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Quarter 4: Module 1
Week 1

Grammatical Signals or Expressions for

Different Patterns of Idea Development
About the Modul Pre-Test
Lesson 1 – General to Particular
Lesson 2 – Claim and Counterclaim
Lesson 3 – Problem and Solution
Lesson 4 – Cause and Effect Relationships

General Direction: In answering the activities for this module, use separate
sheets of paper.

What I Need to Know

After going through the process of discovery with the learning tasks, you are expected to:
1. identify the pattern of idea development used in a given paragraph;
2. use the correct grammatical signals in paragraph development; and
3. develop a paragraph out of the given main idea.

Directions: Read each item carefully and write only the letter of your answer.

For items number 1-4. Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow.
Wild chimpanzees are rapidly disappearing. 2Some people are trying to solve this
problem. 3Otherwise, chimpanzees may one day exist only in zoos. 4People are trying to
save the rain forests and woodlands where the chimps live from being cut down. 5It will take
many people working together to solve this problem.
1. Which statement number can you find the solution?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
2. Which statement number can you find the problem?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

Parents should be fined when their children bully in order to send a message. Some
say it is very difficult for parents to manage their children when they leave the house and
got to school. Despite this, thirteen million kids are bullied each year and something needs
to be done. The fines will encourage parents to focus on anti-bullying in the home.
Which statement is the counterclaim?

A. The fines will encourage parents to focus on anti-bullying in the home.

B. Parents should be fined when their children bully because it will send a message.
C. Despite this, thirteen million kids are bullied each year and something needs to
be done.
D. Some say it is very difficult for parents to manage their children when they leave
the house and got to school.

The three men travelled on horseback. It was a long journey. They rode all day
long. It was dark when they reached the camp.
Which statement is the cause?

A. They left at dawn.

B. the horses were tired
C. The journey was long.
D. It was dark when the men reached the camp.

For items number 5-6. Read the paragraphs and identify the patterns of idea development.


Headaches can have several causes. One obvious cause is stress. People have
hectic lives and frequently have multiple stressors every day, like work, family and money.
Another reason for headaches in some people has to do with diet. Some get headaches
because they are dependent on caffeine. Other people may be allergic to salt, or they may
have low blood sugar. The environment can also cause this uncomfortable condition.
Allergies such as household chemicals including polishes, waxes, bug killers, and paint can
lead to headaches. Lowering stress, controlling your diet and avoiding allergens can help
avoid headaches.
A. Cause and Effect C. Problem and Solution
B. General to Particular D. Claim and Counterclaim

Astronauts face many challenges in space caused by weightlessness. One of these

obstacles is floating around the cabin. To solve this problem, astronauts wear shoes that
are coated with a special adhesive. This adhesive sticks to the floor of the cabin.
A. Cause and Effect C. Problem and Solution
B. General to Particular D. Claim and Counterclaim
7. How would you know if a text is written in problem-solution text structure? The text would
A. define and describe one main topic
B. explain the steps of an event in time order
C. show how two things are similar and different
D. explain one main issue, and the solution to this issue
8. What statement addresses opposing viewpoints?
A. Claim B. Counterclaim C. Particular D. Solution
9. What does the word cause mean? It is _____________.
A. what happens
B. how the conflict is solved
C. the reason why something happens
D. where an issue is given and possible solutions are provided
10. What is referred to as exact, precise fact or description of something mentioned in the
A. Claim B. Counterclaim C. Particular D. Solution
11. Which type of text structure describes an issue and gives an answer to it?
A. Cause and Effect C. Problem and Solution
B. General to Particular D. Claim and Counterclaim

12. What do you call the writer’s position on an issue?
A. Claim B. Counterclaim C. Particular D. Solution
13. What pattern of development basically explains the reason why an event or phenomenon
occurred and/or what its results could be?
A. Cause and Effect C. Problem and Solution
B. General to Particular D. Claim and Counterclaim

For items number 14-15. Identify the general idea of the following paragraphs.


There are many kinds of people in the world. Some people are givers. They tend to
give freely of themselves to others without expecting anything in return. A second group of
people are takers. They often view people as valuable based on how they can benefit or
take from the relationship. Many times, these people take what they don’t even need.
A. Some people are givers.
B. A second group of people are takers.
C. There are many kinds of people in the world.
D. Many times, these people take what they don’t even need.

