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Vata Dosha (/doshas/vata-dosha)
Pitta Dosha (/doshas/pitta-dosha)
Kapha Dosha (/doshas/kapha-dosha)
Ayurveda Dosha Test (/doshas/ayurveda-dosha-test)
Ayurvedic Diet (/ayurveda-diet)
Getting started with Ayurvedic Diet (/ayurveda-diet/getting-started)
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Vata Dosha (/doshas/vata-dosha)

Pitta Dosha (/doshas/pitta-dosha)

Balance (/doshas/pitta-dosha/balance)

Kapha Dosha (/doshas/kapha-dosha)

Ayurveda Dosha Test (/doshas/ayurveda-dosha-test)

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The Pitta Dosha

The Pitta Dosha combines the fire with the water element and stands for the energy principle. The primary function of Pitta is transformation,
e.g. regulating the body heat through transformation of food to energy, controlling enzymes and even neurotransmitters. (Scroll down to read
more about Pitta’s functions in the body.)
Pitta physical constitution
There are no conspicuities in the Pitta figure and appearance—their average proportions hold the middle ground between the light Vata and
the heavy Kapha type. They are known for a good digestive fire and strong appetite—often for sweets and cold drinks—and hardly gain or
loose much weight. Pitta people enjoy physical activity but go out of balance easily with too much heat and thus prefer cooler climates.

Skin: light, shiny, soft and warm; prone to sunburn, moles and freckles

Hair: fine and smooth, often blond or red; tends to grey prematurely

Face: cordate with balanced features and a tapering chin

Eyes: distinct and bright, sensitive to light

Nose: pointed and even

Mouth: average size and shape, sensitive teeth

Pitta mental constitution

Ambitious • Focused • Confident
A bright mind and good concentration are probably the most prominent characteristics of Pitta people. They quickly absorb information,
know how to use them and have a good memory for things that are important to accomplish their goals. Their focus and ambition will allow
them to go far in life and moreover the Pitta type is usually a good speaker, has leadership qualities and knows how to promote himself. On
the other hand this constant inner fire and alertness can lead to aggressiveness, impatience and high blood pressure so the Pitta type has to be
cautious not to overdo things.

The Doshas are affected by the Gunas (Qualities) ( which bring out different mental
states. Pitta natures have the following tendencies:

Sattva ( Rajas (

Clear thoughts, leadership, good teacher, Angry, irritated, judgemental, controlling, jealous,
Hateful, hurtful, violent, murderous tendencies
perceptive resentful

How to balance the Pitta Dosha » (

Factors that can increase the influence of the Pitta Dosha are too many hot and spicy foods, irregular eating habits and exposure to sun
and heat.

The following could be signs to balance your Pitta Dosha:

you tend to be overly critical or irritable

you have problems with excess stomach acid

you feel hot and/or constantly thirsty

you find it difficult to wind down from a project or work

you have a low tolerance of annoying situations or other people’s behaviour

you often feel frustrated or have moodswings and unnecessary temper outbursts
you tend to be sarcastic and/or get into arguments easily

general heat, inflammation, bleeding, redness, purpleness, burning, thirst.

Pitta functions and dysfunctions

Pitta affects all the transformation processes in the body its main functions being the control of digestion and metabolism and the release of
energy. Apart from that Pitta is responsible for the skin color, complexion and some chemical processes in the skin, the processing of impulses
from the outside environment and for vision itself by converting light rays falling onto the retina of the eye into electrical impulses for
processing in the brain. Pitta will also analyse and sort out the received information and is therefore closely connected to intelligence and
comprehension. It controls appetite, hunger and thirst and the emotions of anger and fear.

Pitta’s main locations are stomach and small bowel with minor locations in liver, spleen, gall bladder, blood, sweat, eyes and endocrine
glands. This means that problems with these regions in combination with the Pitta function (transformations) will likely lead back to an
unbalanced Pitta Dosha.

Typical Pitta disorders:

skin disorders, redness, irritations and discolorations

elevated body temperature

malabsorption of food, loss of appetite or excessive hunger and thirst

improper digestion, acidity and heart burn

hemorrhages, piles and ulcers

Pitta Mixed Doshas

Vata-Pitta types resemble pure Vatas in many respects, but the Pitta influence often gives them a stronger and more compact build. This
Prakriti is very active and shows a curious combination of confusion and determination. In general Vata-Pittas are sensitive to neuronal
stimuli such as light, heat, sound and dryness as well as being sensitive to environmental and emotional changes. Their digestion usually is as
strong as Pitta’s but can be irregular.

Pitta-Kapha types usually are very healthy and resilient, combining the the power of Pitta with the strength of Kapha. They usually display a
sturdier build than pure Pittas and put on weight more easily than those but since they are also physically more active than pure Kaphas they
usually are able to keep the balance. Warm, humid weather affects this type negatively.

Read also...
Doshas »
How to balance the Pitta Dosha »
Ayurveda Dosha Test »

Whilst appreciable care has been taken in the preparation of this web site, the information provided do not replace treatment from a legally qualified medical practitioner.
Always consult your healthcare provider before taking any action. AyurvedaDosha does not take responsibility for any issues resulting from the use of the provided

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Want to know more about your Dosha constitution?


“The healing science of Ayurveda is based totally upon the knowledge of ‘prakriti’, the individual constitution. If every individual knows his own
constitution, then one can understand, for instance, what is a good diet and style of life for oneself. One man’s food is another man’s poison. Therefore, to
make one’s life healthy, happy and balanced, the knowledge of constitution is absolutely necessary.”
~Dr. Vasant Lad, the author of Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing, and co-author of The Yoga of Herbs.

Dr. Svoboda’s original work on the constitutional types in Ayurveda has been considered a classic for many years. His new revision and expansion of the
subject comes after much further research and practical experience.

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