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Short Answer Questions

1. What is a Rational Agent?

2. Explain episodic task environment.

3. What is Maximum Expected Utility (MEU)?

4. List the constraints on rational preferences.

5. How preferences lead to utility?

6. What is Utility function?

7. What is Monotonic Preference?

8. How Expected Monetary Value is calculated?

9. Explain Risk seeking, Risk Aversion and Risk neutral characteristic of utility function.

10. Explain a) Allais paradox b)Ellsberg paradox

11. Define a)Certainty effect b)Framing Effect c)Anchoring Effect

12. What is a Decision Network?

13. Explain Sequential decision problems using an example.

14. Define Markov Decision Process?

15. What is policy?

16. What is optimal policy?

17. Define Reward Function. What is the significance of it?

18. Differentiate Utility Function and Reward Function.

19. Define Additive reward and Discounted reward.

20. Write and explain Bellman equation for utilities.

21. Discuss the convergence of value iteration algorithm.

22 .Explain Policy Loss.

23. Mention the steps followed by Policy Iteration algorithm.

24. What is Asynchronous Policy Iteration?

25. Differentiate MDP and POMDPs.

26. List the steps taken in decision cycle of POMDPs agent.

27. What is Dynamic Bayesian Network?

Long Answer Questions

1.What is utility ? How utility theory can be used in Artificial Intelligence?

2. Explain Axioms Of Utility Theory.

3. Explain Preference Elicitation. How it leads to find the utility function.

4. Explain multi-attribute utility theory? How Preferences are structured in multi-attribute utility theory.

5. How to represent a decision problem using a decision network? Write the algorithm for evaluating the decision

6. What is MDP? Explain the procedure to derive optimal policy in MDP using an appropriate example.

7. How utilities are computed over finite horizon & infinite horizon?

8. Write and explain Value Iteration algorithm. Explain the significance of it.

9.Write and explain Policy Iteration algorithm. Explain the significance of it.

10. How value iteration is done POMDPs? Explain using an example.

10. Write and explain value iteration algorithm for POMDPs.

11. Define Dynamic Bayesian network . List and explain the advantages and disadvantages of Dynamic Bayesian

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