Computer Maintenance and Repair Practice Questions

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Computer Maintenance and Repair Practice for Class Discussion-NCICT

Here are some sample questions to test your knowledge of computer maintenance and
repair Practice


Q1. Which of the following components is most likely to cause overheating if dusty?

(a) CPU

(b) RAM

(c) Hard Drive

(d) Motherboard

Q.2 What type of screwdriver is best suited for opening a laptop case?

(a) Flathead

(b) Phillips

(c) Torx

(d) All of the above (depending on the laptop)

Q.3. True or False: It's safe to use a regular vacuum cleaner to clean the inside of a
computer. (False)


Q.4. What is the first step you should take when troubleshooting a slow computer?

(a) Restart the computer.

(b) Defragment the hard drive.

(c) Reinstall the operating system.

(d) Upgrade the hardware.

Q.5. What is the purpose of an anti-virus program?

(a) Speed up the computer.

(b) Protect against malware.

By Henry Ssebunya ( Kibirige) @April 2024

Computer Maintenance and Repair Practice for Class Discussion-NCICT

(c) Organize files.

(d) Browse the internet.

Q.6. Fill in the Blank: Booting refers to the process of a computer starting up and
loading the _________ ________. (Operating System)

FOR DISCUSSION -Troubleshooting

Q.7. Scenario: A user complains their computer won't turn on. What are some
possible causes and troubleshooting steps?

Possible causes: Faulty power supply, loose cable connection, dead battery (in

Troubleshooting steps: Check the power outlet, ensure all cables are securely plugged
in, test with a different power supply (if possible).

Q.8. Scenario: A program keeps crashing. What can you do to diagnose and fix the

You can try restarting the program, updating the software, checking for conflicting
programs, or reinstalling the program.



By Henry Ssebunya ( Kibirige) @April 2024

Computer Maintenance and Repair Practice for Class Discussion-NCICT

By Henry Ssebunya ( Kibirige) @April 2024

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