W3-S1-Reading and Writing Group Activity

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Group Activity:

Instructions: Read the text carefully, brainstorm and write down as many pieces of textual evidence as
you can find to support your assertion and counterclaim.

Text 1:


"School uniforms have been implemented in many educational institutions with the aim of promoting
discipline, equality, and a sense of belonging among students. Proponents argue that uniforms help
reduce social pressures related to clothing choices, minimize distractions in the classroom, and foster a
sense of unity among students from diverse backgrounds. However, opponents of school uniforms
contend that they suppress individuality and self-expression. They argue that students should have the
freedom to express their personal style through clothing choices, and that uniforms can be costly for
families already struggling financially. Despite these objections, schools continue to enforce uniform
policies as they believe in the benefits they bring to the overall school environment and academic

Text 2:

"The death penalty has long been a topic of debate, with proponents arguing that it serves as a
deterrent to crime and provides justice for victims and their families. They contend that certain crimes
are so heinous that the only appropriate punishment is the ultimate one. Additionally, supporters argue
that the death penalty can offer closure to victims' families and prevent dangerous criminals from
reoffending. However, opponents of the death penalty argue that it is an ineffective deterrent and can
lead to the execution of innocent individuals. They point to cases where DNA evidence has exonerated
individuals on death row, highlighting the flaws and injustices within the legal system. Furthermore,
opponents argue that the death penalty is disproportionately applied to marginalized communities,
raising concerns about racial and socioeconomic bias in the criminal justice system."

Text 3:

"Artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed various industries, offering opportunities for automation,
efficiency, and innovation. Proponents argue that AI technologies can streamline processes, improve
decision-making, and enhance productivity across sectors such as healthcare, finance, and
transportation. They point to examples where AI-driven algorithms have revolutionized tasks like medical
diagnosis, stock trading, and autonomous driving. However, critics raise concerns about the ethical
implications of AI, particularly regarding privacy, bias, and job displacement. They argue that AI systems
can perpetuate societal inequalities and pose risks to personal data security. Despite these concerns, the
rapid advancement of AI continues to shape the way we work, live, and interact with technology."

Text 4:

"Globalization has facilitated interconnectedness among nations, leading to increased trade, cultural
exchange, and economic growth. Proponents argue that globalization has lifted millions of people out of
poverty by creating new job opportunities and expanding markets. They point to the rise of
multinational corporations and the spread of technology as indicators of globalization's positive impact.
However, critics contend that globalization has also contributed to income inequality, environmental
degradation, and cultural homogenization. They argue that multinational corporations exploit cheap
labor in developing countries, leading to exploitation and economic disparity. Additionally, critics raise
concerns about the loss of cultural diversity and the dominance of Western values in a globalized world."

Text 5:

"Education is often seen as the key to social mobility and economic prosperity. Proponents argue that
investing in education leads to higher levels of employment, improved health outcomes, and reduced
poverty rates. They advocate for policies that prioritize access to quality education for all, regardless of
socioeconomic background. Additionally, supporters highlight the role of education in fostering critical
thinking, creativity, and civic engagement. However, critics argue that the education system perpetuates
inequalities by favoring privileged students and neglecting the needs of marginalized communities. They
point to disparities in school funding, resources, and educational outcomes as evidence of systemic
inequality within the education system. Despite these challenges, efforts to reform education and
promote equity continue to be a priority for policymakers and advocates."
Answer key:

Text 1:


1. "School uniforms have been implemented in many educational institutions with the aim of
promoting discipline, equality, and a sense of belonging among students."
2. "Uniforms help reduce social pressures related to clothing choices, minimize distractions in the
classroom, and foster a sense of unity among students from diverse backgrounds."
3. "Schools continue to enforce uniform policies as they believe in the benefits they bring to the overall
school environment and academic performance."


1. "Opponents of school uniforms contend that they suppress individuality and self-expression."
2. "They argue that students should have the freedom to express their personal style through clothing
choices, and that uniforms can be costly for families already struggling financially."

Text 2:


1. "The death penalty serves as a deterrent to crime and provides justice for victims and their families."
2. "Certain crimes are so heinous that the only appropriate punishment is the ultimate one."
3. "The death penalty can offer closure to victims' families and prevent dangerous criminals from


1. "Opponents argue that the death penalty is an ineffective deterrent and can lead to the execution of
innocent individuals."
2. "They point to cases where DNA evidence has exonerated individuals on death row, highlighting the
flaws and injustices within the legal system."
3. "The death penalty is disproportionately applied to marginalized communities, raising concerns
about racial and socioeconomic bias in the criminal justice system."

Text 3:


1. "Artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed various industries, offering opportunities for automation,
efficiency, and innovation."
2. "AI technologies can streamline processes, improve decision-making, and enhance productivity
across sectors such as healthcare, finance, and transportation."
3. "The rapid advancement of AI continues to shape the way we work, live, and interact with

1. "Critics raise concerns about the ethical implications of AI, particularly regarding privacy, bias, and
job displacement."
2. "AI systems can perpetuate societal inequalities and pose risks to personal data security."

Text 4:


1. "Globalization has facilitated interconnectedness among nations, leading to increased trade, cultural
exchange, and economic growth."
2. "Globalization has lifted millions of people out of poverty by creating new job opportunities and
expanding markets."
3. "The rise of multinational corporations and the spread of technology are indicators of globalization's
positive impact."


1. "Critics contend that globalization has also contributed to income inequality, environmental
degradation, and cultural homogenization."
2. "Multinational corporations exploit cheap labor in developing countries, leading to exploitation and
economic disparity."
3. "There are concerns about the loss of cultural diversity and the dominance of Western values in a
globalized world."

Text 5:


1. "Investing in education leads to higher levels of employment, improved health outcomes, and
reduced poverty rates."
2. "Policies should prioritize access to quality education for all, regardless of socioeconomic
3. "Education fosters critical thinking, creativity, and civic engagement."


1. "Critics argue that the education system perpetuates inequalities by favoring privileged students and
neglecting the needs of marginalized communities."
2. "Disparities in school funding, resources, and educational outcomes highlight systemic inequality
within the education system."

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