The color of a metal changes when its temperature changes. When metals become
very hot, it begins to glow. First, a metal will glow a dull red color. When the metals become
hotter, it changes to a bright red hot. At higher temperatures, it becomes yellow and finally
white. The wire inside a light bulb is a common example of a yellow hot metal.
When the wire inside becomes yellow-hot, the light bulb glows, or gives light.
A. When metals become very hot, it begins to glow.
B. At higher temperatures, it becomes yellow and finally white.
C. The color of a metal changes when its temperature changes.
D. When the wire inside becomes yellow-hot, the light bulb glows, or gives light.

Lesson 1 General to Particular

What I Need to Know

After going through the lesson, you are expected to:
1. locate general-to-particular statements in a paragraph;
2. identify grammatical signals used in general-particular paragraph development; and
3. state the learnings gained in identifying general-to-particular pattern of idea

What’s In
Directions: Draw the diagram in a separate sheet of paper. Write the main idea in the box
and its associated words in the ovals.

Facebook Messenger Twitter

Social media Instagram YouTube

What’s New
The diagram above shows association of words from general (main) idea to particular.
Like a paragraph, the diagram consists of main idea and particulars. The main idea
can be developed by describing, explaining or supporting it in a paragraph or longer
Study an example of text using a general-to-particular pattern of idea development as
shown below:

Social media have positive impact on us.

They are a good tool for communication, as social
networking websites serve as one of the best platforms
for people to communicate and stay in touch with
friends. Additionally, they improve technological skills
of an individual as social media networking aids in
enhancing technological skills of a student. Further,
they benefit businessmen to market their services to a
wide range of online audience. Moreover, they promote
better connectivity, as through these media, people
from any part of the world can connect with anybody.
Furthermore, they aid learning as these media make it
convenient for people to learn and teach people.

The paragraph shows the general idea which you usually find in the first statement;
then, it is followed by the particular ideas. The main idea is developed by adding particulars
using grammatical signals or expressions (Additionally, Further, Moreover and

What Is It
Idea development is the manner, pattern or method by which a writer or speaker
explains his main idea about a topic in a paragraph or paragraphs.
General-to-particular pattern of idea development is the method of explanation
done by starting with a broad (big) idea and by following it with particular (small) ideas in
support to the broad idea.
Grammatical signals or expressions are words used by writers or speakers in
sentences that give their readers or listeners a signal of what will follow an idea.
Here are the other grammatical signals which you can use to develop a paragraph
using general-to-particular idea development.

Logical Relationship Grammatical Signals or Expressions

Sequence/Order first, second, third, … next, then, finally
Example for example, for instance, namely, specifically, to illustrate,
such as, like
Additional Support or additionally, again, also, and, as well, besides, equally,
Evidence important, further, furthermore, in addition, moreover, then

What I Can Do
Directions: Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
Writing is a complex socio-cognitive process involving the construction of recorded
messages on paper or on some other material, and, more recently, on a computer screen.
The skills needed to write range from making the appropriate graphic marks, through
utilizing the resources of the chosen language, to anticipating the reactions of the intended
readers. 3The first skill area involves acquiring a writing system, which may be alphabetic
(as in European languages) or nonalphabetic (as in many Asian languages). 4The second
skill area requires selecting the appropriate grammar and vocabulary to form acceptable
sentences and then arranging them in paragraphs. 5Third, writing involves thinking about
the purpose of the text to be composed and about its possible effects on the intended
readership. 6One important aspect of this last feature is the choice of a suitable style.
Because of these characteristics, writing is not an innate natural ability like speaking but
has to be acquired through years of training or schooling.
(Swales & Feak, 1994, p. 34)

1. Which statement number is the general idea? _____________________

2. Which statement numbers are the particulars? _______________________
3. What are the grammatical signals used? __________________________

What I Have Learned

Directions: Write valuable insights you have learned in identifying general-to-particular
pattern of idea development by completing the statement below.

In identifying general-to-particular pattern of idea development, I have learned that


What’s More
Directions: Copy the diagram in a separate sheet of paper. Fill in the boxes with the
particular ideas found in the text.

Children can be of great assistance to their parents and other family members. For
example, they may help by cleaning the household, washing dishes, taking care of pets, or
through doing other chores. By doing these tasks, children are doing their part in the family
and learning how to be responsible and prepare for life. Another example of children
performing important tasks is the help they provide the parents while the parents are busy
or working; the children might bring the parents something they need or answer the phone
while the parents are busy. Children doing chores are helping take stress off their parents
even by doing simple tasks such as taking out the trash. A final example is that as children
get older, they may do more important tasks for the family, such as baby-sitting siblings,
getting groceries, and mowing the lawn. These chores all help the family greatly and teach
children valuable life lessons.

