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SNS Educational

Duration: 40 Minutes. Final Term Paper (English) Max.Marks:100
‘A ’
(Multiple Choice Question)
Note: Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
i. In 1926, Allama Iqbal was elected as a member of:
*Punjab Legislative Council *Constitution Assembly
*Bombay Legislative Council *All India Muslim League
ii. Which James Henry Leigh Hunt poem is included in your book?
*A mountain & a squirrel * The Daffodils *Abou Ben Adhem *Rain

iii. The Poem “Rain” has been translated by

*William Wordsworth * Charles Mackay
* Shah Abdul Latif * Elsa Kazi
iv. She was the founding manager of the Sindh Education Foundation
* Jahan Ara Shahnawaz *Fatima Jinnah
*Liaquat Ali Khan * Anita Ghulam Ali
v. As he reached to doff his hat at his neighbor, a gust of wind blew and carried it away.
(meaning of the bold word)
*give *take off *present *wave
vi. In length, the Guddu Barrage is:
*1155m *1255m *1355m *1455m
vii. Latif’s song is sung on the:
*tambooro *alghoza
*guitar * dhol

viii. Which poem by Allama Iqbal is included in your book?

*A mountain and a squirrel *Miller of the Dee
*Abou Ben Adhem * Rain

ix. Initially, Quaid-e-Azam was an active member of:

*All India Muslim League *Communist Party

*Congress * Unionist Party

x. Pain behind the eyes and decreased urine output is common in:
*malaria *chikungunya *dengue * all of them
xi. What part of speech describes a verb, adjective, or adverb and answers when? where? how? and to what extent?
*adjective *adverb *preposition * conjunction

xii. The Guddu Barrage is built on this river

*The Ravi *The Indus *The Chenab *The Jhelum

xiii. What was the old name of Madina?

*Madinatul-Nabi *Yeman *Yathrib *Hudebia

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xiv. The only college where Jameel could go is in the city:

*20 miles away *30 miles away *40 miles away * 50 miles away

xv. APWA was made by .

*Ra’ana Liaquat Ali Khan *Begum Shah Ara Shahnawaz
*Abadi Begum * Professor Anita Ghulam Ali

xvi. The word “disorientation” means:

*confusion *unclarity *perplexity *all of them

xvii. One of the responsibilities of a citizen is:

*to play games * to pay tax *to become a teacher * all of them
xviii. We get education to/for:
* earning money *reading magazines *improving ourselves * impress other
xix. Never-ending line means
*a short line *a curved line
*lines of stars *a continuous line
xx. O’God! May like the candle be the life of:
*his *hers *mine *theirs

2229 Ground floor P.I.B. Colony Karachi. PH: 341269642-43-44-45-46-47 Website:
SNS Educational

2229 Ground floor P.I.B. Colony Karachi. PH: 341269642-43-44-45-46-47 Website:
SNS Educational

Duration: 2 hr 30 min Final Term Paper (English) Max.Marks:100

(Short Question Answers)
Q.2) Answer any FIVE of the following questions in three or four sentences each. (10 Marks)
i. How is the immune system affected through dengue?
ii. What is the moral of the lesson “Secret of Success”?
What are three main points of Charter of Madina.
iii. What is the main theme of poem “A Child’s Invocation”?
iv. Why was Quaid e Azam called an Ambassador of the Hindu Muslim unity?
v. What do you know about the services of Anita Ghulam Ali?
vi. What does Shah Latif’s poetry and work tell us about his knowledge and skills?
vii. What was the cause of the fight between the mountain and the squirrel? Why do you think so?
Who was miller? What was he singing about?
Q.3) Do as Directed. (as instructed in the brackets) (20 Marks)
i. (Use Preposition)
a) Last year, there were a large number of mangoes_______ the tree.
b) He met and fell in love with a French girl when he was ____ the London School of
ii. (Use Articles)
a) I bought ____ umbrella to go out in the rain.
b) Albany is the capital of ____ New York State.
iii. (Change the Voice)
a) Who taught you the active and passive sentences?
b) The course is being studied by students
c) Do not help him.
d) They switched off the radio
iv. (Change the Narrations)
a) They exclaimed that those mangoes were very sweet.
b) She said, “I will crack the exam in my very first attempt.”
c) I said to him, “You can take this book.”
d) John said to me, “Have you taken my wrist-watch?”
v. Formation of Sentences (change the following sentences as suggested in the bracket)
a) Weren’t Marley and you on the way to the railway station? (change into assertive)
b) She has been working on the project for a week. (change into future perfect)
c) The dog is barking at the postman. (change into present simple)
d) You can get good marks. (change into interrogative)
e) George and Asha will be attending their daughter’s graduation ceremony. (change into
f) Now it is my turn said he to them (punctuate)
vi. Write correct form of the VERB given in bracket.
a) Have you ___ the baby? (see/seen)
2229 Ground floor P.I.B. Colony Karachi. PH: 341269642-43-44-45-46-47 Website:
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b) If he _____ (work) hard, he would get good results.

