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Ability Checks Actions


 d20 + Ability Modifier + Proficiency Bonus  Make one or more attacks
(if proficient) FIRST AID
 Result must be equal or higher than the DC Action: Intelligence (Medicine) check
 Clear a jammed firearm
to succeed DC Combat Action Kit
& Result Required
 Additional movement
 A challenge is when you roll against a fixed DC 10 Stabilize ally No
DISENGAGE Succeed by 5+ with kit =
GROUP CHALLENGE  Avoid opportunity attacks this turn ally gains 1 hit point
 Half or more members succeed
DODGE 10 End temporary blindness No
CONTEST  Give opponents disadvantage to attack you or deafness
 A contest is when two entities roll against one 15 End On Fire No
another, highest wins Poison Advantage on next saving Yes
 Provide medical assistance
PASSIVE CHECK FORMULA DC throw against poison
 10 + Ability Modifier + Proficiency Bonus Poison Grant a saving throw to Yes
 Give another combatant advantage on their
(if proficient) DC end ongoing poison effect
next action
 Advantage is +5 for passive checks, DIVE FOR COVER
Disadvantage is -5 HIDE
 Try to become hidden from others in combat  Reaction: Move up to half speed into cover
Difficulty Class Values or out of a area damage effect before taking
OBJECT INTERACTION damage, fall prone
Difficulty DC  Use an object or device
Very Easy 5 Special Attacks
Easy 10  Reload certain ranged weapons Special attacks can be used instead of a normal
Challenging 15 READY melee attack.
Hard 20  Select an action to perform on a triggering event GRAPPLING
Very Hard 25  Contest: Strength (Athletics) vs Strength
Near Impossible 30 (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics)
 Search your environment for something
55% Success Rate DC Values  Success: Defender has the Grappled condition
For unspecialized-specialized heroes  Recover hit points during combat SHOVING AND TRIPPING
(Excluding Advantage and Disadvantage)  Contest: Strength (Athletics) vs Strength
(Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics)
Level Ability With Skill Saving Throw  Fire many rounds of ammunition to threaten
opponents  Success: Defender is knocked prone or pushed
Check or Attack Roll
5 feet
1 11-13 13-17 12-15 Companion Actions in Combat DISARMING
2-4 11-14 13-18 13-16 Pet’s Action Hero’s Action Type  Contest: Strength (Athletics) vs Strength
5 11-14 14-20 13-17 Move Free Action (once per turn) (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics)
6-8 12-15 15-21 14-18 Only one of the following commands can be  Success: Defender drops their weapon
9-10 12-15 16-23 14-19 given per turn:
Disengage Bonus Action Thrown Explosives
Dash Bonus Action  Target location
Jumping Dodge Bonus Action  Defense 5
Attack Action Action  Disadvantage if target space cannot be
WITH 10 FOOT RUNNING START During a Chase: seen directly
 Vertical: Strength modifier in feet Gain Ground Action  On miss: roll 1d4
 Horizontal: Strength score in feet
1d4 Miss Result
1 detonates 10 feet short of the target
 Vertical: One foot
2 detonates 10 feet left of the target
 Horizontal: Strength modifier in feet 3 detonates 10 feet right of the target
4 detonates 10 feet behind the target

