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Video customer complaints

2. communication with customers in the video is perfect because the receptionist handles customers
using techniques, namely last listen, finding out what the problem is, empathy and solving so that
customers are happy and don't leave bad comments.

*solution :

If the product is not defective, educate the customer. Find out what their goals and needs are, then
teach them how they can use the product to achieve success. If the product is damaged, provide options
for immediate replacement and try to determine how it was damaged. If it was user error, gently show
the customer how they can avoid this outcome in the future.

For a long-term solution, consider using a customer feedback tool to survey customers about your
product. You can use NPS® surveys to measure customer satisfaction and learn how you can improve
your product features. This feedback tool provides quantitative and qualitative data that you can use to
improve product development.

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