vii. Add SUFFIX to
a) Condition
b) Achieve

Q.4) Indicate the Part of Speech of the Underlined words. (05 Marks)
i. Mala writes with pen on a paper.
ii. My father drives carefully.
iii. Has your father ever been to Australia?
iv. Hyderabad is a historical city.
v. Alas! Abdul Kalam is dead.
Q.5) Translate the following paragraph into Urdu/Sindhi. (05 Marks)
Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was the last prophet of Allah. He was born in Makkah.
The Arabs were idol worshipers at that time. The entire Society was plagued by different evils.
He (PBUH) led a very pious life. He started preaching Islam at the age of forty. The Arabs
turned against him and tortured him in many ways. He bore all the hardships. Some people
embraced Islam. Most of them were poor.


(Detailed Question Answers)
Q.6) Read the given passage and fill in the blanks from the options provided in the box. (05 marks)
Saint of Bhit, V i l l a g e , Bhit, mound, famous
In 1742, Shah Latif left his home and went to live on a _______at some distance from his
_______. A mound of sand is called ______ in Sindhi. Due to the fact that he lived on this
mound for the rest of his life, Shah Latif came to be known as 'the________. To this day, he
is____ all over the country as Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai or Shah Latif of the Mound.
Q.7) Write an essay of 3 or more paragraphs on any one of the following topics: (10 marks)
i. Education is the backbone of Success
ii. Impact of Social Media iii. My aim in Life

Write an email to the C.E.O of a private company, rejecting an offer of employment in his

Q8.) Write an application to the Headmistress requesting her to arrange extra classes to carry out
the practical of computer.
(10 marks)

2229 Ground floor P.I.B. Colony Karachi. PH: 341269642-43-44-45-46-47 Website:
SNS Educational

You are going on a school picnic with your classmates and teachers. You are very excited. The night
before the trip, you sit down to write your diary. Describe what you have planned for the picnic and
how you hope to enjoy yourself there.

Q.8) Read the following passage & Answer the questions given below: (15 marks)

Our world is facing big challenges like climate change and running out of fossil fuels. This is why people are
talking a lot about renewable energy sources. Renewable energy comes from things like sunlight, wind, rain,
and heat from the Earth. These sources are good because they don't create pollution like fossil fuels do. Solar
energy comes from the sun and makes electricity using special cells. It's a good and plentiful source of power.
Wind energy is made by big turbines that catch the wind's power to make electricity. You can see these in wind
farms. Hydroelectric power is made from flowing water, like in dams. It's a steady and reliable source of
renewable energy. Lastly, geothermal energy comes from heat deep under the ground. It's used to make
electricity and heat buildings.
Switching to renewable energy helps the environment and also helps create jobs. Many countries are investing
in renewable energy because it reduces pollution and makes sure we have enough energy for the future.

a. What are some examples of renewable energy sources mentioned in the passage? (2)
b. How does solar energy contribute to the renewable energy mix? (2)
c. Why is transitioning to renewable energy beneficial for both the environment and the economy? (3)
d. Write a summary of the above passage. (5)
e. Find a word of same meaning or synonyms from the passage for each of the following words: (3)
i. Plentiful
ii. Catch
iii. Steady

2229 Ground floor P.I.B. Colony Karachi. PH: 341269642-43-44-45-46-47 Website:
SNS Educational

2229 Ground floor P.I.B. Colony Karachi. PH: 341269642-43-44-45-46-47 Website:

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