Particular Idea 1:

General Idea: Particular Idea 2:

Children can be of great Another example of children performing important

assistance to their parents tasks is the help they provide the parents while the
and other family members. parents are busy or working; the children might
bring the parents something they need or answer
the phone while the parents are busy.

Particular Idea 3:

Lesson 2 Claim and Counterclaim

What I Need to Know

After going through the lesson, you are expected to:
1. locate claim-and-counterclaim statements in a paragraph;
2. identify grammatical signals used in claim-and-counterclaim paragraph development;
3. state the learnings gained in identifying claim-and-counterclaim pattern of idea

What’s In
Directions: Study the comic strips below and answer the questions that follow.

1. What idea is mentioned by the boy in the comic strip?________________________
2. Does the girl agree with the boy’s idea?_______________________

The comic strips show people with different ideas/opinions on a certain topic. In real
life, you encounter agreement or disagreement of ideas. A person’s idea on something is
what we call claim while a person’s opposition to that idea is what we call counterclaim.
So, how will you express an idea (claim) or oppose to an idea (counterclaim)?

What’s New
Study the following text using a claim-and-counterclaim pattern of idea development.
Many claim that one need not go to college to be successful. 2While this is true to
some; many will agree to the idea that college education results in better employment.
According to The National Center for Education Statistics, 73 percent of young adults with
a bachelor’s degree worked full time, year-round in 2014, compared to 65 percent of young
adult high school graduates. 4Therefore, it can be said that college education is a pre-
requisite to attain success in life.

Statement number 1 is the Claim (someone else’s idea), statement number 2 is the
Counterclaim (writer’s idea), statement number 3 is the Reason/Evidence and statement
number 4 is the Re-statement of the Counterclaim.

What Is It
The claim-to-counterclaim pattern of idea development is a method of developing
a paragraph or a longer composition by stating (someone else’s) claim, by stating your (the
writer’s) counterclaim and by following the counterclaim with reasons or evidences to support
the said counterclaim.
A claim is an arguable idea used to support or prove one’s reasoning.
Ex. In relation to social media and mental health, one may claim that “Constant use of
social media leads us to self-absorption.”
There are three (3) types of claims:
1. Claim of Fact is an idea that can be proved to be true or false with factual
Ex. Social media make us feel lonelier. (Based on a study conducted by the
University of Pennsylvania, social media increases feelings of loneliness.)
2. Claim of Value is an idea that something can be proved to be good or bad.
Ex. Excessive use of social media is bad to our mental health.
3. Claim of Policy is an idea that something should be done.
Ex. Our government should design laws to protect users from cyber-bullying.
A counterclaim is an idea that opposes a claim. In other words, it is an idea that states
that a particular claim is invalid, false or weak.
Ex. To claim that our government should design laws to protect users from cyber-
bullying, some may counterclaim this by saying “While this is true, some may argue that
creators of social media, not the government, should be required to create policies that will
protect their users from cyber-bullying.”
Grammatical signals suitable when stating a counterclaim are:
- While it is true to some…
- It might be true, but…
or however, on the other hand,
nevertheless nonetheless,
yet, still,
- There is an argument that…
Grammatical signals suitable when stating evidence in support for a counterclaim are:
- According to (author, research, study or survey),
- Evidence shows that…
- A study reveals that…
- The work of (author) indicates that…
Steps in using the claim to counterclaim pattern of idea development are:
1. State the claim (of another person).
2. State your counterclaim.
3. State reasons or evidences to support your counterclaim.
4. Re-state your counterclaim.

What I Can Do
Directions: Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
Social media help us see possible ways to be socially happy. 2While this may be
true; this argument may not always be true to some. 3According to the article titled “Social
Media and Mental Health” by Help Guide, a research conducted by the University of
Pennsylvania found out that social media make us absorbed of ourselves, as “sharing
endless selfies and all our innermost thoughts on social media can create an unhealthy self-
centeredness and distance you from real-life connections.” 4It can be inferred that social
media may make us either socially happy or lonely.

1. Which statement number contains the writer’s claim?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
2. Which statement number contains the counterclaim?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
3. Which statement number provides reason/evidence to support the counterclaim?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
4. Which statement number re-states the counterclaim?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
5. Which grammatical signal or expression is used in stating evidence to support the
A. While it may be true… C. According to…
B. It can be inferred that… D. Evidence shows that…

What I Have Learned

Directions: Write valuable insights you have learned in identifying claim-and-counterclaim
pattern of idea development by completing the statement below.

