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Density: Mass per unit volume (Kg/m3 – g/cm3) Thermal energy always transfer from hotter regions or objects

hotter regions or objects to colder

𝑫𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒚(𝒈/𝒄𝒎𝟑 ) = 𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆(𝒄𝒎𝟑) ones. (Heat dissipation)
Thermal transfer processes:
To get mass: use a balance / scale.
To get volume:  Conduction: When a solid is heated, the particles start to vibrate
 Regular objects : Length X Width X Height more. Energy passes from particles to another.
 Best conductors are Metals.
 Poor conductors are called insulators
 Irregular objects: Displacement method
 Trapped air very good insulator.
1. The object is placed into a measuring
cylinder of water.  Convection:
2. The increase in volume of the water is the  Convection is the main way that heat
travels through liquids and gases
volume of the object.  (Convection cannot happen in solids)
 When a liquid (or gas) is heated the
particles push each other
Solids are denser than liquids than gases. apart, making the liquid/gas expand.
This makes the hot liquid/gas less dense than the surroundings.
The hot liquid/gas rises, and the cooler (surrounding) liquid/gas
moves in to take its place
 The resulting motion is called a convection current.
 Radiation: Electromagnetic wave
 Objects float on water because they are less dense than water.  All hot objects give off thermal radiation: the hotter they are, the
 Objects sink in water because they are more dense than water. more they emit.
 The only way in which heat can travel through a vacuum.
Law of conservation of energy: Energy is conserved, meaning it cannot
be created or destroyed. {Energy input = Energy output}

Heat (Thermal energy) : Total energy of the particles in an object (

Joules J)
Temperature: how hot or cold and object is / Average energy of
particles in an object (oC)

Eng. Nermin Nour 1

Cooling by evaporation.  The amplitude of a sound wave is related to its volume (Loudness)
[Measured in decibels db]
All the water molecules in liquid are moving. Some of the molecules have o Sounds with a large amplitude have a bigger volume
more energy. These molecules move fast enough to escape the surface o Sounds with a small amplitude have a quieter volume
of the liquid.
Leaving the rest the molecules with lower average energy.
This is called evaporation.
This makes the liquid become cooler.


Sound waves are

longitudinal waves. When
you speak, compressions
and rarefactions travel out
through the air.
Sound interference
 Waves reinforce
When two similar (peak to peak) waveforms interact, this is called and
the waves will reinforce.
Result wave
 Become louder (
double amplitude)
 Same frequency

 Waves cancellation
 The frequency of a sound wave is related to its pitch. [measured in When two similar (peak to trough) waveforms interact, this is called and
Hz] the waves will cancel.
o Sounds with a high pitch have a high frequency (or short Result wave
wavelength)  Zero amplitude.
o Sounds with a low pitch have a low frequency (or long

Eng. Nermin Nour 2

Electricity Current: Flow of free electrons. (amperes A)
 Measured using Ammeter.
Difference Between Series and Parallel Circuits
 Ammeter is connected in series to the
Series Parallel
Voltage (potential difference): Is a measure of
the energy given to the electrons in a circuit?
(Volts V)
 Measured using Voltmeter.
 Voltmeter is connected in parallel to the
Adding cells increase the voltage so energy
supplied to electrons increases and current

Only one path for current to Current flow through branches. Resistance
 As resistance increases current decreases as
The same amount of current Current splits at X to branches it slows down the flow of electrons making it
flows through all the and then rejoins at Y harder for current to flow.
components A1= A4  Measured in Ohms (Ω)
A1= A2 + A3
 Ohm’s Law: V=IR
If one component breaks Other components will function
down, the whole circuit will not even if one component breaks  With a variable resistor you can change the resistance so you can
work. down. control the flow of current through the components.

