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Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)

Between [Association Name)

And [Museum Name)
This Memorandum of Agreement (the ‘ Agreement’) is entered into on (date) between
(Association Name), located at ( Association Adress), hereinafter referred to as the
‘Association and (Museum Name) located at (Museum Adress) hereinafter referred as
the ‘’Museum’’.


The purpose of this agreement is to establish a partnership between association and

the Museum for the purpose of conducting fundraising initiatives to support museum

Terms and Conditions:

1.) Scope of Partnership

 The associates to collaborate with the museum to organize and execute
fundraising events, campaigns, and initiatives aimed to supporting specific
projects or general operations of the Museum.
2.) Responsibilities of the Association
 The Association will take the lead in planning,promoting and executing
fund activities.
 The Association will provide volunteers resources over necessary for the
success of fundraising events.
 The Association will ensure that all fundraising activities comply with
relevant laws and regulations.
3.) Responsibilities of the Museum:
 The Museum will provide necessary support and resources to facilitate
fundraising initiatives including access to facilities, marketing materials
and staff assistance.
 The Museum will collaborate with the Association to identify priority
projects & allocate funds raised appropriately.
4.) Financial Arrangements:
 All funds raised through joint fundraising initiatives will be collected and
managed jointly by the Association and the Museum.
 The Association and the Museum will agree upon a mutually acceptable
allocation of funds raised to support specific museum projects on
traditional needs.
5.) Terms of Agreement
 This agreement shall commence on (Effective Date) and shall continue in
effect until terminated by either party upon (Notice Period) written notice.
6.) Termination
 Either party may terminate this agreement upon (notice period) written
notice to the other party for any reason or for no reason.
General Provisions:

 Amendments: Any amendments to this agreement must be made in

writing and signed by both parties.
 Entire Agreement: This agreement constitutes the entire understanding
between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes
all prior agreements and understanding whether oral or written.
 Governing law:This Agreement shall be governed by and construct in
accordance with the laws of (Jurisdiction).
 Signatures: This agreement may be executed counterparts, each of which
shall be deemed on original, but all of which together shall constitute one
and the same instrument.

In witness whereof, the parties here to have executed this agreement as of the date first
above written.

(Association Name)

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