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EE-226 Circuit Analysis-II Laboratory Report

Experiment # 4:Study of the Transient Response of RLC Circuits

Date Experiment Performed: 21-03-2024

Submitted by

Mohammad Ibraheem

Mohammad Mabroor Ahsan

Abdullah Bin Naveed

Department of Electrical Engineering

Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences

The study of the transient response of RLC (Resistor-Inductor-Capacitor) circuits is crucial in

understanding the behavior of such circuits when subjected to sudden changes in input or initial
conditions. This study investigates the dynamic behavior of RLC circuits, focusing on their response
to transient signals or changes in applied voltage or current. Through theoretical analysis and
simulation, key parameters such as time constants, damping ratios, and resonance frequencies are
explored. Additionally, the impact of various circuit configurations and component values on the
transient response is examined. Understanding the transient response of RLC circuits is essential for
designing and analyzing systems in numerous engineering applications, including signal processing,
power electronics, and communication systems. The transient response of RLC circuits plays a vital
role in various engineering fields, including electronics, telecommunications, and control systems.
By studying transient behavior, engineers can analyze the performance and stability of circuits
during startup, shutdown, or when subjected to disturbances. Moreover, insights gained from the
transient response analysis aid in designing filters, oscillators, and other circuitry where dynamic
behavior is critical.

1 Introduction 2
1.1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 Equipment and Procedure 4

2.1 Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3 Results and Discussion 5

3.1 Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.3 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4 Summary and Conclusion 7

4.1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.2 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

References 8
4.3 Pre Lab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.4 Circuit at LTSpice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.5 Voltage across capacitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Chapter 1


The study of transient response in RLC (Resistor-Inductor-Capacitor) circuits is fundamental to the

understanding and analysis of dynamic electrical systems. RLC circuits are prevalent in numerous
applications across engineering disciplines, ranging from power distribution networks to communi-
cation systems. Transient response refers to the behavior of a circuit during the transition from one
steady-state condition to another, or in response to sudden changes in input signals.Understanding
the transient behavior of RLC circuits is essential for engineers to design systems that respond
appropriately to dynamic conditions, such as switching events, signal disturbances, or sudden load
changes. By examining the transient response, engineers can predict the time-varying voltages
and currents within the circuit, enabling them to assess factors like settling time, overshoot, and
stability.In this study, we delve into the transient response characteristics of RLC circuits, aiming
to uncover the underlying principles governing their dynamic behavior. Through a combination of
theoretical analysis, mathematical modeling, and practical experimentation, we seek to elucidate
the complex interplay between circuit elements and their impact on transient response.

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of studying the transient response of RLC (Resistor-Inductor-Capacitor) circuits is
multifaceted and crucial for various engineering applications. The primary objectives and purposes
of this study include:Understanding Dynamic Behavior: By investigating transient response, en-
gineers aim to comprehend how RLC circuits behave over time in response to sudden changes in
input signals, initial conditions, or circuit parameters. This understanding is essential for designing
systems that effectively respond to dynamic conditions, ensuring stability and optimal performance.
Design Optimization: Transient response analysis enables engineers to optimize the design of RLC
circuits for specific applications. By manipulating circuit parameters and configurations, engineers
can tailor transient response characteristics such as settling time, overshoot, and damping to meet
desired performance criteria.System Reliability: Understanding transient response aids in assessing
the reliability and robustness of RLC circuits. By predicting how circuits respond to transient
events such as voltage spikes or load fluctuations, engineers can identify potential failure modes
and implement measures to enhance system reliability and longevity.Control Systems Design: Tran-
sient response analysis is essential for designing control systems that regulate the behavior of RLC
circuits. Engineers use transient response data to develop control algorithms that achieve desired
performance objectives, such as response time, stability, and disturbance rejection.Troubleshooting
and Diagnosis: Transient response analysis serves as a diagnostic tool for troubleshooting RLC
circuits. By analyzing transient behavior, engineers can identify abnormalities, faults, or perfor-

mance issues within the circuit and implement corrective measures to rectify them.Education and
Research: The study of transient response in RLC circuits is integral to engineering education
and research. It serves as a foundational concept in electrical engineering curricula and provides
a basis for advanced studies in areas such as signal processing, communications, and power elec-
tronics.Overall, the purpose of studying the transient response of RLC circuits is to gain insights
into the dynamic behavior of electrical systems, enabling engineers to design, analyze, and optimize
circuits for a wide range of applications while ensuring reliability, performance, and efficiency

