campuses also
into their own homeland. When students partake in these trips, they contributes to militarizing the largely working class, Black
often openly engage with the Israeli Occupation Forces, which are and Brown communities our campuses are located in.
actively involved in the oppression and killing of Palestinians,
systematically denying them their fundamental human rights. The 5. A People’s CUNY
participation in these trips not only perpetuates an unjust status quo
and inculcates CUNY students with Zionism, but also reinforces the CUNY was free and fully funded for over 125 years. There is plenty
Palestinian students’ exclusion from their own ancestral land, of wealth in New York that could be taxed and redirected to make
compounding the injustice they face. We demand an end to this CUNY fully open and free for all. We demand that CUNY provide
complicity by instituting a ban on all academic and comprehensive support for students including Metrocards, housing,
university-affiliated/sponsored trips to “israel.” food, healthcare, and mental health counseling. CUNY was free while
its students were mostly of European descent. In 1969, a wave of
3. Solidarity with the Palestine liberation struggle: Protect CUNY campus occupations led to Open Admissions, which allowed all
Students & Workers for expressing solidarity with the Palestine graduating NYC high school students to enter CUNY for free. CUNY
Liberation Struggle. started charging tuition in 1976, after the student body became
majority Black, Latinx, and Asian. We stand firmly against all tuition
We demand the CUNY administration release a statement affirming and fee increases, as well as against racist and classist standardized
the right of the Palestinian people to national liberation and the right admissions testing, which disproportionately harm low-income
of return. People subjected to a violent colonial system have an working-class students of color. We also support and will use our
inalienable right, recognized by international law (General Assembly power to fight for the full funding of other city services including
resolution A/RES/38/17 (22/11/1983), to resist their colonization, K-12 education, public transportation, public housing, and public
including through armed struggle. When people are colonized, health services. We demand that CUNY have its tuition free status
resistance is justified. CUNY must protect from repression and restored to make education accessible for everyone. We demand that
solidarity its students and workers who are attacked for speaking out the CUNY admin meets all the demands for a fair contract made by
against the genocide in Gaza and in solidarity with Palestinian the Professional Staff Congress (PSC CUNY).

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