You cannot control each You can control each branch Nebula: Cloud of dust and gas in space (Hydrogen and helium)
branch independently. independently.
Nebula has gravity and can slowly collapse to become denser and hotter.
Voltage is shared between the Voltage is same for all branches If it collapses enough, it can form a protostar. A protostar will continue to
components. If Vt is the total voltage then it is collapse under its gravity and heat up more and more. Once the
If Vt is the total voltage then it equal to V1=V2=V3 temperature and pressure at the centre of the protostar are high
is equal to V1 + V2 +V3
enough, nuclear fusion begins and the protostar becomes a real star.
If you put more lamps into a The lamps stay bright if you add
series circuit, the lamps will be more lamps in parallel. New stars are formed in some nebulae called stellar nurseries.
dimmer than before. (Total current increases as more
paths for current are added)

Eng. Nermin Nour 3

Moon Formation Tectonic Plates: Pieces of Earth crust floating on the mantle.

Collision (Giant impact) hypothesis – Scientists’ current understanding The continents were originally one large mass of land; this split apart,
is that a Mars-sized protoplanet (named Theia) struck (collide into) the so the continental coastlines that we see today are the lines made by the
Earth creating a molten Earth and a debris field in space that coalesced splitting.
to form the Moon.
How tectonic plates move?

Convection currents. The

mantle is heated by the core;
molten rock in contact with the
Evidence that supports
core is heated (by conduction);
 the Earth's spin and the Moon's orbit have similar orientations – this this expands, becomes less
supports an oblique impact by a large object dense and rises through the
 there is evidence in other star systems of similar collisions, resulting mantle; cooling occurs next to the crust (which is cooler) and the molten
in accretion (debris) discs rock sinks again.
 The Moon has a relatively small iron core – the Moon formed mainly
from debris from the outer layers of the Earth which have less iron Evidence:
than the core.  The coastlines of the continents fit together like a jigsaw puzzle
 The Moon has a lower density than the Earth – the Moon formed because they were originally part of one larger continent that broke
mainly from debris from the outer layers of the Earth which are less
dense than the core.
 Moon Rocks:
 (Fossil Record) Some fossils of the same species are found in
 Contains materials that forms quickly at high temperatures. continents that appear as if they could fit together, such as South
 Contains less iron than Earth rock. America and Africa. This suggests that these continents were once
 Moon rock and Earth rock are very similar. joined.
 Moon rock has less water than Earth rock  Alignment of the Magnetic materials in the crust. Magnetic
materials in molten rocks line up with the Earth’s magnetic field. The
alignment is different in newer rocks than older rocks / suggests that
tectonic plates are pushed apart by new rock being pushed upward.
 Position of volcanoes and Earthquakes. Most of the earthquakes
and volcanoes occur at, or close to, plate boundaries.

Eng. Nermin Nour 4

Thinking and Working Scientifically: Hazard symbols:
The main steps of the scientific method are:
1. Make an observation that poses a problem or question
2. Develop a testable hypothesis based on the observed patterns.
3. Design an experiment that allows for controlled variables and
quantitative data collection.
4. Conduct the experiment and gather quantitative data to
objectively measure the outcomes.
5. Use statistical methods to analyse the collected data and draw
meaningful conclusions.
6. Make a conclusion by evaluating whether the results support or
do not support the hypothesis, leading to a clearer
The independent variable: the only variable that should be changed
throughout an experiment
The dependent variable: the variable that is measured to determine
the outcome of an experiment (the results) Safety precautions:
The controlled variables: any other variables that may affect the results  When working with masses, wires or springs:
o Wear safety goggles when required.
of the experiment that need to be controlled (Kept the same).
o A support stand should be weighted or clamped to
Precision and accuracy
prevent it falling over.
Precision: is shown by the number of significant figures.
o Provide a soft surface, such as a cushion, underneath
Improved by anything falling.
 Use a better equipment that measures small differences.  When using electrical circuits:
Accuracy: is how close the measurement to its true value. o Don't have liquids kept around the apparatus
Improved by o Do not exceed the voltage rating for all the appliances in
 Repeating the experiment and taking the average. the circuit
 Using a measuring instrument with higher sensitivity.  When working with hot objects:
You should plan to include at least two repeats in your experiment. This o Wear safety gloves/ heat proof gloves while handling
will make the results more reliable, and help you to rule out