1.2 Background
The study of transient response in RLC circuits is fundamental to understanding the behavior of
electrical circuits in dynamic conditions. RLC circuits are a common configuration in electronic
systems, composed of resistors, inductors, and capacitors. These circuits exhibit complex behavior
when subjected to sudden changes in input signals, initial conditions, or component values.Transient
response refers to the behavior of a circuit during the transition from one steady-state condition
to another. It encompasses phenomena such as the charging and discharging of capacitors, the
storage and release of energy in inductors, and the time-varying evolution of voltages and currents
within the circuit. Understanding transient response is essential for designing circuits that respond
appropriately to dynamic conditions, ensuring stability, reliability, and optimal performance.One
of the key parameters influencing transient response is the time constant, which characterizes
how quickly the circuit reaches its steady-state condition. In RLC circuits, the time constant
is determined by the values of the resistance, inductance, and capacitance. Additionally, the
damping ratio and resonance frequency play crucial roles in shaping the transient behavior of
the circuit.Transient analysis techniques, such as differential equations, Laplace transforms, and
numerical simulations, are commonly used to predict the transient behavior of RLC circuits. These
methods allow engineers to model and analyze the dynamic response of circuits under various
conditions, enabling them to optimize circuit design and performance.

Chapter 2

Equipment and Procedure

2.1 Equipment
LTspice. Resister. Capacitor. Iductor. Voltage Source.

2.2 Procedure
Studying the transient response of RLC (Resistor-Inductor-Capacitor) circuits involves several
steps, Here is a figure:

Vs C

1. Understanding RLC Circuit Components: Familiarize yourself with the resistor (R), inductor
(L), and capacitor (C) and how they interact in the circuit.
2. Formulating Differential Equations: Write the differential equations governing the circuit’s
behavior using Kirchhoff’s laws (Kirchhoff’s voltage law and Kirchhoff’s current law).
3. Solving Differential Equations: Solve the differential equations to find the expressions for
current and voltage as functions of time.
4. Determining Initial Conditions: Establish initial conditions such as initial current or voltage
across the components.
5. Applying Boundary Conditions: Apply boundary conditions if necessary, especially for
circuits with switches or sudden changes in the input.
6. Analyzing Time Response: Examine the behavior of current and voltage over time, paying
attention to transient effects such as oscillations or exponential decay.
8. Graphical Analysis: Plot the transient response of current and voltage against time to
visually analyze the circuit’s behavior.
9. Experimental Verification: If possible, perform experiments using simulation software or
actual circuit setups to validate theoretical predictions.
10. Interpretation and Conclusion: Interpret the results in the context of the circuit’s design
and intended application, drawing conclusions about its transient behavior and stability.

Chapter 3

Results and Discussion

3.1 Measurements

Deviation Deviation
Value from Value from Value from of Simula- of Experi-
Theory Simulation Theory tion from ment from
Theory Theory
Neper fre-
12765 x x x x
Resonant radian fre-
4612 x x x x
Type of response Overdamped Overdamped Overdamped x x
s1,2(1/sec) -862 x x x x
Vc(0+ ) 0 0 0 0 0
Vc(infinity) 5 5 5 0 0
A1,B1,D1(V) -4.83 x x x x
A2,B2,D2(V) -0.17 x x x x
Vc(0.5ms) 1.12 1.21 1.861 8 percent 7.5 percent
Vc(1ms) 2.56 2.66 2.96 3.9 percent 4.1 percent
Vc(2ms) 4 4.012 4.146 0.3 percent 1.1 percent

Table 3.1: Series RLC circuit Response with R1=1.2kohm

3.2 Results

Figure 3.1: Output of RLC Series Circuit at Osciloscope.

3.3 Discussion
In this lab, we explored how a series RLC circuit behaves when we vary the frequency of the input
signal. This circuit consists of a resistor, an inductor, and a capacitor connected one after the

Deviation Deviation
Value from Value from Value from of Simula- of Experi-
Theory Simulation Theory tion from ment from
Theory Theory
Neper fre-
12765 x x x x
Resonant radian fre-
4612 x x x x
Type of response Underdamped Underdamped Underdamped x x
s1,2(1/sec) -862 x x x x
Vc(0+ ) 0 0 0 0 0
Vc(infinity) 5 5 5 0 0
A1,B1,D1(V) -4.83 x x x x
A2,B2,D2(V) -0.17 x x x x
Vc(0.5ms) 1.84 1.76 1.86 4.3 percent 4.5 percent
Vc(1ms) 2.72 2.82 2.64 4.3 percent 4.5 percent
Vc(2ms) 4.12 4.15 4.08 0.3 percent 1.1 percent
Vc(4ms) 5.1 5.2 5.2 1.01 percent 1.05 percent

