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Name: Lê Toàn Đức

ID: DE170113
Class: SE17A06

1. Which of the following function is used to set any pin in the state of
a. digitalRead
b. digitalWrite
c. analogWrite
d. pinMode
2. Bluetooth has three classes, namely:
a. Industrial, Scientific, Medical
b. Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 (100m, 10m and 1m range)
c. I, M and R (Industrial, Mobile and Rarely used)
3. In the reticulation (water irrigation) system, what type of device is the rain
A. Sensor
B. Actuator
C. Control
D. None of the other.

4. Will this syntax move the servo motor properly? myServo.write(190);

a. Yes
b. No
5. The action that will be performed using this switch case will be: switch (2):
(case 1: digitalWrite(11,HIGH); case 2: analogRead(A3)}
a. D11 will become HIGH
b. Analog value of A3 will be read
c. D11 will become LOW
d. None of the other
6. How many analog pins on an Arduino Uno board?
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8

7. A resistor's first three colour bands are brown, green and red. What is its
a. 1500 ohms
b. 250 ohms
c. 2000 ohms
d. 510 ohms

8. What among the following is an example of external interrupt for the

a. Button
b. Resistor
c. LED
d. Capacitor
9. What is the clock speed of the Arduino Uno?
a. 16 Hz
b. 16 MHz
c. 8 MHz
d. 4 MHz
10.Which category is used in the context of connected cars?
a. Personal loT
b. Group IoT
c. Community lot
d. Industrial loT

11.If you need to increase the current through a resistor in a circuit, what would
you do?
a. Decrease the voltage applied to the resistor.
b. Increase the voltage applied to the resistor.
c. Increase the room temperature.
d. Increase the value of the resistor.
e. All of the other.

12.What are the three dominant technological forces which are accelerating the
Internet of Thing
a. Mobile, Cloud, Engagement
b. Data, Storage, Interaction
c. Data, Cloud, Engagement
d. Mobile, Storage, Interaction

13.What is the purpose of the pin named ECHO of HC-SR04 sensor?

a. Allows the ultrasonic sound wave to be sent from the sensor.
b. Provides the information that the ultrasonic sound wave is returned.
c. Allows the sensor to be fed with energy.
d. Provides the chassis connection of the sensor.

14.Infrared remote controls use what to carry signals between the remote
control and the device
a. radio waves
b. sound
c. light

15.This clears (writes a 0 to) a bit of a numeric variable.

a. bitClear
b. sizeof()
c. pinMode
d. #include
16.What is the resolution of the ADC present in the arduino Uno?
a. 8-bit
b. 10-bit
c. 6-bit
d. 16-bit
17.What will the command "delay(1000)" do?
a. Make the program wait forever
b. Make the program wait for 1 second
c. Make the program wait for 1000 seconds
d. Stop the program

18.What does the AREF pin on the Arduino UNO?

a. Used to trigger a interrupt.
b. Reference voltage for analog inputs.
c. To reset the microcontroller.
d. Provides 8-bit PWM signal.

19.A function is a series of programming statements that can be called by name.

Which command is used when the program starts:
a. loop()
b. (output)
c. setup()
d. (input)
20.Voice recognition software and virtual assistant programs offer for
a. Communication
b. Communication and Entertainment
c. Entertainment
d. Communication and Software

21.Digital offers better clarity, but analog gives you richer quality.
a. True
b. False
22.On a LED, the shorter/negative side is called the__________pin.
a. cathode
b. RGB
c. anode
d. IC

23.What are two main types of Arduino pins?

a. Digital and analog.
b. Digital and modulation.
c. Pulse and analog.
24.What is the use of 3.3 volt pin present in various Arduino boards?
a. To connect with the external supply
b. To give 3.3V output voltage
c. It requires 3.3V power supply
d. It is used for serial communication

25.Which digit is represented by a black band on a resistor?

a. 100
b. 1
c. 1000
d. 0

26.Bluetooth operates at short distances.

a. True
b. False

27.What frequency does WiFi use?

a. 2.2GHz
b. 3GHz
c. 3.5GHz
d. 2.4GHz

28.If the voltage on an ADC pin is 2.2V, what would the reported ADC value
be? Assume a 10-bit ADC on a 5V
a. 11
b. 0
c. 451
d. 683

29.In telecommunications, RS-232 is used for ___________ communication

transmission of data.
a. serial
b. parallel
30.Which requires data stream management?
a. Bigdata
b. IoT
c. Bigdata & loT
d. Device data

31.Which possibility is highest contributor to cost overhead for manufacturing

a. Transportation and logistics
b. Energy and utilities
c. Plant control flow operation
d. Energy management and resource optimization

32.Which of the following characterizes an analog quantity?

a. Discrete levels represent changes in a quantity.
b. Its values follow a logarithmic response curve.
c. It can be described with a finite number of steps.
d. It has a continuous set of values over a given range.

33.___________describe loT architecture.

a. Application, Decision Support Tools, Big Data Stores, Network and
Telecommunication Equipment, Connected devices
b. None of them
c. Big Data, Monitors, Tele-communication, Remote control
d. Application, Protocols, Electricity, Hardware, Connected devices

34.Which function in the Arduino IDE is used to set any pin in output or input
a. digitalWrite
b. delay
c. pinMode
d. analogRead

35.How many legs does LM35 temperature sensor have?

a. 5 legs
b. 2 legs
c. 4 legs
d. 3 legs

36.PWM pin output to an LED is coded by

a. digital read function with brightness value between 0 and 255
b. digital read function with brightness value between 0 and 1023
c. analog write function with brightness value between 0 and 255
d. digital write function with brightness value between 0 and 255

37.What pins can the Arduino UNO board communicate with the computer?
a. PWM pins
b. ADC pins
c. 12C pins
d. UART pins

38.The number of bits transmitted or received per second is defined as

a. transmission rate
b. reception rate
c. transceiver rate
d. baud rate

39.Which function in the Arduino is used to start the serial communication

using the COM port?
a. Serial.available()
b. Serial.begin()
c. serial.begin()
d. setup()
40.Which is the software or a programming language used for controlling of
a. Assembly Language
b. C Languages
d. Any Language

41.In the reticulation (water irrigation) system, what type of device is the
moisture detector?
a. Sensor
b. Actuator
c. Control
d. None of the other.

42.Smooth and continuous data is the _______signal.

a. analog
b. binary
c. digital
d. pulse

43.The Output of the below program will print:

void loop()
(int val-analogRead(A6); Serial.print(val);}
a. 1023
b. Error
c. 0
d. any value between 0-1023

44.How do you zoom in on Tinkercad?

a. Use the scroll wheel
b. Right Click
c. Use the arrows on the keyboard
d. Spacebar

45.How many ground pins are there on the Arduino UNO board?
a. 2
b. 0
c. 3
d. 1

46.With Arduino, what symbol do you place at the end of each line of code?
a. (
b. (
c. C.;
d. D. //
47.What protocol is good for communication of loT devices with restricted
power and low data rates over a range of a few kilometres?
a. Bluetooth
b. Zigbee
c. LoRaWAN
d. 4G
e. WiFi

48.What loT collects?

a. Human generated data
b. Sensor data
c. Machine generated data
d. Device data
49.What is the clock speed of the Arduino Uno?
a. A 16 Hz
b. B. 16 MHz
c. C. 8 MHz
d. D. 4 MHz
50.To vary the brightness of an LED, anode of the LED is to be connected at
a. any digital pin
b. only PWM featured pin
c. ground
d. analog input pin

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