Short Rest
For at least one hour, spend Hit Dice to
recover HP
Long Rest
For at least 8 hours within a single 24 hour
period, recover full HP, half your Hit Dice
(rounded up).
Combat Defenses Wealth
Personal armor 1 Working Poor
 d20 + Dexterity modifier
STEP 1. ARMOR VALUE AV (GREATER OR 2 Lower middle class
 d20 + Ability Modifier + Proficiency Bonus  Yes: Step 2
(conditional) 4 Wealthy
 No: Armor can’t help 5 Super Rich
 d20 + Ability Modifier + Proficiency Bonus
(conditional) DC = Half Damage of Attack (minimum 10 DC)
 Success: 0 Damage
WEAPON TYPE  Failure: Full Damage Skills
 Ranged = Dexterity ARMOR SAVING THROW FORMULA Skill Name Ability Mod
 Melee = Strength  d20 + your armor’s Save Bonus + Proficiency Acrobatics Dex
 Finesse = Strength or Dexterity Bonus (conditional) Arts and Crafts Wis
 Thrown (Ranged) = Strength or Dexterity Poison Saving Throws
Athletics Str
Computers Int
Each poison will have a DC value. When a hero Deception Cha
 Take a turn is poisoned they should note down the DC as Endurance Con
 Take a reaction they may need to make multiple saving throws Insight Wis
DURING A TURN, EACH COMBATANT CAN against the poison. Saving throws against
Intimidation Cha
 Move poison are Constitution saves by default.
Investigation Int
 Take one action When a poison is delivered by a class talent
Mechanics Int
 Take one bonus action or attack, it typically has a DC based on this
formula: 8 + archetype primary ability modifier Medicine Int
 Perform free actions Natural Sciences Int
+ proficiency bonus
Dying When a poison from the equipment list is Perception Wis
purchased and used, it uses the DC listed in the Performance Cha
DEATH SAVES Persuasion Cha
poison table. There are three different types of
 Successes = stabilized saving throws for poisons: Social Sciences Int
 3 failures = death Security Int
Save Success means This save is made
 Normal hit at 0 hp = 1 failure to avoid the poison has no when the poison is Sleight of Hand Dex
 Critical hit at 0 hp = 2 failures effect administered Stealth Dex
Roll Result Save Success halves This save is made Streetwise Wis
20 Heal 1 point, regain consciousness for half the damage from prior to taking Survival Wis
10-19 1 success the poison damage Vehicles Dex
2-9 1 failure Save Success ends all This save is made
1 2 failures to end ongoing damage at the end of each
and condition round, or when Visibility
effects specified
Level Description Effect
Destroying objects Cover Good Good lighting None
PV vs AV Effect Half Cover = 16 Defense and clear vision
PV < AV None Three Quarters Cover = 20 Defense Poor Light fog, light Disadvantage on Wis
PV = AV Takes 10 minutes to destroy the smoke, blurry (Perception) checks
AV Cover Material Effect vision, dim based on sight
object (no effect in combat) 0 plate glass, cloth partitions none lighting Disadvantage on ranged
PV > AV Object is destroyed and/or 1 light interior walls, hollow stops most attacks beyond 5 feet
penetrated core doors, upholstered melee None Heavy fog Cannot see
Object Armor Value furniture, plywood furniture, weapons or smoke,
reinforced glass minimal to no
AV Materials 2 metal doors, exterior walls, stops light illumination
0 Normal glass, cloth, paper thick wooden table, bullet firearms
1 Thin wood, rubber, reinforced glass, thin proof glass, sheet metal, car
metal doors & walls, other people
2 Thick wood, thin metal, bullet proof glass 3 brick wall, sandbags, tree stops most
3 Brick walls, steel plates, light concrete trunk, light armor plating rifles and
4 Concrete walls, stone, heavy armor plating medium
5 Heavy stone or concrete, earthworks, firearms
modern tank armor 4 engine block, concrete wall, stops high
medium armor plating power
and light
5 earthworks, thick stone stops all
walls, heavy armor plating firearms
Vehicle Conditions Crashes Vehicle Damage
 Crash Check, +2 levels of Loss of Control  Dexterity (Vehicles) check + Vehicle’s  The source of damage must have a PV higher
and Loss of Power Dexterity Modifier than the vehicle’s AV.
TOTALED CRASH DC  Make a Vehicle Damage saving throw
 Cannot move under its own power  Conditions DC + Speed Modifier  Success = Roll location for damage
 Cannot be controlled  Failure = Vehicle totaled
Driving Conditions
 If moving, the vehicle crashes and comes VEHICLE DAMAGE SAVING THROW
to a full stop DC Conditions
 D20 + Vehicle’s Constitution modifier
5 Perfect
Body Damage 10 Good Vehicle Damage (roll 1d6)
Level Effect 15 Poor Roll Part Effect
1 -2 on Vehicle damage saving throw 20 Terrible Damaged
2 Disadvantage on vehicle damage saving 25 Insane 1 Cargo Random cargo hit
throw 2 Body +1 level Body Damage
Crash Speed
3 The vehicle is Totaled 3 Control +1 level Loss of Control
Speed Mod Damage Safety 4 Power +1 level Loss of Power
Loss of Control Low -5 4d6 (PV +0) None 5 Tire Blown Tires
Level Effect Mid +0 8d6 (PV +1) 2d6 6 Passenger Random passenger hit
1 -2 on Vehicle’s Dexterity modifier High +5 12d6 (PV +1) 3d6
2 Disadvantage on rolls using vehicle’s Extreme +10 16d6 (PV +2) 4d6 Ramming with Vehicles
Dexterity modifier Air +0 Destruction Death Target Resolution
3 Vehicle risks a crash at the start of its Stationary Automatic
driver’s turn Vehicle Falling Speed
Object Success.
Vehicle Dexterity modifier cannot be Fall Distance Equivalent Speed Another Vehicle Dexterity (Vehicles) contest
higher than 0 10 - 50 ft Low speed if the target is aware of
60-100 ft Mid speed the attack
Loss Of Power
110 - 150 ft High speed Person or Automatic, but the target can
Level Effect 160+ ft Extreme speed Creature Dive for Cover if aware
1 -2 on Vehicle’s Strength modifier of the attack.
2 Disadvantage on rolls using vehicle’s Travel Speeds
Strength modifier Category Miles Per Hour Pushing Maneuver
3 Vehicle has no power, slowing one Low Under 30 DEXTERITY (VEHICLES) CONTEST
speed category each round. Vehicle Mid 30+ (LARGER VEHICLE HAS ADVANTAGE)
risks a crash High 50+  Pushing vehicle wins → target risks a crash
Extreme 80+  Pushing vehicle loses by 5+ → they risk a crash
Air Speed 250+  Pushing vehicle loses by 4 or less →
nothing happens

