Succeed Test 4 (R&W)

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| Centre Number Candidate Number Cambridge Young Learners English Flyers Reading & Writing Practice Test 4 There are 44 questions. You have 40 minutes. You will need a pen or pencil. My name is: Reading « Writing Blank Page Gee ancssd Part | ~ 10 questions - Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example. geography a bear a factory an ambulance This subject teaches you about different places, like mountains and deserts. _..Beography acamel | | Inthis place people use machines to _ makethings, = 2. You can make your food very hot in niu nrsriiveemnn sie 3 These are small and they've got six legs. a — a cooker Maths 4 This animal lives in the desert and you can ride on it. 5 You hold this above you when it rains so you don't get Wet, in cccccceccccceeeees a coat 6 Someone drives you to the insects hospital in this if you're ill, os ccccccssssatnane 7 This person flies planes, rockets, or helicopters. 8 You put this round your neck a pilot when it’s cold. a sess | alibrary 9 You can find or take books out of here, but you can’t buy them. De We Manis matie@s 8 eee a husband an umbrella an uncle Lee ll aha -squetien- Sarah is meeting Michael in the park. Sarah is asking Michael some questions about why he was at the police station. What does Michael say? Read the conversation and choose the best answer. Write a letter (A-H) for each answer. You do not need to use all the letters. There is one example. Example 2 Sarah: __| saw you at the police station, Michael. a Michael: _D_ Questions Sarah: What happened? Michael: N w Sarah: No! Did you? Sarah: | knew you couldn't steal money! What did the police do? Michael: a Sarah: _Did they believe you? Michael: Sarah: And he explained everything? Michael: arlaioa tit ra A No, of course not. My brother told me to take some of his money from the bank. B_ They thought that | stole some money from the bank. CI know you can't. D_ Oh... Yes. But it was a mistake. (Example) E Yes, so now it’s OK. F Notat first. Then they phoned my brother. G They asked mea lot of difficult questions and I told them what happened. H_ Ofcourse you were. Part 3 - 6 questions - Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers I-5. There is one example. Example hungry uniform library cinema pen letter before supermarket — blanket —_—behind May is a college student, and she’s studying geography. One day, May didn't eat lunch and she was very hungry... after class. One of her friends told her about a new restaurant in town, and she wanted to try their tomato and vegetable pasta. She didn't remember where the restaurant was, but she knew it was near the post office. May walked by the (1) ......:s.s:s:sssnes Where lots of people were buying food to take home. But May wanted someone else to cook for her. She turned the corner at the chemist’s and walked straight on until she saw the post office. She remembered that she had a (2) seoseeseanes in her bag to Post, so she bought a stamp and posted it. arate CAE 4 Then she walked south, away from her college. But she didn't see the restaurant. She walked along the street and by the market. She walked by the old (3) where there was a film on which she wanted to see. But now she was very hungry! She turned left and right, and went east and west. But she still couldn't find the restaurant, and now she didn’t know where she was. She saw a police officer in 4) in front of the police station and asked her for help. ‘Oh,’ she said, ‘that's far from here. Go back down this road and turn left. The restaurant is (5) the post office!” (6) Now choose the best name for this story. Tick one box. May shops at the market May eats lunch at the post office LOU May can't find the restaurant Reading « Part 4 - 10 questions - Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines. Autumn f + , Example | Katy’s favourite time ............9f.. . year is the autumn. This is || when the leaves begin to ...... vosssessseees €OlOUr and are orange, 2 | yellow and red. The trees lose leaves and the days 3. | area little shorter and colder, ........:..s:ess:esee people start making fires at home and the air smells good outside. We all love staying at home. 4 | Katy..... +. the autumn because school starts again the summer, and she likes her school. She is one 6 | of the best students in her class. In the autumn, .. itis windy, Katy likes flying her kite in the garden with her friends. 7 | Her mother buys her new clothes, ....- .. sweaters and gloves, 8 | and. night they go outside and look at the stars. 5 In the autumn, there are often ....... .. apples on the 10 | tree in Katy’s garden ..... .. are very good to eat. Practice Test ra Example 1 2 [of ] changed their then enjoy after some what from changes they so enjoying since when as at any at change them because enjoys between where like for lots which Cee Xe late ae ata) LCs yg Part 5 - 7 questions - Look at the picture and read the story. Write words to complete the sentences about the story. You can use I, 2, 3 or 4 words. Vicky finds a secret room! Vicky likes to play in the basement when the weather isn't nice. She also likes to read in the basement, and there is a bookcase with her favourite books there. One day, it was very cold and foggy, so Vicky didn't want to play outside. She went to the basement and looked at the books, but she couldn't decide which one to read. Then she saw a book which wasn't hers. The book was blue and it said ‘The Queen's Cave’ in gold letters. Vicky tried to pull the book off the shelf, but it was very heavy. Suddenly, the book fell out and the bookcase started to move! The bookcase moved to the left. Vicky saw an empty space in the wall behind it. She looked inside, but it was too dark to see. She ran upstairs to find her torch. When she looked inside again, she could see a little room. Carefully, she climbed into the room. ‘Wow,’ she whispered. ‘I didn't know there was a queen's cave in my basement.’ She looked round the room. It was full of treasure. There were boxes of gold and silver, old paintings, rings and beautiful dresses and skirts. Vicky laughed. ‘I'm rich!” she shouted. She put on one of the dresses, which was a lovely purple colour, and put on a few rings too. She danced round the room. Then she picked up the book that said ‘Queen’s Cave’ and started to read. It was a story about a queen who had to hide her things and run away from a monster, but one day the right person found everything again. Vicky smiled. ‘I always wanted to be a queen!" ar lat CE 4 Examples Vicky plays in ...the.basement ... when the weather is cold. She has a......290Kcase........ with her favourite books. Questions | Vicky didn't want to go out because the weather was 2. The book was blue and the were gold. 3 The book was so it was difficult to move. 4 Vicky needed her torch to see inside the 5. The room was full 6 Vicky put ona and some rings. 7 The queen in the story had to away from a monster. LECT aaa Part 6 - 5 questions - Read the letter and write the missing words. Write one word on each line. Example Jill loves going to the zoo. She goes every Sunday with her uncle wah and aunt. She knows . ~. all the animals look like and what they eat. Jil's favourite animal is the crocodile and her aunt's favourite animal is the camel. Her uncle likes the elephant best. Last Sunday they .«. watching the monkeys when Jill heard ....... whistling. It was a man who was cleaning some bird cages. jill asked him what kind of birds he wanted to put in the cages. ‘Well,’ he said, ‘we usually leave the ducks in their lake, but today . ... is not well and we need to take it to the doctor. That's ... ... I'm cleaning this cage ‘to put it in.’ Suddenly, a parrot flew down and sat ..............-. ‘the man’s shoulder. He laughed. ‘But this one is OK!’ he said. LETT ad ing Part 7 Look at the three pictures. Write about this story. Write 20 or more words. (Oh, no! les broken!

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