In identifying claim-and-counterclaim pattern of idea development, I have learned

that ___________________________________________________________________.

What’s More
Directions: Read the paragraph below and answer the question that follows.

Some may argue that eating meat is ethical because it is natural for animals to kill
and eat one another to survive. For example, in the wild, lions “stalk and hunt prey daily for
survival” (Poe 24). However, this argument presumes that all animals need meat to survive
or rely exclusively on hunting for food. Human beings are omnivores, and therefore “[our]
diets require very little to no meat” (Johnson 5) to the viable. As human beings who have
some measure of control over our eating habits, it is still an unethical decision to actively
choose to kill for our food. We are fully capable of surviving without the flesh of other
animals, unlike lions or other carnivores.
*ethical – good
*stalk – to go and search
*prey – an animal that is hunted and killed for food
*presumes – assumes
*omnivores – a person that eats both plant and animal origin
*viable – capable of living
*carnivore – an animal that feeds on flesh

What is the counterclaim in this paragraph? ______________________________________

Lesson 3 Problem and Solution

What I Need to Know

After going through the lesson, you are expected to:
1. locate problem-and-solution statements in a paragraph;
2. identify grammatical signals used in problem-and-solution paragraph development;
3. state the learnings gained in identifying problem-and-solution pattern of idea

What’s In
Directions: Study the picture below and answer the questions that follow.

1. What do you think is the problem of the woman? __________________________
2. What are the possible solutions to her problem? __________________________

What’s New
Study an example of paragraph using a problem-and-solution pattern of idea

The Loggerhead sea turtle is threatened. Conservationists are attempting to

help the survival rate of the Loggerhead turtles. Their solution is to educate the
public about the nesting habits of the sea turtles and help pass gill netting
regulations for fishermen.
*threatened – having an uncertain chance of continued survival
*gill netting – is a fishing method that uses gillnets: vertical panels of netting that allows head of a fish to pass but entangle the
gills upon withdrawal

The grammatical signals used in the paragraph is solution.
Grammatical signals used in this type of text structure are the question is, the
problem is, therefore, a solution, one answer is, and if…then.

What Is It
The problem-and-solution pattern of idea development is a method of developing
a paragraph or a longer composition by stating the problem and by recommending solutions
to this problem.
A problem is a condition that is unwelcome or harmful and that needs to be resolved
or overcome.
A solution is an action regarded as a means of solving a problem or dealing with a
difficult situation.

What I Can Do
Directions: In a separate sheet of paper, draw the graphic organizer and fill in with the
needed information. Then, answer the question that follow.

One problem with the modern Olympics is that it has become very big and expensive
to operate. The city or country that hosts the games often loses a lot of money. A stadium,
pools, and playing fields must be built for the athletic events and housing is needed for the
athletes who come from around the world, and all of these facilities are used for only 2
weeks! In 1984, Los Angeles solved these problems by charging a fee for companies who
wanted to be official sponsors of the games. Companies, like McDonald's, paid a lot of
money to be part of the Olympics. Buildings that were already built in the Los Angeles area
were also used. The Coliseum where the 1932 games were held was used again and many
colleges and universities in the area became playing and living sites.
*Olympics – a series of international athletic contests held as separate winter and summer events in a different country every
four years
*stadium – a sport arena with tiers of seats for watchers

Graphic Organizer

What grammatical signals or expressions are used in the paragraph? _____, ______,_____

What I Have Learned

Directions: Write valuable insights you have learned in identifying the problem-and-solution
pattern of idea development by completing the statement below.

In identifying problem-and-solution pattern of idea development, I have learned

that _________________________________________________________________.

What’s More
Directions: Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.

Some dogs and cats do not have homes. People start animal shelters to take care
of these animals and solve the problem of homeless animals. At the shelters, dogs and
cats get food and water. They get to play with other dogs and cats. Sometimes, people
bring a lost animal to the shelter. Some of these dogs and cats get a new home! People
come to animal shelters to get a new pet.
1. What is the problem stated in the paragraph?
2. What is the proposed solution?

Lesson 4 Cause and Effect Relationships

What I Need to Know

After going through the lesson, you are expected to:
1. state the effect in a sentence;
2. identify grammatical signals used in cause-effect paragraph development; and
3. write the learnings gained in identifying cause-effect pattern of idea development.

