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Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - the Jesuits - the Ancient and Accepted Scottish
Rite of Freemasonry - Tibetan [Buddhist] societies - Mossad]

Date of Publication: 05/05/2024

Sole Author: Shawn Dexter John

Re: Communication to National Security Agency (NSA) operatives and undisclosed Offices
alongside the United States Congress and Department of State


Legal and Political Tenets of the Green New Deal (or the New Green Deal), to be enacted by
the pending General Assembly of the Americas (GAA) and, supplementary, the United States
Congress, a legislative concept introduced by Obama Jr. but popularized by Congressional Rep.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the biological mother of (a/multiple) biological offspring of Shawn
Dexter John and a concept referenced by Courtney Anderson (a former Howard University
associate), another biological mother of biological and genetic offpring of Shawn Dexter John;
these two (2) genetic mothers of his offspring are beautiful hearted individuals and are preparing
to have additional children with him (him being supernova genius Shawn Dexter John), born of
the Commonwealth of Dominica, a United States citizen and an American national, and the
nominal boss of the United States Government and its Partnerships, under his new alias Khaled
Sundiata Hassan (to be officialized expeditiously within time)

The Legal and Political Tenets are as follows:

(1) The reasonable and logical investment in clean and green energy, here in the United
States, shall not be refuted by any Government Agency, Department, Office, or other
space or Partnership, including contractors (superintentive or not),
(2) There shall be no demand of Congress or any other Government organ which may aim
to (or effect any instruction to) remove formal constitutional interpretations of the United
States Supreme Court and subordinates protecting our necessary investment in clean
and green energy as co-operative with the General Welfare principle of the United States
Constitution, whether an emergency order or decree (or declaration) arises,
(3) No emergency shall remove this prerogative of constitutional society, with this being
asserted here and via other Agency communications, as fundamental to our approach
on continental and global integration and human development; as in all situations
addressing constitutional protections, no relevant emergency order or decree (or statute
in general) may dissolve our address of negated or detrimented nature, polluted
communities, and exhausted natural resources damaging our environment and psyche
as a human civilization, global in reality but segmented for diversity purposes,
(4) There is no purpose to perceiving approaching ethics as finance driven and there shall
be no promotion of Government toward the interpretation of human development as
financial primarily or predominantly; however, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and
INTERPOL support the exponential infrastructural growth and economic development of
the globe per financial activism (of humane procedures) as fundamental to human
understanding preceding, during, and succeeding any ethical revolution serving or
denoting universal and standard income and such,
(5) Tax, merit, social, economic, financial, and subsidized credits and their interactive
purveyors afforded to structural industries and industry actors (within) in their support of,
by investing in, and/or in engineering the clean and green energy revolution may not be
abolished or curtailed, may not lead to the impediment of capital development, and shall
not lead to the end of free enterprise, free market principles as predominant and official
within the United States and, soon, the entirety of the Americas, and/or open borders
and complete economic and political integration as a hemisphere in respecting the Plan
of the Americas consistently detailed (re: Pax Americana),
(6) There ought to be no installment of any procedure, rule, policy, or protocol which
prohibits any legislation of the pending General Assembly of the Americas (GAA),
including the planned New Green Deal (or Green New Deal) as an Act, from
superseding the unconstitutional or minimalist Acts of Congress on the respective
(7) Any and all powers of Government and Civil Society, alongside those of private citizens
and non-citizens, formed or articulated shall respect the right of social liberalism (with
social democracy as overarching) to exist, prosper, and lead as consistently needed in a
world protecting only its values as consistent with all advancement paradigms of modern
society and its utopionist trajectory,
(8) The era of coal and oil predominance in energy activism and industry shall be devolved
only modernistically and via advanced protocols; it shall be accompanied in a manner
which allows all employees and practitioners of this sector into relevance, competency,
and participation within the industries of advanced technologies, infrastructure, and
activism supporting or supported by green and clean energy ascendance and eventual
pre-dominance, and
(9) The hospitality and support infrastructure of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), in
being a robust investment of American financiers and corporations, shall benefit
peculiarly and exceptionally from any Congressional or glGeneral Assembly Act on the
respective matter for operative reasons in accepting the Americana [buffer zone]
regional theory as pacifist in outlook and security endpoint.

Notes of Relation:
(1) Requested re-transcribed by the National Security Agency (NSA): Barack Huissen
Obama Jr. has confessed that he ordered Shawn Dexter John (assassinated if he
refused to leave the country) and that he (Obama Jr.) will surrender to INTERPOL and
will stage his death this month or next month (May or June 2024) in the White House as
a visitor. He revealed that he is envious of Shawn Dexter John (as Shawn Dexter John
is the individual verified as Jesus Christ, God himself, by Heaven and Earth via
communication methods classified) and that he is ready to accept Shawn Dexter John’s
comfortable enjoyment of all powers and freedoms innate to Shawn Dexter John’s
nature (including [a] Shawn Dexter John’s perpetual rule over Earth, with the United
States his lead vessel, as well as the totality of our universe) and [b] Shawn Dexter
John’s exclusionary financial estate account worth $10,000,000 (USD) in approximation.
Kendall Gardner, the biological daughter of Barack Huissen Obama Jr. and Kamala
Harris, is the biological mother of an offspring secretly revealed as plausibly a biological
offspring of Shawn Dexter John (an individual of pretty features and relatively short) as
they did have a sexual relationship and she did confirm that she was at one point certain
that Shawn Dexter John is the biological father of this particular offpsring. Mrs. Gardner
will consent to having two (2) children with Shawn Dexter John in moving on from her old
romantic relationships and will thank him for having removed porn videos depicting her
as a female sex worker from online databases due to his prosecutorial work as lead
Prosecutorial Agent of the United Nations (UN). The 6’1” ex-partner of Kendall Gardner,
a male individual noted as Californian, an individual who met Shawn Dexter John on
Howard University’s campus in 2003-2004, a gangbanger jailed several times by Shawn
Dexter John, will succumb to the lawful amputation of one leg and his sexual
reproductive organ and he will no longer serve as a threat to Shawn Dexter John and Mr.
John's associated White agents of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), individuals he
identified as “a cracker ass nigger and [his] White boys.”
(2) We instruct that all requests that Shawn Dexter John leave the United States or the state
of Florida within (meaning generally or specifically) be cancelled and removed and no
longer perceived as lawful, condonable, allowed, or necessary. (Re: Go home, men in

CIA-INTERPOL Partnership File Number: 3178WNYBIWO9

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