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Questions (SA)


2 marks
Whatcan be inferred about the poet's living
Answer the following questions in 40-50 vwords: 22.
arrangements from the poem "My Mother ot
17. The pain of separation is expressed both Sixty-Six'?
literally and metaphorically in this poem. unconmfortable at the
Elucidate. [CBSE Question Bank 2021] 23. Why does the poet feel Rationalise.
Ans. The pain of separation in 'My Mother at Sixty fact of her mother'smortality?
face for anuone
Six' is one of physical separation since the poet Ans. Death is a verydifficult fact to
wasleaving her mother in Cochin while catching Parents are aguiding and protective force for
flight. The metaphorical separation is one that adult children as well. Hence, the poet found it
the poet fears. She fears an eternal separation difficult to face the fact of her mother's gging
from her mother because of her death. and mortality.
18. Imagery is used as an effective literary device 24. Close-reading refers to reading with attention
to bring out the contrast between the "merry and finding proof in the literature to make an
children" and mother. Comment.
analysis. Do a close reading of the poem to
[CBSE Question Bank 2022] find out the relationship of the poet with her
Ans. The poet looks away from her mother's face parents.
and sees through the car window children Ans. It is evident from the way she notices her
rushing out of their homes. The contrast is all mother's ashen and pallid look quite late in her
the more sharper since the poet hasjuxtaposed
two vastly different images old age and trip that the poet does not meet her parents
childhood-right next toeach other. often. A person who visits regularly will not
19. What does the poet's smile in the poem 'My
have this realisation while leaving. The aging
Mother at Sixty-Six' show? [CBSE 2018, 17] would be slow, gradual and unnoticeable.
Ans. Thepoet was taking leave of hermother, but her 25. Describe the relationship between the mother
mind was on her mother's advancing age and and daughter in the poem.
the old familiar fear that gripped her. To not let You may begin your answer like this:
her mother know about how she was feeling, The relationship between the mother and the
the poet smiled at her mother. daughter is a close one
20. What was the poet's childhood fear? Ans. The relationship between the mother and
[CBSE 2017, 14] the daughter is aclose one. The poet is the
Ans. The poet was afraid as a child at the thought of daughter whogoes to visit her parents in Cochin
Losing her mother. This fear is not uncommon sometimes. The mother accompanies ner
among children. The same fear came back to daughter while she leaves the cits. The daughter
haunt her when she noticed how pale and pallid is scared to lose her
her mother looked when she left Cochin. mother both as achild and
as an adult.
21. What were the poet's feelings asshe drove to 26. EWhat was the fact that
Cochin Airport? [CBSE 2016] want to face in "Mu Mother atpoetSixty-Six
did no
Ans. When the poet was driving to Cochin Airport, Explain.
her mother was beside her. The poet noticed
her mother sleeping with her mouth open and 27. State the common issue
faced by
realised that she had grown old. The thought aged in the current times, with most or ie
made her uncomfortable. the poem MyMother at reference t
[CBSE SÌP 2022]
292 EduLart English Core Class XIl
Elderlytoday faces alot of issues. They are through different
able to convey the same
alone to survive in their
lalu on their own self for decreasingage, rely poetic techniques. Discuss.
Rte when their curing ailments, [CBSE Question Bank 2022]
children move away to build seeing her
their career. Just as in My Mother at Ans. The poet is filled with dread on
Sixtu-six! infirmity
the poet's mother was left behind to look
after ageing mother. She notices the signs of
able to accept the fact
her ownself in her diminishing age as the
poet setting in,and she is not
separated from her
ieft for another city, old people go
through a that one day she would be
looks out
lot of loneliness in their lives. through death. This is the reason she
a A smile does not always ofthe window ofher car, away from her
indicate happiness.! showcases
The farewell smile of the poet also
Does 'My Mother at Sixty-Six' reflect this her sadness. In this was. she is able to
statement? Justify your response with an her feelings without explicitly
example from the poem. subject of death.
[CBSE Question Bank 2023]
30. Ageing is a natural process; have you ever
Ans. Yes, the poem My Mother at Sixty-Six' reflects thought what our elderly parents expect
this statement. At the end of the poem, when from us? [Diksha]
the poet smiles at her mother when bidding ofloneliness
farewell at the airport, it does not stand for Ans. Aged peopleusuallyundergo pangs for
and need companionship. They long only
joy or happiness. Rather, it is a testament to expect their
the sadness and longing the poet felt at that our love, care and attention. They
moment. children to share the happenings in their lives
with them andtaketheir suggestions for making
29. The poet does not directly mention the fear of significant decisions. This will encourage them
her mother's death and yet she is successfully to live life enthusiastically.

