HISTORY Darasahuru - Co.tz

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TIME: 3 hours Thursday, 18 April,
2024 A.M

This paper consists of sections A, B, and C with a total of eleven (11) questions

2. Answer all questions in section A and B and only TWO questions from section C

3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B carries fifty four (54) marks and
section C carries thirty (30) marks

4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the
examination room.

5. Write your examination Number on every page of your answer booklet (s).

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Section A (16 marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i)- (x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives
and write its letter beside the corresponding item number in the booklet provided

(i) Pre- colonial African societies practised various kind of political

organization Ntemiship being among of them. Ntemi was the top leader
of this system. Among the following which was the main functions of the
Ntemi leader?

A. To cure people their diseases

B. To mediate between God and people

C. To advice people to raise good army

D. To settle disputes among the people

E. To direct production activities

(ii) Feudal system of production that evolved in Buhaya was known as …..

A. Busulo

B. Umwinyi

C. Ubugabire

D. Nyarubanja

E. Nvunjo

(iii) The day in which great depression (1929-19330 occurred in history is

common know as …..

A. Black Sunday

B. Black Friday

C. Black Tuesday

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D. White Sunday

E. Black Thursday

(iv) During the middle stone age man was able to make smaller sharper and
easier to handle stone tools like spears arrow heads, knives and scraper.
Who was responsible for making those tools?

A. Homo habilies and Australopithecus

B. Homo Erectus and Homo Habilis

C. Homo Sapiens and Homo Erectus

D. Homo sapiens and Homo habilis

E. Homo Erectus and homo sapiens

(v) During pre-colonial time African societies extracted salt from various
sources like water and rocks. Which among of the following places did
people extract salt from salt bearing rock?

A. Uvinza and Taghaza

B. Taghaza and Bilma

C. Axum and Egypt

D. Meroe and Egypt

E. Uvinza and Bilma

(vi) Each organization formed in the world had its administrative structure
which helps to simplify the administrative role of the specific charter.
What are the organs in UN which are termed as the supreme organ and
the body concerned with day to day work of UN

A. The security council and general assembly

B. The general assembly and the international court of justice

C. The security council and the secretariat

D. General assembly and the secretariat

E. The economic and social council and UNESCO

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(vii) The economic system of exchanged goods and services which comprises
activities such as trade, manipulating industries agriculture and mining
during colonial era was called…..

A. Bureaucracy

B. Colonial economy

C. Neo-colonialism

D. Feudalism

E. Slavery

(viii) The Kuntakinte’s grandfather had tendency and behavior of narrating

different historical events to Kuntakinte’s every evening. Last time he
narrated about the factors that led to the occurrence of First World War,
like Moroccan crisis formation of military alliance and assassination of
Archduke Ferdinand. What source of historical information used in giving
these events

A. Oral tradition

B. Narration of past events

C. Historical information

D. Archaeology

E. Historical sites

(ix) Mr. Kahanje Msangi fought the Second World War and now he is very old.
In history we can term Mr. Kahanje Msangi as

A. Colonialists

B. Soldier

C. British

D. Ex-soldier

E. Colonizer

(x) The conflicting interests of the imperialists powers were diplomatically

resolved and each power was given her areas of interest and the sphere of
influence during

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A. The Versailles peace treaty of 1919

B. The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885

C. The Helgoland treaty of 1890

D. He Anglo-Germany agreement of 1890

E. The Manchester conference

2. Match the items in list A with the correct responses in list B by writing the letter of
correct response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided

List A List B
(i) The founder of conversion people A. MWL.J.K Nyerere
party (CPP) which broke from B. Augustino Netto
United Gold Coast Conversion C. Dr. Kwame Nkrumah
(UGCC) and become the first D. Sam Nujoma
president of his nation E. Jonas Savimbi
(ii) The founder of FRELIMO outside of F. Jamshid Abdullah Bin
his country and was assassinated by Khalifa
Parcel bomb while he was at Dar es G. Samora Machel
Salaam H. Nelson Mandela
(iii) The founder of MPLA and become I. Milton Abote
the first president of his country J. Eduardo Mondlane
after the end d of Portuguese rule K. Nnandi Azikiwe
(iv) The founder of UNITA to against the
existing government from 1975 to
(v) The founder of Umkonto we Sizwe
(spear of the nation) and ANC and
become the first president of
majority rule in his nation
(vi) The founder of TANU and become
the first president to her country
after the end of white domination

SECTION B (54 marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. (i) Explorers missionaries and traders came to Africa to establish foundation of

colonial rule. Why these agents were important to the metropole countries? Verify
the truth with three points

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(ii) Explain why Versailles peace treaty associated with occurrence of the Second
World War of 1939-1845

(iii) Madam Yovitha was European archeologist who wanted to study African
mankind. In three points show the importance of studying evolution of man

4. Arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing the number 1 to 6

beside the item number

(i) At the beginning the commodities were largely produced by non-capitalist

methods until industries became the dominant factors for the production
of goods

(ii) It did not stay stagnant but evolved from agrarian mode of production
when land owners begun to employ workers and paid for their labor

(iii) Capitalism is a form of relations of production in which the means of

production are in hands of few individuals and operates for profit.

(iv) Thus early capitalism depended on rural production for most goods that
would be sold to earn profit

(v) During this transformation there were a decline of traditional handcraft

skills of artisans guilds and skilled workers replaced by more advanced
ways of production

(vi) The surplus produced led to the shortage of industrial demands in Europe
and motivated the capitalists to seek for them beyond their borders
including Africa.

5. Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate the following

(i) The country which move from apartheid to black majority rule in 1994

(ii) The country which attained political independence in 1957

(iii) East Africa country in which peasant cash crops production predominated

(iv) The county in which genocide occurred in 1990’s

(v) The country which head quarter of the OAU liberation committee was

6. Professor Marundu Kidia was conducting the historical research on the people along
the coast of East Africa. He needed some of historical facts and information about

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the coast of East Africa. Give four sources that Marandu used to get those historical
facts and information

7. After Berlin conference of 1884-1885 what followed was to occupy the colonies and
imposing colonial rule. Explain six ways used by colonialists to impose colonial rule.

8. Examine six contributions of social and welfare association to the rise of African

SECTION C (30 marks)

Answer only two questions from this section

9. African continent had its own history and its development not as colonialist termed
as Dark Continent. In six arguments, show the basis for consolidation and
development of centralized states in Africa during pre-colonial era

10. Why most of the colonial infrastructures were established perpendicular from the
coast to the interior of Africa. With examples verify this statement (six points)

11. The French colonialists applied the assimilation policy in most of their colonies in
west Africa. Use six points to verify this statement by analyzing the strengths and
weakness of this system of colonial administration

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