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Literature reflects societal values and beliefs.

Books shape individuals' perspectives and behaviors.

Fictional stories serve as a mirror to society, highlighting its strengths and flaws.
Literary works contribute to cultural heritage and identity.
Literature fosters empathy and understanding among diverse groups.
Reading promotes critical thinking and analytical skills.
B) Selected main ideas:

Literature reflects societal values and beliefs.

Books shape individuals' perspectives and behaviors.
Literature fosters empathy and understanding among diverse groups.
C) Thesis Statement:
Literature plays a pivotal role in shaping society by reflecting its values and beliefs, influencing
individuals' perspectives and behaviors, and fostering empathy and understanding among diverse groups,
thereby contributing to the fabric of our cultural heritage and identity.

Action Step 3: Crafting the speech

A. Hook: Did you know that the stories we read are like mirrors reflecting our society's values and
B. Introduce your topic: Today, we'll explore how literature impacts our society in profound ways.
C. Transition: Let's delve into three key aspects of this influence.

A. Main Idea/point-1: Literature reflects societal values and beliefs.

Sub-point: Literary works often mirror the values and beliefs prevalent in society.
Support/evidence: Examples from classic and contemporary literature showcasing societal norms and
B. Main point 2: Books shape individuals' perspectives and behaviors.
Sub-point: Reading influences how individuals view the world and behave in it.
Support/evidence: Research findings on the psychological effects of reading on cognitive empathy and
C. Main point 3: Literature fosters empathy and understanding among diverse groups.

Sub-point: Fictional stories allow readers to step into the shoes of others, promoting empathy.
Support/evidence: Examples of literature breaking down stereotypes and fostering empathy towards
marginalized groups.
A. Brief summary of your topic: Literature serves as a powerful tool for reflecting societal values,
shaping individual perspectives, and fostering empathy.
B. Review main points:

Main point 1: Literature reflects societal values and beliefs.

Main point 2: Books shape individuals' perspectives and behaviors.
Main point 3: Literature fosters empathy and understanding among diverse groups.
C. Close with impact: As we continue to immerse ourselves in the world of literature, let's remember its
profound impact on shaping our society and ourselves.

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