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Whether the sun has set beyond the horizon and darkness

reigns over the night, or the wakeful eyes of millions of

mortals walk the day, Gainesville is not a safe place for
Kindred. Since the nights when Wormwood burned a bright
red in the sky, taking the mortals for granted was a death
sentence in what was once a safe haven for Kindred beyond the
massive urban centers of Florida. The Sabbat, having traditionally
been active in South Florida, brought focus to the attention of
FIRSTLIGHT and the Second Inquisition early on in their campaign
against the Undead, before their wide spread machinations became
apparent. With precision accuracy and deadly efficiency, Kindred and
Cainites alike across South Florida fell to well planned mortal assaults.
By the time Vampire Society had time to react, for many it was too late.
Survivors began moving North out of lost Domains and Dioceses, only
to find FIRSTLIGHT and Inquisition operations already activated across
rural Florida. Gainesville was among one of the last Domains in Florida’s
peninsula to fall victim to mortal advances, but what Elders had managed
to survive found themselves victims of the Beckoning, having abandoned the
younger Kindred to mortal fire. A place that had once been sheltered from the
ongoing wars with the Sabbat, found themselves under siege, but not to Sabbat
fangs and Anarch revolution by night, instead by fire and sunlight brought by
mortal hands in daylight.

Anarch gangs and Camarilla coteries alike were torn apart by the FIRSTLIGHT and
Inquisition blitzkrieg, as the Vampire Courts ran short of leaders and Officers. Flexing
connections to the resources of the University of Florida, mortal authorities made use
of newly developed surveillance technology to keep an ever present eye out for Kindred
machinations, sharing these among mortal cells across the state. The Masquerade became a
way of life among Gainesville’s Kindred, for failing to keep it safe meant certain death.

In this new world Gainesville hosts a small, but stalwart group of Camarilla vampires, Ancilla
and Neonate alike, who attempt to scrape together the remnants of Kindred society. Ever vigilant
of the clandestine police state that exists to root out the Undead from the night, the Prince is
prepared to accept any Kindred willing to ensure the Masquerade and act with temperance as they
walk the night. Tolerant of both members of the Anarch Movement within the Domain, as well as
veterans of the Sabbat Wars who managed to embrace their Humanity and turn to the Ivory Tower
despite their monstrous past, the Kindred here have a real chance to strike back against FIRSTLIGHT.

Chronicle Theme - Bigger by Night
Unlike real life Gainesville, the city and county in this chronicle is
bigger, brighter, and louder! Rather than 287,000 thousand mortals
making a home here, nearly 750,000 make their home across Alachua
County. Mortal events within the city are bigger and the buildings
taller and more numerous. Mortal events are more numerous and the
night life is brighter. Industry is louder, but more facilities exist within
the city as you might expect from a larger, more urban city.

Chronicle Theme - Spread Your Wings

When hidden from the prying eyes of FIRSTLIGHT and the
Inquisition, Kindred have a moment, albeit brief, to spread
their wings and experience the vampiric condition to the
fullest. Whether embracing the pageantry of the Camarilla
at Elysium, or swaying the words of the masses at an Anarch
rant, indulging in the high drama of vampiric life reminds
Kindred why they struggle to survive the night to experience
the next. Kindred drama, politics, and clandestine alliances can
often come with a high risk in the Camarilla or the Anarch
Movement, but with high risk comes high reward.

Chronicle Tenet - Temperance
Hidden from most mortal’s eyes beyond the government’s curtain,
a police state exists in Gainesville operated by FIRSTLIGHT and
members of the Second Inquisition. Since the purge across Florida
of recent years, activity in Gainesville has waned, but it remains
a stronghold of the mortal agents fighting against the Undead.
Masquerade Breaches come at a VERY high cost, and almost
always result in urgent danger if not covered up quickly. Kindred
that do not embrace temperance in their actions usually have a
short lifespan.

Examples of Tenet Violation: Breaching the Masquerade. Revealing

yourself to Mortals. Becoming obviously monstrous.

Chronicle Tenet - Vigilance

When the whole world is out to get you, you must be vigilant
and prepared at all times. Kindred in Gainesville must become
watchmen of the watchers, lest FIRSTLIGHT comes knocking. All
supernatural evidence needs to be kept on the downlow, not just
Kindred, and Kindred must take an active role in tracking the
activities of mortal authorities, as well as keeping their Haven in
check so as to not attract attention.

Example of Tenet Violation: Not maintaining a safe and subtle Haven.

Allowing evidence of other supernaturals to leak to mortals.

Chronicle Tenet - Second Chances

With many aspects of Vampire Society broken down or destroyed
completely through internal and external conflict alike, banding
together to survive is more important than ever. Former Sabbat,
mysterious autarks, and previously reviled Clans have just as much
right to survive so long as they see to the Masquerade and the
overall defense of the Domain. This level of tolerance is supported
by both the Camarilla and the Anarch Movement in Gainesville
and has been a cornerstone of their stance against mortal enemies.

