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1.As a student, how can you prevent someone to invade your privacy?

I have the right, as a student, to establish boundaries and restrictions for my personal space with
other individuals, particularly if I don't feel comfortable around them. If they continue to violate my privacy,
nevertheless, I shouldn't get defensive right away; instead, I should speak with them and go over everything
in detail. Furthermore, once I say something, I don't have to say it again; I'll just disregard it and continue to
support upholding personal space and privacy.

2.How can you help in preventing cyberbullying?

There are a lot of cases of cyberbullying, and to help prevent it, I can use any platform on social
media to support advocates in preventing cyberbullying. But I should start to educate myself before I
promote or support any advocates or campaigns with regards to preventing cyberbullying. I should be
knowledgeable and responsible enough for this kind of issue.

3.Have you ever experiences being bullied? What necessary actions did you do? Site example and
elaborate your answer.
When I was in elementary school, I was the victim of bullying from my peers due to my appearance.
I felt so embarrassed at the moment that I was too shocked to say anything. At first, I cried because I didn't
know what to do and because I knew that I was weak and didn't have the courage to fight. At first, I thought
that if I cried in front of them, they would stop bullying me, but I was wrong because the next day, the
bullying that I experienced was getting worse. Not until I realised that crying in front of them is nonsense, so
the next day that they kept throwing harsh words at me, I just ignored them and showed them that I was not
affected by what they had said. They eventually stopped bullying me after I learned not to take what they
were saying personally.

4. How do you protect yourself from being a victim of cyberbullying?

I haven't yet been the victim of cyberbullying. I therefore keep my sensitive information private in
order to protect myself and prevent being the target of cyberbullying. In addition, I constantly follow the
advice to "Think before you click." Before posting anything, I make sure it won't lead to any disputes or
issues that might put me at the center of a cyberbullying issue. In order to prevent things from getting worse,
if those cyberbullies ever attack me, I will merely ignore and block them rather than responding to them.

5.Give at least 5 effective ways to prevent cyberbullying. Briefly explain your answers.

 Educate yourself. First, you must know and understand exactly what cyberbullying is in order to
know how to avoid or prevent it.
 Secure personal information. Make sure that every personal detail and piece of information of yours
is secured and kept private.
 Do not respond to or retaliate against the cyberbullies. It is better and safer to ignore or block
cyberbullies who are attacking you so that you have peace of mind and do not get involved in this
kind of situation.
 Pause and think before you click and post. Be wise when it comes to posting something about
yourself to avoid compromising your reputation. Anything that appears online that you've posted
may cause others to judge you.
 Do not cyberbully others. Like the golden rule, "Do not do unto others what you do not want others
to do unto you.". If you do not want to be the victim of cyberbullying, then do not make other people
your victims. Treat other people as you would want to be treated.

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