Steps Each Round of a Chase Special Chase Actions
Step 1: Determine Predator and Prey  Announce the Complication for this round BRACE
 Each team will track chase points  Players make the checks called for in  Gain advantage on the next challenge
Step 2: Announce the Chase DC the complication GAIN GROUND
Step 3: Roll for initiative  Score chase points from the complication  Engage in a contest with an opponent for
 Players and NPCs take turns in initiative order chase points
 Check to see if the chase is over
BLINDED  Whenever a victim becomes exhausted, they  Attack rolls against the victim have advantage.
 Fails all ability checks requiring sight gain one level of exhaustion.  Any attack that hits the victim is a critical hit if
 Suffers disadvantage on attack rolls  Finishing a long rest reduces exhaustion by one the attacker is within 5 feet of the victim.
 Attacks against the victim have advantage. level provided food and drink are available. PRONE
DEAFENED Level Effect  Movement must be to stand up or crawl
 Fails all ability checks requiring hearing 1 Disadvantage on ability checks  Disadvantage on melee and thrown attack rolls
DISTRACTED 2 Speed halved  Melee attack rolls against a prone target
 Cannot take bonus actions or reactions 3 Disadvantage on attack rolls and have advantage.
 Suffers disadvantage on Intelligence and saving throws RESTRAINED
Wisdom ability checks unless those checks are 4 Hit point maximum halved  Speed becomes 0, and the victim can’t benefit
directed at the source of the distraction 5 Speed reduced to 0 from any bonus to their speed
6 Death  Attack rolls against the victim have advantage,
 Speed halved INTOXICATED and the victim’s attack rolls have disadvantage.
 Disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws Intoxication has multiple levels, each with a  Disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws
 Cannot use the Dash action cumulative effect.
FRIGHTENED  Whenever a victim becomes intoxicated, a  Disadvantage on all attack rolls and ability
 Has disadvantage on ability checks and attack level of intoxication will be given. If the victim checks
rolls while the source of fear is within the line is already intoxicated and another effect is
of sight applied, the highest level applies.
 Incapacitated, can’t move, and can speak only
 Unless otherwise noted, a level of intoxication falteringly
will fall at a rate of 1 level every 2 hours
 Speed becomes 0, and the victim can’t benefit  Automatically fails Strength and Dexterity
of abstinence.
from any bonus to their speed saving throws
Level Effect
 The condition ends if the grappler  Attack rolls against the person have advantage.
1 Disadvantage on Dexterity, Wisdom
is incapacitated. UNCONSCIOUS
and Intelligence saving throws and
 The condition ends if an effect removes the ability checks  Incapacitated, can’t move or speak, and is
grappled creature from the reach of the 2 Half movement speed. Sick unaware of their surroundings
grappler or grappling effect.  Drops whatever they are holding and falls prone
3 Unconscious
INCAPACITATED 4 Falls to 0 hp and must make death  Automatically fails Strength and Dexterity
 No actions, bonus actions, or reactions saving throws saving throws
EXHAUSTION PARALYZED  Attack rolls against the victim have advantage.
Exhaustion has multiple levels, each with a  Incapacitated and can’t move or speak  Any attack that hits the victim is a critical hit if
cumulative effect.  Automatically fails Strength and Dexterity saving the attacker is within 5 feet of the victim.

Monster Score Averages

Challenge Rating Defense Hit Points Attack Bonus Damage Save DC Good Saves
0 12 3 +2 1 9 +1
1/8 12 9 +3 3 10 +2
1/4 13 15 +3 5 11 +2
1/2 13 25 +4 8 12 +3
1 13 30 +4 10 12 +3
2 13 45 +5 15 13 +4
3 14 60 +5 20 13 +4
4 14 75 +6 25 14 +5
5 14 90 +6 30 14 +5
6 15 105 +7 35 15 +6
7 15 115 +7 40 15 +6
8 15 125 +8 40 16 +7
9 16 135 +8 45 16 +7
10 16 150 +9 50 17 +8
11 16 165 +9 55 17 +8
12 17 180 +10 60 18 +9
13 17 195 +10 65 18 +9
14 17 210 +11 70 19 +10
15 18 225 +11 75 19 +10

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