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A. Directions: Choose 3 solar storms that you think are the most dangerous. Explain how
solar flares/storms can affect the nearby planets and the whole solar system.

The Sun holds the distinction of being Earth's nearest star and the focal point of our solar
system, encompassing over 99% of its mass. Despite its role as the primary source of warmth and
light essential for life on our planet, its massive size, intricate composition, and explosive nature
highlights its potential for hazard and devastation alongside its captivating beauty. The dangerous
activities exhibited by the Sun are more commonly known as solar storms, which bear some
resemblance to weather phenomena that occur on our planet. According to Australian Academy of
Science (2024), these solar storms, unlike typical storms happening on our planet, do not result in
windy events like cyclones or tsunamis. Instead, they come in two main forms when reaching
Earth: radiation storms and geomagnetic storms, which results to the disruptions of communication
satellites, navigation systems, and aurora borealis in the northern and southern hemispheres.

After reading the article titled "10 Solar Storms That Blew Us Away in 2023" from Live
Science, I found that observing and studying solar storms can be quite satisfying due to the
captivating videos provided by NASA and other observatories worldwide. Furthermore, I've
selected my top three astonishing yet dangerous solar storms from 2023, which posed significant
threats and almost prompted an apocalypse on Earth.

1. Gigantic ‘hole’ in the Sun – On December 2023, a humongous dark hole on the sun’s
surface suddenly appeared. As observed by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space
Administration) the coronal hole emitted powerful streams of solar wind that is facing the
Earth. Astronomers predicted that this phenomenon might trigger radio blackouts and long-
lasting aurora borealis once reached the Earth’s magnetic field. If this phenomenon had
occurred with even greater intensity, it could have resulted in more severe consequences
for Earth. Apparently, the solar storm weakened when it reached the Earth and only caused
aurora borealis in higher latitudes. Personally, I find this event compelling because it
demonstrates the intricate interplay between the Sun and Earth's magnetic field, as well as
the potential vulnerability of our technological infrastructure to solar disturbances. The
observation and understanding of this specific solar storm are exceptionally captivating
due to its distinctiveness from other solar storms. The presence of a coronal hole on the
Sun's surface, as opposed to the typical appearance of sunspots as tiny dots, presents a
noticeable difference. Moreover, the acknowledgment of the potential hazards posed by
such phenomena adds to the importance of studying and monitoring solar activity for the
safety and resilience of our planet.

2. ‘Canyon of Fire’ Eruption – In late October 2023, a solar storm occurred in the sun’s
surface which captivated the astronomer’s attention. As observed by NASA, this powerful
explosion has caused the sun to create a valley-shaped plume of plasma (a state of matter
composed of charged particles such as electrons and ions) on the surface of the sun that is
rapidly spewing outward which also signifies the fast-approaching solar maximum that
occurs every 11 years and is marked by heightened solar activity. Initial observation
expected the solar storm to potentially hit the Earth, but eventually ruled-out, missing the
planet completely. If this solar storm were to erupt with excessive intensity in space, it
could potentially cause catastrophic damage to our magnetic field. Seeing a canyon-shaped
sun eruption might be astonishing to view, but this phenomenon can make us understand
how eruptions on sun’s surface happen and behave and what preparation we may take once
an intense eruption occurred.

3. Towering Solar Tornado – This phenomenon similar on the wind tornado in the Earth
occurred on the sun’s north pole which was observed by NASA in 2023 which also serve
as an indication on the upcoming solar maximum. This observation revealed a massive
swirling plasma plume, reminiscent of a tornado, towering 14 times the height of Earth, on
the sun's surface. The ejection of plasma into space occurred due to the twisting of powerful
magnetic fields and plasma, enabling them to move in a swirling manner similar of a
tornado. According to the European Space Agency (1998), solar tornadoes can attain
speeds of approximately 15 kilometers per second, contrasting with Earth's tornadoes,
which typically reach speeds of only 400 to 500 kilometers per hour. The size and the speed
of this solar phenomena may cause multiple geomagnetic disturbances and aurora borealis
if Earth was affected and may possibly affect the behavior of Earth’s magnetic field.