Eng. Nermin Nour 5

Strength and limitations for a model (Suggested answers) Types of Data
Strengths:  Continuous ( Ex. Weight, length, time , temperature,…)
 Models help communicate difficult concepts.  The type of graph we draw when the data is continuous is
 Colours to let us see different layers. normally a line graph.
 Patterns can be visualised.  To complete the line graph, a line of best fit is drawn.
 Help us remember key information.  The line of best fit may be:
 Another strength is helping us to represent ideas that would  A smooth curve drawn freehand.
otherwise be hard to explain. ( Show details of …)  A straight line drawn with a ruler.
 For example:  Discrete data (Ex. Shoe size, Goals scored,…)
 We can model things that are too big to see – such as  Discrete data is usually displayed in a bar chart.
the solar system.  Categorical data (Ex. Colour, Gender,…)
 We can model things that are too small to see – such as  Categorical data uses words instead of numbers.
the particle model.  Categorical data is usually displayed in a bar chart.
Limitations of models
 They are simplified versions. (Doesn’t show ……) Line Graph patterns
 They can be interrupted in many different ways.
 They do not always cover everything in detail and can miss vital
 Models are approximations. ( not to scale)

More examples of analogies used in science

 Flowing water is also used as a model for electricity.
 With the pipes for wires.
 A pump for the battery.
 Different sizes pipes link to the resistance of the circuit.
 The Earth is often compared to the layers of a peach.
 There is a hard core (stone), soft mantle (flesh), and the crust
 However there are problems with this analogy for instance the The conclusion describes:
mantle of the Earth moves by convection currents and the skin is  The findings of the experiment
one not broken up into pieces or continents.  The relationship between variables

Eng. Nermin Nour 6

Exam Tips 10. If you are stuck on a question simply circle the question
number and then move on. Ensure you have enough time to
answer the questions you do know and then come back to solve
1. Read the introduction to each question carefully before ones you are unsure of. ( Don’t leave the question blank)
moving on to the questions themselves. 11. In calculations:
2. Look in detail at any diagrams, graphs and tables.  Always show your working .
3. Make sure you understand the meaning of the “command  Write down your answers to as many significant
words” in the questions. figures as are used in the number in the question.
Give / State/ Name Recall of knowledge required  If the question doesn’t state how many significant
Describe Is used when you give the main features figures, then a good general rule is to quote 3
Explain Is used when you have to give reasons significant figures.
Suggest Is used when you have to come up with an  Don’t forget the units.
idea to explain the information you are 12. If you wish to change an answer, cross out your first answer
and rewrite. Do not write over what you have already written.
Calculate Means that you have to work out an
13. Always try to write accurately using the correct scientific
answer in figures.
terms. Candidates often lose marks because they do not use
Plot/ draw graph Are used when you have to use the data
the vocabulary correctly.
provided to produce graphs and charts,
14. Do not use words like ‘it’, ‘they’, ‘effect’, ‘affect’ without any
more explanation. A sentence like ‘It has an effect on the
4. Look at the number of marks allocated to each question.
body’ or ‘They affect the process’ does not say anything.
5. Look at the space provided to guide you as to the length of
15. If you are asked to compare something then ensure you
your answer.
mention both things (e.g. “solarcells are renewable but fossil
6. Circle/Underline the key words in the question to help you
fuels are not” is fine as a comparison
focus on what the question is asking you to do.
but “solar cells are renewable” is not).
7. Ensure your hand writing is clear.
8. Draw circuits using a ruler and ensure there are no gaps. 16. Once finished ensure you have not
9. All answers should fit in the space provided. In the very rare missed out any questions (students
case you need more space put an asterisk next to the question often miss out answers when asked to
and then find space elsewhere on the paper and finish the add to a diagram/graph/table.)
answer there.

Eng. Nermin Nour 7

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