What’s In
Directions: Study the picture below and answer the questions that follow.

1. What is the situation of the woman?
2. What do you think will happen to her?

The picture shows a woman chased by a dog (cause) and there is a possibility for an
accident to happen (effect) since there is an approaching car.

What’s New
Directions: Read the text showing a cause-effect pattern of idea development. Then do the
activities that follow.

The noise from the fair near our house kept me awake all night. I finally got
my sleep at three o’clock. I went to bed late; I got up late in the morning too. As a
result, I got caught in the early morning rush. Consequently, I was late for school.
Since I was late, I was not able to take the quiz that my teacher gave. Because of
this, my teacher scolded me and told me to take a make-up quiz after class. As
such, my classmates left ahead of me and I went home late and alone.
Activity A. Enumerate the five (5) grammatical signals used in the paragraph._______
Activity B. Supply the missing effects in the corresponding numbers in the boxes below.
Write only the number and the phrase for your answer.

The first box, noisy fair, shows the main cause which results to an effect on the
second box, could not sleep. The second box is an effect that became a cause, which
results to an effect on the third box and so on until the final effect.

What Is It
The cause-effect pattern of idea development is an analytical mode of paragraph
development that attempts to show how events are influenced by or caused by others which
we call the linkage of causation.
A cause is the reason why something happens.

An effect is a change which a result or consequence of an action or other cause.

Logical Relationship Grammatical Signals or Expressions

Cause-Effect because, since, so that, cause, reason, effect,
consequently, this led to…so, if…then,
nevertheless, accordingly, because of, as a
result of, in order to, may be due to, yet, result
in, for this reason, not only…but also, hence,
therefore, thus

Points to Ponder:
In developing a cause-effect paragraph, a writer analyzes the reasons for – and/or
the consequences of – an action, event, or decision.

What I Can Do
Directions: Pick out the effects of the following sentences.
1. My button was loose, so my grandmother sewed it on tightly.
2. Jessica had a stomachache because she ate too many peanut butter cookies.
3. Since the weather was so hot, we bought ice cream.
4. Carlos fell asleep in the car because he went to bed late last night.
5. My feet grew over the summer, so I needed new shoes.

What I Have Learned

Directions: Write valuable insights you have learned in identifying cause-effect pattern of
idea development by completing the statement below.

In identifying cause-effect pattern of idea development, I have learned that _____


What’s More
Directions: Read the paragraph and identify the cause and the effect.

Little Johnny Sanchez fell down a well on the farm. His family looked for him.
Finally, at sundown, Mr. Sanchez found Johnny. He had been trapped in the well for three

Cause: ___________________________________________________________________
Effect: ___________________________________________________________________

Directions: Read each item carefully and write the letter of your answer.

For items number 1-2. Read the paragraph and identify the pattern of idea development.


Headaches can have several causes. One obvious cause is stress. People have
hectic lives and frequently have multiple stressors every day, like work, family and money.
Another reason for headaches in some people has to do with diet. Some get headaches
because they are dependent on caffeine. Other people may be allergic to salt, or they may
have low blood sugar. The environment can also cause this uncomfortable condition.
Allergies such as household chemicals including polishes, waxes, bug killers, and paint can
lead to headaches. Lowering stress, controlling your diet and avoiding allergens can help
avoid headaches.
A. Cause and Effect C. Problem and Solution
B. General to Particular D. Claim and Counterclaim

Astronauts face many challenges in space caused by weightlessness. One of these

obstacles is floating around the cabin. To solve this problem, astronauts wear shoes that
are coated with a special adhesive. This adhesive sticks to the floor of the cabin.
A. Cause and Effect C. Problem and Solution
B. General to Particular D. Claim and Counterclaim

For items number 3-4. Identify the general idea of the following paragraphs.


There are many kinds of people in the world. Some people are givers. They tend to
give freely of themselves to others without expecting anything in return. A second group of
people are takers. They often view people as valuable based on how they can benefit or
take from the relationship. Many times, these people take what they don’t even need.
A. Some people are givers.
B. A second group of people are takers.
C. There are many kinds of people in the world.
D. Many times, these people take what they don’t even need.

The color of a metal changes when its temperature changes. When metals become
very hot, it begins to glow. First, a metal will glow a dull red color. When the metals become
hotter, it changes to a bright red hot. At higher temperatures, it becomes yellow and finally
white. The wire inside a light bulb is a common example of a yellow hot metal.
When the wire inside becomes yellow-hot, the light bulb glows, or gives light.
A. When metals become very hot, it begins to glow.
B. At higher temperatures, it becomes yellow and finally white.