Example of Tenet Violation: Prejudice against other Kindred before

action has warranted it, holding disdain for another Kindred solely
based on Clan or previous association.
Dramatis Personae:
Vincent de la Vega, Prince of Gainesville
A dedicated and shrewd Kindred, Vincent rose through the ranks of the
Ivory Tower and the Ventrue Clan with traditionalist values, but an eye for
the future. Unlike other members of his Clan that left learning of modern
technologies to their Retainers, Vincent stayed personally knowledgeable
of the development and technology. He predicted the rise of FIRSTLIGHT
and the Inquisition, and had back-up plans in place to take care of himself
and his Sire, the city’s former Prince. Despite all his planning he couldn’t
prevent the Beckoning, and with his Sire’s disappearance, and the loss of
other Kindred that may have risen to power within the Camarilla, Vincent
took the mantle of Prince and guides the city through troubling times.

The Tempestarii, Mysterious Sorceress

Little is publicly known amongst the Kindred Court about the
Tempestarii, who other Tremere also know as Regent Elizabeth
Clark. Her namesake stems from her Blood Sorcery, which, in the
past, allowed her to manipulate the weather and control lightning
like other Tremere would control fire. She managed to avoid
most of the advances by mortal authorities in Florida while she
retreated to her Clan’s holdings in Europe following the fall of
the Prime Chantry. Upon her return, she became a loyal supporter
of Prince de la Vega’s Praxis, and a devout proponent of Haven
security to protect her Clan and the Camarilla against FIRSTLIGHT
surveillance and incursion.

Catalyst, Brutal Enforcer

The rare presence of this member of Clan Salubri within the
Camarilla Domain is rumored to be thanks to the grace of Prince de
la Vega, or the utilization of numerous boons. Regardless, the Salubri
known as Catalyst is one of the few Kindred to survive the mortal
incursion to Gainesville. Known for both his subtlety and his precise
use of violence, he is rabid in his defense of the Masquerade and the
Domain of Gainesville from Kindred that would upset the delicate
balance the Camarilla maintains. As such, he acts at the Domain’s
Scourge, and those who reside within Gainesville fear meeting this
Kindred as they walk the night.
Isabella De Porto, Defiant Veteran
A disputed leader within the Anarch Movement, and formerly a member
of the Sabbat, the Lasombra joined the Movement after bringing the
staked bodies of her Ductus and Pack Priest before a Baron to show her
commitment when the Sabbat had fallen to civil war. Rising to power locally
in Gainesville not unlike the Prince, leadership fell to Isabella when many
younger and inexperienced members of the Movement met their end at the
point of Inquisition blades. Hesitantly taking the mantle of Baron, many
Anarchs still find it difficult to trust the former Sabbat, though for now her
strength and ability to protect her fellow Anarchs keeps her in charge.

Terrance Cooper, Inquisitive Oracle

Another member of the Anarch Movement able to survive mortal
blades, Terrance is often credited with the reason the Baron has
been so successful in defending the Movement from FIRSTLIGHT
and Inquisition assaults. Well known even beyond the city for his
ability to predict future events, the Malkavian helps the Anarch
Movement stay a step ahead of their enemies and ensures they
survive until another night.

Grendal, Monstrous Nomad

The only Sabbat member known by name to the Kindred
of Gainesville, the Gangrel and the remnants of his pack
survive by retreating to the wilderness and always keeping on
the move. Grendal has long since abandoned his Humanity,
and only through his Clan’s gifts and sheer strength of body
and will has he managed to survive. It’s assumed most of
his pack are also fellow Gangrel, or at least learned of the
powers of Protean. It is unknown if the cell of Sabbat have
aspirations locally, but their presence in the wilderness of the
county adds yet another danger to fringes of the county.

Points of Interest:

Boots and Spurs - Elysium

Prince de la Vega’s established Elysium within the Domain of Gainesville
has recently remained this country music club on the outskirts of Downtown.
Preferring to seek other avenues for a Kindred gathering place that avoids
“trigger words” that FIRSTLIGHT might be on the lookout for, Kindred presence
here has thus far gone undetected. Often host to Court Officer meetings during
the week when the club is closed, while it is open on the weekends it provides
for ample feeding opportunities, and a number of private entrances and spaces
away from mortal eyes for Kindred to gather as needed. No Keeper of this
Elysium is currently established, and it seems to be run by the Prince himself
with the support of his Retainers.

Fort Payne - FIRSTLIGHT Stronghold

What most Mortals know to be an area of Payne’s Prairie requisitioned by
the Federal Government to build a training facility, Fort Payne is in fact the
local headquarters of FIRSTLIGHT, in addition to its front as a military and
police training complex. Set-up nearby the I-75 corridor, Fort Payne is able
to keep a close eye on traffic moving North-South through one of Florida’s
main thoroughfares. Well guarded, highly surveilled, and housing a number of
vehicles and arsenals, Fort Payne is an area Kindred should give a wide berth.

San Felasco Tech City - Anarch Movement Territory

Located north of Gainesville proper in the city of Alachua, this commercial and
industrial park, alongside neighboring Progress Park, is home to the territory
of the Anarch Movement. After a number of nightlife features moved into the
area in recent years, it became a viable place for Kindred to feed and exist in
relative safety. The presence of numerous businesses, tech start-ups, and new
money has also given the Anarch Movement a relative cornucopia of mortal
influence to dig their fingers into.

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