Solar storms can have a range of impacts on our planet and others within our solar system.
On Earth, these storms can lead to communication disruptions, satellite malfunctions, increased
radiation risks for astronauts, and geomagnetic disturbances. Intense solar storms have the
potential to impact human society and various life forms on Earth, causing disruptions to
ecosystems and potentially resulting in widespread fatalities. These effects can pose challenges for
scientists, including astronomers who track potentially hazardous celestial objects and study the
cosmos. For planets with weaker magnetic fields, such as Mercury, Mars, and Venus, solar storms
can erode their atmospheres, posing risks to any possible life and altering climatic conditions. Gas
giants with stronger magnetic fields might also suffer from these intense solar events, potentially
experiencing atmospheric stripping.

I believe that the study of astronomy is extremely essential for future science educators, as
it allows us to satisfy our curiosity about the activities of our planet and celestial bodies. Similar
to the process of education, we often find ourselves puzzled and intrigued by the workings of
various phenomena, motivating us to engage in study and observation to expand our knowledge.
By observation, we gain insights into the mechanisms of solar storms and a myriad of other cosmic
events that unfold in the vastness of space. Astronomy is the gateway to the universe, offering us a
glimpse into the past and the blueprint for our future among the stars.
B. Directions: Watch the total solar eclipse news/broadcast on April 8, 2024. Take a
screenshot of the news/broadcast from your cellphone/laptop/television. Briefly explain
what a solar eclipse and write a 500-word reaction paper.

During my elementary years, I learned about the solar eclipse as a significant astronomical
event where the moon simply covers the sun in the sky. This rare occurrence was eagerly
anticipated and sparked various conspiracy theories that frightened me as a child, prompting me
to discuss them with my parents. However, as I grew older and nurtured my passion for astronomy,
my perspective evolved, leading to a deeper comprehension of the phenomenon's mechanisms and
significance. As my fascination with the solar system deepened over the years, I embarked on a
journey to understand its mechanisms beyond my initial childhood perceptions.

A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and Earth, blocking all or
part of the sun's light and resulting in temporary darkness known as the path of totality. This rare
phenomenon requires perfect alignment of the sun, moon, and Earth. Solar eclipses are eagerly
anticipated events worldwide, offering a unique celestial spectacle. There are two main types:
annular, where the sun forms a "ring of fire" around the moon, and total, where the sun is
completely obscured, revealing its mesmerizing corona. The total solar eclipse, rarer than the
annular, is particularly memorable. The Great North American eclipse on April 8th, 2024, marked
a historic moment for millions in the mainland United States and Mexico who witnessed the
totality, making it a significant event in astronomical observation.

Watching the solar eclipse unfold was a truly mesmerizing experience. As the moon
gradually blocked the sun entirely, the surroundings darkened within minutes, evoking a sense of
excitement among the watchers. Reflecting on this spectacle, I couldn't help but ponder the
smallness of humans compared to the vastness of celestial objects. The apparent size difference
between the moon and the sun in our eyes emphasized their immense power despite their
seemingly little appearance. Despite their considerable distances from each other, both the moon
and the sun aligned in perfect harmony to create this astonishing phenomenon. Witnessing the
corona extending out and the brilliance of the diamond ring truly became heart-stopping moments
as we entered and exited the totality. The shouts of the people gave me goosebumps. It was a
reminder of the wonder and awe-inspiring capabilities of the natural world. Witnessing these
celestial bodies in their eclipse left me in awe, sparking a curiosity about what other phenomena I
might encounter in the future. However, it also led me to contemplate the mysteries of the universe.
In a world where astronomy is often clouded by conspiracy theories and speculation, this
experience highlighted the beauty and innocence of celestial phenomena. It made me realize the
importance of embracing scientific understanding and ousting assumptions that causes fears.

Observing the solar eclipse live on YouTube, I noticed astronomers and viewers using
eclipse glasses fitted with a black filter. These glasses effectively shielded their eyes from harmful
sunlight, allowing for safe observation of the eclipse. This innovation left me fascinated, realizing
that with each occurrence of celestial events like eclipses, advancements are made in creating tools
to aid and protect us from their harmless effects.

To end, I think that watching solar eclipse through the internet livestreams may be amazing
but I think it will be much more ok if we watch it in person. Upon browsing on the internet, I have
collected the information about the solar eclipse that may happen on April 2042 and this will be
seen on the Philippines and neighboring countries. On this upcoming event, possibilities of
witnessing the upcoming solar eclipse in April 2042, I'm filled with hope and excitement, eagerly
anticipating the chance to experience this awe-inspiring phenomenon firsthand in the future.

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