C. The color of a metal changes when its temperature changes.
D. When the wire inside becomes yellow-hot, the light bulb glows, or gives light.

For items number 5-8. Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow.
Wild chimpanzees are rapidly disappearing. 2Some people are trying to solve this
problem. 3Otherwise, chimpanzees may one day exist only in zoos. 4People are trying to
save the rain forests and woodlands where the chimps live from being cut down. 5It will take
many people working together to solve this problem.

5. Which statement number can you find the solution?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
6. Which statement number can you find the problem?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

Parents should be fined when their children bully in order to send a message. Some
say it is very difficult for parents to manage their children when they leave the house and
got to school. Despite this, thirteen million kids are bullied each year and something needs
to be done. The fines will encourage parents to focus on anti-bullying in the home.
Which statement is the counterclaim?

A. The fines will encourage parents to focus on anti-bullying in the home.

B. Parents should be fined when their children bully because it will send a message.
C. Despite this, thirteen million kids are bullied each year and something needs to
be done.
D. Some say it is very difficult for parents to manage their children when they leave
the house and got to school.

The three men travelled on horseback. It was a long journey. They rode all day
long. It was dark when they reached the camp.
Which statement is the cause?

A. They left at dawn.

B. the horses were tired
C. The journey was long.
D. It was dark when the men reached the camp.
9. What pattern of development basically explains the reason why an event or
phenomenon occurred and/or what its results could be?
A. Cause and Effect C. Problem and Solution
B. General to Particular D. Claim and Counterclaim
10. What is referred to as exact, precise fact or description of something mentioned in
the text?
A. Claim B. Counterclaim C. Particular D. Solution
11. How would you know if a text is written in problem-solution text structure? The text
would __________.
A. define and describe one main topic
B. explain the steps of an event in time order
C. show how two things are similar and different
D. explain one main issue, and the solution to this issue

Lesson 1
What’s In
What I Can Do
1. 2
2. 3, 4 and 5
3. first, second and third
What I Have Learned
Answers may vary.
What’s More
Particular Idea 1: For example, they may help by cleaning the household, washing dishes, taking care of pets,
or through doing other chores
Particular Idea 3: A final example is that as children get older, they may do more important tasks for the family,
such as baby-sitting siblings, getting groceries, and mowing the lawn.
Lesson 2
What’s In
1. Encouraging students to bring water bottles 2.No
What I Can Do
1. A 4. C
2. B 5. B
3. C
What I Have Learned
Answers may vary.
What’s More
Answer: However, this argument presumes that all animals need meat to survive or rely exclusively on hunting
for food. Human beings are omnivores, and therefore “[our] diets require very little to no meat” (Johnson 5) to the viable.
Lesson 3
What I Have Learned: Answers may vary.
What’s More
Answer: -Some dogs and cats have no home.
-We should build shelters for them.
Lesson 4
What’s New
Activity A
As a result, consequently, since, because of, as such
Activity B
1. went to bed late
2. missed the quiz
3. went home late
Answer Key
D. where an issue is given and possible solutions are provided
C. the reason why something happens
B. how the conflict is solved
A. what happens
15. What does the word cause mean? It is _____________.
A. Claim B. Counterclaim C. Particular D. Solution
14. What do you call the writer’s position on an issue?
A. Claim B. Counterclaim C. Particular D. Solution
13. What statement addresses opposing viewpoints?
B. General to Particular D. Claim and Counterclaim
A. Cause and Effect C. Problem and Solution
12. Which type of text structure describes an issue and gives an answer to it?
Effect: He was trapped for three hours.
Cause: Johnny Sanchez fell down a well.
What’s More
Answer may vary.
What I Have Learned
5. so I needed new shoes
4. Carlos fell asleep in the car
3. we bought ice cream
2. Jessica had a stomachache
1. so my grandmother sewed it on tightly
What I Can Do

Grade 8 English Competencies
Grade 8 Learner’s Material

Claim and Counterclaim

General and Specific Terms

Signal Words


Writing Problem-Solution Paragraphs



Development Team of the Module

Contextualizer: Harriet Y. Repecio, T1, Talamban National High School

Editor: Jedil C. Ilanan, T1, Ramon Duterte Memorial National High School

Evaluator: Elena B. Tuhoy, MT2, Talamban National High School


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