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Big Boys Sleep in Their Own Bed

Written by: Ayala Saar

Copyright © 2014 by Ayala Saar

All rights reserved.

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My name is Tommy and I’m almost 4 years old.
I am big. I am strong. I am brave and bold!
I am the youngest one in my family,
But I am not a baby, you see!
I can do many things on my own
And will do more when I am grown.
Every morning, I can get out of my bed.
I get dressed and comb the hair on my head.
I can even go to Kindergarten alone.
I’m a big boy so I don’t cry or moan.
I don’t even have to hold Mommy’s hand.
I am the bravest boy in all the land!
I like to have fun and play outside.
I can even climb the high dragon slide.
I can do many things because I’m a big boy,
I can do many things that I enjoy!
Every evening when it is time to eat,
I do it by myself in my special seat!
When we have pasta for dinner,
I shout, “Yummy! Yes!”
I don’t even mind that I make a mess.
After dinner, I can wash the dish and pot.
I really like doing my chores a lot!
I can do many things because I’m a big boy,
I can do many things that I enjoy!
A few nights ago, I woke up from a bad dream,
But I’m a big boy so I did not cry or scream.
I did not make a sound or even a peep,
But I was afraid to go back to sleep.
So very quietly, I got out of bed.
“I’ll sleep in Mommy and Daddy’s room,” I said.
But when I went in, Daddy woke up too.
He said, “Sleeping in their parents’ bed
is something big boys don’t do!"
So my Daddy brought me back to my bed,
He sat next to me and stroked my head.
“Sometimes even big boys are afraid
to sleep alone," I said.
"I'll sit in a chair next to bed," said Dad
"Sweet dreams my son, do not be afraid.”
The next evening, I got a very big surprise!
My parents said, “We’re giving you a prize!
Because you did something good and right,
Because you slept in your own bed last night.
Here’s a new friend so you won’t sleep alone.
Now you will not be afraid to sleep on your own".
"You can call him Funny Pally,
that is his name!"
My Mommy smiled and then she said,
“Funny Pally can even sleep on your bed.
He likes to help big boys like you,
And he can be your best friend too!”
Since then, I felt even braver and stronger.
I don’t need help to take a bath any longer!
Bedtime stories are something we both enjoy.
Funny Pally is my friend; he’s not just a toy.
When it’s time to sleep, before we turn off the light,
I whisper, “Funny Pally, my friend, good night”.
"Sweet dreams," he says,
"don't let the bed bugs bite".
Then Funny Pally kisses me and hugs me tight.
I sleep in my bed, but I’m not alone.
Funny Pally is here, so I’m not on my own.
Sweet dreams I have, while he hugs me tight,
And I sleep soundly all through the night!

Copyright © 2014 by Ayala Saar
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be used or reproduced
in any matter whatsoever, without permission in writing
from the author, except in case of brief quotations
embodied in critical articles or review.

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With love, Ayala

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Other books by Ayala Saar

Billy makes a new friend

Billy and the Ear Elves

Visit me on Facebook: Stories AS Told

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