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Imaginera 

Returned Goods

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RETURNED GOODS AUTHORIZATION................................................................................................3
ADDING A RGA............................................................................................................................................4
RECEIVING AN RGA.....................................................................................................................................5
APPROVING AN RGA....................................................................................................................................6
AUTHORIZATION FOR APPROVAL (AFA)...........................................................................................7
ADDING AN AFA..........................................................................................................................................7
APPROVING AN AFA.....................................................................................................................................8
DELETE A RGA OR AFA..............................................................................................................................8
RGA / AFA REPORTS..................................................................................................................................9
RGA / AFA...................................................................................................................................................9
Approval Report.........................................................................................................................................10

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Returned Goods Authorization
This module is designed to allow users to easily record, review, and approve Customer
Complaints. Such complaints can be turned into an Authorization for the Customer to return
defective product. When the product has been returned, and the complaint review system has
been completed, the RGA can be turned into a Credit Memo. The RGA functions can be
accessed by RGA.exe or from the right mouse menu in Order Processing. If accessed from OP,
the screen will fill in automatically by the system from the order highlighted.

Query for existing RGA’s and AFA’s by Complaint #, Complaint Log Date, or RGA number. It is
also possible to query using any of the other available yellow fields. The toolbar option “Query”
allows the user to designate whether to include all records, all open records, or all Issued records.
The default is set to All. Be sure to use the Clear button between queries when changing this
view. (All/Open/Issued search option available starting in Imaginera version i.2.4)

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Adding a RGA
If product will be returned but are not prepared to set up a credit or currently know the job number
associated, start with an AFA. Once the material is returned or the job number is known, the AFA
can be turned into an RGA by changing the radio button.

1. When accessing this screen through O/P, highlight the associated order, right click and select
RGA. Order information will automatically populate and the RGA radio button will default.
When accessing this screen through RGA.exe, it is necessary to first click add and search for
the related order number.
Note: when the RGA radio button is selected, this enables the Order field and the RGA
Number button while disabling the Item and Customer fields.

2. Enter a reason. Reasons are created in Reason Code table in Table Maintenance.

3. Verify the Complaint Log Date

4. Enter necessary notes in the Description field – This will appear on the printed RGA. If
simply recording a complaint, and will not have product returned, this is the only necessary
field. If product will be returned and a possible credit memo issued continue with the steps
that follow.

5. Click the RGA Number button to assign the next consecutive number.

6. Select a Move To place where the product will be sent for inspection and possible restocking
or disposal.

7. Enter a value for the expected quantity to be returned. It is important to be accurate. The
system will automatically calculate the credit information, based on the selling price from the

8. PreBill Return – Do not use this flag. It is valid if the database is interfaced with the third
party software CIM. If the RGA is a return against the Prebill (Bill and Hold type) release, this
check box allows the user to pick a warehouse and store the return in the particular
warehouse. This also opens the Customer Owned Warehouse field for a warehouse to be

9. ‘Other Amt’ is available if additional credit is to be authorized, such as for shipping charges or
other applicable miscellaneous charges.

10. Print – a report filter will be displayed to guide the user to printing the desired RGAs. ‘Reprint’
will appear on all reprinted RGAs.

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Receiving an RGA

1. On the main RGA screen, click the Receive button. This will bring up the RGA Search
window. Search and select RGA that needs to be received using the yellow fields.

2. Highlight a record and click the Receive button. This will bring up the main receiving window.

3. If it is necessary to have load tags printed for the returned product, flag the ‘Print’ box on the
right and enter the number of copies required per unit.

4. In the top table, click the black plus button to assign a Receipt number and date. The date
defaults to today, but can be changed. Quantity received is entered in the table below.
Select the warehouse if necessary and ship date.
Note: if not received all at one time, additional receipts can be recorded by adding a new line
for each with corresponding information below.

5. In the bottom table, click the black plus button to assign a system generated sequence
number and further information:
 Select the location which the product will be kept
 Enter the Quantity Purchased UOM (unit of measure) or Quantity Stocked UOM.
Entry into one field will calculate the other field.
 Select reason for return
 If a ticket number already exists on the unit of product returned, this information can
be entered next. If a ticket is necessary, flag ‘Print’ and enter a tag quantity.
 Note: If there is more than one pallet or unit retuned, enter a new line for each.

