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Section A Compulsory questions (Answer all 6 questions) (30%)

1. Balance the following chemical equations and name the types of chemical reaction.
(a) Al + O2 Al2O3 ( ) (1%)
(b) Pb(NO3) 2 + NaCl NaNO3 + PbCl2 ( ) (1%)
(c) Zn + AgNO3 Zn(NO3)2 + Ag ( ) (1%)
(d) H2SO4 + NaOH Na2SO4 + H2O ( ) (1%)
(e) CoCl2. 6H2O CoCl2 + 6H2O ( ) (1%)

2. The following diagram shows an experiment to study the process of making soap.

Glass rod


Palm oil + solution P

(a) Name solution P. (1%)

(b) Name the process to make soap. (1%)
(c) What is the by-product in the process of making soap? (1%)
(d) State an advantage and a disadvantage of soapy detergent. (2%)

3. The following figure shows the structure of a mammalian cell.

(a) Name the cell shown above. (1%)

(b) Name the parts labelled W, X and Z. (3%)

(c) State the function of W. (1%)

4. The diagram below shows a synovial hip joint.

(a) Name the parts labelled B. (1%)

(b) Name the type of joint shown above. (1%)
(c) State the function of the following parts:
(i) tendon (1%) (ii) cartilage (1%) (iii) synovial fluid (1%)

5. The following figure shows a balloon that has been rubbed with a piece of silk cloth brought
near some bits of paper.

(a) State the charge on: (2%)

(i) the balloon (ii) the silk cloth

(b) State what happens to the bits of paper. (1%)

(c) Suspend freely the negatively charged polythene rod as shown in the figure below. They
bring the balloon near to the suspended polythene rod. What will happen? (1%)

(d) Name one device which can be used to detect charges on a glass rod after rubbing. (1%)

6. Based on this diagram and answer the following questions.


Coil of


(a) Name the device shown above. (1%)

(b) State two ways to increase the strength of this device. (2%)

(c) List two uses of this device. (2%)

Section B: Structured question (Elective) (20%)
Choose any 2 questions from the 3 given questions to answer.

1. (a) The diagram shows a section through the human eye.

(i) Name the parts labelled A and D. (1%)

(ii) Name the two structures in the eye responsible for refracting light rays. (2%)

(iii) What happen to the size of pupil in dim light condition. Explain. (2%)

(b) Study the diagram below and answer the following questions.

State the letter and name of the part associated with each of the following statements:

(i) The part that secretes cerumen (ear wax) (1%)

(ii) The part that intensifies sound waves (1%)

(iii) The part that carries impulses to the brain (1%)

(iv) The part that is responsible for balance (1%)

(v) The part that ensure that the air pressure is equal on both sides of the eardrum (1%)

2. (a) Diagram below shows the top half of the periodic table. The letters are not the actual
chemical symbols.

Answer the following questions by using letters stated in the periodic table.

(i) Which one of the elements has a valency of -2? (1%)

(ii) Which 2 elements have similar chemical properties? (1%)

(iii) Which element is known as noble gases? (1%)

(iv) Name element A. (1%)

(v) The atomic number of element A is 11. Write the electronic configuration of element A. (1%)

(vi) Which two of the elements above must be stored in the oil? (1%)

(b) Copper (I) chloride, CuCl react with hydrogen sulfide, H2S to produce copper (I) sulfide,
Cu2S and hydogen chloride, HCl. How many grams of Cu2S can be produced from 9.9 grams of
CuCl reacting with H2S?

(Given atomic mass: Cu = 64, S= 32, Cl =35.5, H= 1) (4%)

3. (a) Two plastic balls, A and B, are hung side by side on threads, as shown. The balls are given
an electrical charge.

(i) The table shows the charges given to each ball in two separate experiments. Complete the
table. (2%)
Charge of ball A Charge of ball B Attract / repel?
Experiment 1 Positive Negative
Experiment 2 negative Negative

In a third experiment, ball A is given a negative charge. A polythene rod is charged by rubbing it
with a cloth. It repels ball A.
(ii) What force causes the rod to become charged? (1%)

(iii) What charge does the rod have, positive or negative? (1%)

(iv) What particles are transferred from the cloth to the rod when it becomes charged? (1%)

(b) (i) Draw the magnetic field lines (at least 6 lines) around the bar magnet and shows the
direction. (2%)

(ii) Besides iron and steel, name another two materials which would be attracted to the magnet.
(iii) State one way of demagnetized a magnet. (1%)

Prepared by: Ms. Ng Jo Han Checked by: Mr. Lee Cheow Hock

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