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Short Answer Questions

1. What is Reinforcement learning?
2. Explain the significance of Reinforcement learning in Artificial Intelligence.
3. List the agents of Reinforcement learning.
4. Differentiate Active learning and Passive learning.
5. Differentiate Utility-based agent and Q-learning agent.
6. What is Prioritized Sweeping.
7. Define a Greedy Agent.
8. Discuss how choosing the optimal action leads to suboptimal results in Reinforcement learning.
9. What is Bandit Problem?
10. Explain greedy in the limit of infinite exploration (GLIE) scheme.
11. Define Q-learning.
12. Discuss the similarity and differences between Q-learning and SARSA (State-Action-Reward-State-Action).

Long Answer Questions

1. Explain Passive Reinforcement Learning.
2. How direct utility estimate is computed in Reinforcement learning?
3. Explain Adaptive Dynamic Programming (ADP).
4. Write and explain an algorithm for Passive Reinforcement learning agent based on Adaptive Dynamic Programming (ADP)
5. Explain Temporal-Difference Learning.
6. List and explain the differences between ADP and TD learning.
7. Explain Active Reinforcement Learning.
8. Write and explain Q-learning algorithm.

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