6. When finished, click save.

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Approving an RGA
Once the RGA has been received, and the complaint review process has been completed, the
system-generated RGA is ready to be approved. To do so, click on the Approve RGA! menu
option to open the approval screen. Now the approval screen will reflect the quantity received.
The credit will be issued for the Receipt quantity showing on this screen. Verify that this is

1. Use the QBE filter section at the top to control the RGAs that display in the table window.
The data displayed is gathered from the RGA records.
Note: A Red row in this window indicates that the RGA is not approved. Black is
Approved. This window also includes a set of reports that are accessible from the menu.

2. To approve an RGA, select the appropriate row and click ‘Approve’. Note: User must be
authorized to make approvals. Authority for making approvals is set-up in Security.exe

3. When an RGA is approved, the information is entered

automatically into the Invoicing module to create the credit
memo (type: Credit MSF/$). The Credit Memo can then be
maintained, if necessary, before printing. If applicable to the
item, a credit for tax is applied to the credit memo.
Note: When the credit memo has been created and printed,
additional information will appear if the RGA is recalled and
reviewed in the Compliant Log or Approve RGA windows.
Note: If the selected RGA is approved, then no changes can
be made.

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Authorization For Approval (AFA)
RGA's are meant for the returning of actual product. When product is not being returned but a
credit is necessary, the AFA is a way that Customer Service can generate a perspective dollars
Credit memo (not against an Order for returning goods) and have it automatically go to Invoicing
to create Non-return type credit memo. The approval process is what assigns the Trx number
that is available in Invoicing.

Adding an AFA

1. An AFA can only be entered by accessing this module through RGA.exe. Click Add.

2. Select AFA in the Log Type section - Selecting AFA will enable the Item and Customer fields
while disabling the Order field and the RGA Number button.

3. Select the Plant, Item, and related Customer.

4. Enter a reason (reasons are created in Reason Code table in Table Maintenance), and verify
the Complaint Log Date.

5. Enter necessary notes in the Description field – This will appear on the printed AFA. If only
recording a complaint, and will not have product returned, this is the only necessary field. If a
possible credit memo will be issued continue with the steps that follow.
Note: AFAs are automatically assigned a complaint number, but they are not given an RGA

6. Enter the amount to charge into the ‘Other Amt’ field. The AFA cannot be approved if an
amount is not entered. The transaction will not show in the approval screen.

7. Print – a report filter will be displayed to guild the user to printing the desired AFAs. ‘Reprint’
will appear on all reprinted AFAs. Be sure to select the AFA radio button.

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Approving an AFA
It is not necessary to go through the receiving process with an AFA before approving because no
product is physically being received.

1. From the main RGA screen, click Approve RGA! on the toolbar.

2. Enter necessary information into the query fields and click search

3. AFAs will appear in Blue.

4. Highlight the rows ready for approval and click Approve

5. A report can be printed from the tool bar if necessary to view approved or non-approved

6. When an AFA is approved, the information is entered automatically into the Invoicing module
to create the Credit Dollars type credit memo. The Credit Memo can then be maintained, if
necessary, before printing. If applicable to the item, a credit for tax is applied to the credit
Note: When the credit memo has been created and printed, additional information will appear
if the AFA is recalled and reviewed in the Compliant Log or Approve AFA windows.
Note: If the selected AFA is approved, then no changes can be made.

Delete a RGA or AFA

1. On the main RGA screen, click Clear followed by Search.
2. Select from the QBE Search Results screen the record that is to be deleted.
3. Click the Delete button followed by Save.
Note: If an RGA or AFA has been authorized or received against, the record cannot be deleted.

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RGA / AFA Reports
RGA9999.qrp, AFA9999.qrp

A hard copy acknowledgment may be printed for both RGA and AFA type complaints. From the
main screen, click Print on the button bar to open the following filter.

Print by selecting an order number, RGA number or range of number. Flag the applicable radial
button to designate all AFAs or RGAs in the range selected to print. It is also available to print by
Customer. To search for any of the available criteria, use the eyeglass buttons on the right of the
field to open a query screen. Once the RGA or AFA has been printed, the report will read
“Duplicate” under the company logo when reprinting.

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Approval Report
RGA29999.qrp, RGA39999.qrp, RGA49999.qrp

Status reports are available for AFA and RGA transactions. In the Approve RGA! screen, click
the Report tool bar option to open the following filter screen.

Select each of the radial buttons to designate the type of transactions to include on the report:
Issued RGA’s/AFA’s Not Approved, Issued/Approved RGA’s Not Returned, and Approved
RGA’s/AFA’s Not Billed. If necessary, enter criteria to cause the report results to be more
specific. The three reports are sorted first by Customer then by Complaint number. The report
selected will read as such in the title. Below is an example of Issued RGS’s/AFA’s Not Approved.

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