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About Ayurveda (/what-is-ayurveda)

Morning routine (/about-ayurveda/morning-routine)
The five elements (/five-elements)
Ayurveda Doshas (/doshas)
Vata Dosha (/doshas/vata-dosha)
Pitta Dosha (/doshas/pitta-dosha)
Kapha Dosha (/doshas/kapha-dosha)
Ayurveda Dosha Test (/doshas/ayurveda-dosha-test)
Ayurvedic Diet (/ayurveda-diet)
Getting started with Ayurvedic Diet (/ayurveda-diet/getting-started)
The six Tastes (Rasas) (/ayurveda-diet/six-tastes)
The three Gunas (grades) (/ayurveda-diet/three-gunas)

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In this section
Vata Dosha (/doshas/vata-dosha)

Pitta Dosha (/doshas/pitta-dosha)

Kapha Dosha (/doshas/kapha-dosha)

Balance (/doshas/kapha-dosha/balance)

Ayurveda Dosha Test (/doshas/ayurveda-dosha-test)

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The Kapha Dosha

The Kapha Dosha integrates the elements earth and water and represents the structre principle. As such it embraces our cells, tissues and
organs and ensures their integrity by lubricating, moisturising and nourishing them. (Scroll down to read more about Kapha’s functions in
the body.)

Kapha physical constitution

Kapha types have a solid frame with broad shoulders and wide hips tending to be ether tall and strong or small and sturdy. They have a good
stamina, but usually face difficulties loosing weight due to their slow metabolism. Kapha people sleep long and sound and detest cold,
damp environments.

Skin: thick, pale and cool, can be oily

Hair: voluminous, wavy and shiny, tends to get greasy

Face: round and full

Eyes: wide and drawing, often blue or light brown

Nose: big and curved

Mouth: full lips and large white teeth; possibly a deep voice

Kapha mental constitution

Patient • Loyal • Affectionate In general Kapha people are of calm and gentle nature, well balanced, steady in mind and act deliberately.
They take their time to learn and work, but have a reliable long term memory and are good organizers. Having a knack for making and saving
money, they can become quite materialistic. The Kapha type doesn’t change easily but has a deep and stable faith which can cause them to get
into a rut.

The Doshas are affected by the Gunas (Qualities) ( which bring out different mental
states. Kapha natures have the following tendencies:

Sattva Tamas
Rajas (
( (

Patient, generous, peaceful, nurturing, loving, Stubborn, possessive, holding grudges, attached to objects Selfish, self-loathing, lethargic, intense
loyal, compassionate (slight hoarding tendency) greed, possible thieves

How to balance the Kapha Dosha » (/doshas/kapha-dosha/balance)

The Kapha Dosha can be aggravated by overconsumption of fatty, sweet foods, ice-cold drinks, cold and damp weather and lack of exercise.

The following could be signs that your Kapha dosha might be overly strong:
you’re gaining weight easily without an obvious reason

you’re constantly feeling tired and have difficulties waking up, even after a good night’s sleep

you feel quite lethargic after meals

you have difficulties dealing with change tend to dwell in the past

general wetness, dampness, oedema, puffy skin, mucous, heaviness

Kapha functions and dysfunctions

Kapha distributes energy throughout the body, is responsible for its construction, lubrication and holds everything together. It builds up
mental strength and physical defence against disease.
Kapha’s main location is in stomach and lungs with minor locations in the mucous membranes, plasma, cytoplasm, lymphs, joints,
subcutaneous fatty tissue, mouth, nose and all secretions like mucous and saliva. This means that problems with these regions in combination
with the Kapha function (structure) will likely lead back to an unbalanced Kapha Dosha.

Typical Kapha disorders:

Bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, cough and cold

nasal congestion, excess mucus


brittle bones, rheumatic conditions

nausea, fainting and obesity

loss of appetite, dullness, lethargy

Kapha Mixed Doshas

Vata-Kapha types usually are lighter or shorter and smaller than a pure Kapha build and also have longer bones and proportionally longer
limbs. Since both Vata and Kapha have a cold quality this mixed type is more sensitive to the cold than any other Prakriti and shows many
Kapha weaknesses like mucus problems and poor digestion.

Pitta-Kapha types usually are very healthy and resilient, combining the the power of Pitta with the strength of Kapha. They often display a
sturdier build than pure Pittas and put on weight more easily than those but since they are also physically more active than pure Kaphas they
usually are able to keep the balance. Warm, humid weather affects this type negatively.

Read also...
Doshas »
How to balance the Kapha Dosha »
Ayurveda Dosha Test »

Whilst appreciable care has been taken in the preparation of this web site, the information provided do not replace treatment from a legally qualified medical practitioner.
Always consult your healthcare provider before taking any action. AyurvedaDosha does not take responsibility for any issues resulting from the use of the provided

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Want to know more about your Dosha constitution?


“The healing science of Ayurveda is based totally upon the knowledge of ‘prakriti’, the individual constitution. If every individual knows his own
constitution, then one can understand, for instance, what is a good diet and style of life for oneself. One man’s food is another man’s poison. Therefore, to
make one’s life healthy, happy and balanced, the knowledge of constitution is absolutely necessary.”
~Dr. Vasant Lad, the author of Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing, and co-author of The Yoga of Herbs.

Dr. Svoboda’s original work on the constitutional types in Ayurveda has been considered a classic for many years. His new revision and expansion of the
subject comes after much further research and practical experience.

more information (


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