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Task 1

1. Data Scientist, IT Manager, Game Designer, Software

Developer, Computer Programmer and Cloud Engineer
2. PureLiFi, TVSquared, Space Intelligence and IceRobotics
3. Problem Solving, Creativity, Communication and Teamworks

Task 2
IT Trainer – Ensure that the learning environment and resources
support learner needs and design course materials and documents
such as handouts, manuals and exercises. They tend to work in
colleges, education centres and training departments in large
companies. Their average salary is £34,707 annually.

Task 3
IT Support Technician – They assist computer users with setup,
maintenance, troubleshooting and problems they have their
computers. They work for software or equipment suppliers
providing after-sales support or companies that specialise in
providing IT maintenance and support. Usually starters get paid
£18,000 annually and experienced ones get paid £35,000 annually.

Task 4
Computer Games Designer – They focus on the function of a
game, creating systems, rules, and gameplay, and help with
world-building (story and IP) to ensure it’s playable, fun and
Task 1

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