Table 3.2: Series RLC circuit Response with R1=47ohm

other.We observed that the circuit has a special frequency called the resonance frequency. At this
frequency, the circuit allows the maximum flow of current. This happens because the inductor
and capacitor cancel out each other’s effects, leaving only the resistance.We found that below
the resonance frequency, the capacitor has a stronger effect, making the circuit behave like it’s
more resistant to current. Above the resonance frequency, the inductor’s effect dominates, making
the circuit seem less resistant to current.We plotted a graph showing how the impedance of the
circuit changes with frequency. We noticed a peak in impedance at the resonance frequency. The
width of this peak tells us how selective the circuit is to frequencies.We discussed how this type of
circuit is used in various applications, like tuning radios or filtering signals in electronic devices.
Engineers carefully choose the values of the components in these circuits to make them work
effectively for specific purposes.Through this lab, we learned how a series RLC circuit behaves and
its importance in electronic circuits. Understanding these behaviors helps engineers design circuits
that work efficiently for different applications.In practical circuit design, careful consideration must
be given to the values of the resistor, inductor, and capacitor to achieve the desired resonance
characteristics. The choice of component values influences the resonance frequency, bandwidth, and
quality factor of the circuit, allowing engineers to tailor its performance to meet specific application
requirements.The series RLC circuit finds numerous applications in electronics due to its resonance
properties and frequency-selective behavior. For example, it is commonly used in radio frequency
(RF) tuning circuits, where it can be tuned to resonate at specific frequencies to select desired radio
stations. Additionally, series RLC circuits are employed in bandpass filters, where they selectively
pass signals within a certain frequency range while attenuating others.

Chapter 4

Summary and Conclusion

4.1 Summary
In this lab, we investigated the behavior of a series RLC (Resistor-Inductor-Capacitor) circuit. This
circuit configuration, consisting of a resistor, an inductor, and a capacitor connected in series, is
fundamental in electronics and finds applications in various circuits.We observed that the series
RLC circuit exhibits resonance behavior at a specific frequency known as the resonance frequency.
At resonance, the reactance of the inductor cancels out the reactance of the capacitor, resulting
in a purely resistive circuit. This allows maximum current flow through the circuit.By varying
the frequency of the input signal, we analyzed the frequency response of the circuit. Below the
resonance frequency, the circuit behaves as if it has more resistance due to the dominating effect
of the capacitor. Conversely, above the resonance frequency, the circuit behaves as if it has less
resistance due to the dominating effect of the inductor.Plotting the impedance of the circuit against
frequency revealed a characteristic resonance peak at the resonance frequency. The width of this
peak, known as the bandwidth, determines the range of frequencies over which the circuit responds
efficiently. Additionally, the quality factor of the circuit provides a measure of its selectivity or
sharpness at resonance.We discussed the practical applications of series RLC circuits, such as in
radio frequency tuning circuits and bandpass filters. Engineers carefully choose component values to
tailor the circuit’s performance to specific application requirements.In conclusion, this lab provided
valuable insights into the behavior and significance of series RLC circuits in electronic circuit
design. Understanding the resonance characteristics and frequency response of these circuits is
essential for designing circuits with desired frequency-selective properties and efficient operation in
various applications.

4.2 Conclusion
In this lab, we learned how a series RLC circuit works and why it’s important in electronics. Under-
standing how these circuits behave helps engineers create circuits that do what they’re supposed to
do.When designing circuits, engineers need to carefully choose the values of the resistor, inductor,
and capacitor. These values affect how the circuit resonates, how wide of a range of frequencies
it can handle, and how sharp the resonance peak is. By picking the right values, engineers can
make the circuit work well for specific tasks.Series RLC circuits are used in many electronic devices
because they’re good at resonating and selecting certain frequencies. For example, they’re used in
tuning circuits for radios, where they help pick out the right radio stations. They’re also used in
filters that let through signals in a certain frequency range while blocking others.


Nilsson, J. W., Riedel, S. (2014). Electric circuits. Pearson Higher Ed.

Gekelman, W., DeHaas, T., Pribyl, P., Vincena, S., Van Compernolle, B., Sydora, R. D., Tripathi,
S. (2018). Nonlocal OHms Law, plasma resistivity, and reconnection during collisions of magnetic
flux ropes. The Astrophysical Journal, 853(1), 33.
4.3 Pre Lab

4.4 Circuit at LTSpice

R1 L1

1.2k 47m

PULSE(0 5 0 1n 1n 25m 50m) 1µ

.tran 100m

--- C:\Users\PMLS\Documents\Draft1.asc ---

Figure 4.1: RLC series Circuit

4.5 Voltage across capacitor
















0ms 10ms 20ms 30ms 40ms 50ms 60ms 70ms 80ms 90ms 100ms
--- C:\Users\PMLS\Documents\Draft1.raw ---

Figure 4.2: Output of RLC series circuit

V(n003) V(n001)












0ms 10ms 20ms 30ms 40ms 50ms 60ms 70ms 80ms 90ms 100ms
--- C:\Users\PMLS\Documents\Draft1.raw ---

Figure 4.3: Comparison of output and input signal

Long Text
Short Text Short Text Short Text Short Text Short Text
in Cell
Short Text Long Short Text Short Text Short Text Short Text
Text in Cell
Long Text
Short Text Short Text Short Text Short Text Short Text
in Cell
Short Text Short Text Short Text Long Short Text Short Text
Text in Cell
Long Text
Short Text Short Text Short Text Short Text Short Text
in Cell
Short Text Short Text Short Text Short Text Short Text Long
Text in Cell
Table 4.1: A 12-row by 6-column table with long text broken into multiple lines


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