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Answer To Question No. 1 & 2 Is Compulsory & Answer Any 8 Question From The Rest

1. A. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives : 1x10

i ) Which of the following transmission line have more initial cost?
a. Overhead Transmission b. Underground transmission c. Both have almost the same initial cost d. None of the above
ii) Transmission line insulators are made of
a. porcelain b. glass c. composite polymer d. any of the above
iii) The only advantage of corona is
a. ozone gas is produced b. works as a safety valve for surges c. makes line current sinusoidal d. produces a pleasing luminous glow
iv) The transmission line between tower assumes the shape of
a . catanary b. hyperbola c. parabola d. are of a circle
v) In a power transmission line, the sag depends on
a. conductor material b. tension in conductors c. span of transmission d. all of these
vi) Use of bundle conductors causes the critical voltage for corona formation.
a. to decrease b. to increase c. to remain unaltered d. none of these
vii) Pin insulators are normally used for voltages up to
a. 3.3 kV b. 11 kV c. 33 kV d. 66 kV
viii ) The topmost wire in a distribution line is
a. phase wire b. earth wire c. neutral wire d. any of these ACSR conductors have
ix) Which of the following is the source of heat generation in the cables?
a. Dielectric losses in cable insulation b. Conductor losses c. Sheath loses d. All of the above
x) The material commonly used for sheaths of underground cables is
a lead b. rubber c. copper d. iron

2. Fill in the blanks : 1x10

I. In a transmission system, a 3.3 kV/0.4 kV transformer is installed on-side ________

II . Guy wire should have high __________ strength
III. A Peterson coil has __________ reactance.
IV. In ACSR conductors aluminum conductor __________ and __________ steel conductors.
V. In ACSR conductors, due to steel the resistance of conductor __________.
VI. In short transmission lines the shunt capacitance is totally neglected and the series impedance is a__________ parameter.
VII. In long transmission lines the incident component of voltage increases in magnitude and phase as we move __________ receiving end.
VIII. In long transmission lines, as we move away from the receiving end, the reflected component of voltage__ __________ in magnitude and
IX. In modern power stations the range of distribution voltages is 110 V to __________.
X. In a power system there will always exist an unbalance between the demand and supply conditions of active and reactive power and this leads to
variation of __________ and __________ from their` respective rated values.

3. What are the factors which affect corona? 5

4. With a neat diagram, show the various parts of a high voltage single-core cable. 5
5. What is transposition of conductor? How and why it is carried our?. 5
6. Discuss the terms voltage regulation and transmission efficiency as applied to transmission line. 5
7. What are the causes of low power factor of the supply system? 5
8. How many more kilowatts can alternator supply for the same kVA loading? 5
9. An alternator is supplying a load of 300 kW at a p.f. of 0 -6 lagging. If the power factor is raised to unity. 5
10. What are the advantages of high transmission voltage ? 5
11. State Kelvin's law for size of conductor for transmission. Discuss its limitations? 5
12. Why are insulators used with overhead lines ? 5

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