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1. Capture Data Sources

2. Capture Data Elements
3. Structure Story with ChatGPT
4. Use for final version

On December 25, 1986, in the heart of Faridabad, Kiran Kanojia

couple who ironed clothes on the cart earning Rs 6000/month
Uneducated but deeply committed to providing the best for their children

On December 25, 1986, in the heart of Faridabad, Kiran Kanojia, a healthy and beautiful girl
was born to a couple who ironed clothes on the cart earning Rs 6000/month. Uneducated but
deeply committed to providing the best for their children, Kiran’s parents gave her the best
education. She was the university topper and bagged a gold medal. In 2009 she got campus
placement in Infosys.

She had a normal life of any software engineer in Hyderabad until the day of the incident. It was
a day before her 25th birthday when she took a train from Hyderabad to her hometown
Faridabad. With the wish to celebrate her 25th birthday with her family, Kiran started her journey
in a second class coach of the train. When she was seated in her seat which was near the door
waiting for her journey to end, 2 men entered the coach and tried to snatch her bag with full
force. In their failed effort to grab the bag fastened to her, she was dragged towards the door.
She lost her balance and fell off the train, on the track. Her leg got stuck in the track and the
train ran over her leg.

The fellow passengers tried to pull her and took her inside the train but her leg was all covered
with blood. A few hours later, she was in the hospital without full consciousness. She was asked
by the doctors to sign the document to amputate her leg. She was pleading to save her leg but
the doctors had to choose between her leg and her life.

Her parents were trying to arrange 1 lakh rupees without which the operation would not start.
Everything was hassy and she was in unbearable pain. The operation was done and then the
toughest time of her life began, the recovery phase.

She was stuck in a room and not able to do anything on her own. She felt like that was the end
of her life. If that was not enough, she got to know in one of her hospital visits that the staples
which were used to seal her skin had embed and were causing a lot of pain.

One of the doctor told her that as long as she dont intend to run in her life, she is ok to lead her
life. That stuck in her head. When she returned to Hyderabad, she was connected to Dakshin
Rehabilitation Centre by someone in her close proximity. In Dakshin Rehab, she got her first
artificial leg, her first running blade.

The centre held her hand and taught her to run and made her realise that she can still survive
with one leg. She did a lot of meditation which helped her control her thoughts and gave power
to fight. She started living her life differently. She started to run which gave her a purpose in life,
connected her to a lot of people in this journey.

Now she runs marathons. Sometimes she is a finisher, sometimes she beats her own best
timining but each time she is a winner. As a child she was not into any sports and she was not
an athlete. So running was totally new to her on many levels. It was not easy to reach to the
level she is today.

She was trained very hard and had to face many physical challenges. The socket of the blade
rubbed against the stumb causing injuries. The body took more pressure on the normal side
resulting in pain in the leg and back. When she was depressed, she found her inspiration in
Oscar Pistorius' feats at the 2012 Paralympic Games. Hyderabad Runners, who met Kiran
during her rehabilitation, trained her to build her stamina and strength.

Not just physical challenge, she had to face financial challenges also. As a active runner, the
blade lasted only for a year and after which the shape of the blade gets deformed which causes
injuries. So the blades had to be replaced aftenly which costed 4 lakhs each time.

Pain had become part of her life. She had accepted her facts, her loss and learned to move on.
She started to run to prove to herself that she was alive but when she finished her first 2 kms,
she got some hope that she can still achieve something in her life.

When she finished her first half marathon of 21 kms, she felt confident and alive. In 2014, Kiran
attempted the Hyderabad Airtel Marathon and won her first medal. Today, at 28, Kiran is a
champion blade runner and is invited to Delhi and Mumbai to run and flag off marathons.

She is an inspiration to many amputees now. Her immediate goal is to participate in the
Paralympic Games and make the country proud.

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