LONG ANSWERType Questions (LA)

[5 marks]
Answer the following questions in 120-150 words: Iam writing to you because when you left me
at the airport, I felt something wasn't right.
31. Imagine the mother gets to know the poet's Judging by how little you spoke that day and
personal fears. Write a letter, as the mother, the way you were looking at me as if you had
telling her daughter why she must not dwell seen a ghost, IthoughtImust write to you. I
on these fears. know what you were thinking. That one day
You may begin this way: on the trip to the irport, Imight not be sitting
next to you at all. Don't worry; that day is
Pallipuram very far,away. have to tell you l may look
Cochin, Kerala a bit old but Iam tough as nails. I am also
stickingaround whether you like it or not. You
22 August '60 grandmother lived to a ripe old 98. Ihave those
Mydear Kamala genes. Plegse don't think about all these things
now. There will be time to deal with it.
Iam writing to you because when
you left
wasn't With love
me at the airport, Ifelt something
right. Judging by how little you spoke that

day 32. What is the significance of the poet's

.continue).... final smile in 'My Mother at Sixty-Six?
Substantiate with reference to the text.
With love Ans. When the poem starts, the poet has just noticed
[CBSE Question Bank 20221 that her mother has aged. She described
her as fragile, wan and corpse-like. The poet
Ans. Pallipuram cannot face this fact, so she looks away from
Cochin, Kerala her mother at the children playing outside on
the street. When she is at the airport security
22 August '60 check, the poet looks back at her mother and
Mydear Kamala, notices again her face which is like the 'late

My Mother at Sixty-Six 293

winter street. This is when she feels an old not explicity soy. death, you hint at it through
familiar ache return. This is the ache of being various indirect ways. The first indirect reference
abondoned. of being left alone. something thot todeath is in the description of your mother. Yo.
children feel Her old childhood fear has arrived describes your mother's face as 'ashen ike rhos
agoin. But she doesn't wont her mother to know of a corpse. The second indirect reference to
the tsunami of feelings that she is death was when you said, 'she was as old as sha
under, so all she does is smile at herdrowning
and tell looked. Given that half a ine earlier, you soid
her that she vwill see her soon. This
smile must
be an uncomfortable one, yet she tries to thother face looked like a corpse, this meant that
uour mother looked as old as acorpse as well
to cover up the complex thoughts that smile The next indirect reference is to mother's face
her. The poet ends the poem with the plague
'smile and smile and smile. It is words being 'pale as a late winter's moon'. Seasons
in a poem of such doom and significant that of nature are compared to stages in a human's
gloom, the poet ife. Spring is childhood; summer is adulthood:
chooses to end the poem on this positive note. autumn is maturity; and winter is old age. The
33. OExamine concepts of old age and Loss as 'late winter's moon' therefore, is a reference to
seen in the poenm 'MyMother at Sixty-Six. oldage aswell as tothe dying ight of life for the
poet's mother. In ashort poem,there are three
34. Imagine that you are the references to death. Hence, it can be said that a
poet's mother.
Describe the trip to the airport fom your shadow of death hangs over this poem.
point of view.
Iwould suggest you to spend more time with
Ans. Kamala came to visit us just like your mother, until you feel satisfied. I would
father and Iwere very happy to seealways.
also like to address your fears about death.
After afew days,she had to take her fight from
the Cochin AirportI went with her to
to see her off. On the way, Ifell the airport
36.Separation anxiety' is the psychological
term for anxiety that children feel when
car. I was embarrassed. Ithink nmyasleep the
mouth was they are away from their parents. Examine
open too. When Iwoke up, Isaw my 'My Mother at Sixty - Six in light of this
turning to look at the passing scenery. daughter statement.
It was
not much. Just some young trees
fast and younger children rushing out of their very 37. Irony is a literary technique by which the full
homes. Soon, we reached the airport. significance of a character's words or
went off towards the securits check. Kamala is clear to the audience or reader actions
Ihad to
unknowNn to the character. Does the although
saygoodbye from the outside. New rules meant poem
thatIcould not enter the airport. Kamala turned 'My Mother at Sixty-six' come
across as an
to look at me. She kept looking at me likel looked example of the poet's ironical situation?
different or something. I told her to take care of [Mod. Diksha)
herself andvisit often. She smiled and said that Ans. In the poem 'My Mother at
she'd see me sOon. in a dilemma as she sits Sixty-six, the poet is
35. Imagine you are Douglas Adams, the in the car, on her way alongside her mother
to the airport. She
of the story 'Deep Water'. What author suddenly realises that her mother has aged,
you offer to Kamala Das, in the advice would and the thought makes her
comflicted context of her She looks away outside the uncomfortable.
emotions as displayed in the given car to see young children window of the
around on the streets. The childhood and running
Away, Ilooked again at her, wan, pale as a losing her mother resurfaces in the fear of
Late winter's moon and felt that she is unable to express her poet and
my childhood fear"
ache familiar feelings. Even at
the end, as the poet is bidding
Ans. Dear Kamala mother at the airport, all she does farewell to her
her mother. The is smile at
I recently read your
poem, 'My Mother at inabilits
the intensity of her
of the poet to
Sixty-Six, and I felt that Comes out through emotions
you were for the mother
with your mother ageing. Even obessed her
though you do realize that the poet is notwriting,
but we alsO
of the same.
This makes the poem an
example of 'irony.
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